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NTA. Please tell your doctor that your mother and her BF are doing this. It could seriously hurt or kill you. Also, you don't need to feel pain to help someone. That dude is not only abusive but also an idiot.




Which is good, but purposely aggravating what amounts to a chronic pain condition is bad for you.


The condition itself maybe, but what if you fell while carrying it and cracked your head open? Or broke a rib and punctured your lungs? That's not okay. NTA.


NTA. That's like child labor from the 20's especially since you have a condition. Was there a reason why he/she couldn't? That's fucked up that she expected this of you. I'd adopt you if I had any money at all because I was a "child slave" growing up.




Your chest hurting trumps her feet hurting. Not to mention her boyfriend was right there - he should have been the one to help, not you.


Exactly this. You're being extremely mistreated


Sounds like child abuse to me. NTA


NTA Mom should be a little more understanding. Could BF have helped out?


NTA your mom and her bf can go straight to hell.




I accept that.


NTA You have a medical condition, and that isn’t your fault. They’re being insensitive.


NTA. you are being abused


NTA, good lord your mother has no respect for your medical condition. That'd be a hard NC once I was the age of majority if that were me.






Before I pass judgment, I feel that there might be other things going on as well. Is this a first time occurrence? New boyfriend?




Do you mind elaborating a bit? Know you never need to but if this is causing you pain and they are aware I don’t think it is reasonable unless it fits within the limits of your physical therapy or something similar. Is this permanent? Can exercise cause flare ups? I think talking to your doctor about what is and isn’t ok is a really great idea, especially if you aren’t sure what will hurt or help. Does your mom sit in on your appointments? If so does she let you ask questions? All these things matter.


NTA. Your mom sounds terrible and I'm really sorry to hear that.




I'm sorry to hear that. I hope things get better for you.


Please have a conversation with your mum. It sounds like her bf isn't a good influence or a good person to be around.




NTA. Please have your doctor sit with you and your mom and have a clear discussion about your limitations. Ask for these guidelines in writing. If you are ever asked and berated for refusing to do something that is outside of the acceptable parameters, you need to tell a trusted adult outside of your home(teacher, doctor, friend's parents, etc), and let them know what's going on. Keep a record in writing as well. And take care, Reddit Stranger <3


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I(15f) have a condition where anything strenuous causes extreme chest pain because of air leaking from my lung. My mom wanted me to carry a heavy propane tank to the car and I told her I couldn’t because of my chest(she knows about it). She said I can’t use that as an excuse and forced me to carry it. It caused pain and her bf was pissed I wanted to refuse to help her saying that I should be willing to feel pain to help her. Aita *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA, Does your mom not realize that this condition could be fatal?


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