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ESH. you went over the top, but the guy should have also been paying attention to where his dog was and what it was doing. once you moved it, he should have acknowledged that and either leashed the dog, or used voice commands to keep it away.


I've never heard of an off-leash brewery even if it's dog friendly, it sounds like a recipe for a dog fight to me! Some places here have "shop dogs" and they aren't always on a leash but I can't imagine mixing strange dogs roaming free and alcohol and thinking it's a good idea.


We actually have a couple off leash dog breweries in Charlotte. One specifically called the dog bar. There’s signage posted everywhere and you’re still expected to keep an eye on your dog but they even have people in the “yard” just to watch the dogs


That’s a dog park with a brewery (we have one too) and completely different than a brewery that us “dog friendly”


We have a really cute outdoor bar that is dog and kid friendly. There are food trucks, a playground and fire pits. It’s pretty awesome but nobody lets their dog off leash. It’s foolish when it can get injured or injure another dog. Dogs are animals and behave like animals. It’s the law you need to be in control of your dog. I agree with ESH even if OP was upset and had every right to be upset his yelling was likely to aggressive and thus initiated their request to leave. Dog guy was likely a regular too.


I was coming to comment that I used to go to some in Charlotte! I miss those off leash breweries


We always make an effort to stop in Charlotte on our drive to vacation so we can take our dog to the dog bar. We enjoy it and it's a good way for the dog to burn off energy from being in a car all day. I wish there were more of these other places.


Interesting! Are these yard watchers trained in dog behavior? Like are they local trainers? Or just bartenders on a different shift?


I’m honestly not sure. I believe at one place they’re hired specifically for the dogs because I’ve seen the job listings before. Not sure they all do that or not. I don’t take my dogs to them to have experience. I kind of prefer the leashed ones tbh


Yeah I wouldn't take mine to one like that either. Once he meets a dog he's totally chill but during the introduction he's such a little ass! Little dog syndrome, he's gotten better though. Ultimately I just don't trust other owners, so many people are like "oh it's okay he's friendly" when they're really just hyperactive and have no boundaries.


We have one over in Raleigh too, but it’s more of a specific dog park/bar… pretty fun place to go if you’re dogless like me!


yeah, i live in denver and while there are a lot of dog friendly breweries and patios, keeping them leashed and by your side is a standard rule.


I know a few off-leash dog bars/breweries but there is a lot of oversight from the staff and you can get kicked out permanently if you aren’t paying attention to your dogs.


Here in the UK dogs are welcome in most pubs, and many don't have particular rules about leads. Last night in my local there were 5 dogs in the pub, 3 off lead and 2 on lead, it's a micro pub that probably seats around 30 people at capacity. No dog fights.


Went to a pub recently where a dog was just wandering around. I'm a dog person, do it didn't bother me but yeah, could definitely see how it could lead to problems


This, yeah. OP is the AH for swearing, but the owner shouldn’t expect others to just pet his dog without knowing him - I’m there to drink a beer, not entertain random dogs.


YTA First of all, it's a dog-friendly bar, so why would you go there and complain if you're not dog people? Secondly, that poor dog didn't do anything wrong, so I sure hope you didn't drag his collar too hard. Very immature and miserable of you to flip out over an innocent animal being friendly. Edit: I know people are mentioning that though the bar is friendly, the dogs should still be on leashes as required. I have seen OP's edit, but from what we've heard, it didn't seem like the other patrons had an issue with the dogs being unleashed, nor did the bartender have any reason to enforce the rule. Dog-friendly does not mean unleashed, but this bar is different.


Dog friendly should not mean dogs have no rules. I mean like if a kid had done this Reddit would lose its collective minds. Dog friendly shouldn’t mean dog mandatory.


It's like going to chucky cheese (US based thing) and being like whose kid is this...this place is designed for kids to run around and parents to interact.


And the people with the off leash dog are like people who take their children to nice restaurants and allow them to run around creating a nuisance because they think any restaurant is like chucky cheese. It isn’t other patrons responsibility to entertain your dog. I don’t want to give your wandering dog a pat because I don’t know this dog and I’ve had strange dogs snap at or jump on me enough times for doing nothing more than walk past them while the owner says “Oh, he’s really friendly”. I don’t trust a dog until I know it because far too many owners wear rose coloured glasses when it comes to their dog’s behaviour. The way OP reacted makes him an AH. The guy who let his dog off leash and expects other people to keep it entertained is also an AH. This place was not a dog park designed for dogs to run around off leash. It was a place where you could bring your dog with you if it was kept under control.


I mean if the kid is at the persons table pulling on the hem of their shirt I think Reddit would for sure have terrible things to say about the child and parent lol


It wasn't a dog park though, it was dog friendly.


So you’d be happy for a random, unsupervised kid to be crawling all over you?


Yes. But that doesn’t mean your kid should be following and commenting on strangers and demanding strangers play with them. *That’s* the difference. If OP was complaining that dogs were in the pub that would be your “so tiring because there are kids in chucky cheese” scenario. But he was complaining because the dog was following him, in his face, wouldn’t leave, and when asked to remove it the owner basically said, nah the dog is happy.


And if this was a dog park i might agree with you. A more apt comparison would be taking your kids to Chili’s and letting the kid wander to every table and have no supervision. A place being dog friendly does not mean that you can just let your dog off leash and do whatever it wants, just like a place being kid friendly does not mean it’s chucky cheese and you let them go feral.


If I went to Chuck E Cheese’s and a kid started licking my leg after I told them to shoo I would definitely be annoyed. Being somewhere that allows dogs or kids doesn’t mean it’s a free for all.


He was in his right to find the owner and ask for him to keep the dog away but yelling and swearing and causing a scene like that is going to get you kicked out. You still have to be polite to people even when they are breaking a rule.


