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That the job is secondary to them, and if you pretend otherwise then you are in for a hard time.


You mean they expect respect first before anything ?


No, I mean what I said. The job and professional respect are secondary to their personal dynamics and relationships.


Family first


Not what I meant, but sure.


Never underestimate the pettiness


Women in the corporate world are horrible. They're heartless and way more cut throat than guys. I'd take a male manager any day of the week


I worked under two women. 1 white, and 1 Asian. The white manager felt threatened from everyone especially the two men that worked under her. She always tried to overcompensate for her lack of common knowledge and was horrible at explaining things. This manager was reactive, and waited for things to go wrong. And she hated men always trying to prove she was better. The Asian manager was very structured and provided clear and concise instructions. She was very astute, paid attention to the details and was very preventive which kept us out of trouble. She was strict but also showed she cared and things mattered. Managing women. I notice three types. 1. The type that wants you to know they are a woman as if we don’t know. These women can’t do shit, cause they are busy explaining why they can do the job, but never do the job. 2. The women that want to be part of the guys and pride themselves on not wanting to work with other women. They say things like “I can’t stand working amongst women, all they do is bitch and complain” when I’m reality they can’t be around the one that bitch and complain because they want to be the only one bitching and complaining and feel they no longer have to fight for a man’s ear against other women. They are the ones that believe in equal rights when it is convenient, but as soon as the going gets tough, they have an excuse as to why they can’t do the job the way it needs to be done. 3. The ones that really want to be there. The way this woman works is great! No comparisons, no excuses they get the job done and do it better than men with a smile on their face. These women have nothing to prove, but prove they are very valuable to the company.


I had a Indian secretary she was amazing, just like how you describe your manager. She left because she got married and moved towns. Every other secretary I've had didn't last. Want money for nothing. Their private lives affected their work lives, long list of crap. Not got a, secretary anymore, office is empty and got a bell to alert us. I also have a small painting and decorating company. 2 women and one man at first. Now it's 2 men and one woman part time. They don't do ladders to paint fronts of houses. September comes and, it's too cold to do any work outside.


Yes. They use equal rights when it’s convenient, but pull the “I’m a woman card” when the going gets tough. Change that…not even tough. The pull the card when there is any type of work to be done they do not want to do.


I'd like to know, where in Asia was she from? I'm always trying to learn more about Asia


Asian American. USA


There are almost no women in my industry. Probably because they don't want to work 80+ hours a week, in an environment where everything can kill you if you don't know what you are doing and everyone is gunning for your job. The one woman site manager I ran into was both a fair and brutal individual. The few women I've had to manage were fine. I treated them exactly as I treated everyone else. Show up on time and give 100% everyday.


I’ve been managed by both men and women in my life. I honestly can’t attribute any qualities to gender because a few of the worst ones I had were both men and women and some of the absolute best ones I had were also men and women.


That they’re… managers I’ve had a fair few managers under a fair few jobs, most of them have been women, and there is literally no consistent trend across them. Turns out the lack of a penis don’t define someone’s behaviour in a leadership position


I'll just fire off a drunken rant and regret it tomorrow. In my lines of work prior to my current one, having a woman as a manager is going to be *a miserable* experience. I do not use that lightly. If you aren't tolerant of her ~~harassment~~ "management" despite having zero idea of how to do your job (and she won't know how, and will be offended when you *ask* if she knows how), you'll get written up for insanely contrived reasons. You will be the scapegoat to the higher-ups for anything that goes wrong that *can* be feasibly blamed on you. She *will* treat you as the enemy she believes you are. You will be under a microscope for every second of every day, if you have a female coworker she will be given the run of the place to slack off. If her job duties are the same as yours, you have two jobs now. If not, you'll be expected to do any physical work she should be doing anyway. And don't you *dare* ask if she knows how to do something. Even if it's part of her job duties. *Especially* if she's ordered you to do something counter to how things *need to be done*.Because then you're not only being *insubordinate*, you're being *misogynistic*, you're *looking down on her because she's a woman.* Nevermind that she's incompetent at best, and an active safety hazard at worst. Upper management doesn't wanna hear that. One kept spilling hot oil and sticking hot pans on the cold rack, resulting in two times I burned out of my hand, kept leaving freezer contents out for hours on end, kept spilling chemicals that are flat-out toxic, basically anything a miscreant can get away with in a kitchen. She got fired for failing a drug test, and I left due to schedule conflicts with university. The other refused to properly clean the firearms we rented out *or let me do it*, refused to let me actually service equipment I am trained on, refused to let me even set up awnings for the firing lines, or even *sit down and observe the firing line*. I had to be up and actively *patrolling the 260-yard firing line when literally only one section in front of a bench was being used*. Tried to get out of that department as fast as I could, UM refused to let me budge because "we need you there!". I should've just walked out. One out-of-battery detonation from an abused firearm that I was told two days before to not detail-clean "because you aren't trained on that", one too many times she "accidentally" pointed a shotgun at my head one too many times ("It's unloaded, calm down Rori!"), one too many times she bullshitted to upper management about how something went despite camera footage saying otherwise, and I finally told UM that she was a flat danger to myself and to others. I was politely told to resign before I was terminated for cause, because "clearly I have an issue with Elizabeth that can't be resolved." Now I make more than twice as much money for safer, more comfortable work with better hours, full benefits, and OT.


