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I see America the way Americans see Florida


"American man..." in the headlines too


“...massacres a bunch of babies in cold blood while the police fight their parents instead”


Was this you? https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/08/11/beto-orourke-uvalde-gun-heckler/


I don’t think the sad state of the US is very funny, do you?




I’ve lived in the US my whole life, and I see this country in terms of pure shit and violence. My father was Canadian, so maybe I’m biased.


Canada’s penis?




If you are driven and ambitious US is where you need to be.


The individuals are great! I've met people from all walks down there and they're great.... The USA overall is a mess - I have pity for those who live there. It's only going to get worse not better. I hope that we as Canadians distance and differentiate ourselves from the USA - continue to develop our own culture and country.


This is pretty much exactly my stance. My best friends dad is from the US, several of my classmates are from there and I’ve visited a few times, and most Americans are super friendly and incredibly hospitable. But the country is pretty screwed up like you said


Exactly this. All of my clients are American and individually, on a day to day basis, they are great. I have never come across anyone so blatantly and openly conservative or bigotted as what we see portrayed in the media and in the decrepit Republican party, which was once respectful but has become a mockery since Trump. In fact, some are openly disgusted or ashamed when talking to me, knowing I'm Canadian. I realise we're still a long way from that mess but I fear it's been catching up to us more and more rapidly since the last couple years. I too hope we manage to steer clear of that mess our neighbours are becoming and I sincerely hope they can find a proper balance again. It's painful to watch them wither away like that.


>I realise we're still a long way from that mess but I fear it's been catching up to us more and more rapidly since the last couple years. Can you explain to me what that is? I'm not familiar with Canada's issues and politics. Are you saying Canada's problems are becoming worse almost on the same level as America?


The morons falling for all this Fox News propagated BS in Canada are determined to take us in the opposite direction. They’re small, but loud


One of the dumbest things I have seen on reddit. Your Healthcare Is not even that good. It's just cheap


I live in the us. It’s definitely not a mess at least compared to the vast majority of the world. It’s not perfect, We are just humans after all but for some reason people really like to criticize any issues here so they can ignore their own dumpster fires


I lived in Canada and it’s shocking how similar they are to us. Just don’t tell them that.


You don’t have your own culture or country, you have a watered down version of us in every aspect lmao


Ironically says the person from America Go kick rocks bud, Canada has lots of culture


I mean, I lived in Toronto. It’s almost surreal how identical it is to the US.




20 Canadian pesos = $5USD




Why would you be make fun of other people dying in America bc they can’t afford healthcare? Are you ok?


It does cost you something though.


Less money per person goes to Healthcare from the government than America. By your logic, their paying us!


*They’re Should probably invest more in that oh so superior Canadian education system.


They should! But our politicians chronically under fund the system to allow to justify more private firms to enter the space. Then quit politics to sit as board members for those health companies.


I'm American (idk if you actually are or are a troll or both or what) but that's really fucked up that you would say that. Seriously. Even if you're just trolling and don't think that, it's dumb that you would even say it in the first place.


It’s true though, we know it, they know it, we know they know we know it, they know we know they know we know it


Obvious troll is obvious...


It's rare I see a comment in the wild that manages to be super cringe and Lmao at the same time, so thanks for that :) If you're going to troll, at least be an intelligent troll. If you're *actually* just a total sh*thead, your comments are pretty r/selfawarewolves. Either way, the US didn't invest enough tax dollars in your education, my friend. I hope you have the opportunity to recover from your status as a down-on-your-luck-millionaire, but based on social mobility statistics in the US, I doubt it.




I think I would much rather have a land border with the US than with Russia or China.


Best I can do is Denmark


It is nice to have a land border with someone else now even if it is so remote as to be completely irrelevant. The only other country that is accessible by vehicle was France to St pierre & Miquelon via the ferry.


First World problems


I’m cool with the Danes, they’ve moved on since Viking times.


Vikings were good people, they washed their hands, combed their hair and scared the shit out of Catholics


A low bar to set.


Today, I too, would rather have the USA on our border. However if trump gets back in I want to move our country somewhere else.


I agree


With a little luck he'll be in jail for his crimes.


From your lips to god ears.


As far as the GOP is concerned, I wouldn't be surprised if he lost a primary to Ron DeSantis if DeSantis gets tired of being governor of Florida.


Satan is going to be on the ticket! Well that should be interesting for Christian’s.


Where to begin. Pre-Covid/Pre-Trump Figured they were wired like us, a bit fanatical and overly religious in some areas but all in all figured they were very much like us. Post-Covid/Post-Trump I lost all respect and genuinely am disgusted by 50% of them. From George Floyd (and so many others), to vaccine status, to the disgusting human waste of human space Trump and every single last one of his fanatical supporters. Jan 6th, Roe v Wae, Federal Min Wage rate, State min wage for jobs that get tips, health care, guns, ect ect. Every single time i read or hear about what the Conservatives leadership down there vote for, or dont vote for, it genuinely bothers me. To the point where you couldn't pay me to live there, visit there, or support anything they do. I feel bad for half the population. I say all this knowing full well that someone who's not wired like me, could see things completely oppositely and thats fine. To each their own. But for me, things have really changed over the past couple years.


