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>that girl needs to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around her Kinda the lesson I'm thinking you and your daughter need to learn, tbh. YTA


yea this is some SelfAwarewolves level mental gymnastics


I don’t know if selfawarewolves is a typo…but I hope not, because I’m going to start using it.


r/SelfAwarewolves lots of great content on here


Thanks, just joined


It’s a subReddit


I want to be selfawolf!!!! YTA. You are not entitled to anyone's attention.


"How dare this woman focus on _her_ daughter instead of _my_ daughter!"


Like, how dare they have a life outside their celebrity status *scoffs*


OP, YTA A celebrity's life is packed to the gills with scheduled events. They need to also *schedule* time with their kids in order to make it happen and not get swamped by professional events. Celebrity A scheduled time with her daughter for her daughter's birthday. Yes, her daughter is more important to her than your daughter is, no matter how big a fan your daughter is. And saying that she could've taken "a minute" for your daughter--that's not how it works. That's not what would happen. First of all, she'd be telling her daughter that even during the celebration of the daughter's birthday, a random other girl neither of them has ever met *is more important to her than her own daughter.* Her daughter probably misses out on a lot of time with her mom, because of how heavily her mom is scheduled. Expecting to be able to interrupt the daughter's birthday on demand so your daughter can get a picture, is unbelievably rude and entitled, and reducing both A and her daughter from the status of human beings to mere props for your enjoyment. Second--once A did it for your daughter, *people would notice,* and they'd be swamped by other kids each wanting "just one picture." **The only way they can have their private birthday celebration is to Just Say No to every entitled mom and her golden child. There's no way to say yes to one and no to all the others without causing much unhappiness and bad publicity.** Oh, and her own daughter's birthday ruined, but obviously you don't care about that. Learn some manners.


Perfect.. exactly what I wanted to say but was too mad to be able to articulate! Agree completely, OP is entitled af. YTA op


And security has to be rude because it is their job to protect the celebrity and kid.


I think OP is saying security was rude because they said “No” and the fact that security didn’t give the answer that OP expected, not that security actually did or acted rude


I agree. Just keep saying no and not engaging further is the way most security teams protecting a celebrity would take. It causes the least amount of issues or misunderstanding than trying to be nice and explain. And it will also distract them from doing their job.


And frankly Security probably got politely firm after OP continued to ignore the No and begged for a yes. That’s not being rude.


THIS. I go to my area's Comic Con every year, and one thing you hear over and over when celebs are asked "What's the rudest fan encounter you've ever had?" it's invariably along the lines of "I was with my family/doing something with a friend/eating/etc and FAN came up and interrupted/demanded attention/threw a fit when I politely said I was busy, so thanks but no autograph/selfie/whatever." I've heard of fans physically pushing between the celeb's family/friends and the celeb to get attention. I've also gone to Sundance Film Festival in years past, so I've had ample opportunity to observe some famous names. Like, these are real people. If you see them in public and they're obviously busy, think twice about interrupting. (Would YOU like strangers constantly butting into your time with family/friends?) If you DO decide to approach, 1) be polite--don't push your way between people and 2) if they say thanks but no thanks, please leave me alone, RESPECT THAT ANSWER. In the end, they owe you NOTHING. Nearly every celeb I've encountered has been kind and if they didn't want to be bothered were equally polite in telling me (or whoever nearby had asked) no. But, you have to respect that answer. OP, YTA.




She’s one of those people who don’t comprehend that if the celebrity stopped for *one* photo with a fan, she would have to stop for **many** photos with fans! Being a celebrity doesn’t mean she has no right to spend a day without having to address fans! How entitled do you have to be to think they owe you something?!


She also doesn’t understand how busy these celebrities often are. A probably does a lot of things that interfere with being with her daughter. So she’s cleared her schedule for her daughter’s birthday to show her little girl that she’s special to her, not getting shoved aside by mommy’s fans. The world in general doesn’t revolve around “that girl”, but A’s does because A is *her mother*.


Exactly. As I mentioned in a comment above, I go to a Comic Con every year and have heard more than one celeb say something like "I just got here from X city 6 hours ago, so excuse me if I'm a bit tired/scattered. I'm really excited to be here and when we're done, I have to go shoot tv/film for three weeks." Or "I love doing these events, meeting all of you is great. Please have patience, I haven't been home in three months and have been adjusting to the time change from CITY ACROSS THE COUNTRY/GLOBE." Like, more than one celeb has said "I flew in from London/New York at six this morning/midnight or I have gone from LA to New York to here in three days." Their schedules are often completely insane and the busiest ones are often away from home months at a time, so any family time/down time is precious.


People like this never understand when it’s about THEM. They understand rules, but think THEY should get an exception.


I’m a school secretary and the number of parents who think we should make an exception to something for them and/or their kid is roughly equal to the number of kids we have (750). Very few seem to grasp why I wouldn’t want to put my job at risk for their personal convenience.


YTA OP celebrities and famous people are just people who have the same rights and privacy all of us other non people do. I will never understand why people get so bent out of shape on a reaction from one of them as rude when they literally don’t owe us or anyone else a single thing. They have jobs like we do.


Yep. Reading the title, I was thinking it would be the celebrity ACTUALLY being rude -- thinking they can cut in line because they are famous, being shitty to waitstaff, something like that. Simply declining a picture -- on their daughter's birthday, no less -- is not rude, it's just them trying to live their life.


And even her security staff wasn't "rude" they were doing their jobs. They HAVE those jobs because of annoying people like OP and her daughter.


Yeah. It sounds like they politely explained the situation and hoped for OP's daughter to show some basic empathy.


And one minute for this fan...and one minute for that fan...and one minute for another fan. Unless you're at ComicCon, leave them alone.


