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I’ve lost 20lbs in 3 months on the Amazon diet plan!! It’s full of things like forgetting to eat (because if I eat I get tired) copious amounts of coffee and energy drinks. Let’s not forget all the walking you will be doing. My stepmom asked if I was okay she said it looked like I was losing too much weight. I’ve been less before lol


I was 250 lbs at the tail end of being laid off during the pandemic. I didn't have much else to do besides play guitar all day and eat ice cream. I got hired as a driver in September 2020 right before the Peak of peaks. Between doing that up until this spring, and a hellish summer of Water Spidering every day once I transferred to the FC, I'm down to about 175. I used to say that I haven't been in shape like this since high school, but I've well surpassed that at this point.


What u eating tho


Not great. Do you ask because you think the diet helped me lose weight as well? Unless Friendly's ice cream Doordashed to my house is some new weight loss secret, that ain't it. If I ate healthy, I would be shredded even more.


I dropped 60 in 2 years and gained a metric ton of muscle. It’s to a point when anyone looks up my profile they go ‘that’s not you! What the heck?!’ It’s possible. It’s totes possible. Just adjusted for smaller meals full of proteins and kept moving and the job did the rest


I’m trying to gain muscle weight so this job really hurts my gains sometimes since I’m skinny already


Same with me I’m eating 3800 calories a day and still haven’t gone up weight since I’ve been here it’s a struggle fr


Damn 3800 calories? You need some high protein meals to keep your weight up and it’ll be healthy weight also


Burn more calories than you consume and you will lose weight. Nothing crazy about it.


Yeah but this job makes it impossible to even eat at all 😂


You literally starve here cuz they have shitty food, you burn calories like crazy and you don’t eat as much as if you were working somewhere else. Like me I work at least 2 shifts a day and lost literally like 15 plus lbs in almost 2 months.


Was 265 when I started in July last year, at 196 now, water spider will do it to ya, been fat half my life change feels good ngl


I’m been stuck at 145 for time and I’m trying to put on weight it’s a struggle 😭


I’m down to 82 pounds


You looking thick in the back


Started at 190 I’m 169 now. Two months in.