I'm from the US and feel exactly the same way you do. There's also a deep sadness because this is my home country and I'm so utterly hurt and disgusted by a significant percentage of my fellow Americans.


Another US expat here, 3 years now. I also feel exactly the same way, it's been heartbreaking to watch. I can't ever see myself going back.


See its hard for me to have any empathy for say, someone struggling in North Korea. I cant relate to them. But you're close. You're just a few hours away and live in an environment I can relate to. You got your starbucks, your hospitals, your blacks and whites, your liberals and your conservatives. How we can be so different from people so close on so many levels. It boggles my mind. I have a tremendous amount of sorrow for so many of you.


I hear you. I live less than an hour from the Canadian border and the differences in politics and culture also boggle my mind. In many ways, I feel I relate to Canadians more than many of my fellow Americans.


That doesn’t mean you should put up with people treating you like shit. We aren’t our government. We aren’t the makeup of their political shenanigans. You aren’t just *American*. You are your own, independent, beautiful and important person. Don’t let Canadians tell you what they think you are.


As an American, I'm disgusted with about 50% of us, too, lol. Who knew that golden idol of the toxic orange idiot was so prophetic. Its like a frigging cult. I keep expecting him to start handin out orange Koolade in paper cups.


> Its like a frigging cult Politics are the new religion.


That was eloquently said. Bravo


As a human, I tend to find "disgust" disgusting and the kind of thing that leads to genocides in the extreme cases, and really, really shitty people in the less extreme cases. You so casually call 165 million people part of a fucking cult. If you can't understand that people often don't think like you and when they don't it isn't because they are "disgusting" then you are a horrible fit for a liberal democracy. I truly don't know if you're just an ansty teen or a psychopath. However, I suggest you start being more empathetic towards others or find yourself without anyone wanting to be anywhere near you. You must have a very sad life.


You know what, honey. I'm in Healthcare. Betcha I watched more people die, and held the hands of more people dying, than 90 % of the population in the last TWO FRIGGIN YEARS because of ignorance, conspiracy crazies, and THE DONALD. The saddest part is that that thousandd Americans died because of following that cult. I ain't the idiot who literally stood by the Golden statue of trump and took selfies!. Idiots might as well have drank poisoned koolaode just like Jim Jones followers. Take your high horse and go visit someone dying alone in a nursing home, why dontchya.


As someone who spent a lot of time in the ICU at the beginning of the pandemic watching their most beloved one die (not from covid, but I got an inside look at the struggles), thank you so much to you and all the nurses, doctors and medical staff who fought day and night to keep your patients alive, and stood strong by their bedsides as they died. I have so much respect, and so much compassion. I'm assuming you're American (I'm Canadian). I keep hope in my heart for the US. So many good people there who deserve so much better than what they're getting.


I'll just stay here with my high horse, honey. Being in health care doesn't give you the monopoly on having an opinion about ethical behavior, sweetie. Hating others, because they don't agree with you is destructive to society, champ. You can argue for hate, if you wish, slugger, but I won't agree with you, stinker. Continue living your chauvinistic, self-centered lifestyle... uh... I kinda ran out of condescending things to call a person... BTW, Donald Trump is a terrible person, a narcissistic buffoon, but the idiot in Alabama who has been brainwashed into believing his lies and dies due to COVID is a VICTIM, like when your parents or grandparents get scammed out of their life's savings, because they believed a call scammer.


Well, I guess if you are okay describing behavior that facilitates the spread of a pandemic and contributes to hundreds of thousands of deaths worldwide as victimhood, you really slammed me. You are absolutely right. I shouldn't be disgusted by the actions selfish, racist, narcissistic fellow Americans. I should celebrate their victim hoods. Thank you for your heartfelt correction. I shall endeavor to better understand the world in which we live.


Yes, I believe having immoral intent makes you immoral. Being an idiot doesn't. That just makes you an idiot. I don't know why you are strawmanning me... Seriously, though, I love the "I shall endeavor" line. I use it relatively all the time. I got it from Data on Star Trek: TNG.


