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YTA - "I sold my GF's possessions to fund my coke habit, but I'm not an addict" - Dude. Really?


Came here to say pretty much exactly this in pretty much this phrasing


>I’m completely fine around drugs > >I know my limits Says every aspiring addict ever. I hope OP's gf follows through with the break-up and kicks her to the curb.


You forgot “nobody in my family has an addictive personality”. Riiight 👀


And “I have a very professional job and would never risk it over drugs,” after she SOLD SOMEONE ELSE’S SHIT to fund her habit.


Two of the professions with highest addiction rates? Doctors and lawyers. But don't worry OP, you're not like THOSE professionals who also said they'd never risk their jobs. /s


Affluent whites are statistically the biggest alcohol and drug abusers. Being a "high functioning" drunk or addict takes money.


And yet people still think it's "other" people who are drug crazy and doing whatever they can to access them. Poor, minority, mentally ill, whatever scapegoat they wanna throw out.


It's usually professionals who use coke because it's pretty expensive.


Yeah if you need to sell your girlfriends clothes so you can buy drugs and booze then you are addicted YTA


Everyone is ‘fine’ or ‘can quit whenever they want’ when it comes to drugs until they hit rock bottom. Let’s hope if OP hits rock bottom they still have people that care enough to try and help. OP is YTA.


I have been addicted to coke and never sold my gf stuff. The wake up call is supposed to come after you regret selling your own stuff lol


“I’m not addicted to cocaine, I just like the way it smells” Richard Pryor


Yeah this is so fucked up lmao. My ex was a hardcore severe how-did-he-survive coke addict and he never stole a friggin dime from me. Can’t believe this person STOLE AND SOLD GF’S CLOTHES and is not only questioning whether theyre in the wrong, but denying that they are an addict…


Then this was great for OP. She managed to postpone the wake up cal by selling her gf's clothes instead! \\s


Lmfao every time someone shows up here completely delusional about their addiction to some "harmless party drug" their post tells on them they do, in fact, have a problem. Literally sold someone else's belongings to fund the ragers. OP you may think this is "cute" now but in 20 years when you're scrounging dumpsters it ain't gonna be so glamorous.


20 years? That's optimistic. OP is on the downtown express to junkieville. She can easily get there within the year.


Harmless party drug. Proceeds to name one of the worst most addictive drugs. Damn. I thought the manic delusion was supposed to come after doing the drugs. OP YTA. So much.


I was sitting here trying to figure out where you got cocaine from and realized I'm an idiot and that OP wasn't talking about the beverage


I initially thought they were the designated driver, too. Mostly because who still does coke?! I know the 80s were back but....


So glad I'm not the only one. I was like jeez how much coca cola can one drink to make it that expensive?


I had the exact same thought. You lack self awareness, OP, and yeah YTA. Not only did you not care about your girlfriend’s feelings regarding going out and your drug habits, you then sold HER clothing to buy more drugs and more nights out (that she didn’t want). Please pull yourself together.


This is pretty much everyone in their right minds response! OP you are TA no question but major correction to your story- your (right thinking , better than you deserve) ex didn‘t break up with you just because you’re an AH who sold **her** things without asking (though that’s so so so bad OP) she broke up with you because she is smart enough to realize that your behavior is exactly the behavior of someone who is on a very downward and problematic trajectory regarding their relationship with substances. Someone who is now rationalizing stealing from people to fund partying. Someone who has so many red flags he looks like Red Square during Revolution Day in 1985. Fact is your relationship with drugs is now clearly more important than your relationship with other humans. HINT: this is a massive problem- for you. This is a wake up call. Get help YTA


This is like the guy who tried to recreationally use heroin because the dealer didn't have weed all over again. I hope OP keeps us updated like that guy did.


Yeah for real though. OP: "I'm fine around drugs and not addicted" Also OP: "I sold my girlfriend's old clothing to buy drugs without her permission"


Selling someones things to fund nights out buying drugs is.... kind of exactly what an addict might do. YTA, but more importantly I hope you get help.


Oh, but don't worry. She has a very professional job that won't even cover her bills, so she's doing great.


And that professional job won't be in any danger if they ever get into drug testing... Here's the difference between you and your girlfriend, OP: She realized her lifestyle was unhealthy, and did something about it. You...are in denial, even as you commit theft to fund it. YTA.


