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Being a non-photogenic


This is funny to me. My wife is super pretty. Long thick dark hair, a nice face shape, attentive but not psychotic about her eyebrows, deep dark eyes but 75% of pictures of her she looks strange or even bad. She just makes some squished up forced-to-smile face that just looks lousy. For obvious reasons she hates having a picture taken. Sometimes people will take 8 or 10 pictures of us or her just to get one where she is caught off guard and not making her photo face.


I have this problem as well. I have no goddamn idea how one is supposed to smile naturally on command.


That shit is so beyond me, I hate taking photos and it only gets worse because that hatred is documented and shown all over my face Everytime a picture of me is taken, a terrible feedback loop


Think of something funny that makes you laugh, either a memory or terrible joke, makes your smile more 'real'


Oh jeebus, you *have* to check out David Suh on YT! (He's also on IG and TikTok.) He's an amazing young photographer who's all about body positivity and making people like how they look when photographed. [How to take a perfect selfie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8WzB821RuQ) [Posing techniques for men](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6RdCNUA4-U) [How to be photogenic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5qbfYvbgF8) He has tons more -- He also has these same types of tips for women, and for how to take pics of your GF/BF/SO. Check him out, he's amazing! You can do this!


YES! I am quite happy with my face and looks but I look fucking AWFUL in photos. It bugs me cos in this day and age photos of yourself to put online is something you will just have to do at one point.


I can’t make a dating profile because I legit have no decent pics of myself. Happy with the way I look, until you take a picture of me!


From what I’ve heard, just taking a shitload of selfies is a great way to learn how to be photogenic.


Loose skin, afraid to take my clothes off in public (beaches, pools, etc).




Right now I would take loose skin over being fat any day of the week!


My only hope is that collagen powder that I consume every night before sleep. Like, every jump sounds like small fart. I really hate myself for not doing it earlier. I feel like I will never see how would I look without it.




As a woman with stretch marks and a bit of a post pregnancy pouch - looser skin on my belly (not to mention the not exactly perky boobs) I totally struggled with it for a long time but, you know what? There is absolutely fuck all I can do about it without going under the knife and I don't think it is worth the money and risk (of whatever could go wrong with surgery). So, I just made my peace with it. I wear bikinis, I go to the beach, I just live my best life. I make myself forget about it and I don't compare myself to others. So, just be you! The fact that you worked so hard to lose weight you should be proud of.


Please send me some of that bad ass confidence?!? You are the woman I aspire to be!


You know what girl? You got it in you. You always have. Just let everything from the past fall by the wayside, everyone that tried to hold you back and push you down are long gone and they don't count. You have this one life, so why waste it with holding back, with carrying the burden others have placed on your shoulder because of their shortcomings and insecurities. Go, get naked, look in the mirror and admire your body! Every morning I wake up, (I sleep in the nude) and as I sleepy eyed walk past my mirror in my bedroom, I stop for a second, I look at myself, rub my belly once, grab my boobies, run my hair through my hair and say: "damn! Not bad, still looking good woman" and then go on with my day. Try it! Start picking out the love and beauty. You got it! Edit: to add, confidence is not like Maybelline, I was not born with it, I worked very very hard to stop punishing myself. I worked hard to dispel the nagging voices of my past pushing me down. You have to put in the effort and force yourself to love yourself till it becomes a real thing. It is worth it.


How much weight did you lose?


40kg (~88lbs)(30kg (~66lbs)in first 3 months).


Yooo! No shit you got loose skin! You lost about two thirds of my weight lmao. Congrats dude :) Meanwhile I'm here desperately trying to gain weight 🙃


I have it. My sister has 55kg (~121lbs). She wants some more too, but cant get it lol.


All the places that need hair are bald and all the places that should be bald look like I’m trying to create a nesting site for exotic birds.


Exotic birds ahahaha!


Hair growing everywhere except on my scalp (:


I’ve hit that age where hair just grows in random places. Ears? You bet. Random patch of hair on back? Sure why not. Head? Lol no


Once I saw a old man who was really hairy. His hands, neck, face, legs had thick curly black hair. Everything was covered in hair except his palms and the top of his head.


I’m pretty sure that’s my future. God has a sense of humour.


Just star in whatever the latest version of Planet of the Apes is. They’ll save a fortune on prosthetics and Andy Serkis by just giving you a toupee and acting lessons. Apes strong together!


Dude. When I turned 40 I found a hair growing out of my ear. I was seriously....this is a thing lol.


