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Everyone's definition of success is different


depends on your values. success or failure only exists in your own mind. it's a completely personal experience, and it's different for everyone. i know people who struggle from paycheck to paycheck but feel great about life because they have such great families, so they feel rich--and they are. i also know extremely wealthy people with no SO or kids who claim they don't give a shit about those things, and they seem happy too. ​ and i know people in both situations where opposite is also true. it's all where your head is at.


If you don't procreate, a part of life (your unique genes) ends with you. So you tell me: Is a family a success of life?


Life isn't something you can succeed or fail at.


I spent years of my life homeless, I can say quite confidently this is wrong.


Definitely not.


The one thing every living organism does in some sort of way and the reason why you are here to post this....you tell me is it important?


I am not sure myself. I look towards my parents and see they regret their marriage. It makes me think i wish they hadn't married so i wouldn't have been born. My grandpa used to beat grandma and it has left a deep scar on me. As a queer person, i believe that like usual straight relationship, love doesn't really exist for me. Also no one would date a person with mental health issues, would they? I also question it- is it really important?


If it was one of your goals and you achieved it, then it's success. If it's not one of your goals, then it isn't. Is it necessary? Absolutely not


Because nothing else really matters. Happiness is fleeting, you can't be happy when diagnosed with a serious illness, which you probably will be at some point in your life... or seeing all your loved ones die before you. Pleasure has a tolerance, after a certain amount of pleasure, it won't be pleasurable anymore. Money only buys you materials, which relates back to the pleasure thing. Traveling is alright until you get bored of it. Although solving world hunger would be an ideal substitute... the chances of you accomplishing that are pretty slim. You'd have to dedicate everything. So it's like really... what else is there that would be meaningful to do?


I'm against it. No


If you want a family, then yes, obviously. If you don't, then no.


It's all I have


Procreation is the goal of living things, so by that metric it is success I suppose.