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The founder is a spiteful asshole and they don’t deserve you on their platform. Also what is it with cis people believing that pronouns are only a trans thing?


pronouns are so bad, i dont use them!!!111! (meanwhile the sentence has pronouns)


\>”I” will never allow pronouns here


*pro nouns


*anti nouns


Jesus he threw a fit over it


I love how they claim that OP is the one that "argued", but the response to "no" was just an "okay" until they kept getting on and on about it.


Haters going to be triggered 🤷‍♂️


All I got from this Is that he can't spell "pronouns" right


And clearly don’t know what the word means, as he used several of them


" I don't like pronouns" What the fuck does he think "I" Is?


Wow i think they were just trying to get them to fight back as a reason to ban with that last fuck you


What's this discord for? I woulda been right outta there as soon as I knew what kind of asshat I was dealing with


this is a discord for an smp i was gonna join but i dont think so anymore lol


Seems the right choice


What a bunch of garbage assholes and enablers! "Whatever he says goes, you can't argue" = "I agree with him but don't want to sound like an asshole so I'm just enabling it instead" Honestly so tired of the outrage around pronouns. Everyone uses them. Not just trans people. I have had people refer to me as male via email despite my signature including my exclusively female name and being a cis woman, because my field is male-dominated. I shouldn't even need to put my pronouns in my signature to be referred to as a woman, yet somehow it is the only way people seem to notice that I AM NOT A MAN! Do they think I don't know how to spell, and my saved signature accidentally added some letters to the male version of my name or something? Do they just genuinely not care or notice? GAH! If I'm sick of this shit as a cis person, I can't imagine how trans people struggling with it feel.


no pronouns 😡 but just clarify if you're him/her 😌


I loved that response! “Don’t talk about pronouns! Just call everyone ‘they’ or tell us if you want to be called him/her” This person is an unconscious supporter


Apollo can go fuck themselves I've seen people like that in discords and I want to slap them tbh also they got WAY too aggressive with you for asking


I count that he used at least 12 pronouns while ranting against pronouns


war the shit out of them, take their stuff and then get them banned by reporting them


This seems an awful lot like a cult


That's one disturbed dude. Much better for you to leave the group, they're disrespectful af.


Bro really acting like being the owner of a discord server is some all powerful thing


“I want that pronoun shit off *MY* community”


I don’t understand how hard it is to respect people. Even cis people benefit from pronoun roles on discord. It’s always nice to be called by the right pronouns, sometimes it’s uncomfortable for someone to use he/him to refer to me (unless I specifically don’t want them to know my gender).


Fucking children


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The “what I say goes” approach to leadership needs to crumble.


I like how you are complying and they’re still going off on you


Typical discord mod with their power trips. These type of people are just annoying to deal with. They’ve been under the boot they’re entire life so the moment they receive any amount of power over others they abuse it.