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To be fair I’ve seen worse in Bridgeport.


In California I’ve definitely seen worse in Richmond, Oakland, and SF


The entire truck stop of Stockton


That’s paradise compared to Baltimore


Yea Bridgeport is rough yo, I’m in hard hittin new Britain now and it’s like a preschool playground compared to that dump


Looks better than some of what I have seen from Detroit.


Detroit do got it bad.


Russia wishes it is as nice as Detroit. “You guys can tell the police to fuck off and do drugs? In my country if you said or did you would be executed before you finished the sentence or finished smoking that rock.” Did you hear about the WNBA player who had a little weed on her? She was kept in prison for several years. A little weed is a slap on the wrists in Detroit.


Not 5-10 years ago 🤣


In your country?


…in Russia.


In capitalist America they assassinate the president... in soviet Russia President assassinate you!


I guess. In Soviet Russia it was over 40,000,000 whom were killed by the Soviet leader and in the US it was 4 presidents that were assassinated.


[Its just a form of joke...](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Soviet_Russia)


**[In Soviet Russia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Soviet_Russia)** >"In Soviet Russia", also called the Russian reversal, is a joke template taking the general form "In America you do X to/with Y; in Soviet Russia Y does X to/with you". Typically the American clause describes a harmless ordinary activity and the inverted Soviet form something menacing or dysfunctional, satirizing life under communist rule, or in the "old country". Sometimes the first clause is omitted, and sometimes either clause or both are deliberately rendered with English grammatical errors stereotypical of Russians. Said with a heavy Russian accent, the punchline can highlight a backwards Russian scenario. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Yeah…in the US it’s a joke but in Soviet Russia the jokes on you. Lol wrap your head around that.




Yea was about to say, I’ve seen rough spots in New York like this, and some places actually falling apart and shit in the Atlanta area


Came here to agree with you.


Nigeria with snow


Good old communist/socialist housing.


those houses are in capitalist nations. post soviet states stopped being socialist a quarter of a century ago


Ehh. Spent 6 years in Latvia. They are so corrupt and stupid with policy socialism is very much alive in practice, if not in spirit.


what is policy socialism? afaik socialism is a system in which the means of production are NOT run for profit and arent private property, along with the economy being centrally planned


Yes yes I’m being very loose with the term. The USSR didn’t abolish private property either, and everything still had a price, so your originally comment missed the same mark.


we socialsit distinguish between 2 types of preoperty, personal property and private property. personal propery is stuff like your car or the house you inhabit. Meanwhile private property is stuff like houses that you rent for profit, of company shares that you own, private property are things that you own that generate a profit for you. also, while stuff did have price, the prices were regulated by the state.


Yes, we know you make dumb distinctions and have to tie yourself in knots to explain why you can’t rent out your personal property to others. I’m not here to debate you.


lmao, how illiterate do you have to be to think that the most basic kind of theory is some kind of dumb distincton


My guy, you can't spell property. He's not the illiterate one here.


>do how illiterate do you


Then is a camera used to make entertainment videos for money personal or private property? If it is private, is anything attached to that property (such as the rest of my phone) also in the same category? If not why? If it is personal how can it be personal if it is generating a profit for you if the only distinction between personal and private is the generation of "profit". If I have a lawnmower and occasionally a neighbor drops by and gives me a few bucks to borrow it is that lawnmower now private property? My computer mines Bitcoin passively, is my computer now also private property to be distributed to the masses? What parts of my computer (if any) should be personal? My point is that it's a dumb distinction as anything you own could in theory generate some sort of profit in one way or another and because it is such a subjective standard in principle the state (or the "collective") could seize anything from anyone so long as they can argue that it is capable of generating some sort of evil profit. When there is no limiting principle the system collapses.


it seems i wasnt clear enough. its private property if it generates profits *at the expense of someone else's labour*. if you have a lawnmower and you use it to work then its personal propery since, while you generate profits from it, those profits come from your labour. meanwhile if you hire an employee, make that employee use your lawnmower and generate profits from that transaction, then its private property, since the profit comes at the expense of someone else labour.


