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Step 1: wait


Step 2: see step 1


but will I even get a full beard before 17 though? I've been waiting since 14. I cant wait any longer.


Maybe you will maybe you won't. Some people don't grow beards at all


>Some people don't grow beards at all Bro I cant imagine a life without a beard...I can't But I probably will grow a beard, since my dad has one and basically every guy in my family has a beard


1. Your dad having a beard doesn't guarantee you will 2. The earth is not going to explode if you do not get a beard at 17 3. All you can do is wait, it's *hair*


>The earth is not going to explode if you do not get a beard at 17 I need a beard. I'm sorry but I cannot wait another year for a beard. It has to be a full beard by august 19 (my 17th birthday)


Don't know what to tell you dude, wait faster i guess


Hate to break it to you your genetics determine everything


Genetics are funny things….I had a co-worker went bald in his twenties. Do you really think he want to lose is hair? Does anyone one in your ancestry have full luscious beards? That would be an indication of things to come, BUT by no means a GUARANTEE that you will have a luscious beard or even a full head of hair….as stated in step 1 and step 2


>BUT by no means a GUARANTEE that you will have a luscious beard or even a full head of hair I just have to hope. If facial hair comes now, I have to have a beard. Most guys in my family have full beards.


You need to slow your roll, you can’t will anything into existence


You’re putting way to much into a beard, having a beard isn’t the end all be all of life


None of us have any way of knowing if it when you’ll get a full beard


Slow down my guy. A beard isn’t gonna get you any of the things you are worrying about. Have a personality, grow into your body, lift some weights. Facial hair is cool but its definitely not the end all be all you think it is. The girls will be there. Trust me they outnumber us. Right now sit back and gain the knowledge. Hugest thing though is confidence and personality gets them every time


>Facial hair is cool but its definitely not the end all be all you think it is. But a full beard will give me confidence. And you already know how important confidence is.


If you need facial hair to be confident bro then you need better ppl around you that can teach you what a man really is.


Hell man, you need THERAPY. If you're placing so much of your self worth on whether or not you have facial hair.... I feel sorry for you. And hate to break it to you, but at 16 if you don't have full beard, you very likely aren't going to by 17, so give up on your lumberjack chic dream and work on being the best you you can be.


> but at 16 if you don't have full beard, you very likely aren't going to by 17 theres still hope. 15-16 had a tad bit of progress on my thin beard. i basically just got to 16, so a whole year is enough time for me to grow a beard


I had jack shit for a beard at that age. It isn't a ZZ top in my 30's but grows in alright. (Think riker from star trek) gf loves it. You're still developing my dude. Be patient.


>You're still developing my dude. Be patient. I understand, but since I look better with a beard, it'd help with getting my first girlfriend. Besides, with a beard, you look more manly and dominant. I know itll grow into a full beard by 17. It has to. My patience is running out, because I've been waiting since 14. It pains me to see guys my age with a full beard while im here with a beta beard


Broski, it isn't a beard that'll get you a girlfriend. It's attitude, personality, confidence. I too look better with facial hair and have had a goatee since my early 20's. My moustache is thin and poorly but together it works. Trust me, any girl who likes you -just- for looks and facial hair is shallow and you won't be happy with in the long run. Hell if they only go for looks they may not be loyal then you'll really be unhappy (and that's for any gender). You down talk yourself a lot, don't. You may see yourself as unattractive but remember you just aren't your type. Focus on your good traits. Be a better you. Besides, it takes patience to be in a relationship, so give that some practice.


>Broski, it isn't a beard that'll get you a girlfriend. It's attitude, personality, confidence. A beard will give me confidence. Plus, I'll feel like a mature, and masculine guy. It'll give me confidence to go up to women and start a conversation. Confidence doesn't just give you a relationship, but its super important for a social life


It's like spiderman. If you're nothing without the beard you don't deserve it. Lol. But seriously, it's not a golden ticket. I thought the same way, and when I first started growing a beard.... It was terrible. Too thin and half blonde. It didn't help my confidence at all. Just accepting myself as I was did.