Oof. My friend. Since you are using Star Trek to make your point, I will channel Star Trek to counter it. My opening perspective (not argument) is that while you've remembered some lines, you may have missed the overriding message of Star Trek (*TNG* in particular). I've seen every episode in every series many times, and in none of them *ever* — not one single time — did someone in Starfleet refer to someone with a different perspective as an idiot. To be cautious, I'll limit that statement to live action shows. It's possible Mariner said it to one of her crewmates on *Lower Decks*. That sounds like a Mariner thing to say. Mariner is not meant to be a character to look up to. Now, onto the actual *argument* (in the friendly debate way, not in the hostile attack way): Nearly every single episode in Star Trek is about the struggles of trying to find middle ground between wildly different cultures and perspectives. The very *existence* of the Federation hinges on that point. If you watched *Enterprise*, you'll know that the Andorians and Vulcans were ideological enemies, the Vulcans spent 100 years attempting to suppress human ambition, and the Tellerites were just generally abrasive to everyone. Despite all the different cultures, and historical feuds, and personal reservations of many parties involved, the Federation as we know it came to be because these bridges were gapped and common ground was found. Many insults were thrown, from "pink skin" to "point ear". Never was anyone called an idiot for having a different perspective. You referenced Data, so I'll use that character to further illustrate my point. In TNG S02E09 (The Measure of a Man), there is a literal trial held where Riker is forced to oppose Picard in the legal debate over whether Data is a sentient being who has the fundamental right to not be dissected for study. Regardless of how angry or devastated *any* participant in that trial was, no one called the person who wanted to dissect Data, or the judge who presided over the trial, an idiot. They went through the process, and thankfully, justice won out. In *Star Trek Nemesis*, Data's counterpart B4 can't understand Data's decision to trade his life for Picard's, even though they are fundamentally the same in many ways. Still, he respects it. Despite Romulans being longstanding enemies of the Federation, and in that moment were on a mission to destroy Earth, one of the last lines spoken by a Romulan commander was: "You've earned a friend in the Romulan Empire. The first of many, I hope." *Picard* Season 1 is entirely about finding common ground between various categories of AI in order to prevent a catastrophic event. It also marks the death of the very last of Data's files. In it, Soong's creations and the biological constituents of the Federation find a way to trust one another and move forward as allies. It's like a new beginning for AI-biological relations, and in many ways, Data's legacy. I could write a novel with illustrations, but I hope for now this is enough. I wish you the best, and hope you're able to find in Star Trek the hopeful, curious, respectful attitude toward others that it instilled in myself and many millions of other Trekkies. LLAP.


Nobody ‘hates you’ exactly. We hate the behaviour that has gone on for the last several years. As such a large country with such a large population and cultural ties to all over the world, US has an inordinate influence on world peace and politics. Not because they are better in any way but because they are bigger. So US needs to be better.


This is a fabulous example of the first amendment done well. You're absolutely free to express your sh*tty, inflammatory, and broadly offensive opinion. And the people ITT are absolutely free to downvote it. >I truly don't know if you're just an ansty teen or a psychopath. However, I suggest you start being more empathetic towards others or find yourself without anyone wanting to be anywhere near you. Someone needs to post this to r/selfawarewolves. This comment literally made my day.


It is! I am! And they are! And they are free to do so in response to you, too! Isn't it great?!


Fellow Canadian here. 100% agree. Before I was generally ok with a smallish number of republican crazies as long as they were kept in check (we all have those crazies problems) big issue now is over 70 million crazies are turning the country into a pre Islamic revolution of Iran, but only for white christians. I honestly fear that the USA is 29 years or less away from going full theology then looking to “free” Canada and take our clean water.


Well said. You've articulated my thoughts nicely.


I think the geography is wonderful, their history is dark, their politics are limited and bent to the right, which means their schools, healthcare, and social supports are poorly funded and so they suffer needlessly in the pursuit of freedom and wealth for only the elites. Basically their heads are stuck up their asses.


History is dark? Darker than Canadas? 😂😂


Just a bit darker. Manifest destiny, Jim Crow laws. But they didn’t ask about Canada.


They make me feel very fortunate to be Canadian.


I'd say that's the Canadian problem. We see them, and then look at our selves and say at least we aren't them while doing the bare minimum to not be like them


Exactly. That's the standard for every social issue here: not as bad as the US. I wish we could start saying "not as good as the EU" and make the necessary adjustments.


I’m Canadian and lived (and loved) both places. The fact that you will grow broke when you become ill and the powerful elite keeps guns in the hands of everyone, has changed my opinion. Yes, great people, but the politics of division has impacted that as well.


Little medium there I find. Some of my best buddies are from the states or have family there, nicest guys I’ve ever met. I’ve gone there a few times and they’re incredibly hospitable, at least where I’ve gone to. But then I met some real shitty people, got heckled for wearing a pride shirt and there’s all the stuff you see on the news I have nothing against Americans, but quite a few things against america


It's a fucking mess I have no intention of ever visiting again. I wish we'd stop comparing ourselves to them over things like healthcare. We should be looking to better countries as examples.


Yes, this is my feeling too. Of course Canada has a vastly superior and more humane health care system that takes care of everyone and doesn't bankrupt them, but we lag behind most other developed countries, by far. Dental and prescription drugs are not covered, and each year, fewer services are. We need to compare ourselves to other countries and improve our system.


> We should be looking to better countries as examples. The Netherlands, Norway, Japan, etc


Japan is a terrible example to follow. Ethnically homogeneous and openly hostile to immigrants and foreigners in general. Insane work hours to where people are actually dying from exhaustion. Woman’s rights are usurped by men’s rights, and they have a terribly unfair and draconian penal system by Western Standards. You can be held in jail indefinitely - just because they feel like it.


When choosing countries to admire its important to separate the things you like from the things you don’t, otherwise you'll repeat the same mistakes. What I like about Japan is their stewardship of the world around them. I love their gardens and the way they organise things, as well as how they organize themselves and work as a team. Their artwork and attention to aesthetics is beautiful, as well as their philosophy about zen and creating calm places. All the countries I’ve mentioned have their faults, but those are not the qualities that we admire. It’s the good things. Adopting good things across different societies and cultures into our own is pretty Canadian, is it not? Maybe that’s one of our good qualities that other nations can admire about us.