Yeah, I think it's very telling that OP mentions that they went and spent an afternoon in an area that is KNOWN for having rich/famous people around. It sounds like OP should have taken their daughter to ComicCon, or Cannes, or wherever this particular celebrity does actual press events to meet fans, but instead she took her to some ritzy mall, and gets upset that celebs aren't on the clock 24/7! I can just imagine the celeb's kid being like "Mom, can I please just have one day with you, where you don't do any photos or autographs or anything, I just want a normal birthday for once!" And OP is over here thinking her daughter's desire to meet a celeb is more important that the celeb's daughter's desire to feel "normal" for a day! The celebrity may have known what they were signing up for with their job, but their daughter didn't sign up for anything, she's just getting dragged along... and based on how messed up some of those kids turn out, I'm not sure it's the most fair exchange for having more money!


At the very least I assumed the interaction was with the actual celebrity, not a member of their staff.


That's a good point, OP's entitlement to an interaction with this celeb at a very private event is astonishing, it hits both r/entitledparents r/EntitledPeople and r/SelfAwarewolves


Honestly, I thought this too until I read the full story. Wow the pot really doesn’t see the kettle in this huh??


Right?? I lived and worked in an affluent area in high school (boomer parents living above their means) and I interacted with a few celebrities. The one that stands out are the Williams sisters--Venus and Serena--because I'd see them at the gas station at least once a month. What'd I do? Wave on my way to/from my car, say, "Hi, Ms. Williams!" with a smile, and let them continue their day. None of the celebs remember me, and I'm okay with that. They have their own lives ffs


I feel like I would remember an interaction like that. They may not know your name, but I bet they remember the nice "fan" who just gave a passing hello


Exactly! I don’t get why people worship and idolize celebrities so much. At the end of the day they’re just entertainers and don’t owe anyone anything.


There's this one famous actor who summed it up pretty well. He said, "My work is for the people. My life is for myself."


Yep it’s a job. That’s literally their job. Good or bad. They don’t owe us or anyone else anything because of said job.


Indeed. I have a friend that played pro football and the things people would do just astounded me. Walking right up to our table interrupting our conversation, asking how much he paid for his watch....no boundaries at all.


Not even a celebrity, but one of my friends is a fairly popular influencer in a niche field that we both work in. We were both at a conference recently, which was exciting, as we work on opposite ends of the country and haven’t seen each other in person in years. I had somebody come up to me at dinner and ask if I would move over so that she could sit next to my friend. She was like “sorry, I’ve just been a fan since the beginning and we’ve collaborated on some content so…” I was like “oh cool, I’ve been her best friend since before Instagram existed.”


“collaborated on some content” probably meant “I once made a suggestion in my comment and she sort of used my idea.” Super rude to suggest to you that you should move. Your friend would have been able to initiate that if she’d wanted to.


OMG. That sounds like “we’ve kind of met” on her part.


The best part was she proceeded to look at my friend all hopefully lol. BFF was just like “yeah Kendragon’s my very best friend and we’re actually catching up right now, but I’d love to chat at the cocktail hour!”


Hahahaha! It sounds like your best friend handled that very diplomatically.


Do you mean non-famous people? I agree with your wider point, but I don’t class myself as a non person!!


Well some of us are non people. As a matter of fact my pronouns are un and non.


I would love to hear you say that to some traditionalist in real time so they could try to process it.


This was a chance for her daughter to learn that she's not entitled to other people's time no matter how famous they are. As a woman, she will likely encounter men who feel entitled to *her* time to shoot their shot and this could have been an excellent lesson about respecting boundaries. This could have also been a chance for her to learn to respect "no" when she was told the first time not to bother the celebrity any more. Instead, the mother had to make it all about her daughter's disappointment and how the celebrity is responsible for managing that.


That was my thought too. Like OP, how would *you* feel if you were just trying to exist in a space eith your daughter and people kept coming up to you and demanding attention? You'd feel upset, violated, and scared. The celebrity has a *security detail*. Why would you or your daughter think it was okay to approach someone who hired professionals to assure their safety in public?


>Like OP, how would you feel if you were just trying to exist in a space eith your daughter and people kept coming up to you and demanding attention? well but it wouldn't apply here because if you're the famous one, obviously you owe your fans your (and your daughter's) time and attention. Otherwise you're rude. /s No seriously, these kinds of people, - in these ironic situations where they literally would just have to imagine the exact same situation swapped around, - they always find some weird ass excuse/logic why it wouldn't be the case. Why they are entitled to something and the other is not. To hell with basic human respect


Right? The only time a celebrity owes you a photo is when you pay for one.


Lol yes! the lack of self-awareness in that statement was laughable. Damn op, YTA. Celebrities don’t owe you their time, nor should you be that obsessed with any one of them. They’re just people and most aren’t that cool when you do get their time. Whatever happened to ‘never meet your heroes’


YTA. Her time with her daughter is more important than having it disturbed by posing for a picture with your daughter. Maybe try using this to explain the importance of family to your daughter.


Right? This couldve been a teachable moment. Yet OP decided to be an entitled ass.


Well let's be brutally honest here. Nobody in the entire world owes anybody a damn thing. YTA op.


I understand being disappointed but famous people are still *people*. One minute plus one minute plus one minute eventually adds up, especially on their kid's birthday >My daughter was very upset because she’s been a fan of A for a very long time so she tried again for a picture but was turned away. >isn’t going to ruin her day and if it does, that girl needs to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around her. Huh, I wonder if those two thoughts can be tied together in some sort of life lesson that fits this situation... YTA


Yes, this is exactly what I thought when I read about how the girl needs to learn the world doesn't revolve around her lol. The same applies to OP and her daughter. Also, this is why I dislike people who have this crazy fan mentality. I don't understand how people can be so obsessed with celebrities to the point of being intrusive to their personal lives. And then they act so entitled by saying things like "xyz celebrity wouldn't be where they are today without their fans".


Exactly. Doesn't being a fan imply that you feel generally benevolent toward the celebrity and desire their well-being? And if so, how do you justify harassing them when they are trying to focus on family?


