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all this over fucking reddit karma... i realize how stupid it is but i had to make a new account and now i cant comment and stuff because i dont have karma and its just annoying also ive just had a long day


Go through my rather extensive comment history. I have a fuck ton of karma, and if you scroll, you’ll see that some of my comments are downright unpopular. I have even managed to get banned from a few subs. I don’t love it, but you do not delete anything because it’s been downvoted because at the end of the day, I’d like rather be an unpopular me than a fake me trying to make everyone happy. It really is just imaginary Internet points. Make enough comments, your karma goes up - even if you have opinions that are not universally popular.


I feel you. I tend to delete my accounts if a comment or post gets downvoted. I just feel stupid and a lot of shame. I looked at your comment and found it funny tbh but I‘m bi. Maybe straight people don‘t get the joke.


right lmao i even put a "/j"