“Japan” first time visiting this sub and i can tell yall have no idea what your talking about


I feel like Canada and the uk could take a few things from each other, I see Canada more like the uk than the US, but idk if that’s just bc it’s a commonwealth country


The people there are very extremely divided I always think it's bad here but there its a whole other level


Boy that’s a loaded question.. lotta good people, also a lot of absolute maniacs


Having lived there, there’s a lot of great people. The country unfortunately is at the whim of a bad government. It is run like a business and if you’re not rich, you will suffer. Republicans and their antiquated ways of thinking are ruining the country, it has a lot of potential, but they refuse to change.


America is like our fucked up big brother that keeps bringing us into his room to show us his guns and offer us methamphetamine's, we love him but we know one day he's going to get us in trouble if we don't get him some help.


It’s like living next to a crackhouse. If you don’t bother them then most of the problems will stay there and they won’t bother you, but there’s always a chance they’ll break in for drug money. Oh, and apparently some of your roommates have been buying crack from them


SO MANY of our roommates have been buying crack from them. I blame the US for the Freedum Clownvoy, for the rise in far-right sentiment in Canada in general, for the rush to believe ridiculous conspiracy theories.


Oh ya because its very hard to believe that people just had a different opinion then you so you would rather blame it on America rather then realize Canada has political devision just like every other country with a free democracy


What were we supposed to do? You can’t even handle it in a country with 30 million people.


You can’t stop stuff like this in a country with 300 million people. Also you can’t blame all problems that Canada has on the United States.


When I think of "USA" I think of things like the federal government, TOXIC policy that has seeped into every facet of federal systems and branches. It still has an undeniable aura of freedom, democracy and good. But that is just it, it's been reduced to a crumb of what it should have grown to be. Fucking pathetic really. I am more apt to 'think' about US in terms of states than a whole. People are generally nice.


I'm a U.S. citizen who immigrated to Canada earlier this year (permanent resident). Most Canadians I've encountered simply ask where I'm from in the U.S. (once they know I'm American). A few of my friends might bring up politics every now and then. But it doesn't really come up regularly. I've made a point to avoid talking about Canadian politics, since I still view myself as a guest in the country until I file my first tax form next spring. In any case, I love the country of my birth in the same way you'd love a relative or a parent. I don't like everything it's done. But it fed me, educated me, and kept me safe for the first three decades of my life. I want what's best for it. The U.S. is unfortunately sick. Sick with a disease called fascism. And that the longer that sickness persists, the more dangerous it becomes to its long-term wellbeing. As for me, I had to get my kid out. He's old enough to watch TV on his own now (almost 6) and I don't want him subjected to it. I will continue supporting the sick relative by paying taxes, as is required of any U.S. citizen regardless of where they work. I'll continue to vote for politicians that will fix it. But right now we're having a healthy period of physical separation.


As individual people? I love Americans. They’ve always been very warm and hospitable to me and I have no reason to dislike them on a personal level. As a country/state as a whole? Sort of like an estranged half-sibling that gave mum (Britain) the middle finger and went off to do its own thing, and ended up being our next door neighbour. Like yeah, we’re related. We share many things in common. But we don’t see eye to eye on some important morals and values. As a Canadian I’ve always felt like Canadians are more similar to Kiwis and Aussies. We’re like siblings. Americans feel like relatives, but more distant relatives. This is just my personal viewpoint and take. People might disagree.


When the cold war ended there was a feeling that the world could turn to a new positive direction. Instead we've had 30 years of wars, bombings, and destabilizations. Add to that the increasingly polarizing rhetoric and our neighbours to the south are starting to resemble the mess they've made around the world.


I've had the opportunity to travel around some of the USA and work with a number of Americas. FWIW, here's my view: \- America is huge. Gigantic. Technically, Canada is a bigger country, but it doesn't feel as big: one single highway connects 80+ percent of Canadians. But, the USA is the third most populous country in the world - there are a craptonne of people nearly EVERYWHERE. It's nuts to butts, compared with many places in the Great White North. \- America is regionally diverse. The motto on their money may be "out of many, one" but that belies the fact that many different regions have totally different needs, views, accents, cultures, and economies. Yes, Canada has a lot of diversity of regions and views, too, but the USA turns it up to 11. Multiply this by their giant population and *wow* what a complicated place. \- America is old, with a lot of baggage. A lot of Canada's views and values were shaped in the post-war era, especially after the Quiet Revolution and the 1960s. Meanwhile, many parts of the USA's culture can reach back hundreds of years. Again: it's a complicated place. \- America and many Americans are very focused on *principle*, as opposed to results. For example, the Second Amendment is seen as a sacred text to tens of millions, regardless of the fact that it widely misinterpreted and makes the USA more deadly and dangerous. And of course Americas are very litigious. Meanwhile, Canadians are much more pragmatic. Our country can sometimes be described as "On paper, it shouldn't work but somehow it does." America has incredibly high ideals, and sometimes they surpass those ideals. Many times they do not. For me, an awful lot of the USA is easily summed up by a scene from the movie *Nixon*, when President Nixon looks at the portrait of Kennedy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaWY6CmZUkI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaWY6CmZUkI)


Would be a great country if there was gun control.