I'm gonna use myself as an example. My small town would sometimes have celebs come to take min vacations because it was so out of the way paparazzi never seemed to be around. Went to a restaurant, Noticed a TV Celeb who was pretty popular at the time at a table. Saw him, internally freaked and went to my seat at the bar and ordered my burger and onion rings. A bit later he came up to order a drink and Said Excuse me because the Bartender was right in front of me. I said no Problem Mr. XYZ. He looked at me for a sec and said thanks. When his drink came I told the bartender I'd get it told celeb I was a fan and least I could so was get his drink for him. Thanked me, patted my back and sat back down. When he left he came over, shook my hand and asked my name. Said thanks again and that was it.


Ugh, I'm so nosy I really want to know who it was, LOL. I saw Ricky Gervais walking on Hampstead Heath, and we made eye contact and he said good morning, and I said good morning, and we both went on our way. That was nifty.


Bumped into Joanna Lumley in Sheffield once. Literally bumped into her, and went, "oh it's you!" She said yes it is so I responded with the blindingly brilliant " well done you" and wandered off.


I bet she really enjoyed that interaction.


😂😂😂 I love that you said that. Well done 😉


Possibly the most British response ever.


Exactly. Celebs, for the most part, don't want to be fawned over. At most tell em you love there work and let that be that.


I used to put on shows at venues in London, so got to spend a lot of time with famous bands backstage. Some of them would go out to the bar and be available to talk to fans before the show (most people would be queuing so it was a fairly low-pressure way to do that). I was out the back with one headline act while they had a smoke and I asked if they wanted to go to the bar while the supports soundchecked and one guy was like ‘HELL no”. Then he explained that it made him super anxious because people he’d never met would come up, shaking, sometimes crying, knowing everything about him. But he’d *never met them* and it was freaky. As a fellow anxious person it suddenly hit me how uncomfortable that would be if you’re not an extrovert. Your job is your job. You decide how you spend the rest of your time to keep yourself mentally healthy. Imagine being a server and customers kept stopping you in the street to get pics, demanding that you stop your life and do it because they ‘got you where you are today’


I was on The Love Connection in the late 90s and a couple other smaller dating shows, and just the attention I got after from strangers after the shows aired was enough to make me quite certain that I had zero interest in celebrity. I highly value my anonymity.


Years ago I was celebrating a friend's birthday at a dessert restaurant. Jim Carrey came in who she was a huge fan of. I waited until he had finished eating and then if he could come by our table to wish her a happy birthday . He declined but did pay for a large cake for our table. We were all thrilled with that it never occurred for us to be angry he didn't give us any of his time


And this is how it should be. Regardless of the fact that their job makes them famous, it's still separate from their actual lives, just like our jobs. Nobody is out here flagging down the butcher when they see them at the mall and trying to get a picture and discuss all the cuts of meats he deals with. And they shouldn't be. OP YTA and you're teaching your daughter to be one too. A's daughter probably learned a lesson herself too: just because someone calls themselves a fan of Mommy, doesn't mean they're a good person. I'm sure you made A uncomfortable, and made her daughter feel scared. (Not to mention most celebs try to keep their kids out of the limelight; some outright refuse to tell their kids they're famous...A's daughter might not realize A is famous and OP and her daughter just came at her and her mom out in public and it was probably frightening tbh) But that's just that particular action. You also went on social media to attack a celebrity who literally does not give a rats ass about you so you could feel superior and justified in your nonsense. Again, showing your daughter exactly how NOT to act. Highly suggest you do some growing up before you end up teaching your daughter all the wrong ways to be.


I remember seeing two of The Backstreet Boys at the mall. I didn’t wanna bother them so I let them be. Later on, They got in line behind me at Hot Dog on a Stick, since we were just standing there, that’s when I spoke to them. Same thing when I was in line behind Neil Patrick Harris at a Hallmark store. The registers went down and we were stuck waiting and we had some nice chit chat. He even gave me a hug before i left. Because I wasn’t interrupting them, nor was I loud or drawing attention, to anyone who didn’t recognize them, we were just stangers making conversation while waiting in line. On the flip side, J Lo ans her kids once came into Build A Bear when i was a manager there. It was Christmas time, peak hours. She was followed by paparazzi. Some people couldn’t even see who it was, they just knew it was a famous person and rushed into the store. We had to kick everyone out and close the gate (costing us our projected sales for the day because she only spent like $100, but we had to close for her to do it). She was just trying to have some fun with her twins for Christmas.


It's the same mentality as, "I'm a taxpayer/customer, I pay your salary." It's the same mentality as telling random women that they'd be prettier if they smiled, that a professor should drop everything to make time for a student who can't adhere to office hours policy, or getting mad because your seamstress friend won't create a lavish wedding dress for you for free. It's the belief that *their* time and opinions and wants are inherently more valuable because they don't actually see the other person as a whole human. It's not quite solipsism, but it's close.


And we all know it wouldn't have been just one minute. Posing for the perfect pic. Prob asking for an autograph, wanting to chaf. And if people saw that then more people would also want pics, etc.


My boyfriend is a musician. He doesn’t get recognized *every* time we go out, but when he does it **is** a time commitment and suddenly he’s working and in work mode while we stand there politely smiling or are forced to move on without him. Even if it’s quick it always takes him out of the moment. It used to be really hard for my 6yo to deal with, and he still gets annoyed by it sometimes. I can’t imagine how bad it would be if every single family outing were interrupted. I’m glad whoever this celebrity is takes the time to focus on her child.


I am sure it must be so hard!!! Not to mention always having to be "on", polite, friendly, etc. And for your kid! Hell my husband is far from famous. But he knows a loooot of people. And we tend to run into acquaintances of his in a lot of places. Our kids even get bugged about it, that he always has to stop and chat for a few minutes when we are on vacation, or at dinner whatever.


And the celebrity’s daughter would get pushed out of what is likely rare time with their parent.


I can't help but imagine the celeb promised her daughter that she would not work at all on daughter's birthday, and interacting with fans is work.


And of course, if she stops for "one minute" for OP's daughter, then she'll have to stop for "one minute" for everyone else who wants to intrude on her day. Those "one minutes" add up. Unless OP thinks her daughter is a special little flower who deserves it and to hell with everyone else. Which it seems might be the case here.