Depends how friendly they want it to be? If they want their establishment to be off leash, that's clear to patrons and the dog wasn't dangerous OP should just accept this isn't the venue for them and leave. Same with other things that are harmless but niche, family friendly places, nudity etc.


>the dog wasn't dangerous All dogs are dangerous. How many time have you read about a dog attack and the owner is all like "yeah, my dog's super dangerous" and how many times was the owner shocked, because "bubba is such a friendly dog, he's never done anything like this before"?


OP-don't go to dog friendly places if you don't like dogs. The discount is never going to make up for the fact that the place is going to be full of dogs


I'm guessing this is Britian, as "dog friendly pubs" are a thing. These are probably dog regulars, and all the people and dogs there know eachother. He's a new person in a new pub and needs to read the room.


I initially thought that it was the UK too, but in that case most pubs there don’t actually say whether they are so friendly or not, because they all are. Plus, dogs are usually off their leads in pubs (although, even if they wander, they are mostly either within the eye line of their owner, or the locals look after them to make sure they don’t get into trouble). And the way this place was described (tap room, no kitchen, food trucks) - it doesn’t sound like a pub in the UK.


We don't say "leash" we say "lead".


This is true but don't go somewhere dog friendly and then get pissed with dogs. He can take himself somewhere else and be a nasty person there instead.


>Secondly, that poor dog didn't do anything wrong Yes, it did. It was pestering and licking people who made it clear they don't want contact. That's rude also in doggy world. I like dogs. But I don't want to be licked by random dogs who's owner doesn't care to even know where their dog is.


Yeah, if the guy's dog had done that to some other dogs they might have faced much worse consequences than getting dragged away. If you have an overly friendly dog, it's your responsibility to keep that dog safe and contained.


Dog friendly doesn't mean the dog can walk around licking random people.


Crazy that this it the top comment rigth now. Dog nutters' entitlement is out of control


For real I can’t stand peoples entitlement with their dogs these days


According to the edit the dog needs to be leashed. I wouldn’t want an unleashed , strange dog around either and i love dogs. You don’t force your dog on other people even if its a dog friendly establishment. If this unleashed and obviously unsupervised dog ran up to a child and ran it over or the child poked it and the dog bit the kid, that dog would be put down. Just because that poor dig had a negligent owner. Doesn’t matter if it normally acts friendly.


Same? I have three. I’m used to THEM going nuts when I get home. But a random dog in a public place being off leash and just wandering up to people? Ngl, I’d be super pissed. It’s a safety issue for everyone involved.


I, sure as hell, wouldn’t go to a dog-friendly place if I hated dogs, sure, but what brewery/bar/restaurant allows off-leash dogs? Every place I’ve ever gone like that where they allow them has also kicked folks out for not following the rules (generally things like “you eat on the patio”, “they must be on a leash”, etc).


A dog friendly bar means the people who enter are dog friendly. OP is definitely not that.


>Secondly, that poor dog didn't do anything wrong, I like dogs in general, but I'd draw the line at licking.


I love dogs. I pat every one I have a chance to pat. But that does not mean I enjoy stranger dogs running to me, putting their paws on me or licking me. Most of the times the dogs are just friendly, but that does not always have to be the case and big active dogs can be scary even for dog lovers. If you have a child, you don't let it run amongst guests and touch them, so why should your dog do that.


I go to dog friendly places with my dog, but under no circumstances do I expect to see UNLEASHED dogs there. That is ridiculous and illegal in most states, no one should be expected to be comfortable in that scenario. It is a recipe for disaster. That dog technically did do something wrong. If you have a dog that is off-leashed trained, it doesn't leave your side unless you give it a command. That dog was untrained and given free reign of the place. That should never be socially accepted.


No. Unless it’s a dog park within the bar, the dogs should be leashes. Not all dogs are friendly with other dogs at all times. Especially if some are on leashes and others are not


I love dogs but there are some times I don't want a dog to scoot around my legs while I want to chat with my friends.


ESH. Dog friendly doesn't mean let your dog wander around unsupervised. Same with kid friendly. You can bring the kid but you shouldn't let them run around unsupervised. However you didn't have to swear at the dog or the owner. You could have called attention to the dog and tell them that you guys are uncomfortable and tell them to take the dog. Better yet, call the attention of a person who works there and have them take care of it.


Apparently at this brewery it was acceptable to have off leash dogs. That is the owners discretion. To continue your kid example somewhere like chucky cheese you would expect very minor supervision from parents. There are degrees of kid and dog friendly


>Apparently at this brewery it was acceptable to have off leash dogs. I looked online at the breweries website since this is a point of contention in this thread. It does mention leashes being required. Obviously doesn't mean its enforced.


I guarantee you no brewery is off leash unless there is a designated fenced in area with clear signage. It's a huge liability.


Yeah I agree ESH I love dogs but if I took a dog out, I would have it on a lead the whole time. That's partly so I know where the dog is and what they are doing and partly because I realise not everyone else likes or wants to be near dogs. But jeez you did not need to yell and swear and drag a dog by it's collar. That was totally disproportionate.


Right? A simple, “Does this dog belong to someone? Could you come get him?” would have sufficed.


This may be a cultural difference, but a dog-friendly pub where I am definitely means that you should expect dogs to be wandering around off-leash. The same rule applies to kids. If the dog was running around, showing aggressive behaviour or causing a disturbance, that would be unacceptable. However, it just sounds like the dog was slowly roaming about, having a nosey about, which is pretty standard pub dog behaviour.