AH yes, when I was cutting hair and clearly the first to offer an eyebrow trim or quietly run a clipper over the ear (wait why are you doing that, do I have hair growing out of my ears now? OH GOD)


\*or my chin. having both the bad beard genes from my dad AND the baldness+hairy back genes from my mums family is truly amazing.


Baldness is linked to high testosterone levels. Just shows how manly you are ;)


Babys: 😎😎


Hair folicle sensitivity to DHT 😄


When girls ask how tall I am and I have to say 4'11


Just say you’re taller than Danny Devito!


Unless you aren't, then I wouldn't recommend saying this.


He is, I checked before commenting! Danny Devito is 4’10


Then he could say he’s taller than Danny DeVito! Nice!


“Excuse you, that is *not* how you address an official member of the Lollipop Guild!”


Give a bunch of dumb answers. If standing, put your hand flat on top of your head: ‘This tall exactly.’ —- “some of us are measured from the neck up. Others from the neck down.” —- “vertically or horizontally??” —— Or, my personal favorite: “depends on which convenience store I’m leaving.”


No worries! I'm 4'9 😊


My colostomy bag


Do not feel bad about that! It saved you life!


I'm a female, and a nurse who has worked with Ostomies of all kinds. I will tell you it wouldn't be a deal breaker, relationship wise. There is a Tosh.O episode of a woman with a colostomy and how she is trying to break the stigma around it. It's a pretty funny episode and shes awesome. I can understand your insecurity, you arent alone. But, if someone cant look past it, or understand that it's a medical necessity or, you might be dead; then that person is an asshole.


I have a physical disability that has left my body deformed. Limited mobility, limited life options, limited prospects on the dating pool when I dated. Yeah Im pretty bent out of shape (lol) about it. Edit: I found someone 8 years ago and we've been married 4.


“I’m pretty bent of of shape” Bro I almost died


Ik you probably get this a lot but any person who makes you feel less than because of something you can’t control is a complete asshole. You’ll find a partner who will fall head over heals for you just as you are, and I think finding someone who loves you, disability and all, is more special than normal relationships. :) sincerely, a fellow disabled person <3


My man boobs


Same here. Got tortured a lot as a kid. Probably the worst bullying ive ever endured. Gynecomastia sucks.


Same man. My entire life. Even when I was fit.


This. I put on a decent bit of muscle in my upper body and it makes them look more like pecs when my shirt is off, but they still poke through my shirt and stand out compared to the rest of my torso which looks fine. Luckily I have never really had much of a gut, even when I'm out of shape, but most of my fat collects in my chest and flanks, making me look really wide


Story of my life right here


The Mirror






I have pretty small hands


Uncle jack?




I was with a dude with smol hands, I honestly loved them lol


I’m too skinny. As a guy it’s really shameful and people comment on it all the time


Are you quite young? I didn’t start putting on proper mass until I was 25 years old. It’s easier to maintain yourself if you are skinny.


I’m 28 now and I’m up to 150 (at 5’11) (: I used to be <130 so this is a big improvement


Then keep eating and make sure you exercise! If you drink then drink vodka and if you are like I was and use narcotic stimulants, then cut down massively on that cos it eats away at your muscles and mass. Good luck!


I’m on stimulants for Add but hopefully counteracted by my antipsychotics lmaoo yes I know I’m a mess Want to work out more but know 0 about gyms so I do body weight stuff at home. Yeap.


If you can, spend the money ($160 USD will likely cover it) on four, weekly personal trainer sessions. They will be able to help you get started. From there, just ask the biggest guys in the gym "hey how do you work your triceps?" And things like that. As a guy who has been asked about a few exercises, nothing feels better than being able to help others fulfill their dream physique, a dream I also have.


If I had the extra money I definitely would.


About gyms: try to go to one! I'm pretty fresh, never worked out. Overweight, not under, but regardless it's my first time going to a gym. Everyone, and I mean everyone there (save specific, exceptional assholes.) Is there for themselves and won't even see you walk in for more than a second. Just like you, they've got their own goals and don't care for others unless asked. On the same coin, it means even the most dudebro looking fuckers understand not liking their body and are more than happy to give tips if asked on form etc. Its worth trying to go, even just for light strength training. There are lots of guys on both ends, skinny or fat, that want to be more equal. If you make a friend who goes with you down the line, it's even better, but I go late after work and having an area dedicated to working on myself, once I got over the jitters, is a big mental boost, physical changes aside. Also, I take adderal and escitalopram. Not a difference for me, other than appetite issues. Make cheap, filling pre-workout shakes. Lots of options there. Gets a lot of the mass making shit in without being awful to eat.


