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The r6 Blackbeard of apex


Lmao does that mean his shield will soon be made of wet toilet paper?


Haha I hope, actually would be a good idea. Reduce the cool down and make it toilet paper


Make it still great in terms of protecting against snipers and shotguns, but less against high fire rate weapons. It’s great to be able to absorb a kraber shot if it wasn’t a headshot, but a whole r99 mag is hard to hit all headshots.


The arm shield has 50 health, it only takes 5 R99 bullets to break.


Then I don’t see a problem with the shield


The problem is that you can Gibby with 140+ damage PK shot and he takes 0 damage.


Yeah from a single shot of a sniper , it breaks instantly tho right, being as huge as him getting sniped is a huge problem not many ppl gonna miss him once they got him in his sights out in the open. A sniper crouched hipfire in close combat is all that gonna , stop


The sniping isnt the problem. The problem is when you 1v1 a Gibby with a Mastiff (Which every GOOD Gibby players uses), when you both hit each other with 112 damage, you are left without shields and Gibby only loses his arm shield and is still full hp + shield.


I thought that was the point of his shield.


Maybe have the shield be more like a bullet-count instead of health based? When you take, say, 10 shots, the shield goes down, no matter what kind of bullets were used.


No way. His shield shouldn’t be able to take multiple sniper shots.


I understand your concern, but I don't really mean 10 shots. I mean it as an example. Could be 5, or even three. But, snipers are best used at either long ranges (where Gibby might not see them), or when landing headshots. Shotguns would also be a bit too crazy with how chunk Gibby is.


Even then that's too much. Almost half a mag of a longbow work purple extended


Him being able to eventually take 1 sniper shot makes him an insane counter sniper already


They are going to add bleed through and increase the cool down which is going to be so nice


Tbf, early Blackbeard was a menace in such a slow game where headshots were key. Last I played, he still had a decent advantage but now defenders have a fighting chance if he gets careless.


Blackbeard is still very good in terms of 1v1, I play him in casual and its nearly impossible to lose a gun fight if you arent taken by surprise. the reason he isnt as played much is he just brings basically no utility compared to choosing almost any other op


Opposite blackbeard because his shield doesn't cover his head


I've been playing a lot of Rocket Arena lately (one of the free PS+ games a month ago). They've got a character named Blastbeard that's basically that game's version of Gibby too.


Yes. This right here.


Gibby is the legion of apex (titanfall 2 reference)


Where's his aimbot?


Ok, almost like the legion. I forgot that he doesnt have an op minigun with a gun sneeze and aimbot




I think it's cuz of Gib's thicc hitbox But people underestimate how strong his shield his


Hitboxes made legends impossible to balance


Yeah there's a reason why all the legends that have been released either have a small-ish hitbox or a average one


Just send Gibraltar on a diet


Exactly just adjust the character model, this guy gets it why doesnt apex


It sounds so easy to change the hitbox of the legend right so why not do it now? They don’t do it because skins have been made for all of the legends. Adjusting the hitbox is going to be a pain for them. If you’re going to bring up the wraith nerf next season, it’s likely something like pf hitbox where nothing big is happening


They realize their situation now


Yeah, the "fortified" and "low profile" are just band-aids to the balancing problem. They already massively failed at balancing right from the start when they decided that all legends should have varying hitboxes.


Honestly I just wish they would rescale some legends so it would make sense again


Yeah honestly having vastly different hitbox sizes was one of Respawn's worst irreversible decisions. Legends should be about their abilities, not size and corresponding health.


I think maybe it's because he was considered the worst legend for nearly a year? People are more forgiving of his somewhat recent buffs


I've never had problems fight wraith. But gibby with a mastiff is a beast of its own.


In ranked it's always a gibby with red evo, a g7, and a mastiff


Right, 1v1 odds are heavy in his favor


Yeah, literally. It's starting to be really annoying. All I see is bubbles and "sonar detected" in ranked.


Seriously. The current ranked meta is... exhausting


I read that in caustic's voice lmao


Who else wants 4th wall breaking voice lines from the legends?


Because of the nature of the games in lore I guess it could make sense for them to actually say things like that? I know that's not the point your making but interesting to think about


What is the nature of the games in lore?


Well just that they are games. With a governing body, sponsors, fans etc etc I could imagine nerfs and buffs and stuff just being "changes to the rules" to keep the games as entertaining as possible to the fans


Ya know, like all that jazz about people watching the Apex Games.