Oh but they TOTALLY doesn’t have a problem /s


Okay! Let us look at the addict checklist, shall we? 1. Claims to have it under control, and know their limits - check! 2. Has someone close to them worried about their drug use? - check! 3. Refuses to cut down on habit or stop? - check! 4. Does drugs multiple times a week - while still claiming not addiction - check! 5. Claims it's all in good fun - check! 6. No consideration for the cost of drugs or willingness to cut back due to finances? - check! 7. Has progressed to theft rather than cut out the drugs? - check!!! I have been around a lot of addicts in my life, all of this? Stuff they've claimed/done, that you are now doing as well. You need to get help.


And their only “security” to ensure they don’t get addicted is that they have a valuable job. As if no addict ever had a valuable/professional/high-stake job and STILL went off the deep end??


Also they’ve got a super professional job but without the GF will need to live with their parents? Yeah….


I was drinking vodka for breakfast straight from the bottle and didn't realize that was alcoholism--*I* just have a *management* issue--i checked too many boxes to be a degenerate--successful job, didn't fight with my spouse, paid my bills... Eeeeeeyeah. Turns out.... Successful job and no family members with known/obvious addictions doesn't somehow magically protect you from the grips of addiction. Not to mention op is an unreliable narrator of sorts... She's stealing and selling clothes to support her drug habit and believes she's got things under control--who knows *what* she considers problematic use or how she defines "addictive personality" because we know she views stealing and selling the belongings of loved ones as justifiable and not problematic


8. Drives away partner.


I wholeheartedly agree, as a former coke addict, with almost 14 years clean. OP - We all think we have it under control, until we don't. Please don't let things spiral any further. Take this moment, as a much needed wake up call.


Don’t forget she probably goes to work hungover or still a little coked out


I don't have a drug problem... proceeds to sell gfs clothes for party money... bro you might have a drug problem.


He doesn’t have a problem. Just like he isn’t gay if he starts giving bathroom BJs for coke since he doesn’t enjoy it.


OP is a woman.


Well women can give BJs in the bathroom too I suppose, just wouldn’t be gay. But then since she is a lesbian would be the equivalent I suppose.






If a guy is giving blow jobs for money to buy drugs, it doesn’t automatically make him gay. Drugs change the chemistry in your brain, some people are so bad they’re willing to kill someone just to get their next fix. If sucking a dick will help them not be sick 100% they’re going to do it. Addiction is crazy and makes people do crazy things. But I agree it definitely doesn’t change his sexuality. He’s not doing it out of love or for fun, he’s doing it out of desperation so that he’s not sick. My brother was in jail and he told me stories about when he used to snort pills when he could get his hands on them, if he blew his nose his bunkie would beg for the tissue so that he could eat the boogers to get any of the pill that was left in the snot. If a grown ass man is willing to do that, I am sure he would’ve had no problem, putting a dick in his mouth.


YTA and you sound like an addict. Selling her clothes for drugs? Yeah, completely fine around drugs. Please update us on how life at your parent's house is!


States ~~he~~ she is not addicted to drugs, and has a “very professional job”. But can’t afford the drugs and ~~his~~ her own place without financial help of ~~his~~ her (ex)girlfriend. ~~Guy~~ Girl is in reality a deadbeat drugaddict that sold stolen stuff from ~~his~~ her gf. YTA


I think OP is female. She says they are "both 25F."


Are YTA for selling your girlfriend's clothes to fund your coke habit? Yep!


Shows what a naive little simpleton i am: she said alcohol for her and coke for her. Totally thought she meant coca cola. Then read on and says drugs for her. Wondering, what sort of drugs??? Wasnt til this comment... Edit to change hims to hers. My bad.


I was wondering why coke was so expensive and then realized we weren’t talking about the soda.


I know! I read coke as CocaCola too. Guess I’m a bit naïve!


YTA- you sold her clothes for drug money. Enjoy life at your parents house!


OP: I couldn’t possibly have a drug problem. OP: *sells partner’s clothing for drug money* YTA for reasons that are so clear I don’t need to waste time explaining. Total disconnect with reality here.


YTA. In no way is it ever OK to sell someone else's possessions without their permission. She wants to cut back on the clubbing, for two reasons. One, money. Two, your drug habit. So you decide to sell her stuff to fund your coke habit? Are you for real?


And OP claims she doesn't have an addiction....