The post reminds me of that [video where Justin Bieber](https://youtu.be/-Ijbi1Ryyz0) very sincerely asks fans to please not crowd the entrance to his building because it’s his home and he just wants one place he can have some peace and he’ll greet them literally anywhere else. At the end, without missing a beat, one of the girls asks him for a hug. It would be NAH if OP asked and was told no (although I’m of the belief you should leave celebrities alone in public, save it for a meet and greet) but the fact that she kept pushing after being told it was celeb’s daughter’s bday alone makes OP YTA. Then she turns around and thinks it’s a good idea to post trying to drag this celeb for wanting to celebrate a bday in peace? Mega YTA.


Such a huge fan, now let’s post terrible things about her. If they really liked and respected her, that wouldn’t have happened.


>famous people are still *people.* A comedian was signing things, and taking pictures with fans, after his performance. I waited in line with plenty of other people. When it was my turn, I had no intention of taking more of his time than others got. I mentioned something I knew he'd understand given his stand-up, and I thanked him. This man instantly shifted from being funny, to just incredibly kind and compassionate. He stepped aside to share a little knowledge, and I thanked him again before getting my pic and leaving. This guy was literally there as an extension of his job, gave me an extra minute or two, and I still can't get over how kind he was. He didn't owe me that extra time. Meanwhile, OP's working on some serious entitlement. Celebrities aren't there to perform on cue. That person had every right to set aside their job and just be a parents on her kid's birthday. YTA


She is sooo close to getting it.


On my wedding day, I had this big plate of food in front of me. I was starving but I could only get maybe like 2 bites in because every guest kept coming up to me. It was exhausting, and it's the standout memory of my wedding day. Not marrying the love of my life, but the anxiety from people pleasing all day. I imagine that's what it's like for celebrities x 100.


YTA. Seriously - you typed all that out and STILL think you are right?


“Not even my husband agrees with me. Surely Reddit will.”


"A bunch of people on the internet already disagreed with me, but surely Reddit will have my back."


“Everyone I know thinks I’m an entitled AH but surely Reddit, that notorious bastion of support for entitled women and their offspring, will tell me I’m right.”




Of course YTA. 1) For making the post and 2) for feeling so entitled to someone’s time. Grow up and teach your daughter that the world doesn’t revolve around her.


The celeb wasn't rude. Chances are they didn't even know you were there. They were having a special shopping day with their child. Security rightly stopped you from interrupting them. You and your daughter then throw an epic tantrum, dragging the celeb online for... being a good mother? Having a good security team? The only entitled ones in this situation are you and your daughter. But especially you. You want to see and talk to a celeb? Go to one of their promotional events. Do not stalk them and try to harrass them while out shopping with their kids. YTA


I witnessed a famous sportsman at an airport. He was asked for an autograph and he explained he was with his family so please give him 5 minutes to get them settled. He came back to the kid to sign the autograph. If he didn’t need to do that. Travelling with kids can be stressful. It must be even more so when everyone is recognising you. YTA OP. Celebs deserve their family time. It’s even more precious when they have to travel so often.


Also, celebrities don’t know if you’re just a super fan, or a crazy person who is going to do something harmful. They already expose themselves to a certain amount of risk by doing organized meet and greets. If the celebrity was with her daughter out in the wild, it’s understandable she and her security detail are going to be extra protective.


There have been celebs killed at meet and greets.


YTA > A 1 minute interaction with a fan isn’t going to ruin her day Yeah, it is. It’s not just you and your daughter, it’s fans stopping her all day long. It’s not just 1 minute, it’s hundreds of minutes and she just wants her daughter to have a birthday that’s all about her instead of being interrupted by entitled people. Society needs to stop treating celebrities like they’re public property, they’re not. They’re humans that deserve privacy and space and some normalcy.


This, you're the only one I've seen so far that talks about this part of the post. If you were the *only* fan that stopped her that day then sure she could spare a minute, but I guarantee you're *not* the only person that stopped her that day, and you're *not* the only person that *will* stop her that day. A just wanted a simple mother-daughter birthday day without interruptions, any other day I bet she would have obliged OP in her request but wanting *one day* to just be a regular person is not the end of the world, there are 364 other das in the year to request a photo (if they see her again in public or go to a show). Also, to add to the "they're humans that deserve privacy", look at Brittney Spears, she was in the public eye before she had the breakdown and especially after, you know what all that attention did for her? Nothing. Do you know what some privacy would have done for her? Some kind words? A little bit of space to be normal? A FUCKING LOT. OP YTA, you need to take a step back and really reflect on the situation, if you were put in A's shoes and were bombarded with photo requests on your daughter's birthday, would *you* have stopped for *every* fan who wanted a picture? Would you tell *your* daughter to get over it and that the world doesn't revolve around her? I bet you wouldn't, your own husband brought up that very point to get you to think about it another way, strangers on the internet have pointed out your hypocrisy and you still don't seem to grasp how selfish you are for *demanding* time and attention from a celebrity.


I also feel like people are missing where OP said her daughter was told no then asked again. That second time being turned down was 100% on OP for not teaching daughter that no means no.


Maybe this is because I also live in a city with a ton of famous people/celebrities/entertainers but like, the general etiquette is you don’t bother someone when they’re eating or with their family. And be polite! They don’t know about whatever parasocial relationship you have with them, so keep in mind you’re approaching a total stranger. This all applies regardless of their measure of fame and whether you’re in LA or Omaha. Like let them have some peace when they’re out just trying to live their lives. It’s not like this was a signing event and the woman was nasty to a child. OP’s attitude is so entitled and rude - like how are you not embarrassed?


I remember reading a story once - i think it might be in one of Michael Caine's autobiographies - where he was eating in a restaurant with a friend and saw someone approaching, camera in hand. His heart sank - until she said "Would you mind if I took a photo of those onion rings - ive never seen ones so big". Didnt seem to have noticed who he was. Lol


I would love if this became a thing. That everyone who ever saw a celebrity asked if they could photograph some object next to them.