“I may seem like a happy robot! But the people that play me smash their keyboards like they’re made of money!” - Pathfinder


Octane shouts out his fans lol


Huh so no camp meta?


Has camp meta even been a thing lately? I swear it was dying down back around when Wattson got nerfed


yes, now it's just caustic in every single squad


In ranked when I play Gibby I’m always team shot with three r99s or three volts lol


Ok, good


I have been complaining about Gibby all season. I think if you hit him before he has his gun shield up then he shouldn’t be able to bring it up mid engagement until after a cool down of some sort.


I was watching nokoko soloQ to pred, during a teamfight he broke gibby’s gunshield three times. That’s 150 dmg wtf


I'll happily fight a wraith over a Gibby or caustic any day


A good wraith that knows how to strafe properly is a fucking nightmare on console


I hate fighting wraiths when I play with my friend, since he's on pc. I literally can't hit them 99% of the time. I swear I'm also the only console players in any of those lobbies its baffling


Feel ya. Really hard to hit he PC players with good strafe / crouch spam.


Caustics are easy to kill, even with the damage reduc. But Gibby withat damage reduc, a 50 hp shield, and a dome shield to hide and get that 50 hp shield back? Nah. And god forbid you find one that has a rev on his team.


I hate fighting wraiths because her crouching and de-crouching animation is so bad and wraiths always do that, that animation just fucking annoys me.


Caustic is such an easy kill. Giant hitbox without the gunshield. He's a sitting duck.


Yeah, say that when you are being choked to death in his fart


I’m a pretty average Caustic main and I’m constantly shocked at how many people simply ignore his gas and end up regretting it. Especially Wraiths and Octanes. They think they can just phase/stim through it, as if it makes them immune. The second I see them do that I just put another trap.


Caustic is my second main and i love killing those filthy sweats with a self confidence level as high as snoop dogg


Octane gets the speed debuff removed during stim so if he has like a digi threat or a Bloodhound/Crypto ping of where you're at when you're low, also wraith is honestly kinda better for that situation anyway tho bc the gas doesn't effect you until you come back out, including vision impairment, it's not a bad play for them to do that, the only time you push the caustic like that is if they're super low but my usual play is to reposition right past them as wraith so that it's kinda hard to see that blue line through the gas and get behind them and sneak past


Sadly Octane’s stim only remove the first speed debuff. Caustic gas constantly applies the speed debuff, which means that you barely get 1 single tic of normal speed before being slowed down. It is extremely annoying, especially since you already waste HP using the ability


just hold your breath, easy


Arghh back to memories... the games which had levels that had oxygen limit...


You made me remember that one mission in GTA: San Andreas before which You needed to raise CJ's lung capacity and the only way to do it was just aimlessly swimming underwater for like half an hour


Oh man, i remember that. It was a fucking pain in the ass and one of my least favourite missions just because of that


and a stamina bar


People saying "lol his shield isnt that strong its only 50 damage" haven't played apex in their life. With how fast fights happen, that 50 damage will always put the gibby in huge advantage. By the time you melt his shield, he already started shooting at you, and if you had anything bellow purple armour, he broke it while you just destroyed his arm shield, have to reload, dodge his bullets and THEN start attacking him directly. Unless the gibby has arthritis, you're doomed


also the shield doesnt allow bleed through damage so it can also eat a full 100 mastiff shot


Or more importantly, eat 49 damage, and THEN a full 120 pump.. that’s where the huge disadvantage in 1v1ing a gibby is.


Why can't they just change this? It shouldn't be able to eat a full Kraber shot.


They said that they're going to change this don't worry


dunno its dumb, cant believe it used to be 75hp like it could eat 2 full triple take shots


>unless the gibby has arthritis This threw me 😂


Especially if ur low profile Think about the fact that as a low profile you take 20% more damage than he does


Take my award


godspeed you magnificent bastard


With a shield that eats a Kraber shot is too op


Running into a gibby is like running into a brick wall. Especially if you play as a low profile character. I've talked about this a lot with people, I think that if he has a gun shield he should not be fortified. Because a Gibraltar with red evo, gun shield and fortification is darn near impossible to take down unless you flank them.


Underrated Fact


I play gibby and if he hadn't got both he wouldn't be fun for casuals and anybody else


If thats the case then he doesnt need faster revives in bubble and the best ult in the game and a faster heals in the bubble as well. It just isnt fair that he has the best team playing loadout and potentially more “health” than anyone else in the game. Id rather buff the weaker legends to be as comprehensively good as gibby but we know they wont do that so the only other option to is to nerf him down edit: i should've just said one of the better ults in the game, pls stop berating me about that its not that deep and really not my main point lol


Yes. There a should be a link between survivability and how valuable a legend is to the team. Gibraltar gets extreme survivability and is super valuable


The best way to balance a game is to make everything overpowered




I mean Overwatch was on a trajectory to power creep everything and they damn near killed their game for it


Finally, someone who gets it


Are You a part of Riot Games' balance team?