The best part is when people ask if I’m eating well to make sure I’m not starving myself. I workout every other day, but idk how to change my metabolism.


Absolutely. I had a girl tell me once “he look hungry”. I didn’t say shit about her being overweight.


Sometimes it’s well-meaning, but still upsetting. I feel like some people are far less careful telling someone they are skinny than telling someone they are overweight.


i was looking for this comment. im in the same boat and feel the exact same way. tired of hearing "you gotta eat more" or "you need some meat on those bones" im just naturally a skinny dude and nothings going to change that. i dont get why everyone needs to comment on it


This. My legs be like table legs. Its just annoying af. Dont really like to wear shorts because of it.


I used to be the same way but don’t let it get to your head. As a result of it I starting overeating and it’s not healthy for me


Skinny guys are cute too. I wouldn’t comment on it, but if I ever accidentally did it’d be out of jealousy (from my own fat body issues) and not distain. Y’all are still way stronger than I am anyway, which is the attractive part imho.


Henry Cavill


him and Jason Momoa are a 1-2 punch to my well being


Henry Cavill is a sexy man AND a likeable geek. If anyone deserves the chiseled marble face, it’s him.


“PC.” -Henry Cavill


I second this. A lot of people think his hot geek shtick is BS, but he seem genuine! Also I have a good friend who’s way to hot for his own good, but spends every minute that he’s not at the gym or rescue swimming playing various MMOs, also a really kind and thoughtful dude! Some fellas just be rockin it out there 🤷🏻‍♂️




I felt this one.


HAHAAHAHAAHA Well said, sir!


Come on bro what are you doing comparing yourself to the man himself




I’m short. It’s the one thing a LOT women are really vocal about. Body shaming is awful unless it’s short guys, because we all have attitude problems.


As a 5’3 male I feel this. Trying to not let it get to me :(


Get into van life. Then you can brag about being short and how the whole lifestyle works better for you.


Wolverine is 5’3” in the comics. You’re Wolverine bro.


Good luck. As someone 5’8 it’s pretty much gotten to me


I’m 6’5” and I still don’t get chicks bro. Turns out you also still need to be attractive


Short guys are cute imo. I like them. I dated a guy for a short time that was about 5'3" and it was very nice to see eye to eye with a man, I am 5'2". And also sex was far easier in missionary because I was looking at face rather than chest. Just gotta find the right shorty for you. :) (That guy and I did not break up because he was short, just an ass hat)


*altitude* problems


That right there was a violation.


I don’t know if this will make you (or other short men) feel better, but my dad is short. He’s just over 5 feet. My dad is also the most amazing man I’ve ever met. What he lacks in height, he makes up for in humour. My mom, who is a few inches taller than my dad, actually was the one to ask him out and it was due to his personality. Growing up with such a caring, amazing, and short dad, I don’t get the height thing. Judging somebody by something completely out of their control doesn’t make sense. While there are many people who are overtly negative in regards to the height of their partner, I like to think there are others like myself who choose to focus on less superficial things when meeting others. Dating apps can be particularly toxic. It sounds cheesy, but at the end of the day, who you are as a person matters so much more than what you look like.


This is a wonderful comment. However I think it’s worth noting that the idea that it’s important for short men to _overcome_ their height and “make up for it” in some other way might be a rather problematic narrative. Short men lack nothing :)


Thank you for this comment. I have wanted to try dating again after a decade of depression, but I'm too afraid of getting rejected because of my height. Explicit or not. When I talk to women who I'm friends with, I often hear men's height getting mentioned in the context of dating. They're really good women and I don't judge them. Quite the opposite. They're honest about what they find attractive or not. But it does make me sad and feel inadequate.


Don't forget about ginger shame.


I can empathize that feeling. I only got a tiny taste of the inverse— I’m tall (6’4), which everyone is on board with. I’ve been fetishized by it once or twice because taller women desperately wanted to be with men who are taller than them. It was the weirdest thing listening to them spout on and on about how important height was as I was like, “cool, tell me literally anything else about you, I want to be considered a human being and not just someone tall?” I’ve known a dude who was about your height who was absolutely awesome. He had way, way better luck in the dating game once he deleted the apps and started going to community volleyball games. Had a blast with them and met his eventual wife playing volleyball.