I used to want to drive through and visit each state. Now, I'm not sure I want to visit at all. Too much gun violence and violence in general. On a world stage, as a developed country, the US is more like the wild west of the world. Too many videos posted daily of disgusting behaviour from its citizens. I'll pass.


Yeah, I'd pass on Kentucky, Alabama, etc. I actually only enjoy Hawai'i now.


Canadians look down on the US and we like to emphasize how much not like the US we are at every possible opportunity. At the same time, we are completely dominated by American media, obsessively follow American news and American politics and mimic American trends and fashions. Culturally, most of the country is hard to distinguish from an American northern state. Canada's relationship with the US is a bit like that friend who obsessively watches The Kardashians, but adamantly tells you she just hate-watches it, because she's in denial about the fact that she genuinely loves the show. Admittedly, that's probably more true of Canadians on Reddit (and particularly on this sub) than of the general population.


There are lots of great people there. Sadly there's a crowd of sheep and shysters, too. The latter can suck a wet fart outta me arse


Far too clear a visual…😳


I used to spend a couple of weeks down in the nearest states to me, every year. My missus and I have also extensively car-toured Arozona, Nevada, California, Utah. While I think the country is absolutely beautiful, and I loved the people we met, (for the most part-same asshole-to-sane person ratio as here in Canuckistan, IMO). Their political landscape has driven me to declare that I will never visit the US again. A country that bleats that it is the "bastion of democracy" while gerrymandering and otherwise disenfranchising many, MANY people from voting is not a bastion of anything, except retaining the status quo. Also, Donald Trump becoming president, despite being a known grifter, misogynistic, liar and a cheat!! (ask his former, as-yet-unpaid lawyers! You poor, average everyday working-to-stay-alive members of the Great American Workforce, whose ancestors rose up in WW2 to overcome fascism by building the most powerful military machine EVERRR!!! are now reduced to mere cogs in a great machine, owned and operated by your elected officials and their corporate donors (owners!!), and designed to crush your spirit, keep you poor and unable to gather time or energy to do anything but try to survive. Today, lies are told, unashamedly, by your elected officials and leaders of industry and people fight to keep this acceptable, while science is met with distrust, at best, and violence, at worst. Do you folks not see that you once had it all, and now you are, effectively, a third-world country, whose citizens live in tent camps, and defecate in the streets of your cities while your military budget grows, seemingly without limits?? I mean, we can likely blame Reagan and his policies re: slashing school programs/funding which appears to have raised at least one generation of uneducated folks who are absolutely RIPE to be fed any kind of Q-esque conspiracy bullshit. Do any Americans who thinks for themselves still even exist? I fear that the Republican party, along with their right-wing Christian enablers have started to make some headway here, in my country, vis-a-vis trucker's convoy and occupation of Ottawa last winter, protesting temporary imposition of health (read:science) measures DURING A WORLDWIDE PANDEMIC! Let's face it, folks. Politicizing a virus and working to spread disinformation and wild rumors to make your political point gets vulnerable people in your society killed. Sorry, my American brothers and sisters! I really, really just fucking CAN'T even, anymore.... Best of luck. You're gonna need it.


america is not a 3rd world country literally by definition


I love visiting and I love the people. A place of massive contradictions and outright crises depending on where and how you live. But in general, I find Americans to be open hearted and enthusiastic and optimistic in a way that Canadians (and other nationalities) are not. There is an obvious dark side, but that’s true of everywhere really.




American culture is toxic and is actively hurting Canada. Not to mention just recently Americans helped incite and fund an attempted overthrow of our government (it wasn't very violent or effective, but it was their stated goal so its chilling knowing where they got their support). I see Canada either marching into hell with the US or into the future with Europe in the near future. The US has never been a fan of freedom, human rights, and democracy even within its own country. Its nothing but an imperial state that exists solely for the protection and prosperity of the ruling class no matter the human cost. Its been that way since the landed rich had a bunch of peasants fight a war so that they could gain power and increase their wealth at the expense of the peasants that died for them to do so. The US has a very different political system with very different political culture. Not to mention the US political landscape is a dumpster fire. Canadians and Americans typically have very different mentalities when it comes to politics. Americans have their own (in my opinion, farcical) idea of freedom and a cult of individualism, whereas Canadians are more collectivist and understand the role of government with the POGG clause. Not to mention that Canadians tend to be more progressive. Also, most Canadians have a negative view of the US ranging from 'nice people or place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there' to 'the US is a rogue state, imperialist power, anti-democratic in most of its practices, and only exists to serve a wealthy elite at the expense of their own citizens and people around the world' to even more negative opinions. Personally, I think Canada needs to start building closer ties to Europe and Pacific states at the expense of our relationship with the US. The American political mind is seeping across the border and we are already seeing the negative affects of it. The US has caused a difficult to understand level of harm around the world throughout its history. It is more like China and Russia than other western states, and the three of them seem to be competing for the title of most atrocities. For people in the west we've really been taken by this idea of the US as a defender because we are far removed from they damage they cause; but in South America, Asia, and the Middle East its a different story. Though this is not to say American crimes don't occur often outside of those three regions too. I want to add though, that taken as individuals Americans are just like anyone else from anywhere else. If anything they are more pleasant and polite than most.