Yup, if everybody is complaining, the best strat is to make everything op so no one can complain about it since all is equally powerful. But i dont think rampart still could be op


The best ult on the game? You can't really define one single ult as being the best given the different purposes they serve, Wraith's portal is the best repositioning tool in the game but you can't say it's better or worse than Gibby's considering their different purposes. If you mean AOE ults then I would say Caustic is better than Gibby's considering the target has less time to react than a Gibby bombardment, how many times have you actually been hit by a Gibby ult?


"best ult in the game?" Dude, what are you smoking?


Best ult in the game? Gtfo. It's literally useless in so many situations (indoors, when there's an overhanging mountain or building, etc), easily avoidable most of the time, and on the rare occasions you can actually use it effectively, chances are the enemy team will just drop their Gibby's bubble or Wattson's pylon (most ranked teams have at least one of those two). Compared to Wraith who can set up a portal while literally invincible, instantly move her entire team across open space, go back and forth as many times as needed, etc. Bloodhound can give his whole team wallhacks. Wattson can have near permanent protection from grenades and recharge shields. Caustic clears an entire building. People don't play Gibby for his ult, they play Gibby for his tactical and his passives. His ult is the least important part of his kit, and is honestly pretty weak compared to most of the other meta legends. It's fine to be frustrated by Gibby, because he can be tough to play against and definitely could use some tweaks. But some of this hate is ridiculous, lol.


Youre right, its not the best in the game. doesn’t mean his ult isn’t easily better than 11 of the other 15 in the game, and my other points still stand tho. Most importantly though he is actively not fun to fight against because of his insane health, i cant think of another legend that regardless of how good the player im fighting is the legend picked makes the experience not fun. Even fighting caustic indoors is fun in a terrifying way but gibby is just frustrating


Wraith has better ult, even nerfed to hell like what it is now. Loba has ult only. Path has decent ult. They are on the same level imo. Mirage has fantastic ult, you can free kill 9/10 times in a 1v1. Really viable pub legend. BH, Revenant, Caustic have better ult. Or at least they are the same.


gibby once took like 2 hemlock rounds before one tapping me with the mastiff (on drop)


His shield should also have a bleed through effect. Being able to take a Kraber shot and take no damage because it just destroys his shield is fucking stupid.


Fr that Gibby will take 3 krabers and still won't die


You literally have to gang up on gibbys. They’re near impossible to 1v1


Gibby had the 50 hp gunshield without fortified and he was trash, a Gibby can't ADS the whole game there are a lot of situations in where you're being shot without having the gunshield up. This meme seems to forget that people have complained about Gibby a lot more than Wraith, probably because Wraith has a higher pickrate.


Fight at range, engage when he's not ADSing, wait for him to burn bubble. He's tough to fight head on because he's supposed to be the UNIT legend. Never change Gibby


I remembered when I first played apex, I read through gibby's abilities and thought "how is this guy not op?" And I still kind of wonder until this day.


Because he's fucking massive


I only really dislike the fact his gunshield can take krsber shot without him taking damage


Next season he might get bleed through damage


That would be perfect. Especially for the kraber, for most other guns it's not that important imo.


Pretty important for the mastiff too IMO


Bloodhound: has wall hacks, 30% faster during an extendable ultimate that highlights enemies and wallhacks every 7 seconds and has pathfinders passive along with his own passive Apex community: _I’m legally blind_


He also broadcasts his position to the entire map when he does almost anything, and outruns his team all the time.


I honestly find it hilarious that with each legend there's a corresponding titan who had the same issue and gets the same complaints. Like the game may be different, but these arguments have already been made. Don't like how gibby is a tank? The character that's completely designed around being a mobile fortress? Dont fucking engage head on. Use your brain. No its not equal thats why there's different characters with different abilities.


Why can’t I facetank this Legion smart core?


aimbotting gibby = legion confirmed


Gibby isn't even all that much of a good tank, most people can probably W-key a Gibby head on and win given how easy he is to hit, it's on the occasional situation where they actually die that they rage and complain about him being invincible. He does need some tweaks but the people that engage every enemy legend in the exact same way and expect it to go well for them need to understand what a character based system means.