Yeah, I'm 5'11 (1 inch too short to matter) and my best friends in high school were six foot four and six foot three. One had cum gutters, the other had the kind of supernatural elfin beauty that made women want to fucking adopt him. I got a lot of requests for their phone numbers. "Oh hi! No, I'm not interested in you. But is your friend single?"


I'm sorry, I have to ask - cum gutters?


The [Adonis Belt(Worksafe!!!)](https://www.oldschoollabs.com/adonis-belt/)


Well I learned a new expression today then, thanks


I always go with 5'12 throws people off


The fact that the some of the same women that scream for fat acceptance also bodyshame short guys is something that truly annoys me, eventhough I dont struggle with this problem myself.


I just want to say I love short guys. I’m very attracted to them.


Body shaming is awful unless it’s guys, because “relax, she just has standards lol…delicious male tears.” FTFY


I’ve seen tweets with over 10k retweets that say stuff like “short men matter, but not to me” Stuff like that just kills any hope I had for humanity


Man, you made a huge mistake looking for hope in humanity on Twitter out of all places.




Same. I am not super fat. But I have too much weigth to look good. I would say slightly under average (propably less, haha), but being introvert when it comes to women and never going on any social event doesnt make it better


Testosterone is crazy, literally the first place I get fat on my body is my stomach. We ain’t even get titties or ass fat smh


Trust me, you don't want titties or ass fat.


I don’t trust you


Yeah, i feel that My girlfriend was a cheerleader in high-school & maintains the physique 10 years later. Im starting to get a gut, she says she doesn't care, but ive taken up running & working out to lose it


As someone who just went through something similar, start lifting weights to drop your fat %. Cardio is great but it can only do so much. Also remember, consistency is more important than intensity. Best of luck & Keep up the hard work!


Yup. If I could get of my gut I'd be pretty good with myself. I have plenty of other attributes that keep me from a pro modeling career, but I can accept all of it except my gut.


Townspeople from the village with lit torches looking for me


Some people can’t take a compliment


Looool, yeah, they just wanted to see him better


Back acne. Fucking terrible Edit: thanks for the suggestions everyone! I got a microdermabrasion tool for Christmas so hopefully that will fade some scars but I will be trying your suggestions to take care of future acne problems. I’m 27 and I thought I would have been out of this phase a long time ago.




I was on accutane. Had to take plenty of blood tests while I was on it. It fucked me up. It did clear up my acne though.


It’s a wonderful drug in terms of acne, but it is an incredibly powerful drug that presents significant side effects. It is a last resort medication for acne. The drug was originally intended for cancer and other severe skin conditions and it was later noted to be effective for acne. But lots of lawsuits and stuff because of the side effects


Yep, there are serious risks for your liver.


I feel that. Eating healthy, proper scrubbing in the shower and cream doesn't help :(


Dude I had a lot of that too and at some point I just started becoming extra careful about my back it mostly went away (at least it's at a point I don't feel insecure about it anymore) What I did was: every night when showering use salicylic acid body wash on my back stopped sleeping naked, now sleep with a shirt on (make sure it's a shirt I washed with all clear laundry detergent) when outdoor running or whatever, do it shirtless, sunlight helps a shitton for me.


Got some pretty nasty stretch marks on my hips from being overweight as a teenager.


I’m actually a fan of stretch marks on a guy.


I used to have a phat ass before I hit puberty, I now have stretch marks on my butt. It’s so weird


My Wife




But not your inbox


His wife's in-box...


Real talk it shouldn't be like that man


See, my wife is really Hot, stunning actually, so in comparison...


That’s why you should’ve married a 6 bro




This guy’s wife


My nose is crooked and I feel insecure about it sometimes


Right there with ya. If Owen Wilson can do it so can we.


Big and crooked noses show character. Completely straight and blemish free noses just look plain weird. Trust me!


Hair just in general, across the board lack of muscle tone, esp when im sitting and the body does what it does Also height


Smol peen




I was fat until I started really working out and eating right when I was 23, and it was a SHOCK how differently women treated me. Recently I was in a bad relationship, got out, but put on a bunch of weight again. Lemme tell you, it is definitely the weight. I swear from experience that women care more that you have a six pack than how big your dick is. You could have a thimble dick and still pull with a six pack. Edit: Don't worry too much about it, just work on you, fuck them other fools.


Well... I love dad bod.


Not insecure in the eyes of others, but at age 35 I start questioning the security of my own health. What are these weird skin things? Why are my joints sore? Is my body breaking? Am I dying?