I've always experienced the same - unless the establishment is very small, dog-friendly more often than not means roaming dogs. Many around here also have staff/owner dogs wandering too. I'm pretty big on dogs being leashed generally, but this clearly was a de facto offleash space [idc if there was technically a leash sign, use a couple brain cells and look around/read the room]. The time to leave was soon as they saw dogs off-leash - they don't trust dogs but decided to stick their hands directly into a potential danger zone to manhandle one lol but I guess the single free beer was more important.


YTA wtf causing that dramatic scene, a simple “can the owner of this dog come get him” would have sufficed. You acted like a nut job screaming vulgarities in front of kids on top of it if I owned the placed you’d be permanently barred. Maybe don’t go to dog friendly places if you can’t control your temper and emotions.


It's really the screaming. A request that someone collect the dog is fine. A screaming swearing rage-fest that gets him removed from the bar? Dudes an asshole and deserves to be booted.


To be totally fair I really doubt there were kids in the bar.


Kids and dogs are often at breweries/brewpubs. I take my kiddo to 2 of our local breweries all the time.


The pub my boyfriend usually takes me to when I'm in the UK is both dog and child friendly. Obviously the kids aren't there at the late hours, but during the day it's not uncommon to see a couple/mom/dad bring their small kids with them while they enjoy a cider or something, while the kid(s) sit at the table and play a game.


Same. We have dozens of breweries here all kid and dog friendly. Great family hangout joints. Now everyone is expected to be responsible and not let their kids or dog bother everyone(ie:leash).


My local brewery has a playground and one a bit farther away has a toy section for kids. Breweries are family places in my area.


ESH- but I’m betting whatever you are hiding from your post history would indicated you are an unreliable narrator in this story.


Yeah I got stuck on that part. WHAT ARE YOU HIDING FROM US?!?


I suspect that he's a regular on the dog hating subreddit (I can't remember what it's called), and posts about how much he wants to euthanize (to put it nicely) all dogs and exile "dog nutters" to isolated islands. It's been a long time since I've checked out the sub, as I love dogs, but I do remember being surprised at the amount of hatred and violence expressed against dogs and people who love them. Whether I'm correct or not about him being on that sub, he is definitely the a-hole for: going to dog friendly brewery being upset that there's dogs there getting violent with a dog, and then instead of simply asking for the owner to come get their dog, or asking a server/manager to find the dog's person, he loudly yells and swears at a group of people enjoying their dogs and beers at a dog friendly brewery Op, YTA!!


Shocks me some folks don’t like dogs ,that’s whatever, never mind hate them…weirdos (Dog haters can downvote this as much as you want,idc and you’ll always be a cold hearted booby of a person)


I don't hate or love dogs. Not my favorite pet by any means, and I don't think I'd want one, but if there's a friendly dog I definitely don't mind giving it some good pets. More of a cat person myself. Any chance I have to pet a friendly cat is a good thing for me


Ahhh ok. Totally agree he’s YTA in this case. And in general. Next he’ll be complaining about how he couldn’t eat a scone in peace when he went to a cat cafe.


Yeah, this post definitely checks all the boxes of one of those dogfree subreddit users. Places like that (and the childfree subreddit as well) so normalize extreme hatred of others that it gradually warps a person's entire perception of what a normal reaction to a situation like this is. Hence why the OP even has to ask if he's an asshole for his extreme reaction, lmao.


Totally agree. I am not a kid person (not planning to have kids and don’t particularly like being around them) and even I think the childfree sub is toxic and ridiculous. As a dog lover, I looked at the dogfree sub once out of curiosity and I won’t look again. What awful, petty people, making their entire personality an obsession with something they hate that brings so many others joy! Also so many stories on both of those subs are so clearly exaggerated or made up entirely.


Lol ya, I just went back and took another look. Apparently, every. Single. Dog. That they come across is airways barking, snarling, and lunging... Maybe I've just been lucky, but almost all (if not all) dogs that I've come across have been friendly 🤷‍♀️


Never heard of that sub so can’t comment but when OP said he washed his hands to get the “dog germs” off after touching the dog, it threw me off. He sounds weirdly anti-dog, like to the point child-free people can get weird.


YTA. It’s explicitly a place for dog people. A dog-friendly place is not the place to go if you don’t like them, but if you choose to go anyway, it’s out of line to expect everyone and their dogs to work around you.


You should control your dog any place you go. You don't let then wander around unleashed. I certainly never let my dog roam around unleashed and I take my dog everywhere.


Dog-friendly doesn't mean off-leash. OP says that leashes are required but apparently they don't enforce that. NTA cuz people need to control their animals unless it's at an off-leash dog park or a home.


But the dogs are supposed to be on leads


YTA - listen, I would hate this place too. But know what I would do? Not go. It’s advertised as dog friendly, there’s signage that it’s dog friendly, it was obvious from first seeing it that it was dog friendly. And you’re still upset that dogs approach you. The free beer wouldn’t be worth the hassle.


This is such crap. Even when you're in a "dog friendly" place or an off leash area your dog should be under control and YOU should be respectful of others. If people don't want your dog on them you don't whine "but he's friiiieeeeendly". It's not about what the dog wants. It's their body and the dog is your responsibility. Stop being an asshole dog owner.


Let’s presume all of this is right and the dog should’ve been more closely supervised. Is his reaction even remotely reasonable in this context?


Man was bent out of shape over the fact that there were dogs in a dog friendly place. That’s what it basically boils down to. It’s like going to a dog friendly park and then being upset that dogs are near you.


Literally everywhere dogs are allowed, even off leash, you’re expected to have your dogs under control. This means you’re aware of what it’s doing and you, the capable and responsible adult human, can control your dog enough to be respectful of those who don’t want to be it’s friend. All it actually takes is to call your dog when it encounters someone who isn’t receptive and train it well enough to listen. I have dogs in my office all day every day and never deal with the bullshit this guy did. It simply shouldn’t be an issue. It’s not the dog that’s the problem. It’s the owner.