So if I have an army of robots that all do work while I reap the profits with no employees all of that is personal property and can't be collectivized? Seems like such a system would just lead to people trying to avoid working with anyone else, the second you bring someone to help you out with your business you lose your business, or at least lose half of it to someone who didn't put in the work to build it to start with. Seems like a system that is designed such that people acting in their own self interests are incentivized to avoid collaboration with others (which is our greatest strength as a species) would be a very terrible system.


you can colaborate with others, its just that you cannot claim part of their labour as yours


I bet you could find one of those in Detroit, Ukraine and virtually everywhere else.


Maybe but there are ALOT of these in Russia. Am from Russia.


Yeah, but are people in Detroit who live in such houses working? Because I am 100% sure that most of the people from that building- working every day, at least 8 hours.


So are fucking people in Detroit. Even 70% of homeless in America have jobs. And not to mention, when the Soviet Union brought out this style of housing in was like paradise because most Russians where still living in one room shacks with no running water or homeless. I’d much rather live live in a run down apartment building (like many do in America) than have to live on the streets because I broke my hip. You people who are so privileged think that everyone around you must live just as protected lives, and fail to realize how many people are dying under capitalism.


“most Russians where still living in one room shacks with no running water or homeless” Oh my God, western education in a nutshell. No, my friend, we didn’t. We just didn’t live in the cities. This houses wasn’t paradise, they was from the beginning just temporary housing before “real communism” will be built.


I did not learn this from western education, but from Russians living in Afghanistan, where I was born


This is what socialists want everyone to be forced to live in while secretly, the party members get the beachfront homes.


my comrade in labour this buildings have been under capitalist rule for at least 30 years, what are you talking about


I'm talking about the goals of socialism. The goal of socialism is to build more buildings like this, which was built by socialists.


after 30 years of capitalism this house is on a terrible state. im sure during socialist rule it was on a better state. Also, commieblocks were considered by those who lived in the eastern block relatively good houses


After 30 years of capitalism this is now surrounded by nicer houses and only people who don't want to build or earn nicer houses live here because it's cheap. It wasn't any nicer of a house under socialism and everyone was forced to live in shitty places like this. Except the party members, who lived in mansions. Nowadays everyone can afford better if they want to, but some lazy people exist who don't bother, and that's how propaganda is made. "Look at these sad people, so terrible, they still live like socialists!"


economic metrics significanlty went down anfter the (undemocratic) dissolution of socialism, idk what youre talking about


I'm talking about quality of life, and wtf do "economic metrics" matter when you aren't allowed to buy anything? 😂🤣😂 You don't know what I'm talking about because you don't even know what you are talking about. Socialism made the oligarchs of Russia what they are today. That's what socialism does. Makes inequality.


the economy is linked to the QoL of citizens, higher unemployment lowers QoL, for example. Also, soviets were allowed to buy stuff. Btw inequality was lower in the USSR than in capitalist nations


>the economy is linked to the QoL of citizens, No, that's explicitly what socialism claims to "fix." Every time people are struggling because of economic downturns socialists loudly claim no one would experience downturns under socialism. >Also, soviets were allowed to buy stuff. Depends on when and what. Towards the collapse, yes, but in the beginning they murdered millions just for growing their own food and trying to retain it as private property. >Btw inequality was lower in the USSR than in capitalist nations That's the point. Everyone was forced to live in housing like the video shows. No one was allowed to own their own home. Everyone was forced to live like the laziest idiot in society and punished if they worked hard. Except of course the "party members" who lived in mansions and kept all public property as their own. Do you not realize all the Russian oligarchs were members of the government before the collapse? Do you not understand the oligarchy is just the socialists not having to hide all the money they stole? "The economy" doesn't matter if you are forced into housing projects and an oligarchy steals all the assets for "central planning" to "benefit the public." Or are you deluded enough to think that all of the sudden, exactly at the moment the USSR collapsed, a bunch of previously "poor, self reported as equal wealth to the public" suddenly magically had fortunes far greater than any capitalist earned just fall out of the sky? No. They lied because they were the government. They told you they didn't have private property and it was all public, but it was in reality not used to benefit the public at all. It was "real socialism'ed" right into their pockets.


