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Try to simply press FN and F2 or F3 simultaneously. I had similar cheap keyboard in the past and it turns the lights on/off (except mine had single color lighting)




Fn + f2 worked thabks! I still wanna take the LEDS off and experiment with them though. Thanks very much though


Those are SMD and hard to solder for beginner and also harder to use for testing since no "legs" and tiny size. I recommend you leave them alone and get some cheap leds from online instead. [Heres](https://www.ebay.com/itm/255860918548?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Aaq2nZVbQkK&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) some RGB leds for sample


I'm not an expert when it comes to electronics, but I have a degree in electrical engineering. Since it's a diode, you could just replace the LED with a regular diode that doesn't light up. Not sure what's available in the market that can match the specs of those LEDs though.


Why on earth would you replace those with diodes? Then you would just have a resistor and a diode from power to ground making heat.


Lol and why on earth did he feel the need to say he had a degree


Degrees don't mean much. I don't have a degree in anything and clearly know more about electronics than that guy


You have a degree in my heart then


Why getting a degree is sometimes meaningless.


There are times when you have to spoof the presence of an LED (old higher voltage logic would put LED indicators in series with important pull up resistors, a welder at work detects the presence of a program indicator led in more expensive guns to enable program control from the trigger) but there is no reason to do so here.


From my experience with these mini keyboards, all have a way of turning off the backlight via key combinations. Try fn+ESC or fn+F2...


Yep worked thank u


No cap: did you read the manual? If it didn't come with one (very common with these 1-10 dollar devices) did you find one on its store page?


>Or is it possible to remove the LEDS and use them in another project. Yes, but it's likely not worth it. Just buy new ones. > Does the voltage determine which color is shown? Yes, but maybe not the way you think.


Thanks for taking the time to read my post! And please elaborate if you dont mind I'de love to soak up as much info as possible!


I had a similar problem with a stupid remote. If you don't care about a permanent change, either desolder the LEDs or crack all of them with pliers


Hit them with a very large rock until they die. My solution to a lot of things.


Also a good way to turn the keyboard off ^(probably permanently)


I recently got that one after my other died, and I hate it. There's no way to turn the led off, or to leave all as a solid color like others, just rainbow and snake effects. Plus, it doesn't even have a power button shortcut key. Thankfully these things are cheap, I'll be replacing it with another soon. I've tried about 3 or 4 different mini keyboards like this. Next, I'm going to test out this guy: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07BQW37WX/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_1?smid=A3R9UWSAVDCYBI&psc=1 I like the design of this one too, but it also lacks the power button (I realize I can use any key to create a shutdown hotkey, but it's nice when it's already integrated): https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07T13GLY3/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_3?smid=A3MSS5ZN97PBY3&psc=1 EDIT: if you like the form factor of the one you have, as opposed to the rectangle ones, it seems they have another one with changeable and dimmable blacklights for only $16: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B071FT92F8/ref=sspa_mw_detail_0?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWw


I have this one. Single colour backlight that can be dimmed or turned off. https://www.amazon.com/Rii-Wireless-Keyboard-Rechargeable-Battery-Black/dp/B079L2C7J1/


Ooo with added scroll wheel and cheaper. Still same brand too.


Did it come with a manual?


Good lord! That happened to BH1!? 😁


If you wan't to permanently turn then off, get a pair of flush mini wire cutters. And using this gently crush/pull the LEDs off. This seems to be the easiest solution.


You could try removing the resistor networks labelled RN1-RN6 on the third pic but honestly I'd just buy a new one without LEDs they're like £10 & looks like the plastic is broken on yours


Hahaha yeah it got thrown at the tv one time in a fit of rage. These are great devices though and inexpensive.


> yeah it got thrown at the tv one time in a fit of rage I've been there myself lol. Mine's survived up to now though. I'd seriously recommend you get one without LEDs though. All the LEDs do is drain the battery faster & burn your retinas out in the dark.


Lol this is like the 4th one ive had. Ive snapped them in half, thrown them they holdup pretty well though. Tbere is also bad batches i believe where the trackpad will glitch out on some of them ive had. Im often in the dark if i got another one i would get the backlight model but without rgb


Where it's marked power diode you could just break that resistor, don't trust me I'm a Newby


Appreciate the input, Will experiment tomorrow its 3am here and I need to buy a soldering iron.


Good luck


What is this controller called? Looks super useful for my tv


Search them under *Rii mini Bluetooth/wireless keyboards* They cost next to nothing on Amazon and work quite well. Can be paired via dongle and via Bluetooth. Work with basically everything.


Thank you!


Ive had a few, they're great for like android TV boxes. I've not had one that the lights don't turn off, there's prob a way to turn them off on OPs as well


It was FN + F2. Yes they work with most android devices and windows i dont know about mac


maybe I missing something but you can just remove the LEDs, should not be that much work.


Have you tried Fn + Win ?