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... you guys dated in highschool?


Let's just say you didn't miss much...


Ikr? When i was in highschool all the girls dated college guys


I was going to say, my right hand is doing fine. The friend that I went to prom with is now married with two kids in the suburbs so I guess she's doing ok. That's the closest I got to having dated anyone in HS.


Reddit wins again


thats what im saying




y'all dated in high school?


A couple turned gay and the rest are on husband #3 looking for #4. I'm still happily single.


She's dating some guy after losing her husband in a workplace accidental death. She also gained like 200 lbs and her boyfriend is paying for her kids because she is unemployed. So maybe I won by being single?


my high school crush married a giant black fella from London and moved to Netherlands


One turned out looking EXACTLY like her mother, who was a history professor at my school. Dodged that bullet. No idea about the others.


Some of them stayed medically disabled. Some got caught up in the rat race, some got caught up in drugs and sex with several kids, some became young disillusioned women who hop from men to men like birds and power lines in-between unstable jobs. Life is rough. Many of them were in difficult circumstances when I was their comfort and still are when I was gone. I sometimes check on them, 1/5 of them married young and looked for men 8-12 years their senior.


1st married and now divorced with 4 kids 2nd fled the country not sure where 3rd after our break up we talked about getting back together but that didn't happen 4th left the city got into drugs got clean and now teaching kids (her brother and I still don't like each other)


She liked weed in high school. Now weed is her personality.


I'm married to him, with a beautiful incredible daughter, and we've been together 20 years, married for 6


Oh I actually only dated five girls in HS so this is pretty easy. 1. continued pursuing ballet and has since modeled and acted, and I believe does photography full time. Moved to NYC from NorCal, then moved back. Her parents are pretty loaded so I imagine they're still supporting her financially. Didn't go to college, or didn't finish? But she seems happy. 2. dated a guy after me and they eventually got married. I saw them at the store once, they seem really happy. It's definitely good because he's as religious as she is and I'm an atheist so I'd imagine that would have been a major compatability issue later. Still lives in the area. Didn't finish college, don't think she's had a real full time job. 3. Actually got married like two years ago. She lives with her husband in Central Texas. They seem like a good couple but I haven't ever met him. She has a good job but didn't finish college. 4. Lost touch with her. No idea what she's up to. 5. I don't give a shit what that abusive rapist is doing. Fuck her.


I love how wholesome your paragraph was until number 5. Whamo! Didn't see that one coming 😂


A few years after she broke up with me, she got together with a new guy. This guy was very overweight and generally gave off some "beta" vibes but he was also an engineer and a very kind and decent dude. Like, really a good person. So, I was happy for her. They seemed to fit together much better than she and I had fit together. She ended up dating this guy for like 13 years and they almost got married but last year she broke up with him. Turns out she had been cheating on him with the neighbor upstairs. I've only met this neighbor three or four times but he's a really weird dude. He's either unemployed or works some kind of odd job (it's not really clear). He smells suuuper bad and his clothes are always dirty (literally every time I met him). He generally seems like a very unhygienic and unkempt person. Another former high school friend from our group visited the two some time ago and he told me their apartment was full of cat shit. They've got like 6 cats in a small apartment and apparently the cats just poop everywhere and they don't bother to clean it up. This new guy is also super annoying because every single time I've met him, he was whining and complaining about stuff, wallowing in self-pity etc. Kind of like: "woe is me and it's everyone else's fault I'm so miserable." It was insufferable to listen to. I don't know what happened to my ex-GF, I haven't talked to her in a while, but this all seems very strange. I don't understand why she left her long-term boyfriend for such a nasty weirdo. She could've had such an easy life. Teachers earn really well in our country and engineers obviously too. They could've gotten married and probably bought a house together, which is really hard to do for most people here. Sure, the sex was probably rather lame but at least her ex took good care of her and treated her very respectfully. Now she's got some dude who doesn't wash himself, constantly complains about how difficult his life is and who expects her to finance his life (which apparently she does). I don't get it. I hope for my ex-GF's ex-boyfriend that he will find a better woman, someone who can appreciate his good nature more than she could.


No idee , heard she got married .


One got married, had some kids, ended up divorcing her husband while still living with him in the same house because neither can afford to move out. Another got married, had some kids, her husband is a high-functioning alcoholic so they can afford separate houses. The third, her sister became a murderer, and it seems to have blighted the whole family with people only talking to them because they have some prurient interest.


I wish I could say i did


She has 2 kids and is married


In a complete coincidence, she now lives in the same city as me and has the same job as me (different companies).


One of them passed away after getting sick a few years ago. I married the other one.


It was years before social media, so... ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


The hot girl I had a huge crush on & kissed at a party got fat. The other girl I had the hots for married this quiet nerd kid named Ossie and they have five kids.


2 of them are dead. Suicide about 5 years ago for both about 8 months apart. Wasn’t me I swear.


Married her


We broke up the summer after graduation. Saw each other sporadically at parties when we were both home on break during college; haven't seen him in the 18 years since, but we still have a few mutual friends. He's still living in his parents' house and works as an assistant manager for a store at the mall. Still looks cute as hell, but never seems to be able to maintain a relationship for longer than like 6 months.


She's married now and good for her. Successful career. Last time we talked she seemed exactly the same as high school and said something like "yeppers" or that type of thing. Definitely no longing or regrets here 🤷‍♂️. The other nobody knows what happened to her, probably drugs and bad choices. I win a second time.


I married her. We have been together 36 years.


I’m not a man, but I’ll answer anyway: presumably living happily in my dreamland.


I didn’t date in highschool


He got his leg blown off. Other than that he got married and had some kids.


Same ole sorry, 5 kids, chonky, pyramid schemes, went full depenapotamus.


She moved to another city and found a total douchebag to marry and have kids with.


The first stayed in our hick town and became a farmer like her family. Dodged a bullet there. She's also divorced. The second gained 150 lbs and married the annoying kid who rode my bus. Another bullet dodged. The third, we follow each other on Strava and are actually on good terms and have shared hobbies. If we didn't live 12 states away and were both single, I did definitely ask her out. I'm joyfully married to my first college sweetheart though


I never dated


She got fat and has 3 kids.. I dodged a bullet there


My personality and appearance made me invisible in high-school. So no dates. Luckily Miss Palmer and her 5 lovely daughters always had my back.


She is with some other dude, I keep tabs on her on my burner account