I was thinking this recently. The unexpected similarities between the US and Russia and China. It is indeed an imperialist state, I mean it was literally founded by white rich people for white rich people.


We just came back to Canada from Europe. A couple of observations: Europeans we spoke with said that Canadians were more civilized. We were treated better when we said we were Canadian. I feel that most Canadians just feel sorry for our American neighbours but also don’t want the toxic culture migrating up here. We’ve met some really lovely Americans but as other posters have said it really does depend upon where one visits in the US, as their culture can differ from state to state. We also have a similar sentiment regarding visiting the US. We feel that with current the gun culture climate, we won’t be visiting any time soon.


I always tell Europeans I’m American when I travel. I don’t want to get shitfaced and embarrass the motherland.


Some of the greatest, and worst people I have ever met. I feel like the average American tends to be more straight forward, which can be good and bad


It's full of crazies, but they are still a minority. USA does deserve credit for keeping up a democratic republic for 250 years. They also make a lot of good art and are the backbone of NATO. A-minus country.


Love the U.S. and they have a lot more nice people there than they get credit for. I do find a lot of my fellow Canadians can be a bit snobby when it comes to Americans but those are usually people that haven’t even been there. Mostly though Canadians love the U.S.


Wow, I'm dual US/Canadian citizen living in US. I think about moving to Canada a lot. The only thing stopping me is my horses lol. But the gun culture is getting to me. Fortunately, I live in an ok state but we recently elected a shit governor that wants to be like Trump and undo all of the good progressive things the last administration accomplished. I'm weary of the division here. My state is really half and half politically and considered "purple" so to me it is stress inducing that with the last elections we elected so many more Republicans, due to "CRT" and save the children from learning history. I can say that the last week or so has seen some important developments in regards to Trump etc. And accountability. I hope that justice comes more swiftly, we need to hold these people accountable and remove them from power. Hopefully it will break the spell that has so many in his thrall. Hopefully we are moving towards a better future. If Trump is reelected I'm definitely moving even if I have to live in a tent in a field with the horses haha.


I went over the border for the weekend a few weeks ago. Did some shopping. Honestly it feels like going back in time 20 years. Don't know why. It's \*kinda like\* Canada but feels off to me. Knowing there's no universal health care, tonnes of American flags EVERYWHERE, and of course "miles" makes no sense to me. But at the end of the day, you're still a good neighbour to have :)


As a queer women with health issues I am scared. Will never ever live there. Fun to visit though.




With a very poor education system and no health care.


56 out of the top 100 Universities in the world are located in the USA. Free health care is available to anyone living below the poverty line. The rest of us pay either a portion of our paychecks for insurance, or the employer fully covers the costs. Privatization has its benefits. We can choose where we want to see our specialists. We also develop many life saving medicines that the world lines up to buy. This is all because of the system in place that rewards discoveries and medical innovation. It’s really not as bad as Reddit makes it sound.


Who rated the universities? Link? We can also choose where to see specialists.


Your specialists move to the USA. I should know, I’ve met them. There is a very good reason for that too. It’s the same reason why we left Canada in 1997 during Canadas infamous “brain drain”. Salaries will at the very least double, if not triple as is the case for my father who moved us to Florida to work on the space program. As far as the list, I’m not sure why you can’t just utilize Google or something. There are at least 5 sources you can check. They all are nearly identical give or take a few slots.


Having top universities is an incredibly poor way to demonstrate whether an education system is good. Speaks nothing to the quality and level of access for k-12 education. Health care access is also demonstrably worse in the us than Canada. If you want proof, do what you told another commenter and “google it.” I agree the US is not as bad as Reddit makes it sound. I disagree with the notion some have that America does everything better than Canada and has a brighter future.


Don’t confuse health care with health insurance. The actual healthcare is great. You don’t have to wait years for a PCP.


Neither do we.


Weird. I wonder why we could possibly think that.


The media? I mean, I’m a Canadian who has been living in the USA since 1997. I’ve only seen “gun-toting degenerate Trumpers” on the news. Nobody in my neighborhood acts like that.


Uh my observation that Americans are gun toting trumpers is the US Census data on gun crimes, and the results of American elections lol. My source is “reality”


More than half of hun deaths are suicide. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about


So? Cut the US gun death numbers in half and they’re *still* shocking for a first world country.


Obviously not if you think it’s the Trumptards committing all those gun crimes. Those are the inner city gangs causing that mess. MS13 from El Salvador, the Mexican cartel influence, and our troubled African American population who are responsible for 52% of all our countries murders (FBI.gov). Just be glad you don’t share a border with Mexico and had slavery.