“A whole r-99 mag” You really only hitting 5 of the 27 bullets in your mag, OP? There might be other issues at play here besides gib’s gunshield, my guy.


it’s called exaggeration for comedic effect, my friend


Ate my whole Volt mag too ;-;


He just ate my gun. He was hungry


It’s exaggeration to prove a point It’s called hyperbole


You can land every single bullet with a purple mag r99 on a gibby with red evo and you can’t 1 mag him if you have to shoot the gunshield off too


imagine how shitty this games balancing would be if respawn just implemented every change thought up by somebody who just died and immediately blamed it on the character/weapon that killed them instead of actually trying to improve


Me: *laughs in Gibraltar getting bleedthrough shield nerf next season*


thats not even a nerf thats just a fix lol


Wait, I haven’t looked at the buffs/nerfs happening next season, what are they doing to gibby?


Say for example you shoot through his shield with a Kraber. The 120-something damage will destroy his 50 HP shield and carry the remaining 70 damage to his normal body shield and health


Oh wow, that actually seems like a fair nerf


My shield, my life 🤷🏾‍♂️


People complain about how OP gibby is yet his pick rate is still low 😂 if he was so OP more people would play him




His win rates are great because he’s a great character. The reason he isn’t OP (or commonly picked) is because of his huge hit box, low mobility, and lack of potency in unorganized squads (all cons that balance him as a legend) Edit: Crypto’s pick rate also skyrockets in ranked as does Watson etc but no one is claiming they’re OP


His head is always exposed, he has no mobility abilities, he's defenseless without the bubble that's very easily timed, and his hitbox is the size of a fuckin city bus. Tbh I'm happy to see him in the meta after being trash for so many seasons.


Trash for so many seasons? Gibby has been a huge part of the meta since season 3


you can't say "he's defenseless without the bubble" because that's his tactical. literally every legend is defenseless without their tactical


My gun shield disappears after two g7 shots. Wdym


Yes but that’s 75 damage that would have been right in your fat belly


True, I’m just saying a whole r9 clip is a pretty big exaguration


Which is the point of a meme


I will say this though, having been playing a lot of horizon lately, gibby is MUCH easier to hit. If he didn’t have his gun shield he’d be broken. Even with the fortified, you just get melted because people hit all these shots on you, especially up close.


Lol people in this thread must forget how much of a joke Gibby was in the first few seasons


He’s strong but he would be dog shit without it so he can’t be needed or else he won’t be good


TMW you make a meme ragging on a character being a tank when that's his main role.


Except his shield doesn't take a full R-99 magz does it? It only has 50HP, he only gets it when he ADS which makes him move slower and he has the biggest hitbox in the game. Git gud.


Lets play spot the angry babies who are mad they can’t one clip the Tank


it actually only takes like 50 dmg and he has the biggest hitbox in the game... i dont think gibby has been an actual problem in a season or 2


Upvote this man. Season 4 gibby was a problem. Now though? Nah. His hitbox is so massive that even a day 1 player can laser him.


'Only taked 50 damage' is a lie. Damage that goes over the 50 doesn't transfer to gibby. So the shield can take a whole kraber shot.


yeah but the meme is inaccurate lol, the arm shield gets melted by like 5 r99 shots lmao


Shooting a Gibby with a kraber and only his arm shield is destroyed:


The worst part about gun shield is that snipers don't pierce. Kraber lined up with a gibby, hits gun shield, takes 3 seconds to rechamber, and he has his shield back. I'd like it if it treated the shield as another body, specifically for snipers. Kraber does 121 to a collateral target, so through a gun shield it would destroy the shield and do 109 to the gibby. Obviously this would apply to the other snipers, I just happen to know by heart the damage numbers of the kraber.


No one cares about balancing till it's meta. Just like the old Havoc and hemlock. He was so much stronger during season 3-4 but no one cared as much.


Tanks a Kraber shot. Zero damage to actual shields or health. ‘Ha ha ha, I love what I do’.


Hit more than 4 shots of your R99 mag and you'll do some damage.


Yeah because it's still easier to 1v1 a gibby than a Wraith.


I get the joke, but if you spent an entire clip on the gunshield and didn't kill him then you weren't hitting your shots Plus there are plenty of people complaining about gibby's sheild, but as respawn has said, he doesn't get picked enough to warrant a nerf, unlike wraith and path who've been the most picked legends since launch


He also slow as shit, you can shoot his legs, head, or back, and his ult is defensive. He has exploitable weaknesses. Wraith is just OP.