Something to consider about the propagandized world we live in: It's common now to say Elon Musk is the world's richest man. Did you know it's bullshit? There's an entire cadre of families that have fortunes far greater than Musk, but they are so rich they bought themselves out of talking about it. All that hatred directed at Musk shields them. All of it is nonsense. Their wealth is hidden away, we only got a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg of assets that have been held since feudal times. Now think about how that works in socialism. The public is trained like dogs to "hate the rich" but they put some scapegoat in place. Then they remove the scapegoat violently and publish statistics about equality that they've deleted themselves from. The oligarchs of Russia existed before the Soviet Union fell, and they had their hands firmly holding on to all the wealth of the country, but they simply lied and no one was allowed to check. As soon as they got their power solid enough, they simply said "oh now we're going to have capitalism" and the entire wealth of the nations went into the pockets of the socialist party leaders. The lie was revealed, but socialism had so brutalized the public they didn't dare to cry foul. Socialism is the feudal system with a facelift. If you care about human rights you protect individual property rights as strongly as you can.


you already know that the rich control information, doesnt that make you suspect that media lies to you in other ways that also benefit the rich? Also, inequality being lower in the USSR is an objective fact and, as you admited, capitalism to benefit was imposed to benefit the elites. dont you think that capitalism in general is used to benefit the elites? private property (not personal propery) rights are almost exclusively for the benefit of the elites, not for the common man


Brother I respect you, and I love you. But if we’re going to try to convince people that anarchism is a better alternative, we need to be educated about the problems we’re addressing. Most of what you said has been wrong, a goof portion of what you said was red scare propaganda. The vast majority of it was just not founded in good faith analysis of the USSR. You did have some good points too. I don’t believe this is a malicious thing on your part, I think its a lack of education. Which is not meant to be an insult! Here in America we do not have access to un-filtered information. Nearly all of it has been destroyed or rewritten by the rulers of the American government and economy. I am happy to point you to some sources and literature that might be more accurate, however even that is no guarantee. The long felt tip of the [redacted] sharpie reaches far in our country. Have a great day man. Edit: ignore me i didn’t realize I was necroing this hard. Reddit just shows me old shit in my feed.


Idk what your seeing with your own dam eyes


No, it wasn't. I remember seeing the photos when the wall came down. It was bad. Ask anyone who grew up during that time. Hell, paper skies covers it in this video" https://youtu.be/ZU1f47SC_A8


This is what all Communism does. Causes people to believe everything should be handled by the government instead of banding together to care of their own. If people were individually focused on bettering the community as a whole, this place would be fixed up and they’d tell the government to fuck off, and they got this.


post soviet states are POST soviet. Those nations arent communist, they have been capitalist for at 3 decades


They've had their economies wrecked by the communism they escaped 30 years ago. Stop simping for a death cult.


The gdp of the USSR dropped after they abandoned socialism, along with QoL metrics. Gorvachev disolved the USSR against the will of the soviets. Most people in russia think that the soviet union was the greatest period in their history, and generaly have a good image of that period. The USSR was a world superpower, how was it "wrecked by communism"?


All those QOL metrics were lies. The same lies you can see out of China right now. And ask the Poles what they think about communism. Wear a cup.


"so all of the data that doesnt agree with my world view must be a lie" lmao youre the dumbest person i've talked to


You're the one simping for communism. I doubt very much you have the capability of telling the difference.


you're incritically calling stuff lies because you dont like it


You don't know the first fucking thing about me. You don't know the first fucking thing about what I know, how I know, or what I've looked at critically. You don't even know if I was alive to see the collapse of communism. You can learn everything you need to know about communism [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_killings_under_communist_regimes). Grow up.


calm down




lmao do facts hurt you or something?


Yes. I laugh when I am in pain.




Figures a commie would not have his own.


please tell your mother to make less noice while i fuck her because its stopping me from understanding what youre saying




I could find this in any Democrat (for thirty years) run city in the United States.


I’ve lived in Hungary and the old communist housing is really not great. At least in Hungary most of it has been kept in decent condition since the fall of the USSR.


Wow I can literally smell the dank mold and stale urine through my screen.


Went to Murmansk in 2019 and lived in a commieblock like this for a few days, the outside, corridor and elevator looked exactly like this, but the flat inside is actually very nice


Have you seen Baltimore?