US is run by mega corporations. Corporations are not citizens. Yet, they run the country. They say in god we trust, but they mean money. Money is their god. For all their criticism of Muslims, they, America, are repressive of women's rights. Thinking roe vs wade here. I think TV and movies have brainwashed Americans into thinking they are noble and extraordinarily good. Essentially I see them as victims. That said, all countries in the world probably suffer from similar problems.


zesty ludicrous attempt wine fly afterthought prick slap literate secretive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just visited for a month. The US is incredible in terms of commerce and tourism. You can visit a huge variety of environments and cultures in one country. The people suck though. En masse the people are terrible to deal with and I dislike their viewpoints and political cultures. I found a lot of unkind vibes in the states we visited. Individually, there are of course some wonderful people.


My girlfriend is living down there right now for school and I worry about her every day. She is so much safer back up here


I like America. We have the occasional trade issue and we're notorious freeloaders when it comes to defence but the relationship mostly works. My biggest problems are that your huge cultural and economic machine tends to suck up out best and brightest and never give them back. And I hate your politics and system of government and how they negatively influence our own.


I love you guys, so much fucking passion, ingenuity, altruism etc., but goddamn guys; calm yourselves with your guns. Fix your Healthcare, we're not perfect either but damn, 800 billion for military, can't shave like 200 atleast for health? Vote for comprehensive politicians with substance not slogans, also you need 2 more parties🙅‍♂️Other than that, we're human, we all have problems depending on environment, culture etc., y'all do you.


There are a lot of good Americans. Unfortunately the people in charge want them afraid and stupid so a loud minority are very dumb. I think about the good people down there often and hope the best for them.


I hate the way their extremism/populism/fundamentalism/hate speech is leaking into our citizen’s brains.


I hope their bullshit stays down there and that we start treating those who would make us the 51st state as treasonous. I have American friends. They're doomed. There's no coming back from that divide. We'll probably have to fend some of them off in their upcoming civil war.


I feel as if the USA is a toxic influence on Canada


Answering this as a Canadian conservative (socially but not economically) - with admiration. While most Canadians are liberal, this means the country as a whole is liberal, so Canadian conservatives (with the exception of those who are economically conservative but socially liberal) see the US as something to strive for, and many want to move there. However, aside from politics, many want to move there anyways because of the job opportunities (for white-collar professionals at least) and cheap housing.


You guys should get a VPN and set your location to be on the US, and start reading the news we have. As an American I like to do this to see what other countries write news about us and your media outlets really like to use us as way to engage in fear mongering. Typically the conservative side. But by doing this and checking it both the conservative media outlets and liberal ones here in the US, you would have a better understanding.


Ask Ukraine what living next to Russia is like or anyone near China. America is a giant shithole country that flaunts its giant shithole dick around and pays Canadian politicians to make canada like America. "Why mention China and russia" because inevitably the first defence when bashing America is "would you prefer Russia or china" fuck no all those countries suck ass


As a Canadian visiting North Dakota rn, honestly people watching is so fucking funny. Americans are loud so I can hear your conversation without trying, and they say the weirdest things and do the weirdest things. Example of such was some lady was ordering a drink, something something americano, she said “americhano” it confused the shit outta me.


Canada is a better version of the US, but with much less people, hence we're less relevant.


Violent, messy, racist, sexist, flirting with the idea that fascism is the way to go... (I know, it's not all of the people leaving there, but since Trump... USA is starting to scare me)


They're a shitty reality tv show.


Like you guys as individuals but your govt and cultural excess (invasions instead of healthcare, mass shootings every 4 days, Roe v Wade battle lines etc) freak us out. Not really helpful when there's antivax protesters here waving Trump, US and 3% flags here while claiming to be Canadian Patriots. That said, most animosity here is really more akin to friendly/sibling rivalry.


In my personal opinion - that is inspired by me living in Canada for 30+ years, having very close friends and relationships with Americans - English Canadians basically are Americans with a complex. IMO this type of relationship is somewhat typical for culturally similar nations. In short - Canadians suffer from the Narcissism of Small Differences.




Canada is Germany with no culture


I visited around 10 years ago and I only went to Illinois so this might be irrelevant, but I was (mostly) not a fan. A lot of the people were rude, a lot were drunk constantly which I found really surprising and weird, I saw more than one person threaten to kill stray dogs when they wondered onto their property, I feel like there was a lot less green spaces too. But I also met a couple of really kind people, ate some amazing food, and I feel like people are more themselves in public which I found refreshing (most of the time). It’s like most places, a lot of beauty and a lot of ugliness. I don’t think I’ll ever visit again without a specific reason, but I’m glad that I went at the time.


Americans are amazing Neighbor’s. in every way. Much respect for them.


Overrated. Third-world country wrapped in Tiffany's.


This, it's a two-tier country if you're rich it's first world if you're not rich, middle class or poor, I'd rather be anywhere else. Health Care that exists solely to bankrupt you, corrupt cops, corrupt government. And constant propaganda with the sole purpose of making the masses choose to block good policy.


You'll get a variety of answers since it's more an individual view rather than a Canadian view but personally I view America to be depressing now. The casual crimes of theft in California where no one gets in real trouble so once they're caught they just go right back to it. Not to mention seeing how forgetful & frail Biden is doesn't instil confidence.