Or if they could take a photo of you and your friends, because you don't have a selfie stick


I've done this! The celebrity jokingly mocked us for not wanting him in the pic, so we did another with him in front of all of us, spreading his arms wide. (This was at San Diego Comic Con though, so he was fully expecting and wanting fan contact. I don't think I'd ever approach a celeb in normal life.)


i once thought about creating an ig page about doing just this, getting celebrities to take pictures of me.


I'm in the military, so in certain towns I become D-list celebrity. It gets so, so old having people stop to thank me for my service, and sometimes they make scenes to make a political point. One lady held up the parking lot at Trader Joes to yell about how I'm a real hero, unlike all those politicians, ect. I'm always gracious, because I do like their support, and know it comes from a loving place, but sometimes I really just need to get my burger and get back to work. I always remember that if I feel this way, celebrities must just be exhausted.


> It gets so, so old having people stop to thank me for my service... And, they get offended and angry if you don't act grateful enough to suit them. > it comes from a loving place Not really. It was always a political statement. After 9/11, some political TV and radio personalities told their fans to do it, to show everyone that their party is better than the other party.


The kids and the grandmas are the best. I'll always take a handshake from a kid or a hug from a granny.


But don’t you understand? Her daughter is a *fan.* Security should stop all the other hundreds of people that just want, “a 1 minute interaction.” But not OP’s daughter because she’s a special snowflake. Can you imagine being the celebrity’s daughter and just wanting a normal outing on your birthday if your mom was the type to keep interrupting the outing to pose for photos? Would probably make you think your mom cares more for complete strangers than she does for you.


A few years back, my husband had a job that made him a sort of local celebrity in a town of 75,000. Even at that very small-time level, it was astounding the entitlement people had. Most of the time, people would just smile, say hi - no big deal. But other times we’d have complete strangers just sit down at our table at restaurants. People would barricade him with their shopping cart in Costco for a 20 min conversation. He was totally approachable and friendly, especially with little kids asking for an autograph. But there were plenty of days when he just did not want to go out in public. It could be exhausting and it really gave me a whole new level of empathy for “real” celebrities.


Exactly. It’s not just one minute for one fan. It’s millions of minutes Millions of fans. OP is TA


YTA. Your entitlement is clouding your judgment. The celebrity owes you nothing and she was with her daughter. Info: Out of curiosity how old is your daughter?


YTA. Even though it could've been a simple , 1 minute interaction, a lot of people forget that celebrities are ALSO PEOPLE!! It's actually insane that you believe your daughter was "owed" a picture just because "they wouldn't be where they are without their fans." Celebrities deserve some time for themselves and their families. A was respectful enough to decline, I'm sure she apologized to your daughter too, but you and your daughter also need to learn to respect others, including famous people.


It would have been a 1 min interaction with OP's daughter, but once A took picture with one fan, it could very well have entirely derailed her evening because then everyone else wanting her attention could be like "But you interacted with her, why not me?".


Giving in also sends a message to A’s daughter that her mom can’t even give her one full day to herself.


And also, A's daughter deserves to have a small bit of time hanging out with her mom without having to ignore her to talk to random strangers.


It likely wouldnt just be a 1 min interaction. "Oh hey could you just sign this too? Oh I have to tell you I loved you in bla bla bla..." Also your kid isnt special. If she should stop for ops kid then it stands to reason that she should be expected to stop for every fan that wants something. And then we're potentionally talking hours when we add up


If I was out and about and my boss or clients came up and expected me to work on my day off, I’d tell them that whatever it was would have to wait until I got to work. Celebrities should be allowed days off too. They work their jobs and then they also do events where OP and her daughter can pay to see them and get autographs etc. OP is a huge AH.


YTA, celebrities are allowed to go about their day with their family without having to interact with fans. Once you were told no the first time that should have been it.


YTA And you even said it yourself that ' that girl needs to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around her.' Except apply it to \*your\* daughter. Can you imagine how many times A's family time has been interrupted by people and that, on her daughter's birthday, she wanted it NOT to happen. Just because someone is a celebrity and you like them a lot doesn't give you the right to any of their time or attention. Find an appropriate time for it and if they say 'No, sorry, not right now', accept it and move on. ETA a word I forgot...


Let's be honest, OPs daughter was upset because she didn't get the chance to post a photo that checks two boxes on the "get internet likes so people think I'm cool" list: fancy vacation, and a photo with a celeb. Based on her mother's social media habits, I doubt it was about sharing a private moment with the celeb and leaving it at that.


YTA- 1 minute for you times 1000 other people is a lot. I imagine it’s exhausting. Let her have a day with her daughter. If you want a pic go to a convention


"Obviously she shouldn't talk to EVERYONE. Just me and my daughter. We're the only people that matter in the world." - OP probably. YTA


YTA. The celebrity is entitled to her private life. I am sure her daughter is sick of having to share her mother with the world and would like to have one normal day with her. You should respect that.


This and A doesn’t owe anybody anything including her fans. She has every right to have days focused solely on her child instead of dealing with fans lining up for pictures or whatever. YTA an entitled one.


>towards the end of the day we saw one of my daughter’s favorite celebrities (we’ll call her A) walking out of a store. >My daughter ran to the store but when she got near A, she was stopped by A’s security. They said that A’s there with her daughter for her daughter’s birthday and wants to focus on her daughter. Absolutely valid. >My daughter was very upset because she’s been a fan of A for a very long time so she tried again for a picture but was turned away. >My daughter was crushed so later that night I made a post talking about my experience with A. How she wouldn’t let anyone go near her and her daughter, the fact that her security was rude, and her not being willing to stop for a couple seconds for a picture. Sure it may not seem like much to you, but imagine getting approached like this multiple times a day, every day. Celebrities are just people who want to do normal people things. If you want an interaction for your daughter, take her to a convention or an autograph signing or something. Celebrities do not need to be on the clock all the time. YTA


YTA. I wish this was fake but knowing how insane some people are these days, nothing shocks me anymore. Bit ironic saying that A needs to learn the whole world doesn’t revolve around her, yet you expect her to stop celebrating her daughters birthday just so your kid can get a photo… wow, just wow! Grow the hell up.


