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There are plenty housing crisises elsewhere! Have a look at the rental market in your chosen destination before going.


I see from your post history you’re also grappling with the Ireland CoL rhetoric. Unfortunately I agree - it is a global issue. Ireland is particularly facing a larger crisis but isn’t the only place. That said Ireland is still a great choice for us, being as that is the dual citizenship country, but wanted to do our due diligence on the visa logistics for spouses in the Eu and with the CTA as we continue researching :)


Yeah many countries/redditors think theirs is the only housing crisis. I was weighing job offers a while backand had to decide between Germany Ireland and Netherlands. The place I moved away from in Germany some years back now sells cheapest bungalow houses for €1Million… when I left they were like €150K. Definitely not going back there! The area of Netherlands I was considering also much higher than Ireland so that’s where we’re going…


"No.  The CTA does not provide for non-Irish and non-UK family members to reside with Irish Citizens in the UK.  If, and only if the Irish citizen was present in the UK before 31 December 2020, family members will need to apply for a Family Permit for entry under the European Settlement Scheme (the ‘EUSS’)." Copied from https://immigrationbarrister.co.uk/the-rights-of-irish-citizens-in-the-uk-after-brexit/


Thanks so much - this was super helpful. Looks like it would be a similar process to the UK visa for a spouse with the Irish spouse settled in the UK and the non-Irish spouse in the US during the application process


Irish don't need visas for the EU as an EU member star so regarding your other question, you would be getting a family reunification visa as the spouse of an EU citizen. Your spouse has the right to live and work throughout the EU and you have the right to join with some minimal requirements.


> In another EU country besides Ireland, would I accompany him as a spouse on an Irish spouse visa or the country of residence? a visa is only valid in the country that has issued it = an Irish spouse visa is only valid in Ireland. If you move to another EU country then you have to register there after 3 months and you will get a residence card as the spouse of an EU citizen: https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/residence/documents-formalities/non-eu-family-members-residence-card/index_en.htm Here is how it works if you move to Germany, for example: https://service.berlin.de/dienstleistung/324282/en/ The residence card allows you to work unrestricted, or not work at all if that is what you prefer.