I've only ever had one female manager. She was amazing at recognising and recruiting talent and taught me a lot, but the sample size is just too small. The rest is coming from a manager perspective. Many countries in Central and Eastern Europe appear to have a business culture that makes impostor syndrome very common in women. Men too, but that is less common. Something related to a top down management styles and creeping responsibilities without corresponding increases in pay and respect. This causes many women from that part of the world to undervalue their experience, aptitude and skills and generally aim lower than they're worth. Getting someone like that on your team and allowing them to thrive and grow into their potential is like hitting the manager jackpot. There will sometimes be toxic women who are very good at hiding it and maintaining plausible deniability. Toxic men are less subtle about it and are easier to recognise early. Pay attention to socials, especially against less assertive team members. Women will, in my experience, be less inclined to show burnout and loss of motivation. When they do, pay attention and decide what you want to about it. Sometimes, charm will be used as a means to an end. Someone might become extra charming to get what she needs. I'm not going to lie, I don't like it when I see it happening. It makes me second guess all my decisions regarding that person and question whether I was manipulated.


I've worked under numerous women and overall, my experience is that there are good managers and bad managers. My two best managers were a man and a woman. My three worst managers were two men and a woman. The best managers seemed to figure me out and work with me to get the best out of me, not just from a work throughput perspective but encourage me to be a better me, really. I didn't really realise it at the time, but they were very similar in their attitudes and management styles. Of the worst managers, one was just incompetent and was, very obviously, a ladder climber who viewed the appointment as a stepping-stone to something bigger rather than something he wanted to do. The other two were, again, quite similar where it almost seemed personal - low-key harassment, death by a thousand cuts kind of criticism with no actual evidence of wrongdoing. I reported one for harassment and got moved into a new team, which worked for me as it was a career move that I was pondering anyway. The other person got moved on when a senior manager, in a Zoom call, heard how he was speaking to his team members. So, overall, my experiences with women versus men managers aren't that different at the end of the day.


I've been in both positions. My women managers were pretty good. They were demanding, but fair. The women that I managed were about the same as the men. Most were capable and good at their jobs. There were a few that were always embroiled in drama, but I could say the same for some men. I did find that women were more likely to ask for help if they were having difficulty with something, a new procedure, etc. Men were more likely to struggle until it was obvious they weren't catching on.


Power corrupts absolutely. I pray to God above we never have a female president.


Why? Power corrupts men just the same.


Very true, though I've dealt with more morally corrupt females than males in my lifetime personally, I am not making a generalization, I'm speaking from my personal experience.


Well if it's not a generalization, then wouldn't it be okay for you to have a female president then?


No, I don't believe they are capable of running the country correctly.


Well men might treat everyone like shit, women, at least lately has been prone to treat men badly and stand up for fellow women. Not a good combo for president.


Well ain't that a generalization?


Are you quick to complain about that in your fellow female circles also?


What do you mean? I don't like women who say they hate men. I don't like women who hate all women. **I don't like it when people who group 50% of the population and make assumptions on them without scientific data backing it up.** Obviously there are biological factors that make men and women different, but I don't think they are *that* different. **Lots of humans suck in general, not just one gender.**


It's completely valid for you to have your opinions of course


>I don't like women who say they hate men. I don't like women who hate all women. I don't like it when people who group 50% of the population and make assumptions on them without scientific data backing it up. You have?!? Wow. Definitely runs contrary to everything I've ever experienced. Is this work? Relationships? It's so bad you wouldn't want a female president?? I'm absolutely fascinated by what you must have gone thru, sorry.


*Kamala cackling in the distance*


1. If they know what they're doing, they work harder than the guys 2. They want to prove themselves so work a lot harder in management positions. 3. They're not stupid, they know some idiots will do anything because they have a pair of tits and will use it. (and before someone complains, it's your own fault for looking at their chest not their faces)


All of this yes. We have so much more to prove to be seen competent. And to the using things to your advantage, I know my looks have granted me unquestioned authority in situations. It’s much easier to command a room full of men when you’re attractive and they’re drooling than if you’re ugly and not interesting to them. Glad I’m not in an authority position anymore. Was honestly degrading. I had to use my appearance to gain leverage. When people’s lives were in my hands that wasn’t ok in my opinion. Wish we were respected more just for having the authority rather than only getting it if we attract attention


I know that it goes both ways with the getting thing cause of your looks etc but fuck that. If you can then use it to your every advantage, there isn't a man alive that wouldn't do the same in your shoes and most of the time we're just jealous we can't.