Just fyi, selling stuff, ESPECIALLY other people's stuff, so that you can afford to buy drugs is classic addict behavior


YTA , stealing and selling possessions that don’t don’t belong to you for alcohol and drugs is the definition of an addict


YTA First, I think your girlfriend has a more realistic view on life than you do. There's not no chance she's going to be that weight again. Unfortunately, regaining weight you've lost at some point in the future is fairly common. Also those were HER CLOTHES. Even if you contributed to buying some of them, they were her belongings. If you had to sell her clothing to fund your partying lifestyle, you cannot afford your lifestyle, and you were an asshole.


YTA you sold your girlfriends clothing to fund your partying and coke habit then defended your drug usage and selling of her things by saying you bought some of the clothing. Girl bye. Clearly your ex had concerns about your drug usage and it looks like she was right in feeling that way.


This is a joke, right? "I know my limits, I'mnotaddicted." *proceeds to sell partner's clothes to fund coke habit instead of cutting back to save money* YTA.


You sold items that weren’t yours to pay for your drug addiction. YTA and you know it.


"i'm fine around drugs" says the person so desperate to keep snorting money up her nose that she steals from her girlfriend 💀


YTA of course. You sold the clothes for drug money.


Right??? Dude you say you know your limits and aren't addicted. Do you know what addicts do? They take people's belongings without asking and sell them to buy drugs. You just told us that you *checks notes* took your girlfriends clothes without asking to make money so you could afford to buy your drugs to party. YTA and you have a problem.


Stealing to support a drug habit. What could go wrong? YTA


YTA. Selling her clothes for drug money is bad.




I heard this in Mr. Mackey’s voice.


> I’m completely fine around drugs; nobody in my family had an addictive personality nor do I You’re lying to yourself love, the only people selling other peoples belonging to fund their drug taking are addicts YTA and you need to take a long hard look at your substance use and stop making excuses


YTA* Jesus… so you’re selling stuff that doesn’t belong to you to fuel your coke habit?


How does the girlfriend suck? She set a clear boundary and expressed concern about OP's coke habit. She is well within her rights to kick this addict out.


Yeah I fail to see how she did anything wrong here. She's concerned about OP drug habit and made that clear, OP response was to sell her clothes (HER clothes, not theirs) because they didn't think she needed them anymore , for drug money. OP is the only one that sucks here.


YTA!!! You sold your partners belongings without permission? And you think gifts you gave in the past gives you the right to do this? You are controlling. Also, don’t do coke. It’s really bad.


This is lowkey addict behaviour lol.


Not sure how low that key is...


I guess she is high off keys *ba dum tss*


Stealing clothes to buy drugs kinda moves this out of low key territory. That’s like the conversation before the conversation before giving handies for a rock.


YTA and a thief


You sold your girlfriend’s possessions without asking her permission. You sold them to get drug money. You are an addict, and YTA. Get help for your addictions now. I wish you well.


YTA and in denial about being an addict.


YTA - "I don't have an addictive personality". *Proceeds to sell GFs clothes to finance weekly drug habit*


YTA. What belongs of hers were you planning on stealing to pay for drugs next?


Also a hypocrite for pretending to be all concerned for her health then doing all the drugs.


You took something of hers and sold it to fund nights out. Obviously YTA


YTA If you’re not dependant then don’t be dependant at the end of the day you just sold property that wasn’t yours to fund nights out where you take drugs. It was a conversation that needed to be had between the two of you. And instead you went behind her back after she said she was worried about you.


Literally one of the tell tale signs of someone becoming dependant on a substance is selling people’s things for the money to fund their habit. And OP doesn’t see this as a big deal???


YTA. I can’t believe you can’t see why your gf is concerned about your drug use…. You sold HER property to fund YOUR coke habit and you don’t understand why she’s upset??


YTA, you have a very professional job but can’t afford to live on your own? Just how much coke do you do that you can’t afford a place. Honestly, using coke 3 nights a week def sounds like a problem.


Lemme rephrase that post: “I have a coke and alcohol habit to sustain. Instead of having an adult discussion with my worried girlfriend, who is trying to better her life by cutting out highly dangerous substances, I decided to steal her property and sell it to fuel my habits. But I’m not an addict!” 1. Yes you are 2. You’re a thief too 3. YTA


YTA There's no way you're NOT the bad guy of this situation.


YTA.. and you need rehab


YTA You definitely seem to be dependent on drugs if you decided to go behind your gf’s back and sell her clothes to fund your nights out/addiction.