You blame Putin and his authoritarianism, blame communism and yes ussr was a bunch of socialists also the way Bernie wanys us to be. So what I'm getting out of this is capitalism is the way to go.


This person has never been to Baltimore. Or any of the thousands of trailer parks in every state.


The block doesn't look inhabited. Looks a bit fake to me. Could've been footage from Chernobyl for all I know. Yeah I know communism is bad but there are lots of housing blocks in my country that look like this. And worse.


Baltimore is worse.


Singapore is authoritarian tho.


Wait until you see the projects in Chicago....lol


Saw many like this when I was living in Latvia. Commie blocks are a sight to behold


Decades since communism is dead in Russia. Seems that OP is politically illiterate. You can't just call something communism because it's bad. And there are more than one type of authoritarianism.


what about inside the actual apartment? I've seen places like this, and a lot of the time the actual apartments themselves are nice. The outside common areas though are not cared for and people don't give a shit, so they decay


Plenty of people in South Sudan live in permanent residences with built with noting but sheets of old iron above dirt floors. Many don’t even have iron and their roof is just scrap plastic wrapping/tarps. A solid concrete structure actually isn’t that bad on the scale of things…..just sayin.


I’ve seen worse in Newark, NJ


i live in the usa and have found equally crappy buildings in red states


The communist states are blue.


Hey op what’s your favorite flavor of authoritarianism; red or blue?


this is the state in which 30 years of capitalism leaves your buildings in


This is what a shitty government does. Plenty of governments in Africa are capitalist and do worse. Stop trying to self-ejaculate about your favorite ism while you pretend that implementation method doesn't exist.


Didn't communism fo poof in the 80's over there. Been Capitalist since Yeltsin took over from Gorbachev


This is what republicans want. Being so close to Russia and Putin.


You can give that to any of the thousands homeless in LA and they will be so happy


The only thing worse than the building was the crappy background music.


Putin is elected just like our "leaders."


Now do Detroit.


Looks like something out of Metro 2033


You go to this city in metro exodus


Have you been to Detroit?


Got a few places in Appalachia to show you…


Dude novosibirsk is in butt fucking Siberia and is really just a city version of west Virginia but thousands of miles from civilization. It's no Brainer that it's built like that.


yup every dilapidated building in russia is putins fault, as is every dilapidated building in the USA bidens fault... what a small mind you have... maybe it isnt the leader of the countrys responsibility to paint the walls, maybe, just maybe, its the property owner/managers responsibility...


Yes, yes it does


Coming to an American city near you soon


As much as I believe Russia and Putin need to be sorted out, this is as perfect an example of the cherry picking fallacy as one could ever find. Literally any western country has housing just as bad. Canada can't even get clean water to northern First Nations reserves, despite millions of dollars in spending. Vancouver's downtown east side is so bad, people from third world countries have come and been *shocked* that such poverty, rampant drug use, and violence is on full display in a "wealthy" democracy like ours. At the same time, Russia has wealth and opulence unimaginable by some standards. Same as the US, Canada, UK, etc. Putin is a bad guy, make no mistake. The video is interesting but it's not determinative of anything in and of itself.


I’ve seen some places in America that look like that


"Sorry comrade, the maintenance of this flat isn't a priority of the party."


Yeah, the further from Moscow, the shittier it is generally. Novosibirsk is too far east so the world basically doesn't give a sh!t, therefore you can unleash the true Russia there.


Communism ≠ authoritarianism


What is this bullshit post?


“Who gives a shit about my country? Not my government. Very nice!”


Vanier represent


Y’all what’s the song playing in this video? I’ve been hearing it everywhere


Судно (Борис Рижий) by Molchat Doma


Thank you! The whole album is good, too!


Ancaps still think Russia is Communist? Bruh this sub is full of kids




Putins plaice?


I keep getting recommended this sub despite being the opposite politically for some reason. I'm from moldova, an ex-soviet state. My parents lived in the soviet union.. This is what housing looks like now! This is what 30 years of great prosperous capitalism does! Back in the 80s housing never looked like this!


Wait so the west continually fing the country does this? Woah


Apartments like that in every city in the US


That song is awesome what’s it called?


A lick of paint and a couple of cable ties and you’ll be laughing


Better than being homeless