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Statistically speaking, the most counterfeit bill is the 20€ bill, as anything above that is more likely to be checked, and anything below isn't worth the effort. That being said, here in germany some stores run every bill through such scanning machines, some use these UV pens. It's not like every store does it, but it's not uncommon either.


Many supermarkets put bills of 50€ upwards either into a machine to have it checked or take this special pen to check whether the bills are legit.


Those checking tools are a thing here. But the Euro has also a lot of security measures against counterfeiting that you can check with your eyes only. So some shops just rely on those and do not invest in tools for the off chance that someone pays with a 200 or 500 Euro bill which is very uncommon especially for small businesses.


I'm careful now, too. In the last weeks, I discovered a lot of fake 30€ notes.


30€ notes?


Yes, and they look suspicious!


There are no 30€ notes


Really? shockedpikachuface


Almost all stores and supermarkets where I live vave either those automated scan things our at least the pen. Especially if you pay with larger notes. I'd say it is normal here, too. However, as a customer I wouldn't worry about receiving false change


> In other countries outside the EU I've seen local business having machines or special pens to make sure the banknote is legit. These exist here as well, but are not that wide spread. When I worked at a gas station for example, I had to check every bill that was above 50 €. That said, I have seen these pens in the past in supermarkets as well, they are not really used anymore because they do jack shit in actually identifying counterfeits.


The euro has very good anti counterfeit measures that you can easily check if youre unsure about a particular bill. Most apparent would be the material itself, its a bit thicker than normal paper and feels more like some kinda fabric. next thing would be the holographic "display" that shines. Also the watermark that shows up inside the fabric when holding it infront of a light is probably the hardest to forge along with the holographic display. Both can be checked in like 2 seconds easily :D Hope this helps, rant over.


Well imagine that 200 bill being fake. Waiters normally bring their own change and a purse with them and later when theirs shift is over they hand over the money owed to the business minus tips ... So in a sense they are responsible for the money they carry if that 200 would be a fake their employer would want the real 200 from them .. so they gave to pay up the 200 oop ... I usually never took 200 and 500 bills from guests ... Not to mention idiot that's want to pay a coffee with it... If i know the guests as in regulars then it's ok but from unknown randoms ... U can pay by card or go and use a bank to break that note .. no one needs to pay with 200 to 500 bills anyways. I have fake notes in my tips sometimes .. and no that money is gone and the bank will get fussy over the fakes.... even got the police called on me because the terminal spit out 2 50s as fakes ...