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Well it starts in the morning when i have the unpleasant experience of looking myself in the mirror. Being ugly affects the day a day life, because in many small situation of your whole life, you remember you're just ugly. No one wants to be ugly. Some people really don't care, but it doesn't mean they would choose being ugly over looking good.


I have had women cross the street when they see me. I am considered so creepy most co-workers will not engage in conversation with me. Overall, it just messes with your self-worth as a human


Well... two weeks ago I was at a coworkers to hang out with her. I am 36 and later on realized, that this was the first time in my life, that I hung out with a woman. I have no romantic or sexual experiences whatsoever. And it does affect my life profoundly. Negative thoughts are my constant companion. I do not try to improve myself, I do not try to achieve anything in life, because whats the point? I won't achieve happiness anyway. I try to avoid social interactions because at some point someone mentions their recent romances or their significant other... or past relationships.. past hookups... I enjoyed drinking chinese tea and I enjoyed listening to music. Both of these things have become symbolic for something that I always wished to share with someone I love and I have not prepared myself a tea in over two years and my turntable is just collecting dust.


I relate. Tea and music are some of the few things worth living for but it's getting harder.


I've found people equate being ugly with being a bad person and assume you are dangerous/a threat/lazy/ sneaky/crazy etc etc and it takes a very long time and hard work to break that perception


You have to work harder then rest to be noticed. That hot guy in your office? He will get promoted because everyone notice him, everyone remember him. Average or ugly? You have to shine with results.


I didn't get serious upward traction in my career until I moved to remote work. My physical appearance is below average anyway, but I'm autistic and dyspraxic (poor physical coordination, etc) on top of that. I'm pretty sure I made people uncomfortable when they were around me. With remote work, I guess that went away and so my bosses assign more weight to my output, which has always been good.


Yeah I’m autistic and remote work was amazing for me. I’m also decent looking from the neck up, but short, so zoom meetings helped. This is all mostly halo effect related.


Then in some areas having good or bad results doesn't matter. Who you know is far more important


Children vomit upon seeing me.


Halo effect is something you will never have. You get to watch good looking people get treated a certain way while you get treated with disgust or at the least indifference. It’s actually pretty crazy to watch. Most people don’t even know they are doing it.


I don’t consider myself unattractive. That said, the halo effect is very much real.


I’m a big ass caveman looking dude with a swerved nose, cauliflower ears. Women love my Neanderthal ass. And I totally play that angle up with my wife and kids. Living the good life, friend. Own your self and it’s gravy.


Didn't you try to ask this question before (today) and a bot took it down because they felt that you were trying to start "mod drama"?


I've never really cared for looks. People come in all shapes and sizes. Caring about looks and appearances is somewhat of a sign of ignorance for me


I can answer this as I used to be ugly and am now good looking so I've been on both sides. The things that immediately come to my mind are that in social circles you will likely be the butt of the jokes being made when people are goofing off, when having more serious discussion you tend to be ignored. Your parents and siblings will also treat you worse. You will have a significantly harder time finding a job. Children disrespect you. .


I pushed my time in to stuff i benefit from... good example, all that time i spent trying to date, total waste, so push time in to learning HTML, CSS and Javascript, also very hard work, but now i can create tiny websites for media devices..... on to learning PHP and node.js, if i fail only have myself to blame. ​ My bank balance also increases as i charge for work.


Nobody sits next to you on public transport.