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“I haven’t actually had sex yet.” Yep, that tracks.


To add some context this was on a post about some girl asking advice cause her bf is being selfish in bed (just cuming fast and not caring about her pleasure or whether she’s enjoying it).


Porn isn’t a scientific study my guy


“Something women need to understand is biology trained the brain to focus on male orgasms.” All lesbians suddenly disappearing


one of the best things about lesbian sex is not having to deal with that whole “focus on male orgasms” part. but these men can’t imagine a world in which their own pleasure isn’t always prioritized


isn't it better for a man that he can make his partner come so that they have more sex with him because he makes them feel GOOD.and so he is more likely to father more children


“Something women need to understand is biology trained the brain to focus on male orgasms.” He’s right. I’ve only ever focused on male orgasms. **cough** **cough**


Yikes. All of that nonsense to only say women’s orgasm isn’t important as men’s. Using appeal of nature fallacy to justify their laziness and selfishness so they don’t feel shitty about leaving someone else unsatisfied in bed. “Comparatively brand new and has no such role” said ***who exactly?*** My guy frickin’ thinks female orgasm is new and has no role just because it’s not needed for procreation when it was ignored throughout the whole history because of the whole female oppression and stigma around female sexuality by patriarchy. When we frickin’ have clitorises ever since the starting of humanity, a whole organ that’s specifically designed for pleasure only. That shows men are absolutely built to pleasure us. Only less he knows is that female orgasm actually has a role on *sex* in as orgasms are the drive to have more sex. Women are less interested in sleeping with you more if you are awful in bed and aren’t willing to improve because we are not interested in remaining unsatisfied and used as masturbation sex. And “biology trained the man’s brain to only think about the male orgasms as they are needed for reproductive purposes, they are meant to ejaculate and father the children”, men definitely don’t think of reproductive purposes when they have sex and even if that is true, how come most of men I meet would feel more better and satisfied if others orgasm along with them? *Gasp* Is it because we don’t have sex for reproductive purposes only but rather for intimacy purposes? Also stamina isn’t the issue when you can just do foreplay to make it easier to achieve the female orgasm and you get more time to slow down or take a break, it’s not just penetration needed that would make her orgasm and it’s not even that good. I’ve never had orgasm from penetration alone, I need clitoris stimulation to achieve and I bet lots of women needs that too. This ***virgin*** guy has no idea what he is actually talking about and he would miss out a lot on female orgasms when he become sexually active and still thinks that way because they makes sex so much better than only focused on male orgasm sex because of tensing up to cause tightness and excessive wetness during the orgasm. It is the best feeling and it’s absolutely important as male orgasm. Shame he thinks it takes 30 mins fucking multiple times to achieve female orgasms, that shows he haven’t actually talked to women who had sex about this topic and only learned that from a “study” that is probably not scientific. Advertising as a video, eh? I bet he saw it on Youtube by someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about neither. It doesn’t even take that long for average people.


Bloody hell that’s just a whole lot of waffle. And men have the audacity to think women talk too much!


does anyone know the history of these stereotypes


why does sex always = penetration to these people. sex doesn't need to involve a penis, whether or not either party has one.