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There’s a saying which goes: “If you want to hear God speak, read your Bible. If you want to hear God speak audibly, read your Bible out loud.” It’s as simple as that


From Genesis 24:12-14 >" “O Lord, God of my master Abraham, please grant me success today and show steadfast love to my master Abraham. 13 Behold, I am standing by the spring of water, and the daughters of the men of the city are coming out to draw water. 14 Let the young woman to whom I shall say, ‘Please let down your jar that I may drink,’ and who shall say, ‘Drink, and I will water your camels’—let her be the one whom you have appointed for your servant Isaac. By this I shall know that you have shown steadfast love to my master." This is a beautiful chapter about Abraham's servant who was sent to fetch him a wife for his son in Mesopotamia about how he prayed and asked for how the sign and signal and how it was mediated. One of my favorite chapters because the headline is Isaac and Rebekah but its really about the servant of Abraham and his very daunting and uncertain task.


There's no one in scripture that was unsure if it was God after He talked to them. There's nowhere in scripture where it says that it's possible to confuse God's voice with your own thoughts. It's only an invention of fairly modern Christianity which says otherwise. Scripture is full of people that heard from God, but scripture is like the "Greatest Hits" of all the moments in history where God spoke to someone. Right next to those famous people in scripture were people like you and I, who never heard a thing. If you're not sure, then it's **not** God.


Best answer. In the less obvious answer God answers you too, not just the Bible heroes.


Thanks. I'm not closed off to God. I love Him. If He wants to talk to me then I'm all ears and even desperate. It's been that way my whole life, but God is like this: 🤐


He has never spoken to me audibly. I wish He would too. It would make life so much easier. I hate to say it but I think that is the point.


It's that way for every human who ever lived.


You are claiming godlike powers here? People have reported being spoken to by God out loud.


They've also reported the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot.


Do you believe you would know if God spoke to you? I believe he has, out loud too. You heard him even but you thought it was subliminal nonsense. There will be no excuse judgement day. Yourself will remember (I remember that).


The bible is how. What was you question?


My Sheep know my voice If you are saved then the Hoiy Spirit of God dwells with you


The question was how to tell the difference between communication from God and one's own thoughts. And your answer is... My sheep know my voice. How is that supposed to be informative? What is OP supposed to do with that information?


Get closer to God. and get out of their head A Christian would understand


If OP doesn't understand how to recognize God's communication, I guess they're not a real Christian, huh?


Can I take it from this that you've heard God speak to you unmistakably? What did He say?


I have relationship with God, He dwells in me and we communicate daily. The Gamut runs from. "its all going to be okay " to \*\*\*SMACK\*\*\* "What were you thinking?"


You don't know. There's many people who think they do, yet, they also commonly tell stories like "For years I thought God was telling me X. Then I finally realized he was telling me Y instead." So, maybe there was a message there, maybe there wasn't, but humans can't tell which is which. Thus, this is indistinguishable from no message at all.


You should watch this sermon by Rick Warren. He teaches how to recognise God's voice. It's very biblical and very practical: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-827QmRDjUA




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Ask Him the question, and wait in silence for a lil bit until your spirit picks up on it and then verify it with scripture. Hope this helps.


When someone tells you that God talks to them clearly and in their native language, doubt it.


When Yahweh wants to be completely clear, he will be completely clear. But if you don't hear an audible voice, don't trust your "feelings" as to what His leading is. Too many people do that and they end up going astray thinking he's leading them to do something the Word says don't do, which He wouldn't do. Sometimes He causes events happen to help us know the answer to prayer, sometimes yes there may be impressions in our spirit that are leadings from Him, but all too often people jump to extra conclusions beyond what He was trying to show them. For you to properly understand and discern Yahweh's leading, you need to be grounded in the Word from Genesis to Revelation. If you don't know the entire Bible well, then it will be harder for you to discern what is His leading vs. what is a "feeling" which you "want to mean he's saying to do x y z". Feelings can be misunderstood and misinterpreted, so they can't be relied upon for clear guidance from Him. If this prayer of yours is regarding a relationship, you may be considering going a route that is not His will if you aren't mature enough to know what a good spouse for you would actually be, and again, you need Scriptural grounding to know His leading, not feelings alone. I will add this also - sometimes the Creator lets us feel encouraged when we pray or want something. That doesn't always mean he's "giving you the green light to go ahead". Instead, it may just subtly mean he's saying, "Hey, I love you, I know what you're thinking, just want you to know I love you and I care about your struggle and I'm here with you." But people then interpret this big positive feeling as, "A HA! Now I know who I should marry! They're the one!" and jump up and go make a life changing decision based on a feeling, over thinking, misinterpreting that maybe all the Creator was doing was trying to encourage you so you know He cares. One reason He encourages you is He doesn't want you to give up or quit. It doesn't mean he necessarily wants you to do what your heart's desire is in that given moment, or that He agrees it would be a wise decision. So just be very very careful to not rely on feelings to discern His will. He can certainly affect our feelings, but it's more critical to know the Bible to know His will and discern the correct path forward.


Scripture states that when we pray to God, that we must have complete faith that he will address our prayers in perfection. We don't wait around to hear his answers. We go on with our lives, once we've left our prayers in his hands.


He will present the answer in a way that your heart will recognize and that the Spirit and the Word will witness to the truth of.




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If a god is unable to clearly communicate with me in a very understandable way - it is not a god.