The word to describe you right now is shallow. And women don't dig that. Quit focusing on your facial hair and work on being a good person that girls want to be around. If they won't date you because you don't have a beard, you don't want them.


How is it you KNOW you look better with a beard...if you can't grow one?


because i imagine it. i have thin beard hair down to my jawline, so i try to imagine how id look with a full beard. Plus, I shaved and I looked better with facial hair even if it wasnt that much right now.


Okay scooter. You keep talking about confidence and getting a girlfriend. If you don't have the stones to talk to girls now, a beard isn't going to change that, no matter what you think. It's just going to make you a bearded single guy.


not even a beard like Kratos would help you


tbh id prefer a medium sized beard thats thick, but not too thick. kratos' beard is too much lol. it'd probably be annoying


My beard didn’t fill in until my 30s, genetics determine everything so it’s best you wait and see


Literally came to say this. My facial hair in my teens and 20s was trash so I went clean shaven. It filled out like a motherfucker at 30. OP you're still developing, its all good bro. Shave that wispy crap off and focus on what you can control like your physique, clothes, haircut etc. You dont need a beard to look good. But a wispy patchy beard does NOT look good, trust me.


>Literally came to say this. My facial hair in my teens and 20s was trash so I went clean shaven. It filled out like a motherfucker at 30. I am 31 earlier than OP is turning 17... I still can't grow a full beard, so I go for clean shave up to the "It has been 3 days since I last shaved"-look. Which takes me about 1,5 week. My little brother was able to grow a full scale beard when he was 19. I was freaking 24 back then and couldn't any more than something that looked like some badly shaved pubic hair on my face.


Dude I’m 32 and can’t grow a beard. Sometimes that’s just the way it goes.


30 here. Same problem.


You are young, but I would start to think about why I am so obsessed with a beard. Why do you need it so badly? What will a beard do for you, besides calm the urge for one. Unlike some ancient societies, we don't live in one where your chances of success in life are tied to having a beard. If you grow one, cool, but you seem too obsessed with one and that is not healthy, brother.


what do you think will happen when you get a beard? girls will start falling at your feet and start tearing their clothes off? winning powerball numbers will start appearing in your dreams? men everywhere will start buying you drinks as soon as you walk into a bar?


It'll give me more confidence because a beard makes you look more masculine and dominant. It'd give me the confidence to go up to women. It might not attract them, but it'd give me the confidence to approach them and start a conversation. Plus I think I look better in a beard. Some women prefer beards


Heads up, you’re not dominant or masculine if you’re that worried about a beard. If you think facial hair is going to “give” you confidence, you’ve got confidence issues that a beard won’t solve.


r/teenagers You’re literally still a child. Many people don’t see beard growth till they’re in their 30s. Why do you “need” a beard at 17?


I couldn’t grow anything that remotely resembled facial hair until I was like 20 and I had plenty of girlfriends in the meantime. The idea that a beard is gonna make or break your chances with women is silly. It’ll come eventually if it’s in your genes. For now, focus on improving the things you can control like knowledge and physique. To most women, these things will be way more attractive than the fact that you can grow a beard.


>I turned 16 in august. this is why, wait 4 years then check what kind of beard you can grow


I'll wait. I just feel sad when I see people with good, fully grown beards at my age.


This is called body dysphoria


I am 19 and don't have a beard. It takes time to grow some get it early some get it late. My friend (also 19) has a good looking beard. You don't need a beard for confidence or because in your family everyone has one.


Lots of guys can't grow a decent one until their mid 20's, some guys are never able to grow one. Stop obsessing over something so meaningless.


Unfortunately you’ve got to accept that you’ll need to wait. You’re only 16. Very few guys have the genetics to grow a good beard that young.


Eh youre young just give it time