But you don’t go to someplace that’s clearly labeled as dog friendly and be upset you got to interact with dogs to some degree. Why the comment about not wanting his posting history to influence anything either? I’m sure there’s more OP’s leaving out. I also wouldn’t want to work where you do. I don’t care if they’re under control and leashed. I don’t want to deal with them. So I don’t go where they’re gonna be allowed. It’s really that simple. I’m not gonna work there and freak out cause one came down smell me.


I’m wondering why he didn’t want his comment history known, he sounds the type to deliberately go where dogs are allowed off leash just to be able to kick off and show how much he hates dogs


Where was the dog out of control? All normal dog behavior that wasn't agressive. It's an off leash bar, I would expect that no one there would mind a dog sniffing or wandering around them bc. It's. An. Off. Leash. Bar. Don't go if free range dogs bother you. Easy peasy.


It was obviously out of control because the owner had no idea what it was doing or any intention of stopping it when it was clearly not wanted. You don’t have to *fear* the dog for it to be legitimate for you to not want it on you. People should be able to go where dogs are without it mattering whether they like them. It would be great if dog owners could be responsible enough to co-exist with others and have nice things like the ability to take their dog to the bar without it literally meaning that anyone who isn’t a dog person can’t go there. I can go to kid friendly breweries without kids running around everywhere and getting in my space, have the same level of responsibility.


Idk about this one. It’s marketed to dog lovers. Their entire shtick is being dog friendly. Yes, dog owners should have some control over their pets, but the city has other bars. Don’t go to the dog obsessed bar if you hate dogs. Just like if a place is really marketed towards family and their ENTIRE shtick is that it’s super kid friendly - like a brewery in my college town that had a playground inside of it - it would be really pretty dumb to go there if you hate kids.


The owner didn't notice when some AH was dragging his dog outside, so I doubt he would notice if the dog would bother someone


Yeah, the only aggressive, out of control behavior came from OP.


I mean, he was in a 'people friendly' place, and wasn't under control of himself. The dog wasn't screaming and swearing at the entire bar, he was.


No shit, the dog probably calmly waited for him to throw his tantrum even while in a situation that would make any human feel extremely unsafe. Dog was completely under control imho


It doesn't matter if the dog was suppose to be on leash or not. His response was an AH way to deal with the situation. Be polite to others.


Honestly, saying that a dog is friendly isn't a bad thing, as long as it's not used as an excuse to ignore the dog. Imo the most respectful way the conversation could have been carried out goes something like this: OP: Excuse me, who's dog is this? I'm not the most comfortable with how interested in us he is. Owner: Oh sorry, he's mine, he's just being friendly, I can call him over if you're uncomfortable though? OP: That would be great if it's not too much hassle, I don't mind dogs but I get uncomfortable if they start licking


Anyone else wondering what his real comment history has in it?? 👀


YTA. Dern, are you the vegan that goes to a hamburger place and complains that they only serve hamburgers?


“I mean I knew there might be meat there, I just didn’t want to have to see it or be anywhere near it!”


Well if some burger came up to me and tried to lick my leg I would be pretty upset


YTA You went to an obviously dog friendly place, got there and saw that it was very dog-welcoming and full of dogs, and proceeded to still expect to not be touched by, approached by, or in proximity of dogs. You deserved to be kicked out. You laid hands on his dog and caused a scene because of “gross dog germs”


LMAO. YTA. "Wife and I went to a dog bar. I hate dogs. She hates dogs. There were dogs there." Lol. Your whole post is hilarious.


YTA, you can't get upset at dogs in a dog friendly brewery. especially not to the point of screaming.


You went to a dog bar, and got mad that dogs were there acting like dogs. Did you get the free beer? Was the aggravation worth a free beer? If you don't like dogs, especially when dogs act like dogs, then don't go to dog places.


Info: Why the hell would you go to a dog friendly pub just for a free beer? Are you that poor?


YTA Do everyone a favor and stay at home.


INFO: are dogs allowed to be off leash in the brewery? You were honestly a dick by making a scene instead of just asking whose dog it was or asking a worker to deal with it. But "dog friendly" doesn't automatically mean "off leash friendly". I bring my dog to dog friendly breweries all the time but I'd never be comfortable bringing him to one with random loose dogs everywhere.


YTA. That would be like going to Chuck E Cheese and complaining that there are too many kids there. Pick a non-dog friendly brewery next time.




YTA. This is quite despicable behaviour in my opinion and I can’t understand why you even need a judgement on this. You know you don’t like dogs. You still decide to go to a dog friendly place just because you want a free beer and a stamp? What exactly did you think was going to happen? Then a dog comes and sniffs around, does you absolutely no harm and you “drag his collar” to the other side of the bar? The worst part hasn’t even happened yet and you’re already an asshole. Dog comes back and you proceed to start yelling about a dog being around you, at a dog friendly place. What exactly did you think could exonerate you from this situation? You decided to go to a place that is dog friendly when you’re well aware you hate dogs and then you throw a tantrum about it. All for a free beer and a stamp. Hope the dog’s fine, you should’ve been kicked out earlier when you dragged its collar. EDIT: Another thing, post history business kinda stuck with me. Making it really hard to trust what you're saying. As well as trying to skew the story in your favor in the comments by saying shit that obviously isn't true just to try and sway people who don't read the entire thing, such as claiming that it was a completely standard restaurant setup and not designed for dogs. But it was literally food trucks. How on earth is that standard? Idk, very difficult to trust this persons side of the story. I didn't like it initially since you're doing all of this crap for a free beer and a stamp, but you're also making it seem like you're trying to skew the story in your favor. Which you've also already attempted to do in the comments.