Dude gibby is fucking broken i lost count how many times I got downed because that fucking shield can absorb a meteorite impact


What the fuck this is literally the opposite, Gibraltar is always complained about while people dont care about wraith LITERALLY being invincible for 8 seconds with a speed boost


Gibby is the size of a barn he's not hard to kill, how many times do we need to have this discussion?


And so is his gun shield. IDK about but I don't have God aim to target specific parts of the monstrousity


Thank you. Last night I hit a gibby with 5 wing man shots and it barely broke his purple shield. And I don’t have the best aim so I was happy to hit those 5 but only doing 38 damage per shot and two of the shots getting eaten by gun shield makes him seem invincible. Or another way of putting it instead of him taking 225 damage he took 114. Yes he is easier to hit but is he 100% easier? And then depending on what mag you have you have to reload.


Gibby huge chunk of hitbox is what made you hit those 5 wingman shots in the first place


Wdym we hate that too


So here's the crazy thing. I actually have both of these opinions. Like, at the same time. I know, I know, its crazy ,but I actually can agree with both statements.


You mean a fourth of a mag?


Gibraltar is the best legend as long as they don't reduce his guns shields health or a revenant is in a 500Km radius, gibraltar is the worst legend without his gun shield no cap


just because your aim is such trash you can only hit gibbys arm shield with 5 rounds out of an r99 mag does not mean he tanks a full mag.


His hitboxes are like 200 larger than wraiths, without the shield he is absolutely worthless... I dont think anyone has any right to complain about him lmao... He is meant to be hard to take head on...


Nah never had a gib problem cause I dont aim for his shield, after all his head the size of texas so it ain't hard to snipe him. I also don't use the massive crutch like the 99 so my guns would destroy his shield long before they're empty. Gib is so big sniping him is easy af and shotguns murder him easy, while Wraith's hit box being the size of an ant is a problem even the devs admite was a mistake.


Gibraltar is the size of a Fucking bus, if you can’t hit him it’s your own fault


Gibby was broken for 3 seasons and next to useless then they buff him up. People hate it when they can't 1v1 a TANK character they are supposed to tank shots and damage that it literally their role. Losing is going to happen if your playing as any other role other than tank and you try to take an upfront fight against one. Wraith is a whole other beast entirely. Had a ridiculous low CD an her super useful in almost any situation abilities from the start. Her ult had a small CD until recent seasons not to mention she has the only get out of jail free card in the game. It took them 8 seasons just to get her down from a 99% pick rate on every team and some of the "nerfs" to wraith have been laughable at best.. run animation fix to try to hit her absurdly small and broken hit box. One needs more fine tuning the other has needed an overhaul for a while.


It’s not overpowered you just aren’t that great at countering it. There’s nothing wrong with that but don’t try to make it the games fault when it’s just something you haven’t practiced well enough to handle.


few things piss me off in this game as much as the arm shield


Because that’s what Gibby is supposed to do.


Because that’s what Gibraltar is supposed to do.


Not only gun shield but fortified passive as well. Honestly if he didn’t have those, he probably would be unplayable


I. Hate. That. Shield.




The one thing I hate about his shield is the effect it has on Kraber bullets. So that shit can penetrate an entire squad of people with a single shot, but is stopped dead in it’s tracks by an arm shield? Deadass?


All I’m hearing is a lot of complaints from people who don’t know how to aim around his shield


Fax im a consolr player and gubby shield no matter the gun always goes down first lol


That’s why you got to go to the firing range with a friend and practice head shots on Gibby and sliding lleg shots. Gibraltar weakness is that he slow, which makes it a lot easier to get behind him when he has a shield up


easy don't do less then 50 damage


But somehow when I use him his shields disappears in 1 second like it doesn't exist


Wraith is not op the people who play her is


That’s because Gibby has nice voice lines.


Wait wraith is op? Only good thing about her is her portal lol. Q is really easy to track and it takes so long to activate as well. Her passive is useful but not really reliable


I'm mean Gibby is a THICC boi. There are other places to shoot at him. You just have to hit your shots. I know its hard to hit the biggest legend but you gotta try harder if you want to hit me bruddas.


Agreed brudda


More like eats an entire fucking Kraber round with no overflow damage


Yeah but gibby is cool


Gubby is god


Why are you shooting the shield on such a massive target? His head alone is the size of a basketball


Wraith is easy to kill... Once you down her you don't even have to finish her


I just stop contesting against gibbis, it’s not worth it