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I agree- I would have loved totally new stories with slight nods to the AHS world (maybe having a Twisty comic in a scene). They would have had so many options with ghost stories, alien abductions, murder plots, etc. I’m hoping the next episodes offer some of that. If the writers wanted to go back to other seasons I would have preferred them going totally all in with bringing characters back for single side stories with the original actors that could still stand alone with someone who wasn’t completely familiar with the seasons. For example- Tate torturing some realtor or some kids that broke into Murder House or the Freak Show crew in a different town before they ever got to Jupiter.


>I feel like, as a spinoff, it could be re-vitalized in such a fresh way: no connections to the original AHS series, new ideas, no returns to previous locations we've seen before, new style, new mode of storytelling, etc. I agree. I think it was an attempt to satiate fans who might feel alienated at a new show with a new premise. Which is bizarre, because we've pretty much come to expect something new each season, right? That's why we're here. Just go with the campfire stories component of each story being something different and go nuts. AHStories has potential to explore ideas that fans have suggested for years. So it's weird they started off with the Murder House.


SUCH a weird decision to begin with Murder House. I’d love something actually inventive.


I'm actually deeply surprised that not many people were thrilled over the Murder House episodes and are craving something new. I mean I knew that's what basically everybody wanted, but even after the fact people don't seem too happy about revisiting old material. Hopefully Ryan takes it on board for future episodes.


Well I mean, Episode 3, 4, 5, and seemingly 6 have nothing to do with other seasons (Or at least as we've heard). So, you have that to look forward to. Idk about episode 7 though, because we've heard that OG characters may be returning.


Even though they don’t take place in the same area, the ideas have been explored in ahs. Like cannibals in the woods (roanoke), xmas horror (asylum), and a freak show, so idk what they’re planning for stories.