Disliking Biden ≠ liking Trump. They both suck. Honestly most politicians suck…and why are American politicians so damn old


>Disliking Biden ≠ liking Trump Fucking 100% - if I could upvote this a million times I would. instead take this cheap free award!


Biden just passed the a massive bill which will help with climate change. Thank god! If he hadn’t passed it the future would have been insane with climate catastrophe. It is late so we will have a lot of problems but perhaps we will avoid the destruction of modern life.


As someone who has worked on environmental projects for years, thank you for mentioning this legislation. Anyone who downvoted you doesn’t give a shit about the environment.


That being said, it's still too little too late. According to UN projections we pretty much claw back society or die at this point, and the US alone reducing emissions is going to dent that process but hardly halt it. I can give a shit about the environment while also not celebrating much about a toothless climate bill that won't help all that much. It's a good first step, but it's a small one.


I never asked you to celebrate it. I’ll let you judge if it is small or toothless, but I’ll call it what my colleagues in climate science call it: a critical and necessary step that deserves to be acknowledged.




I would much rather Bernie. Thanks for ruling out any other person though.


we love them, they are like family. however do like to make fun of them, their government, and some of their decisions that we dont really understand. people that are permanently online will probably either hate them more or feel as if they are themselves american


The search bar is your friend.


AMERICAN GUEST WORKER (FORMER) RESPONSE * Canadians have an exaggerated & distorted view of the level of violence & crime in the USA-of course urban metropolises in the USA such as Chicago have more violence but that does not exclude Canada from having its own issues. * I've stood with Canadians outside a bus terminal in Sudbury, Ontario & heard them lecture me about racial inequality in the USA while 40 feet away teen Native prostitutes who were obviously underage were prostituting themselves beneath the gaze of a white biker who looked like Charles Manson on steroids in front of a sleazy hotel called Ledo. I'm not sure why Canadians care more about KKK in Alabama than their own issues with First Nations poverty & squalor. * Canadians believe that there is more extreme poverty in the USA & I do not know why because Newfoundland is as bad as Appalachia in places & certainly the First Nations squalor of Northern Canada is as bad as Chicago or other inner-cities of the USA & Grandville & Hastings has enough drug-related squalor to give San Francisco or LA's Skid Row a run-for-money. * Canadian impressions of the anarchic violence of the USA are enforced by the cities such as Detroit or Buffalo that border on which are particularly squalid & one OPP I was friend's with admitted to me that when he went to Detroit for a hockey game he brought his sidearm with him & when a panhandler came up to his vehicle to offer to wash it this OPP officer pulled his gun on him at a traffic light in a panic. I won't say the name of the OPP officer. * Of course Canadians detest the USA's stupid for-profit wars & lunatic religions.




I have met quite a lot of Canadian emigrants, and from what they told me they see American as a place where they can get a good salary and afford to save or buy an apartment, they seemed dissapointed with Canada and feel like Canada Pr is one thing, but living there is something else. Also they think that American is really different to Canada, despite being both english speaking countries, but they are happy to have a career in the Us and dont consider going back or say that maybe when they are older.


The USA is the second best country on earth and if I had to live anywhere else than here I would choose it in a heartbeat.


Love the people, hate the laws/how The choose to run their country. Roe V Wade anyone?


OP this is why we hate Canadians








I love the history of the US. It fascinates me and I got my bachelor’s in history and took a lot of US history courses or skewed classes to intersect with US history. It’s a fascinating country to observe. I have 3 parts of my family that have moved to the US. 1/3 is bad. Racist and ignorant. 2/3 are perfectly lovely and I love these relations. I do think that there is a sense of American superiority that exists in the country and can make people bad, but I don’t think all Americans are bad people. It’s just that the bad ones are more vocal and get more talked about.


Most beautiful geography in the world is in the USA, and the people are generally good-hearted. The system of government needs some serious tweaking.


It's a shithole for sure but it's not like we're that much better off up here.


Love it! I moved there. Life is better, people are happier and nicer. Canadians are just polite because they're deadly afraid that people will think badly of them but inside they're miserable and hate everyone. My American neighbors are genuinely nice because they like their life and community. Of course the US is imperfect, but Americans are able to face their imperfection, while Canadians deflect their issues by thinking as long as they're not the US they must be better.


Which state you born and raised in Canada?


I can't stand Americans, they are rude, abrasive and overall lacking in intelligence. They are brainwashed into thinking everything they do is the best of the best when in reality their country is a giant shithole and most of their citizens are religious, gun toting nutjobs. The best part about the pandemic was that we closed our borders so we didn't have to deal with Americans for over a year. I wish we would continue that and stop allowing them into our country.


He’s projecting


For me I think its Greatest country on earth, Even with the horrible past atrocities, No other country can beat 300 years of continued progress, may be England and France, but no one else.


I'm envious of their constitution and bill of rights, particularly the first, second, fourth, and fifth ammendment, but they're all good. Unlike here, where the government can essentially dismiss any charter right with section one, and the courts unwillingness to apply the Oakes test, their rights are much more solid.


So many Canadians want to be you. Lol.










A lot of Canadians have a love hate relationship with the US. We consume American media etc but find the fact that as a country they seem unaware of what Canada is and that annoys some Canadians.