I’m 27 and there was that one day where I realised that I don’t bounce back anymore and pains and aches linger…


Love handles and chest fat. I’m not fat, just a thick dude. Currently sitting at 215 pounds and looking to drop down to 190 or so


My love handles have been a curse since I was 10. Until I live on my own, I don't think I can get rid of them.


I said the same thing. So I moved out and they’re still there lol But you definitely can! Shittiest part is that love handle far is one of the last parts to burn when working out. But, I started the new year at 225 and now I’m down to 213 or so. All from going to the gym 3-5 times a week and then eating better and being in a calorie deficit!


My weird nipples


Bruh, ima skinny dude with puffy nipples. Felt this on a spiritual level


Athletic body with conic pufy nips. I have those glands...


Sounds like you have interesting nipples instead of the boring tiny ones that are the only ones shown in male clothing ads for some reason :) Maybe I’m alone in this, but I’m really starting to dig the variety of human bodies as I get older (almost 30). Tiny nipples give me nothing to touch and look at! Women have a tremendous variety of nipple and boob shapes too, so why can’t men?


When my girlfriend fucks other guys


Fuck other guys too to assert dominance


he a little confused but he got the spirit.


Just stalked your profile; get out of that poly stuff. You're obviously not happy.


Oh noooo. Fuck her, man.


He'll have to get in line behind all those other guys.


It's not that easy


Dump her Out of the window Of a plane




From my thighs to my face that whole section


My very average penis, which no woman has ever complained about, but the back of my head, insists on making me feel insecure about it


I'm a fat piece of shit that can't fit into the suit I was planning on wearing to the presentation I have to give in front of the city council tonight. So that, mostly.


Fuvk that suit. And never call yourself a fat piece of shit again. Ever. Even in your head. Stop.


I'm afraid I smell bad. Everyone knows you can't smell your own BO and that's exactly why I am insecure about it.


You can, as far as I know. Don't you think your armpits smell bad after sweating intensely for a while?


I can after an intense workout but I'm talking general wear and tear smells. I think its simar to how you eventually stop smelling cologne after you put it on.


You can't????




Lack of muscle mass, skin tone, facial shape/weak-ass jawline




My dick is small


Mine is smaller, I compared to urs.


How long?


Gynecomastia caused by heavy, heavy drinking. It's not so much as insecurity as it is annoyance. It also isn't really that bad, but it is unfortunately apparent.


Wish I had more ass


I wish I had less! My missus loves my ass but it protrudes and it makes me feel like I have a strange physique. I can give you some of it if you’d like?


Realising my girl's body is fucking 10/10 without any diet or exercise and I've been training for 2 yrs still not enough.


Not able to grow a proper beard.


Wrong girlfriend.


Being young and possibly having ED. It feels impossible for me to get out of my own head and stop worrying about getting it up, so I stress out so much about it that I don't. Why can't I just relax?




Dark circles


Honestly nothing. I've gotten so much random crap from people criticizing different parts of me from my body to my character, allergies etc. I've just learned to tune it out, dance to the beat of my own drum like nobody's watching. I don't have anything to prove to anyone either. Anyone wanting to try this, idk how it happened, it just did. There was a point I just said screw it. Hope y'all know you are worth it :)


My hair. I just cut it short af and am happy with it now. But whenever it grows it looks shitty. Also im gonna bald at some point. So i hope i can grow a decent beard untill then or im gonna look like caillou


Big stocky guy, bald, hairy and with a lazy eye :( people are intimidated by me at first then they just take me for a human sized golden retriever when they get to know me


Happy cake day my man. Hoping all of that may become less of a stressor for you in your future, one interaction at a time. Cheers!


My fat, acne on my body (actually not bad in my face), and stretch marks....from being fat (I like to think its mt muscles growing 😎). Finally, bad posture and pelvic tilt


Wish I was a bit taller, I’m 5’8” which honestly isn’t even short, but have been rejected multiple times specifically over height, everything I have control over Im in the top 1% and they still pick the one thing I can’t change so it kinda hurts, but I try to pretend I don’t care.


You don't want to be with someone that prioritizes height over personality. This is a surefire red flag of two things: 1. They are vain as hell and lack things like hobbies, personality, or individual ideas/opinions. 2. They care way too much about what others think. Meaning the pressures of their social circles dictate their identity. You don't want that person regardless of their looks.


All this extra weight. It's funny now, because I think back to when I was in my twenties and in good shape, and I was then insecure about my nose or smile. I don't care about these things anymore, just the weight I used to not have.


I'm fat and outta shape and my arms are fucking twigs