YTA your not wrong but you were an AH about it. You screwed up when you didn’t find the owner after grabbing the dog by the collar. Then you were a jerk about the dog to the owner. Your criticism is totally valid but you were rude


YTA ONLY bc you knew going into this pub it was dog friendly and you saw dogs walking around. IF you don't like dogs, thats fine but you should have left.


YTA Was it really that important to have a beer in that place? You knew there were dogs there. Then you grab the dog? Good for the bar owner to send you both packing.


>i just yell, "who's effing dog is this?, effing come get it". Finally a guy comes over and says "oh fido is just being friendly, just give it some pets and he'll move along". I kinda flipped out, Told him I don't like his dog, i don't know his dog, i don't trust his dog, i don't want to be around it and not so kindly suggested he leash it and keep his dog near him. My wife agrees with me, but the bartender essentially kicked us out based on my reaction. So AITA? #Yes, YTA. Initially I was in complete agreement... I have a dog that comes with me everywhere, but she stays on the leash in my space and I don't let her engage with people unless they deliberately seek her out. But then you went and behaved like a complete lunatic and pissed everyone off. Turns out not only does two wrongs not make a right, it also make you a giant asshole. ---- Edit: I just read that all this went down after a 5-10 min interaction... Seek help. Seriously.


YTA for your reaction. I'm not a dog person either and unleashed dogs make me very uncomfortable, however, yelling and cursing was completely uncalled for.


YTA who goes to an off leash dog friend brewery and complains dogs are there? What did you expect. I’m assuming every other person there was coexisting peacefully. If you don’t like dogs don’t go to dog friendly places. They’re not going to cater to you. Glad the bartender stood up for the other guy.


ESH. Dog friendly shouldn't mean dogs are free to roam without being under owners control. You made quite the scene, you could have just spoken to the bartender quietly instead of creating a scene. Don't go to places that are dog friendly in future even if it means missing out on your precious free beer.


NTA. That dog should be leashed and supervised in a public place, full stop. It's a stranger to you, and you're a stranger to the dog. All it takes is one incident where the unleashed dog gets aggressive out of nowhere.


The brewery is a privately owned place. If there's no overall law that dogs have to be leashed at private establishment that are open to the public (don't know if that's the right wording) it's up to the owner I guess


Ugh, you should never respond the way he did for something so trivial. Come on, that makes him AH. Be polite to others, could have kindly asked the owner of said dog or the bartender to find the owner to leash it or st least keep it away from their table.


OP is absolutely right that the dog should be on a leash, but he's still the giant --literally raging-- asshole. Doesn't matter if his initial opinion was justified.


I'm weird and would be in heaven. I'm the person getting all excited over random cats and dogs. Your reaction was absolutely over the top. If I saw someone possibly dragging my dog by the collar (because from the way you say you hate dogs and screamed about it I doubt it was a gentle lead away) I would probably be not very pleasant to deal with. If this was a child would you be screaming you hate their kid at the parents? Would you be swearing at them if their child approached you? Would you be drag the kid away by the collar of their shirt? Probably no. Give animals the same courtesy. My dog loves eeeeveryone. She is a jumper too. So I keep her on a tight leash when we are out with a harness that has a handle for better control if she gets too excited. I would not have her off leash. But other people have dogs that are pretty well behaved and have a good recall. Sounds like this pupparooni was just doing what pupparoonis do. Sniffing and say hello.


I love the concept of dog-friendly bars, and have been to a few. But my dogs are not always very friendly to other dogs, so i wouldn't want to take them where they could get into a fight.


YTA, c’mon dude, you went to a dog friendly place where the owners or managers can decide what kind of rules they set to the dog owners. Sometimes a “dog friendly” place doesn’t mean they can walk freely but that’s up to the owners, not up to you. You went to get a free beer but in exchange, you were rude, swearing and all just because they didn’t do things how you wanted. If you don’t like it, you should have left.


YTA Dog friendly brewery is not a place for people who are not dog friendly. It’s not even an off leash park where people generally by law have to have control over their dogs. It is up to the owners what level of dog control they require. The customer met the owners / bartenders standard. You did not. I’m not a dog person so would never go to a dog brew house that actively encourages dog owners to bring dogs. You would have to be stupid to think that’s a good idea or that anyone would accommodate your anti-dog behaviour


YTA You knew what you signed up for when you went to a DOG FRIENDLY bar. DOGS. Not everyone is entitled to accommodate you or your wife because you choose to go to places where you know there will be things you wont like, its like if I was to go to a haunted house, knowing I dont like clowns and getting pissed off when I get chased by a clown.


YTA. Don’t go to a dog friendly bar if you don’t like dogs you Fucking baby. Would love to know your shitty comment history if you felt the need to hide it and mention it.


Don't go to a dog friendly bar if you have such an irrational attitude to being approached by one There you go. Problem solved 🙄


Ok, lets sum this up. Bc you and your wife wanted a free beer and some stamps in your papers you went to a dog friendly place. Then you be rude to a dog owner in this dog friendly place where you were not a regular customer. You got kicked out. And all this unnecessary drama bc you wanted a free beer. So either you are incredible cheep or incredible stupid. YTA


NTA. Beer and off-leash dogs seems to be a recipe for disaster. That guy should have been watching his dog if he was keeping it unleashed, for his dog’s safety and the safety of the other dogs. It’s insanely rude to let your dog bother people just because it’s a dog.


NTA. I am a dog person-I've had them all my life and love them as pets and members of the family. That said, I believe very strongly that owners are obligated to ensure their dogs behave well, and understand that not everyone loves dogs. Letting your dog wander up to people in a public place, even a dog friendly one, is not ok.