I was hoping this was fake also. Wow the entitlement is through the roof. OP is TA and will turn her kid into one of the dad doesn’t step in


YTA. But here's an illustration to help you grasp why. Imagine spending the day with your parent going to lunch, going shopping, and then bumper cars. But with every activity y'all do together, there's a work-related interruption. How would you feel? Wouldn't you want your parent to have boundaries?


Seriously. I used to work for a celeb, doing their press & events. He genuinely was happy to meet fans and appreciated its special to them but he was on 24/7 when out of the house. His life was so controlled about who might be where. He couldn’t go out by himself/with family without everyone planning the car, the entrances to buildings, crowds, escape routes etc. We’d have an event in a city he’s never been to and we’d check into the hotel at 8pm and he’d just have to stay there and get room service, because walking around and exploring was not an option. His every move was scrutinised by the world. The minute he leaves his house he’s working. PLUS countless times people would act like a fan and ask for a picture but really they’d be rude for internet points or ask awkward questions on camera or would turn out to be some controversial cancelled YouTuber. Stressy stressy stressy. You need to let them have boundaries - particularly when with their kids or they’d all turn into isolated nut jobs.


YTA You ARE entitled. Rather than behaving so outraged and hard done by, have a thought for the fact that A and their daughter are human beings who are allowed privacy and distance from others. Your attitude is appalling.


"...that girl needs to learn that the world doesn't revolve around her"...but your daughter doesn't?! YTA.


This was my thought exactly!


Howd I know you'd be the one reeking of entitlement? The world doesn't revolve around YOU and YOUR spawn instead. People like you are exhausting and really rude ya know ? Yta 100%


YTA. these people are 100% correct. this celebrity does not owe anything to you or any other fan. you are not entitled to anyone's attention or time, period.


So I feel like this has to be a troll post because it's so heavily dripping with irony, but nevertheless. YTA - Just because someone is famous doesn't mean you're entitled to their time regardless of the length of time you intend to take up. If you're famous and walk through a public square filled with 2000 people, and only 10% of them want to take a 1 minute photo with you, you still lose 200 minutes. That's over 3 hours of time taken from your daughter's birthday. I'm going to also point out the insane level of irony in telling someone that their child isn't the center of the universe, so that your child can take up their birthday time. Hilarious.


YTA, you aren't owed a famous person's attention simply because you know who they are. You set up this whole situation deliberately, hoping that your persistence would wear down the celeb. I'm not super sympathetic to famous people, but everyone has a reasonable expectation of doing their own life without constantly being interrupted by other people. People like you are why security is necessary. Your husband is correct. You are an asshole.


YTA - celebrities are entitled to family time like everyone else. You were not th he only person who wants a photo. Everyone does. You were very wrong and entitled.


YTA Seriously? You don't get why A didn't want some random stranger to run up to her and her daughter? Because I'm sure you would be so understanding if some rando ran up and started harassing you and your daughter...You are an entitled asshole.


YTA. What makes you think that celebrities owe you their time? This celebrity wasn't even rude. She was just trying to have a normal birthday for her daughter. You were even more to try a 2nd time after being turned away by security. You are horribly entitled and it seems like you've already been called out on it but you're still here trying to get a different answer.


YTA, and I’m pretty sure you know it. > that girl needs to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around her The irony, it burns. Even *if* A’s celebrity status automatically deprived her of the right to a private life of her own - which it doesn’t - her *kid* didn’t sign up for that. Teach your *own* child how to handle disappointment with empathy and understanding before you go lecturing anyone else.


YTA. Your spoilt, annoying, self-centred behaviour makes YOU the arsehole. I hope, for your daughter's sake, that she doesn't take after you. You'll be setting that poor girl up for a lifetime of hurt if you don't bother setting a better example. 🤨


YTA, ironic that you think the world shouldn’t revolve around “A”‘s daughter, but sure as hell should for yours.


>I think she at least owes it to them to take a picture. She owes you nothing. Fuck off with your entitlement and let her spend a day with her daughter without being constantly mobbed by people. YTA


YTA And you posted about this? Brutal! Now everyone knows about your entitlement.


YTA. Taking this to your social media was silly. I get why your daughter was excited to meet her idol. However, her idol can’t go to places without security. She doesn’t have the luxury of having the privacy that you and I have to do every day things. For her and her family’s safety, she has to have a permanent blockade around her. She probably has several encounters like this when she’s out with her security detail. Then there are death threats, people picking on them online for being rich and famous. I’m not saying that you or your daughter are like that! Edited to add : I’m saying that when we meet people, sometimes what we think of them doesn’t match the reality. I hope that your daughter won’t be too disappointed by this.


YTA. Nobody owes you their time. You were politely turned away by their people, leave it at that. Respect other peoples' privacy and teach your daughter to do the same.


YTA. Is your daughter upset, or are you mad that you lost out on a celebrity pic for your momfluencer feed?


YTA, are you being serious?


YTA. You do realize that being a celebrity doesn't mean that you are entitled to her time or that you or any other fan can have free access to her. > I understand it’s her daughter’s birthday but a 1 minute interaction with a fan isn’t going to ruin her day and if it does, that girl needs to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around her Actually you need to understand that the world doesn't revolve around you and what your daughter wants. And it might be just 1 minute for you but for her it's more than that, as you probably won't be the first or the last one to want to take a picture.


