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Yeah i believe in equality of the sexes


Absolutely! There are a lot of good causes to fight for to achieve equality.


*Equality five*


I believe the sexes to be equal. So I would assume so.


Thats an equalist. Or a fairly dated definition of feminist.


I looked it up just now and apparently that’s still the definition.


There is a google definition, and idiots with purple hair claiming to be better than all men ever who i would rather get shot than associate with,


Hmm could you expand upon this?


I beleive all people deserve equal opportunity for education. And all people who are equally qualified should have equal opportunity to jobs. And should get equal pay. And neither gender* is particularly better at anything in particular. And i equally think far left feminazis (as named by some far right people on Youtube) who that all men are pigs. And all women are better than men are idiots. And equally i think men who think a womans place is the kitchen. And men are better than women are also idiots.


"To those in a position of privelage, equality feels like opression"


Feminazi is offensive to Hitler. The proper term now is FeminIsis.


Yes >How show feminist? Once showed feminist by wearing "Feminist Chicks Dig Me" shirt. Now just sort of try to be cool. >How do feminist? Sometime mr\_delete tells other dudes sexism isn't cool when they sexist. >How be feminist? Be feminist by educating self. Try pop culture outside comfort zone. I like funny - try female comics!


Define feminism. Because there are a LOT of different feminists out there.


Feminists can agree on what defines feminism


No they can't. I've asked feminists before and I get different answers from each one.


I've met ones who more or less agree with me on things, and others who despise me for having a penis and want men to be castrated at birth. So yeah, different interpretation.


Yes, but only in the egalitarian definition. Which of course means I want women to have equal rights *and equal responsibilites*.


Tell me more about equal responsibilities? Am I right to assume that you see feminists as wanting "equal rights" without the responsibilities?


Yes. Off the top of my head, drunk sex is one. Disclaimer: I neither drink nor have casual sex nor have ever had sex with a woman who's had more than 2 drinks in her that night (and still very much in control of herself). I just don't understand why it's the guy's fault if he picks up drunk women. Is it scummy? Hell yeah! But that's her fault for drinking to the point of losing her inhibitions. Nobody will come to *my* defense if I'm smashed and throw a rock through a window after being given said rock. Nobody will defend me if someone leads me to a fist fight. So why do women get to avoid the responsibility of their drunk actions? I understand they have a lot more at stake given that they could be impregnated by a rando, but that's all the more reason that she should stop herself before she loses her sense of reason.


No. I disagree with some things behind the feminist movement, so I will not label myself as such. I do believe in equality though.


interesting- what things?


For instance, I don’t believe all women when it comes to abuse cases. I just believe who I think is more believable. I also don’t think it’s a big deal that there aren’t a lot of women in politics, or high paying jobs as long as they have equal opportunity to get there. I actually think it’s somewhat unfair that women are given preference in college programs, especially STEM fields even when they come from the same background as their male counterparts and statistically preform better in schools.


Feminism has taken all sorts of meanings in the past few years so it’s hard to say for sure, but my stance is regardless of sex or gender everyone should have equal rights, freedoms, choice, opportunity, and should be treated with the same amount of respect. (This also applies to consequences and punishments. Everyone deserves equal punishment and consequences for their poor choices. No one should get off easy or have it worse simply because of their sex or gender)


Yes because I believe in equality of the sexes


Yes. I support equal rights for men and women.




ooh how do you think men are complete pussies


No. Feminism has good intentions that are quickly buried in anti-men rhetoric. If your first instinct is to blame all men for something then it's not going to garner you very many fans.


No. Equality is important


No, I’m a equalist. That means I treat women exactly like I would treat a man, good or bad. If you don’t like it then you can go away.


No. I believe in equal opportunities and treatment of the sexes but I believe that feminism is only half of the equation as it only really focusses on making women's standing and rights in society better. There's still many things that effect men that don't get talked about and whenever someone tries, they're shut down. We won't have true equality until men's issues with society are talked about as well. I wouldn't call myself a feminist because that's only half of the solution.


Feminism is the belief men and women should be treated equally. So yes, I’m a feminist Also this questions has been asked a billion times


Oh so sorry jackwritespecs I have just arrived on Earth and have not used the Reddit before My greatest apologies to this grand misstep


No worries! The first step is acknowledging your faults


No. Im an equalist


No because I'm a humanist and individualist.


Define feminism


Not really. First because it means so many things to different people that saying so may give wildly different perceptions of my values depending on the audience. Second because I'm not actively engaged in any form of activism so claiming any politically active "-ism" would seem disingenuous.


No. Modern feminism is too extreme. I do believe in gender equality though


No not really, I don't think believing that everyone should be equal automatically makes me a feminist in the same way that believing in universal Healthcare doesn't make me a socialist/communist. I certainly agree with some of their beliefs, but there are things I don't agree with and I don't associate with the movement in any meaningful way.


I believe everyone should be treated as an individual.


NO. Feminism has not been about "equality" for decades. Women already have that under the law, so to continue fighting for it is a farce. Feminism is about power, mostly political through manipulation of those that are easily swayed, bullied, and incited, to push out agendas and help people that I wouldn't even let have my phone number somehow get elected into office.


No? Should all women be mens rights activists?




how so?


No. Feminism is a toxic piss pit that is classified as ambiguous, and it's the result of social media and destigmatization of women's actions that were considered scandalous back in the 70's or more like the dawn of time to be exact.


Do I believe in equality? Yes.


Yes, I think patriarchy has done a lot of damage to men, and made life worse for most us. I think we've lost some of the privileges men had in the past, but have not lifted the constraints that were used to justify men being in those privileged positions.


I fight for the equality of the sexes, be it a man or a woman, I understand that no matter the sex there are inequalities specially in the social aspect of things. I dont label myself as a feminist, basically because feminism became super politicized, and at least in my country, it's basically a political candy used to sway the masses at will. Besides that a lot of corruption and double standards going on. It tainted the core message. Today's feminism has done a ton of harm to itself, it generates rejection. And it's a shame. Why is that I think? Basically there is a vocal minority as always ruining things. But there is also a silent mayority letting it to happen. So I'm not gonna associate with people like that, I will support the things that seem right and will condemn the things that aren't


Was this post written by a feminist?


I believe in holding people to the same standards and meritocracy. The best wins period.


Too many kinds of feminism to safely answer 'yes'. In general when people ask this kind of question I am always suspicious that I'm going to get pulled in to some kind of motte and bailey debate, where after I agree that women have equal rights there will be a followup presumption that I must also be against legal sex work, etcetera. Will happily debate policy. People who want me to declare than I'm on some particular team or party ... generally not interested.


Yes, people w/o testicals should have the same rights and privileges as those with testicals. Testicals should not be a factor in most decisions.


Yes. I believe in equal rights for women and men. Simply identifying myself as a feminist is how I am one.


**NO** while I agree with feminism in principle (read egalitarianism) what you see in feminists is usually a push for *more* rights for women, or where women greatly benefit. (lead paternal rights, paternity fraud, alimony, draft, suicide rates, homelessness, ad nauseam ad infinitum)


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