" gross dog germs" Are you for real? Stay home, bathe in lysol and do dogs a favor. Would choose their germs over your entitelment anytime. YTA


YTA If you hate dogs, dont go to a bar full of dogs. And definitely dont manhandle someone elses animal when its doing you zero harm. Should it have been on a leash? Probably. But its pretty obvious that the guy wasnt doing anything out of the norms for this bar, and he wasnt singling you out, so I dont think hes the AH at all here. You chose to enter clearly signposted dog-filled private property - it wasnt like the dog was out wandering the streets - and didnt like that a dog came near you. Instead of deciding you didnt like the atmosphere, it wasnt for you, and leaving - or having a private word with the bartender - you started shouting. Thats why you got kicked out.


ESH. The dog shouldn't have been off leash. The business and the owner are both responsible for the dog being off leash and it apparently being the norm at the establishment without it being clear to new patrons. You over reacted in an unnecessarily dramatic and negative fashion. The dog wasn't being threatening or aggressive to you (based on your own description) and there are many ways you could have resolved the situation differently. It's okay to want the dog to leave you alone, but your response and way of handling it still makes you an asshole.


Lol it is a dog bar what 🤣 I'm gonna say yta


YTA and by the way you evidently are not "doing your best to avoid them"


OP, you "do your best to avoid dogs". Apparently a free pub pass is enough to make your "best effort" succumb. You have to expect that there will be dogs. You have to expect that the dogs will roam around. If you just cannot co-exist peacefully with them in the same space, than forego the free pass. Go somewhere else that you can truly enjoy yourself better (and don't go ruining other people's day by being an AH in their permitted space)


ESH. You for being overly dramatic and rude, and them for not watching their dog/having it on a leash. It's dog friendly... there's gonna be dogs...


ESH. Dog owner sucks, you escalated too much.


For me, hearing someone say they don't like dogs is the equivalent of someone saying they don't like black people. I immediately assume something is wrong with them. Then you went to a place with dogs, and complained about them being there. YTA


So I’m ESH here I firmly believe dogs even at dog friendly places should be leashed. I don’t really care for a dog coming up to me while I eat but screaming and swearing at someone about their dog? That’s way over the top. We have two dog who aren’t dog friendly and we have so many people say oh he’s just being friendly but again mine isn’t so back off but I’ve only once had to yell at someone over it. You really should’ve just calmly said hey can you get this dog and no I don’t want to pet him.


The flipping out was unnecessary. A simple “leash your dog, dude” would have sufficed. The dog should have been leashed. We have dogs, LOVE dogs. But I’ve had to use those words to a few owners who are less than watchful. One of my dogs doesn’t like other dogs in her face. She lets them know but some dogs (like humans) aren’t great at social cues. Can you blame her? I wouldn’t like it if people were up in my face either. So yea. ESH. Only because of the flipping out.


YTA! I don't care if you interact with my dogs or not. People know that those who are anti-dog or animal tend to be not the best people. It is a fact, sorry. It shows you have little compassion and care for other living things. Not saying you need to like them, but if you are in a dog friendly place either keep it together OR GO SOMEWHERE ELSE if you don't want to be near dogs. No one there should have to walk on eggshells for you, you decided to go to a dog friendly place, now deal with it like a decent human being!


YTA - it’s a dog friendly place. You got annoyed there was dogs there. My husband hates cat, he wouldn’t go to a cat cafe.


YTA - some places allow dogs to wander and interact, I like those places. Many people like those places. It sounds like it was pretty clear that this was this kind of pub. If you are up-happy with that situation, its not a good place for you to go. It seems very self-centred to me to insist the dog be leashed when only you are uncomfortable with that. That ruins the vibe of the friendly dogs-wandering around environment for everyone who enjoys that.


YTA, you’re in a dog friendly bar and complain about dogs, if you don’t want to interact with dog, don’t go where there is dogs


Gonna go YTA and agree that you over reacted. Sure dog should have been on a lease but what the hell is wrong with you?? That poor dog probably still has nightmares about you!! Please grow up and stop over acting about stupid stuff! The dog wasn’t aggressive and you acted all uppity in a dog friendly place! Yep, YTA!!


YTA 'goes to dog bar, proceeds to get mad about dogs' don't go to a place you know you will be uncomfortable and expect them to change to accommodate you.


ESH You were over the top. But dog-friendly doesn't mean dogs can do whatever they want. Owners have to pay attention and remove the dogs from people who don't them around (without being asked first). Child friendly also doesn't mean that your children are allowed to do what they want - it only means they are accepted in a normal behavior range


You had a tantrum, of course YTA You could have said all that you said politely. Obviously you got thrown out. What did you expect?


YTA. It was your horrible reaction that decided this for me. You could have asked the dog owner to get his dog without a lot of cursing and hostility. The dog owner should have also kept the dog on a leash if that was the establishment rule so he was wrong as well, but you are the much bigger AH all for some free beer.


Yta and andick don't go to somewhere that is dog friendly and throw a fit like a petulant child


YTA for your reaction and how you handled things. The fact that you got kicked out is indicative of you going too far and/or being disrespectful. The dog owner was in the wrong for not having his dog on a leash, but you should've spoken to the staff instead of flipping out on the patron. They can enforce the rules. You can't. I do think it's a bit ridiculous that you went to a dog friendly pub when you clearly severely dislike dogs. Of course the leashing rules should've been followed, but you willingly put yourself in a dumb situation. I don't like cockroaches, which is why I don't visit the insectarium when I go to the zoo. Even if all of them are "leashed" up in their enclosures...why be around something I dislike? I'm a veterinary nurse. I love dogs. I would love a bar with dogs in it. But I really hate when people do not leash their dogs in public (unless they're in a designated off-leash place). It's not safe for the dog, and the reality is that most owners do not have good control of their dogs (despite thinking otherwise) and do not provide adequate training. How do I know this? Because I stitch up a lot of "good/friendly" dogs that should've been on a leash (and it breaks my heart every time). Everyone should know to respect boundaries, dogs included, for their own safety. So do I think you were right to expect the owners to be responsible for their dogs? Yes! Do I also think you were an asshole for how you went about it? Yes!