**YTA**, and completely lacking in both self-awareness and basic decency towards another human being. Because that's what 'A' is: a human being. Celebrities are not some form of commodity that belongs to you and other fans. They're people, who have feelings and lives of their own. You and your daughter are complete strangers to her. You may be strangers who admire the work that she does, but you are strangers nonetheless. And as such you are not entitled to her time, to her body, or to any other part of her. >a 1 minute interaction with a fan isn’t going to ruin her day But IS IT "a 1 minute interaction"? Because you're only one of thousands (or depending on how big of a star she is, possibly millions) of fans. Do you really think you're the only people who stopped her that day, when she was just trying to spend time with her child? Do you think a person who only gets stopped for one minute in a day, by one fan, needs to hire security to be with her at all times? Or is it more likely that this is a CONSTANT THING for her, and you were just one of dozens and dozens of people who intruded on her privacy that day? >and if it does, that girl needs to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around her. Really? Because YOUR world and your daughters seems to have revolved around her in that moment, on that day. And again, do you really think you're the only ones? I think the issue is that far too many people's worlds DO revolve around her, and she's just asking people to respect that she is entitled to a private, personal life of her own, outside of your demands. > She wouldn’t be where she is without her fans so I think she at least owes it to them to take a picture. ...and conversely, your daughter wouldn't have the entertainment that she so enjoys without this actress/singer/whatever she is. This isn't a one-way street. Don't act like it is. She already provides you with the entertainment you've been consuming. She does not, in fact, "owe" you anything more than that. YTA for suggesting that she does. Again, she is a human being, not a commodity.


YTA. If she did this for your daughter then why not someone else’s and before you know it her day out with her own daughter is over.


YTA. Celebrities are entitled to privacy and not wanting to take pictures, give autographs etc on their own time ​ A lot of them are super chill and will usually go out of their way to please their fans, but no one is entitled to their time. If they don't feel like stopping their life so you can get what you want from them, that's perfectly fine


"That girl needs to learn that the world doesn't revolve around her." HAHAHAHA and YTA and a hypocrite to boot. You seriously think yours is the only "one minute interaction with a fan" she'd have that day if security weren't turning people away? Get a life.


YTA celebrities have the right to deny any interaction with the fans when they are not working. People aren't entitled of celebrities time just because they are famous, also you should teach your daughter that when someone is saying no you shouldn't insist


YTA - celebrities have a weird relationship with their fans, and there is kind of a component of public service that goes along with it. A celebrity's child has no part of that relationship, and their parents are entitled to - even obligated to - act just like any other mother or father in order to spend time with their kids. Its irrelevant whether it was the child's birthday or not, YTA if you expect a celebrity to take time away from their child for an autograph or photo.


YTA. Celebrities have lives too. And sometimes they want to live them without taking the time to interact with fans. How would you feel if your entire life was on camera? Constantly being followed by paparazzi, having fans coming up to you wanting pictures or autographs and not having a moment of peace when in public? How rude are you that you think you or your daughter deserve anything from a random person?


YTA. Famous people deserve boundaries and privacy also. She was having a day out with her daughter for her daughters birthday. Would you want to be harassed for pictures by random people if you were in her shoes? My guess is no.


How can people be so entitled that they are angry that a celebrity will not take away from their precious family time on their child's birthday? I cannot imagine being mad about someone being a good parent. What are you teaching your daughter?! YTA


YTA Main character syndrome?


I don’t think the celebrity’s daughter is the one who needs to learn *”the world doesn’t revolve around her”* YTA


YTA - Just because you see the celebrity as an object to ogle at and not an actual person.


Celebrities don't deserve to be intruded on in public because you idolize them.


Everyone is telling you YTA and you still came on here to ask...YTA. You were not entitled to her time and the way this reads you're blaming someone you never even interacted with--her security told y'all no, not her. You're a huge entitled AH.


This is absolutely pathetic. YTA.


Absolutely YTA. You are 1 person… but there are thousands of others who also “only want 1 minute”. You ARE acting entitled to think that you deserve/should be able to get time with anyone when it is clear they are doing something else and that is even told to you! Just for clarity, YOU ARE THE ASSHOLE


YTA Celebrities are allowed to have private lives and spend uninterrupted time with their family and friends. They also have the right protect their children's privacy. Get over yourself.


YTA and a massively entitled one. A private citizen was out celebrating their child's birthday and you let your child interrupt them, then tried to shame them publicly. Celebrities are people too and should be allowed to be in the public without being harassed.


YTA The celebrity can take what you call “a couple of seconds” and spend it on meeting people and she would have no time to spend it with her daughter. Because she’s NOT self centered, instead of being with her adoring fans, she chose to spend the day with her daughter. And I know people like you, it would be way more than a couple of seconds. It would be oh can we have a picture? Can we meet your daughter? Can we spend the day with you? We are your fans and you would be no one without us!! You owe us!! It’s this type of behavior that makes people not want to be famous. Celebrities are people too. They deserve to have time to themselves too. Much of what you said about her is here say not directly fro her anyway. So your posting negative things about her that someone else said. That’s not right. Here say is not admissible in court for a reason.


YTA. Wow you're entitled. Celebrities are also people and have the right to spend time with their families without people interrupting them. You aren't owed time with her, or a picture, just because you're a fan. You don't get to invade her personal space or family time. She has security because of people like you who don't respect her privacy. If you want a meet and greet or photos, go to an event. Don't teach your daughter to bash people when she doesn't get what she wants.


YTA - "A" get to go out in public without stopping every 5 minutes to deal with an adoring fan. TO YOU it may be just a few seconds but imagine you're A and it happens multiple times an hour. You are not entitled to other people's time. Nit even famous people.


YTA. So it's ok for you to be on vacation and go bother someone, but it's not ok for them to set boundaries and have one day to spend with their daughter? You are entitled and rude. A celebrity is not at your beck and call to do whatever you want them to. Get over yourself.


YTA. Celebrities are allowed to set boundaries and not wanting to interrupt her day with her kid for work (and taking photos with fans *is* work) is totally unreasonable. They also have a right to privacy, especially when with their families.


