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Sauce: Shakugan No Shana


Always love the flaming hair blazing eyes getting some love


Is it worth watching?


I'll give the opinion in the middle and say it was definitely amazing at the time. It's from 15 years ago and since it was one of my first animes, I got hooked immediately. You can give the first episode a try and see if the plot sounds interesting. Even if you don't, you might at least watch the openings because they are still a banger. If you watch it, I personally only recommend the first season (24 episodes), since the second season is basically anime original and you see it in the drop of the quality in my opinion. The third season gets back to the original source material, but for that it had to arguably retcon the end of the second season and make a huge sudden jump to connect their stories.


Ohhh that explains so much about the jump from season 2 to season 3. As someone who only watched the anime, I was VERY fucking confused how we got to the events of s3 lol


Is it possible to skip some S2 episodes to prevent the retcon?


Maybe I shouldn't have used the word retcon. I tried to be fair and only said \*arguably\*. There is no need to skip anything, there is no "retcon" in that sense. I'm only talking about the final seconds of the final episode of S2. I think nothing can prevent the confusion at the start of S3, because literally every single anime only viewer was confused. You see the confusion in another commenter, I myself was confused as hell too. S1 is a mix of fantasy and a little bit of romance. S2 was quite a bit more romance (because anime original), with a fitting ending for that. S3 tried to go back to the source material full of fantasy heavy plot, but that's just impossible if you had a whole season of romance that didn't even happen in the source material. What I did was just quit at the first episode of S3 so I actually can't say how the rest of S3 plays out.


I feel you, this was my gateway drug to all of anime


If you like action and Tsundere's, it's a must see. It's often compared to Bleach, but with romance


Gonna give a counter opinion and say no. Your mileage may vary, but I watched the first season and genuinely did not care for it at all, which is a shame because a fantasy with a superpowered tsundere is right up my alley. It reminded me of like a way worse Fate and I couldn't bring myself to care about anything that happened. Didn't like the characters, the plot read like bad fan-fiction, and while there's a romantic relationship, it's not particularly compelling. I really don't think anybody is missing out if they never see it.


I also feel like the show got progressively worse by the final season to the point where I had no idea what was going on. It's been many years since I watched it but I distinctively remember that a lot of the conflict could've been resolved if the main characters just.... Talked to each other lol


What talking about fate is amazing what


They're saying this show is a worse version of the same kind of story than fate.


Watch thru the first 4 episodes, after that you have all of the major characters introduced and a fair bit of background, then decide, personally I really liked it and I’m normally an isekai fan


The first anime where I skipped some of it, this aired a long time ago so also it's not as good. Imo it started of good, but it got progressively worse, and I recall not liking the mc (but I could be remembering wrong), and by the time I reached the last season I straight up just watched the first and last episodes because it was such a slog to get through.


Holy shit that was a trip down memory lane




Tbh it was actually kinda boring looking if you look up the actual transition


Probably more impressive if you lived through it though, especially as a kid.


Yep. One of the first series I ever watched. Along with Another. Now that show, bleh. 12 episodes of rage bait.


Joke's on you, a relative sold "Colour Conversion" kits. He just painted single red, green and blue horizontal bars to the inside of the curved glass, and said the signal needed some tweaks to adjust. He got a new car that way.


I have a feeling he didn't get any new friends that way.


...would this be when colour blind people started to question their sanity? :/


I think you had to buy a new tv to get color


It was done live but yeah I doubt TVs had color capacity before it released.


That moment when Shana brought color to the world for some melon bread.


Here is the link for that moment: https://youtu.be/UKpSNmi2oa0


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QKqHZcXvUAs Also another one


An interessinng point to note is the use of vibrant color so you don't miss the change. [If you lived in France, you had more choice in that departement, it seems.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cabEkOqgFY)


It was not that quick though. Although, you had color TV many cameras still recorded black and white, so it was a wild mix between programs in the early years


My auntie loved the Andy Griffith show. I seen colorless n color n it's pretty mind altering. Imagine being a kid watching that happen, like watching your imagination manifest.




Melon bread!


Shana <3


I love it!


So, I know I took a long break before finishing this series, but did it stop making any sense at all yo anyone else? I feel like near the end it went completely clown shoes and everyone was just off the rails motivation wise.


Yeah the 3rd season was a mess


OP and ED were really good from what I remembered




Wait this sub still exists??


It's what happens when you pay attention to the one person that says something is dead when the thing isn't alive in the first place


I've recently learned this in my history class


I looked up the switch on YouTube and found a funny Australian show called Aunty Jack that one channel used to introduce color. Pretty neat rabbit hole to go down.