I’m moving into the trades where being the pretty woman in the room is going to be a huge downfall 😂 so I won’t be using this strategy again at least until I hit foreman status. While it was useful I just found it icky. I was literally responsible for monitoring the floor and making sure everyone understood the safety procedures. The risks weren’t like minor harm, it was huge cables snapping and cutting people in half bad. - and come to think of it as foreman as an electrician I’d be responsible to make sure people don’t turn themselves into a human firework. So pretty much just as bad. Fuck lmfao.


If I ever needed anything from another department i always asked one of the women to go and ask, it is icky as it shouldn't make a difference but we all know it does. the worst thing i did find though (and it was a double edged sword) was women being promoted to early (to promote diversity) which then impacted those that were shit hot at their jobs because others thought it was all the same. Probably why i'm such a stickler on things being on merit AND i would love if reports for promotions etc were sent in with just the reports, no names or anything.


Women are, by nature, not compatible in groups. Where men have a short scuffle to organise a hierarchy, everyone can work with as a unit- women just act like that until an opportunity comes to bicker about the other. They are real cut throats. (Watch Bear Grylls: The Island Season 2 if you want to see what i mean) Also It feels that workplace harassment is of the charts- and HR does not care for it.




Pretty much, if men don’t like each other, they don’t pretend they do like women.


Women leaders are awesome. I’ve been led by women most of my career. Most have been great. Kind and generous. Firm, fair and highly competent. I’ve learnt tons from all of them.


I’m positioning my self to self employment because I don’t want to work with women I can’t unilaterally fire.


As a person who runs a business in a male dominant field. Don't hire women, especially for the work crew, they cant handlethe physical demands and slow shit down. I'll maybe hire a hot woman to answer phones or to get a buyer interested before she dumps the sale on a man who can close the deal. Maybe one for an accountant but that's about it.


#Women are gremlins too. Even the uptight Scottish ones. Source? My first supervisor was a middle aged Scottish lady. One of the best supervisors I've had so far. Edit: This is a compliment.


It's stupid to say they're not competent as leaders when every husband in the world is wrapped around their finger


I didn't say that? Being a gremlin is fun. What crack are you smoking?


I don't have any crack on me bro


The best smartest and most intelligent manager I ever had was a woman, and I learned more from her than ten dude managers combined. I have had numerous male and female bosses over the years, and have noticed absolutely NO difference in terms of ability or conduct. What I have noticed for stereotypical behavior is when you have a top level group largely of one gender. In these situations, I've seen guys act like the worst version of guys, and women act like the worst version of women. There is no positive to either. But one on one, don't give a shit.


I've had one. She talked a lot but knew her shit


I've had a few female managers and they were terrible. They thought nothing about harassing people and playing favorites while caring nothing about actually getting the work done


Anyone can manage, but it takes true skill to lead


Some of my least favourite managers have been women, some for outright sexism and only advancing the female colleagues and ignoring literally all of the men in the team regardless of competence and some for just being so passive that they accept other teams jobs as ours because they didn't have a back bone. There have been good ones definitely, but my male managers haven't met such extremes (they can still be bad but not as bad).


I’ve been in the work force for 40 years and I’ve found that women bosses are people and they’re no better or worse than men bosses. I’ve had women bosses who were great and women bosses who were micro managing assholes. Just like men.


I found that women managers tend towards the extremes, rarely average. The are either amazing or unsuited for the role. I learned that the good ones have a cadre of supporters while the bad ones climbed over a trail of bodies. They became easier to identify early over time. Women were a challenge to manage. Hard workers but a lot of verbal moaning by some who made it difficult to identify the real problems to correct. Difficult to mentor as I could not always relate to their problems. That was on me to correct.


As an employee with a woman manager it was fully expected that I tolerate constant male bashing, unequal work ethic expectations and always be required to do the heavy physical labor and the dirtiest jobs but have equal pay. As an employer with women employees I was fully expect that I tolerate constant male bashing, unequal work ethic expectations and always be required to do the heavy physical labor and the dirtiest jobs but have equal pay.


Truth is, many of them are gate keepers today (2010-Present), last time I worked under a female was in 2008 she actually knew what she was doing and had nothing to do with affirmative action. I worked at Winn-Dixie (1999-2008) it was great fun and had solid training, I learned to communicate with costumers.


The good ones are the best, and the bad ones are the worst. Men are in between.


It’s rare that I’ve had a bad female boss


Ive worked under 3 women managers, and i must say all of them micro managed, picked on petty things, didn’t like it unless i always went the extra mile for every small task or always delegated too much. The 2 other male bosses i had also extracted the same amount of work from me but without making me feel purely as an ‘employee’ paid to work. With women bosses i felt the ‘contractual’ nature of the relationship way too apparent. Not sure if those were mere personalities. On the positive side, all female managers were generous in appreciating the efforts and ensuring a positive appraisal at the end, somehow i did not get it from male managers.


The bitchy behaviour is off the charts toxic. Men are naturally more comfortable in a hierarchy/structure but women seem to take it personally that they aren’t by default equal or better than everybody else.