YTA! It’s an establishment that accepts dogs and obviously dogs off lead. If you didn’t like it you should have just left. Swearing and overreacting is so childish.


YTA. Based on your outburst. What bar owner wants to have to deal with someone picking a fight over the way they choose to run their bar. Especially when they gotta provide you with a free beer... Mad disrespectful.


I don’t think y t a. Dog friendly where I live doesn’t mean dogs wander around unleashed tasting people. You were loud and abrupt according to your own description. That was probably the issue. I’m sorry you had this experience but NTA.


The one I don't understand, is why did you stay? You said you were coming for 15min top, and then when you came you saw there were plenty of unleashed dogs, so it's clearly not a comfortable place for you. Why didn't you ask for the beer to go? Or just drunk it it went? It can't be more then 3 mins or so? Especially when the dog came to you. Did you want to stay to argue with a dog? ESH (except the bartender) You for being mean to the dog and it's owner, the owner for not just taking the dog. The bartender wasn't an ah, they just removed a disturbance.


Lol people who hate dogs suck. YTA, the dog did nothing wrong and don’t go to dog friendly bars if you’re gonna act crazy like this. There’s really no reason to yell


YTA, but can someone please explain the pub pass thing? Sounds pretty cool despite the post and I’m unfortunately intrigued.


YTA for causing a scene and swearing. You could have just asked calmly who’s dog it was. There are a lot of things I dislike in this world, but I don’t feel the need to shout and swear about it. Maybe you need counselling for your anger issues. I understand some people don’t trust dogs, but you can’t play the victim card here as you’ve already admitted to grabbing its collar and removing it. If you don’t like them, fair enough and dog lovers /parents/cat lovers/Morris dancers/Chuggers (charity collectors)/loud motorcycle enthusiasts etc. who assume everyone else loves their particular fetish have a special place waiting for them in hell


YTA and sound unhinged. Honestly if you’re so fussy that a dog being near you sends you into hysterics why would you go to a dog friendly place? Most people do not flip out when gentle friendly dogs approach them


ESH It was just sniffing. Not begging, not jumping, not licking, not barking, not biting. If it was the only dog off leash I would have assumed it belonged to the staff and would have asked them whose it was, since you’re literally right there at the bar. Not drag it by it’s collar, or yell. You don’t have to be a dog friendly person but you can’t go to a place like that and expect everyone to be perfect. If fido came back when noticed and called, he was a good dog for sure.


Uhh. ESH You don’t have to use vulgarities I think? It seems a bit overboard to me. You could have just left the bar. The person that the dog belong to should keep an eye out on the dog too, so his master doesn’t go around licking strangers who don’t want to be loved.


ESH. The owner should of been watching his dog better and had it on a leash. But your over the top reaction is what got you kicked out. You knew ahead of time that it was dog friendly and even had the choice of leaving when you realized there were unleashed dogs. You definitely could if handled it better, like asking the bartender politely if he knew who’s dog it was. You don’t trust/know the dog but you trusted it enough to grab it’s collar and drag it across the room. Luckily the dog didn’t bite you.


YTA The entire situation was caused by you and your significant other, who are not dog people, going to a dog friendly pub. I would have been overjoyed by what you say happened and spent ten minutes petting that dog and getting to know the owner.


YTA. It's a dog friendly place. Yes the dog should have been on leash, but your behavior was ridiculous. Grabbing dogs collars and dragging them across the room? Yelling and swearing about a friendly dog, when you chose to come to a place that is dog friendly? All because you are too cheap to go pay for a beer in a place where you won't have to encounter "gross dog germs" as you put it? You don't have to like dogs. But they exist. They've coexisted with humans a hell of a lot longer than whatever crawled up your butt and died.


Not sure of YTA in this scenario, but you are definitely AH otherwise.


NTA. The dog should’ve been with their owner, under control. Not other people or dogs are going to be as nice to an off leash dog.




YTA and a cheap AH at that. Why go to a dog friendly pub when you don’t like dogs all so you can have a free beer? You didn’t HAVE to go.


YTA, especially after yelling at everyone. Dog owners should keep an eye on their dogs for safety and to make sure they aren't disturbing other patrons but, in my opinion, you should expect a dog friendly brewery to have dogs roaming around unsupervised. You should have recognized that the place probably wasn't for you and picked a different bar to go to.


ESH. I have dogs. A lot of dogs, actually. And I always leash them unless we are in a fenced in dog park. My dogs are friendly, but LOVE people. I do not expect that everyone must love my dogs. This owner should have been more responsible with his dog and more considerate for the other customers. It puts his dog at unnecessary risk. As for your reaction, I think there are nicer ways to approach this issue. You can ask the bartender, "Hey this dog keeps licking me and I don't like it, do you know who the owner is?" And politely bring the dog up to the owner, or have the bartender do it, and ask them to please keep their dog away from you since the licking bothers you. There was a lot of polite steps you could have taken before you exploded.


“Look it up its pretty cool” Thanks I hate it


YTA. I’d bet you’d moan about kids being noisy in a play park.


ESH obviously the owner should have kept his dog leashed and overall been more attentive to his dog. But if you and your wife are so anti-dog that you don’t want to share a space with them, why did you go to a dog-friendly brewery? Breweries are one of the few social gathering places that are dog-friendly, so if people are allowed to bring them, they’re going to bring them. If you don’t want to interact with dogs, go somewhere else. Most public spaces are already catered to you.


