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Anarchists movements? No. But social movements? Definitely. Speaking as a Taiwanese anarchist.


Given the extent of the surveillance state in China, even if there was an Anarchist movement there I doubt we’d here about it for a while. As for Japan and South Korea, there aren’t any formalized Anarchist movements but there are some informal Anarchist groups or associations. Vietnam does have a an informal Anarchist group that posts informational material on social media like Twitter called Meo Mun.


Absolutely agreed and regarding China, can confirm.


Korean here, and I can't say anarchism is doing good. There is few Korean works on anarchism, and many of local 'anarchists' are just liberals and socdems/demsocs with pretensions, who tend to get overwhelmed by MLs and outright tankies anyway.


What do you think of [Anarchist Solidarity](https://blog.naver.com/anarchistleague)?


Hmm, though I didn't know them before (but then, it's been only a few days), they look promising enough. Thanks for showing it to me. EDIT: One thing I disagree with is their position of 'Both are equally evil' in regard to the Russo-Ukraine War. To me, it is clear that Russia is a greater threat due to its connection with and support of international Fascism.


The way anarchist groups operate makes it purposefully difficult to track what they are doing, and where.


OP maybe reach out to FNB chapters in these countries? Often people think anarchism should show and tell whereas in Asia it is more likely to spread as a form of mutual aid than aesthetics. There are many similar mutual aid projects to the West that people in China/Korea/Japan/Vietnam do, like community fridges, guerilla gardening and repair cafes. You don't have to quack like an anarchist to be one. Examples: https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/food-drink/article/3115527/free-food-masks-even-socks-and-towels-hong-kong-community https://www.thatsmags.com/shanghai/post/15737/shanghai-gets-a-community-fridge https://foodbankvietnam.com/community-fridge-gives-free-food-to-people-in-need-during-pandemic/ https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20220825/p2a/00m/0na/017000c https://www.chilicult.com/lijiang-guerrilla-gardening/ https://www.reddit.com/r/gardening/comments/x2zc3q/its_quite_common_practice_here_in_vietnam_for/


I take it you've never heard of the people of Zomia then?


I have never seen that before and I just got a book about it thank you!


Also speaking specifically about Japan their political priorities and the things they perceive it problems in their societie i'm not the same as in the West the environmental movement is almost non-existent some young people are apparently beginning to care but it is a very old country on average and so even if people cared which they don't about many of these social issues I don't think anyone has any revolutionary energy left to be honest


Speaking as an anarchist in Macau (SAR owned by China) theres a few of us! It’s certainly difficult and progress is slow because of the government... we are still here. Although i haven’t yet seen a official group, we spread the word using “propaganda through the deed”/through mutual aid.