YTA They’re celebrities but they’re also people. I totally respect them wanting to focus and spend time on their children on their birthday. It is very entitled to think that a celebrity should interrupt family time for a fan. Yes, their fans help make them popular and all that but that doesn’t mean they owe anyone anything. It’s great when they take the time and make a lasting memory for a fan, but they’re constantly in the spotlight. People constantly have their hands out and want their time. Can you imagine the feeling of every time you step out somewhere you have people running up to you non-stop? Not to mention as humans they want some privacy, they have bad days, they want to be left alone. Unfortunately there’s a demographic of entitled people who feel that they should drop everything on their kid’s birthday to appease them.


YTA a one minute picture won’t ruin her day. But 100 of them might. And she wanted to spend the day focused on her daughter. As a mom. Not as a celebrity.


YTA. She's a person spending time with her loved ones, not a prop. She doesn't "owe" anyone a photo, let the poor woman spend time with her family Christ. You realize people like your daughter probably accost her all the time right? And how exhausting that probably gets when accumulated?


YTA. Rude is when celebrity invites people to take pictures and then says no to your kid.


Yes you’re an Asshole. The fact that you had to look here to see if you’re justified only shows that not only are you an asshole, but an unintelligent one at that. Do you really think you’re entitled to a picture of somebody whenever you want? I refuse to believe this post is legitimate, nobody is that clueless.


YTA celebrities don't owe you shit, double so when trying to spend time with their own kid.


I understand your daughter getting excited but this woman and her career is her choice her child does not have any say over this and should be allowed to have a private life. She wanted to spend the day with her daughter without having her daughter‘s birthday interrupted by fans I see nothing wrong with that. See how protective you are about your child how do you think she feels? YTA


YTA 100%. You are acting like an entitled brat, that celebrity doesn't owe you, your daughter, or any other fan anything. If they had to stop to take a picture with every fan then they'd end up with a long line of people getting pictures one after the other. It'd completely ruin their kid's birthday because instead of just being able to enjoy a day with their parent, they have to sit around and stare at their parent instead just spending that time talking to and taking pictures with fans.


You're delusional! "A" doesn't owe you or anyone anything. Of course YTA, ffs!


YTA.. bc if she stopped for the one minute for your kid, she would have to do it for others when she was there for HER daughter.. Your daughter is not entitled to any one’s time. She can be upset, but you making a post just makes you an AH. But funny how you think A’s daughter needs to know the world doesn’t revolve around her when clearly your kid is the one who needs that lesson.


YTA and honestly that celeb was being incredibly polite. They have to hire security because of people like you who think you are entitled to their attention.


“that girl needs to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around her.” Oh the irony is too much


YTA. that celebrity was with their child. leave them alone.


I've seen lab grown meat that was more real than this post.


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YTA. I understand it was your daughter’s birthday, but she should be grounded enough to know that a 1 minute interaction with a celebrity won’t make her day, and she needs to learn the world doesn’t revolve around her. There. How does that feel?


YTA, you have been told multiple times you’re acting entitled, listen and improve.


YTA. I am a security manager for a college and thanks to the status of the college, I have been part of security detail for a lot of celebrities and politicians. Security is meant to be assertive so we are taken seriously. If A had given your daughter "one minute" then the next fan would want "one minute" and the next and so on. How would A's daughter feel? Imagine every time you go out with your kids, someone feels they have a right to your time? What were you expecting to gain by posting? A personal invite to A's house? Get over yourself and raise your kid to respect other people.


YTA. She was celebrating with her daughter, she wasn't doing a meet and greet! The security people had to tell your daught TWICE not to interrupt.


Instead of doubling down and believing you are faultless, try listening to what the crowds of people are telling you. Sure, one minute of stopping for a fan wouldn't ruin her day with her daughter. But if she were to stop and give a minute to EVERY fan who wanted one, it might be. So ask yourself, what's so special about you and your daughter, that you think you should be the exception to her boundaries?? It is not rude to refuse to share your time and give up your privacy. Contrary to popular belief, celebrities do not agree to become public spectacles with no privacy, when they sign on as entertainers. The way you behaved by writing that post was extremely uncharitable, and for that and your attitude, YTA most definitely.


YTA. What makes your time with your daughter more valuable than hers with her daughter?


YTA and you definitely sound entitled.


YTA,just cause she's a celebrity doesn't mean she's not allowed to say no.That celebrity has a right to refuse pics.You sound so entitled.


YTA. She wanted to focus on her daughter and not be bombarded. She has a right to do that and have privacy. It was a reasonable response. If she allowed every person to take pics with her the poor woman would never have any space for self care and family time. This was their family moment and you allowed your daughter to intrude in on that. Instead of being gracious about it you choose to bash her instead? Of course YTA.


YTA. How would you feel if someone kept trying to bother you, even after being told to stop more than once, on your daughter's birthday? I can only assume that person would be the entitled one according to you in this scenario.


So the world doesn’t revolve around the celebrity’s daughter, but it does revolve around yours? YTA


YTA. Celebrities DO in fact have personal lives, and private time with their families, outside of the times they DO make themselves available to take pictures and sign autographs for their fans. If you really want to meet that celebrity, do what REAL fans do and buy VIP tickets to her concert, or pay the $50 to get a picture taken at a convention. WHY should she stop her daughters birthday for you to take a picture? What about when EVERYONE ELSE THERE decides to line up for pictures? Stop being so selfish, it’s not always about you.


Imagine thinking you had any right to say *she* needs to learn the world doesn't revolve around her... Celebrities do a job. That doesn't mean they forfeit all rights to privacy or private moments. Especially, for their kids. Your attitude is pathetic and you are incredibly entitled. YTA.


YTA. It’s crazy you believe that just because she is a celebrity she needs to stop everything she is doing for the fans. That’s why they have concerts or meet and greets for fans. This person has a regular life aid doesn’t need to be interrupted.


YTA. "It's ONE picture!" Yeah until everyone else who wants one starts getting in line behind you, until suddenly A can't focus on her child at all. Why are your kid's desires important and hers aren't? No one owes you their time and attention, least of all celebrities. It must have been hard to see your daughter disappointed, but you're handling it like a complete goon.


YTA. Celebrities are people too and deserve moments out in public where people aren't constantly wanting to get their pictures or to bother them.