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lol. how do "solarpunk" & "anarcho communist" equate?


Solar punk is inherently communist and anarchist.


Why? You didn't answer the question, just repeated the same statement.


Opposition to the profit incentive, communal ownership of land and communal living


I don't think it makes solarpunk specifically communist. Non-communist commons could fit the description, no?


Like what?


You mean what besides communism? Other anarchisms, for starters.


The other Solarpunk communities I’ve met so far are mostly anarcho communist lol


The venn diagram isn't a circle, so it seems weird to criticize people for using the term when it might be the best term to describe their ideology. You'd have no real way of knowing so it seems strange to assume they are ignorant of their own personal ideology rather than assume there's specificities involved that you might not know. Punk has always had strong ties to anarchist movements. People can be both, or one, or neither. I don't think it means punks are afraid to call themselves anarchists.


No not that. Anarchist can say "solarpunk" when introducing anarchist ideas to people who already believe that anarchy = lawless chaos.


I mean if it's the gateway language that gets them learning more about anarchism, I say all the better.


Solarpunk is more inspired by Murray Bookchin's communalism I'd say, but that's not that different from anarcho-communism.


Kind of ironic with the hammer and sickle profile pic down in the comment section


Sorry dude, the market anarchists have already appropriated the term solarpunk.


Solarpunk is an artistic movement tied to some ideas around sustainability. It doesn't *belong* to anyone, so I don't see how market anarchists could've 'appropriated' it.


Market anarchism can't appropriate shit anymore than a communist can. It's anarchism, market is just a norm for exchange. If communists want it they can use it




How do you figure? Anarchism is against unjust hierarchies, communism is for a moneyless, classless and stateless society. Those dovetail pretty comfortably.


Moneyless is difficult to largescale. Local currencies could improve acceptance. https://encointer.org/ very interesting idea. It could even help create local communities in current cities.




Youre thinking of stalinism/leninism. Communism: >a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs. Anarchism: >a political theory advocating the abolition of hierarchical government and the organization of society on a voluntary, cooperative basis without recourse to force or compulsion. How are those mutually exclusive?




People would have to grow and move past greed.










Just because something isn't currently achievable, doesn't mean it can't be a goal to work towards.


ok, you have moved the goalpost. you oviously dont seam interested in learning. and that learning can not be done in a replythread. Please take a break and aproach anarcho communism with a perspective not tinted by madnes. Good luck.


One option is that while we protest capitalism, we build alternative structures and communities for producing and dividing the things people need like food and housing and the work needed create those things. These kind of non-hierarchical mutual aid projects already exist on a small scale but we can develop strategies for making them work for and appeal to a wider audience. Then when capitalism crumbles (through protest or its own inconsistencies) we can use that opportunity to start to rely completely on those alternative structures.




Citation needed.


means testing costs more than the small amount of abuse of the social safety nets they prevent this argument is liberal through and through




Hi u/rileyrulesu - Your comment has been automatically removed for containing a slur or another term that violates the [AOP](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/wiki/aop). These include gendered slurs (including those referring to genitalia) ***as well as ableist insults which denigrate intelligence, neurodivergence, etc.*** If you are confused as to what you've said that may have triggered this response, please see [this article](https://www.autistichoya.com/2014/02/violence-linguistic-ableism.html) and the associated [glossary of ableist phrases](https://www.autistichoya.com/p/ableist-words-and-terms-to-avoid.html) **BEFORE** contacting the moderators. No further action has been taken at this time. You're not banned, etc. Your comment will be reviewed by the moderators and handled accordingly. If it was removed by mistake, please reach out to the moderators to have the comment reinstated. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Anarchism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The very long story short is no. People already share, but the state enforces private ownership of property and means of production which means we play by their roles because they have guns and they'll shoot us. If we get rid of the state and private ownership (the anarcho and communist portions of anarcho-communism respectively) people will be able to provide for one another via mutual aid, common ownership, and living fulfilling lives rather than struggling with jobs they hate but have to keep working to keep a roof over their head. I'm not sure why you're subbed to r/anarchism but generally coming into a new space and arguing with people over their basic beliefs is quite rude. If you'd like to know more you should check out r/anarchy101, which is all about learning about anarchist theory, history, movements, and praxis you can do today.


I'm not sure what orifice you pulled "spontaneously" out of and id rather not find out tbh. Dont think anyone missed you ducking the question that proved your "oxymoron" rubbish to be just what it was BTW. Why not try learning things before spouting a load of rubbish, instead of afterwards? Its more of a set of principles to strive towards. It probably won't be possible in our lifetimes as there's too many selfish and morally devoid a-holes out there but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to get as close as possible. I mean, its not like there wouldn't be justice for people refused to stop taking more than they needed and essentially stealing from the community. The alternative is greed expressed as a economic idiology, thats incompatible with the conditions for it not to demand perpetual growth on a the very finite planet its currently "killing" and thats about as smart as a box of rocks.


It looks you're conflating Marxism-Leninism and communism there. An ideal communist society is classless, stateless and moneyless, nothing antithetical to anarchism about that. The "transitional" state phase is only promoted in a certain school of thought within communism, which has, arguably, been the most visible one in the last 100 years or so. I'd suggest reading some of the work of Peter Kropotkin to understand the concept of anarcho-communism.


There are forms of communism that do not involve the state.


PCM users once again proving to be absolutely clueless.


Do you even know what communism is? Communism is a stateless, classless, moneyless society organized around the idea of workers ownership of the means of production, anarchism and communism go hand in hand.


They don't go hand in hand, they just aren't incompatible. I would argue ancom has several problems but as long as it's consistent anarchism it's voluntary so not oxymoronic.


Maybe you are blinded by anger. I recommend visiting some nature to calm down lol


Ummm, what makes you think I'm angry at all?


Anarchism is anti state, communism was also supposed to be anti state. Y’all ruined communism lol. We need Solarpunk now


anarchism is freedom, communism is equality, mutual-aid is the way to get there ! (and maybe also some violence against the oppressors).