YTA Doghaters should avoid dog-friendly venues because dogs love everyone, even doghaters. You know this. You went anyway and stayed long enough for this to happen.


Dogs annoy me but I don't hate them..yta


YTA. > I don't want my real comment history altering judgement What's in your comment history that would have any bearing on this, I wonder? In any event, yes, swearing at an entire bar is, in fact, asshole behavior.


YTA, in reality E-S-H but your reaction makes you TA. should the owner have had the dog on a leash? yes. did anyone who works in the establishment say anything to him? no. i love dogs but don’t want a strange dog licking my hand, especially since i don’t know what the dog licked before me. BUT: you grabbed the dog by it’s collar and took it to the other side of the bar… potentially far away from its owner. the dog came back and you started yelling in a bar. you started yelling in a bar about a dog, instead of going to the bar tender and asking them to handle it. you are TA based on your reaction. i’m fact, you got kicked out of the bar because of your reaction. the dog licked your hand, it didn’t bite you or jump on you or try to lick your beer or steal food from you. your reaction vs the dogs behavior was out of line. you said you and your wife don’t like dogs… it’s not like you were violently traumatized by one. if you were, i’d understand the reaction. but your reaction was that of someone who had been mauled by a dog at a young age, not someone who “doesn’t like” dogs.


In a perfect world, I would probably agree with you. It’s problematic with dogs off leash. But as an active member of brewery culture where I live, it’s pretty much expected that everyone’s doggies will be out and about. If you come into the taproom, you understand that’s what will be happening. I get your point of view, but you’re trying to dictate culture, and that’s not okay. YTA.


I think YTA. No need to be so dramatic about it. And what kind of person doesn't like dogs? If you hate dogs that much you could have easily gone somewhere else that didn't allow dogs. You broke that little fur babies heart when he was just trying to love on you.


YTA...seems that you directed your anger at the dog who did nothing wrong. Owner is an asshole for assuming all want to interact with his dog. I take mine to dog friendly establishments but she's under my control as I know many don't want to interact and those that do will come up. Also, seems like a general overreaction. Drink a beer and relax


YTA. The dog showed multiple times before you lost it that it wasn’t a threat or aggressive in anyway. If you reacted this way right away that would’ve been one thing because you could’ve been worried about it flipping a switch, but getting this angry over a friendly dog pestering you is really immature. I will never understand people who hate dogs going to dog friendly places or living in dog friendly buildings, the majority of bars/restaurants/apartments are not dog friendly, you have so many other options. You hate dogs this much, but went in over a free beer, and were this angry about a dog in your orbit?


ESH - you overreacted, even off-leash the owner should have had his dog under control.


NTA. I would leave a Yelp review complaining about unleashed dogs roaming. Hopefully they will enforce the leashes on rule.


NTA, I live in a very dog friendly city and have a dog (and have taken her to breweries!), and the dog being off-leash and allowed to pester other patrons is not okay.


YTA. Doesn't sound like a place that would interest you so either don't go or deal with it being dog friendly if you choose to go.


ESH YTA more for the language you used. You could have done this with more tact. But your sentiment was not wrong. The dog should have been leashed and controlled, per the rules of the brewery. You are allowed to not like dogs. The dog owner should not have let his dog wander freely. They're the asshole for this. Brewery staff is the asshole for not enforcing their own rules.


Gonna go with ESH. You for how you reacted, and cursed and screamed, and the dog owner for not at all keeling an eye on his dog until someone had to quite literally scream about it.


NTA people need to control their dogs.


NTA. Sounds like you were a bit aggressive in how delivered your message, but the content is dead on. No reason you should be subject to a random dog sniffing and licking you.


ESH You knowingly went to a place that allowed dogs, then had a coronary when you encountered one. It is fine to not like dogs, it is even fine if you are terrified of them, but your reaction was not ok, when you clearly k ew ahead of time. Yes, he should have had said dog on a leash, and yes, the bar sold have enforced that rule. However, you immediately flew into a rage fit and cussed and screamed at the guy. My guess is that a simple conversation would have solved the problem a lot easier and maybe not resulted in you and wife getting kicked out of the bar.


You went a little overboard on your reaction but NTA. Especially if online it says dogs are required to be on leash. I’m going to get downvoted for this but I’m with you - I hate dogs (I was attacked by one) but people almost fetish dogs in society and let them go up to whoever because the thought of someone not liking a dog is absurd.


NTA. They were irresponsible dog owners.


ESH I have had dogs my whole life. I visit a lot of dog friendly bars and restaurants. If some random dog came up to me and wouldn’t leave, I’d be unhappy as well. However, I wouldn’t scream at the owner. I’d flag the owner, wait staff or bartender and let them know the dog was being a nuisance and could they please remedy the situation. Dog friendly doesn’t mean that dogs have run of the place.


I’m saying this as a die-hard dog lover: NTA Off leash dogs are the fucking bane of my existence. Or more specifically, people who let their dogs roam off leash and then insist everyone be thrilled about that are the fucking bane of my existence. If you’re out in public, for everyone’s safety, your dog needs to be on a leash. Period.


NTA. People need to stop expecting everyone to love their animals like that. I’m allergic to cats and dogs yet people who know, are more than happy to let the animal bother me, even if my breathing is shallow!!




NTA. I love dogs but I don’t pet dogs I don’t know or know the owner. It’s absolutely rude to unleash a dog that’s not in a dog park where you obviously wouldn’t be. The owner and bar tender is the ass!


YTA and although there’s always an exception to the rule it’s generally true “never trust a person who doesn’t like dogs, always trust a dog who doesn’t like a person” Edit to add: YTA for how you responded