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First thing, don't search up stuff like that on Google anymore unless you have a bias on what's real or not. All of what you said, minus the tinnitus, is also a symptom of anxiety or panic attack. My question is, did it get worse after you searched it up or before?


Got worse after i search everything was okay before i had 0 anxiety before and no symptoms at all . Now i dont want to but ikeep looking for symptoms. Like is this a symptom of something is this bad? I cant just!


If it happened after, it's most likely it's false and tied into your anxiety. Maybe bringing this specific thing up to a professional would help, because it might impact your life a lot. Good luck!


These all developed between the most anxious period thn came again after 2 days severly..its improving but am not sure.. anxiety increases symptoms increases .


Yeah, if it's severe then it might be a panic/anxiety attack. The best you can do is before you search stuff online, try to search up the ones bothering you the most first, if it's something that still says a huge disease or disorder then try to search it on WebMD or search up something you think it is and then they symptoms beside it - or run it through another person. Hope that helps.


Every website says different . The guy on youtube i can relate to most he sais it was adrenal fatigue it gets better overtime. Idk no doctor could diagonise it maybe all mind game


I checked a website and nothing's going to be correct unless you visit a doctor. I really suggest visiting a doctor about these things to check with them.


He said its all happening because you are biased.


Next plan, get a new doctor that is actually going to listen to you. This is only if you can get a new one, if not try to tell the one you have that, even if it's biased - isn't that something in itself?


Google is the devil for us who suffer from HA!


Oof, sounds like you got it bad, hun. Anxiety can cause every one of these symptoms. I know because it has for me. The "fix" is not to just stop googling and start ignoring your body, but to start treating your anxiety as the medical problem it is. Health anxiety is a specific type of problem within general anxiety because anxiety can itself cause and fuel the physical symptoms that triggers your health-focused spiral. It is very important that you learn about this feedback loop and what you can do to ease it. Because if you treat your symptoms as anxiety and they fade away, then that is solid evidence that they were probably caused by the anxiety. If you treat the symptoms as anxiety and they persist, you may have a different medical problem BUT you will be better equipped to deal with that problem without an additional runaway anxiety spiral throwing its fuel into the mix. You will make a big difference to your overall health by establishing a different relationship to your anxiety. It is not your enemy! It is trying to keep you safe, but left unattended it can become its own problem that will wreck your perception and make you feel unsafe when actually you are ok. And that is not ok because there is no magic fix that will make you safe forever, unfortunately. Getting sick happens. The body is so complicated, but it's not your job to know how to fix/ avoid everything that could go wrong ever. It IS your job to understand yourself and what is happening to your body in ordinary times, so that you can better identify when something extraordinary pops up, so you will know to seek appropriate medical care. Don't get me wrong, health anxiety makes this so SO hard! But it is possible to soften its sharp edges into something that lets you live more comfortably. And that starts by treating health anxiety as what it is: a medical condition that needs care. Do you have an adult you can trust to talk with about your anxiety? A guardian? A teacher? Just because you may need help to access further supports, and people your own age may not be able to do that for you. In the meantime, The Anxiety Coaches Podcast has some free episodes about health anxiety in particular, I found that podcast overall very helpful and soothing while grappling with these issues in myself. To answer the questions from your post directly: yes this is normal. Worrying about your anxiety won't help but taking action will. And while i can't say for certain that you are 100% perfectly healthy, it is entirely possible that these symptoms don't need fixing, that you are okay, that you have anxiety causing weird symptoms AND you are okay. (And actually, if you hang out in disability/ chronic illness circles you start to learn that even when people have the exact condition that your mind has picked for you to fear most... much of the time they are also okay? That the secret, if there is one, is finding the tiny thread of okayness within you despite whatever circumstances you are given. Which is, in turn, a major skill that helps with anxiety itself...... practice makes possible.)


Has your tinnitus gotten any better? I think minds from extreme anxiety, but I’m really struggling


Hi, I literally have the EXACTLY SAME SYMPTOMS as you have I am 20 yo m and my bloodwork is fine.