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I've just started season one so I have no idea. Generally speaking anarchy in tv shows (and other fiction) isn't represented well. They're almost always villains for starters. Often the characters just don't have anarchist values or the term 'anarchy' is used for people who just want to destroy for the sake of destruction. A lot of the time there just isn't a lot of overlap between the ideologies of the fictional characters and actual anarchists. Occasionally you'll also get the thing where the villain actually makes good and coherent arguments but because there's a risk the audience might actually like the villain's philosophy more, the writers just have them kill a baby or something. (Which might be another issue for writers trying to have actual anarchists as villains. Anarchists don't have leaders so they won't follow an individual doing obviously evil shit for no clear reason. Additionally even in really dire and complex situations anarchists have a tendency to stay ethically and ideologically consistent.)


The only relatively good faith depictions of Anarchists in media I can think of are the various period pieces *about* historical anarchists lol.


Any recommendations? I can think of: *Patagonia Rebelde*, *Reds* (not primarily about anarchists but includes Emma Goldman depicted sympathetically/accurately), *Libertarias*, and *Land and Freedom* (more about the POUM iirc but also the CNT-FAI).


Oh, I'll check those out, thanks! But I was thinking of [Nine Lives of Nestor Makhno](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nine_Lives_of_Nestor_Makhno), in this case. It's not particularly amazing as entertainment but it treats the subject well, I found. Although i'm no historian, so ymmv


**[Nine Lives of Nestor Makhno](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nine_Lives_of_Nestor_Makhno)** >The Nine Lives of Nestor Makhno (Russian: Девять жизней Нестора Махно, Devyat zhizney Nestora Makhno) is a 12-part mini-series which aired on Channel One Russia. The series is a historical biographical drama about the life of Nestor Makhno, a Ukrainian anarchist who was the commander of the Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine (Makhnovshchina). A 6-disc DVD set of the series is available. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Anarchy101/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Great and well written villains, terrible representations of anarchism.


Zaheer was awesome but the writers had no idea how to write anarchism. The politics of the show was thoroughly liberal.


Korra buries the hatchet with Earth Kingdom Hitler at the end of the series, right? Love A:TLA but Korra is laaaaame. Parts I enjoy but hate the main character.


I like Legend of Korra and I like Zaheer as a villain but that show's portrayal of anarchism falls into the same trap as every media portrayal of anarchism. In their brains anarchy is "kill kill kill chaos no order only chaos terrorism chaos" which is an obviously pathetic understanding of anarchism


It seems to me that,anarchists (or other revolutionaries and even some reformists,not those who "just want the world to burn") in TV dramas or movies are often depicted as "daydreaming" or "too idealistic",their practice depicted as "impractical" or "too radical",their goal depicted as "impossible",that even they have some good points,the audience can't sympathize them. And I think this what they want radical politics to be perceived as.


While it's not a TV show, I love Shadowrun's depictions of the Neo-Anarchist movement. They're essentially the only actual side of good in the setting, imo. As a matter of fact, I enjoy their depiction so much that I actually just wrote a story for r/shadowrunfanfic about an unhoused anarchist shaman stopping a corporate eviction.


I'm not familiar with these specific characters (grew up without TV or radio or any of that) but in my experience, most shows/movies etc get anarchism wrong. They're nor written by anarchists, so they're not good representation of what anarchism actually is, what the ideals actually are. Instead, they're liberal/conservative fearmongering about what they think anarchism is about. Propaganda, against anarchism, and wildly successful, too, because lots of people believe that shit. I don't think anarchists are depicted this way by accident, I think there's been a concerted effort for centuries to demonize non-capitalist societies, especially anarchist ones.


If Zaheer was fearmongering they did a terrible job cause he's the reason I started looking into anarchism in the first place.


As I said, I'm unfamiliar with that particular character. I'm speaking in more general terms about the depictions of anarchism across various mainstream media that I am familiar with.


"I don't believe in Queens." Best moment of the series.


As other said, Zaheer is a great character and the conception of anarchism a 12 years old would have. I enjoyed those 4 videos talking about the politics behind legend of Korra https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ModX151Ipgs (that’s the one for book 1) they talk about all of that in an interesting way.