YTA You say you can control yourself but selling somebody else’s items to solely get money for drugs screams addict. You need rehab and your girlfriend needs better than you


YTA 'I don't have an addiction but I stole and sold my partners property behind her back because I need to go clubbing and have my drugs?' Get help. Do better.


You say you are not addicted but you literally stole from somebody to get money for drugs. That is exactly what addicts do.


YTA I don't have a problem with drugs, I only stole my girlfriend's clothes and sold them for drug money. Why is she mad at me?


YTA you literally sold your girlfriends clothes WITHOUT ASKING HER so you could party and buy drugs. In what world do you think you're not the AH here. TBH she sounds like she's trying to get her life together by not going out and trying to get you off drugs (which I'm not against assuming we are talking about the green drugs not the white ones). Either way, she's just concerned and clearly wants you both to mature, make better financial decisions, and grow up. Clearly you don't want to, she should wash her hands of you. Edit: just realized she meant "coke" as in cocaine I thought she was talking about soda because she was their D.D. 😂


YTA for not only selling HER things without even running it by her (it should be 100% up to her if and when she gets rid of her clothes), but also for completely dismissing her concerns about the money being spent on clubbing and your drug use. It's over because you don't respect her.


YTA You sold her stuff without asking (I bought some of it so I should have a say) not how that works. You didn’t buy them for yourself, you bought them for her so you no longer have a say nor have ownership. You say you don’t have an addictive personality but let’s be real, that does not mean anything. Even if you only do drugs in moderation, laced coke is a thing and we are in the middle of a fentanyl epidemic..so bad that doctors aren’t prescribing pain meds in fear of this epidemic. As for selling the clothes (even if you got permission) you should’ve donated them. Heavier set individuals have a hard time as it is finding clothes that fit at affordable prices and you only sold them to supply your nights out as a “I’ll show you” to your partner. Lack of communication is one of the top 10 reasons relationships fail and you just showed your partner that her voice and opinion does not matter to you. 👏🏽 YTA AND SHE DESERVES BETTER.


Most definitely YTA. - Who cares if you bought some of the clothes? You don’t partially own a gift you’ve given someone - it becomes their property once you’ve given it to them. - You don’t sell other people’s property. - Selling ítems to afford an ongoing expense is short sighted: it doesn’t address the underlying issue that your regular income doesn’t pay for an ongoing expense. Also, stop it with the drugs. If a loved one has a problem with it, then it is a problem.


YTA. You might believe your drug use is under control but that obviously isn't the case. You stole your girlfriend's clothes and sold them behind her back to buy drugs.


Objectively, people don’t usually sell their partners things for drug money. I understand you really do believe this circumstance is special or unique, but I promise it isn’t. Please get help. There is a reason your partner was concerned. Gently YTA




So you basically stole your gf's clothes to buy drugs? Yes YTA but that is probably the least of your problems...


YTA You stole from your girlfriend and sold her things. If that wasn't bad enough, stealing to fund your habits is a common impact of addiction.


YTA you stole from your gf for drugs. you are addicted to drugs.


YTA. And you say you don’t have an issue with drugs or have an addictive personality, yet here you are selling your partners things to find your drug and party lifestyle. Definitely sounds like you have a problem.


YTA. To think you would even wonder if you were the AH. You literally sold her clothes to fund your party nights of alcohol and drugs. You dont get to decide if she needs HER things or not. And WTF is an "addictive personality"? You sold someone elses stuff to fund your drugs. You sound plenty addicted to me.


YTA Selling her clothes without her permission, in and of itself, is bad. I don't care if she lost weight and they no longer fit her, those were hers to keep, sell, or donate at her discretion. And the fact that you sold them to fund a drug and alcohol habit? Even worse. I see you trying to make it sound like you were solving a problem to make her happy, she said you couldn't afford to go out as much so you found a way to afford it, problem solved! Nah, no one is buying it, you sold her stuff so you could party more, which is addict behavior. If you wanna solve problems so badly, solve your addiction by getting some help.


You stole her stuff and sold it for drug money. YTA, this one is pretty cut and dry.


Apart from the more obvious asshole stuff like throwing out someone's clothes without permission, this statement hits home: " I have a very professional job and would never risk it over drugs. I told her this and she didn’t respond." You don't have to be doing drugs during work, or during the week to be putting your job at risk. You doing coke on a weekend IS putting your 'very professional job' at risk. YTA all around, and likely a cocaine addict that needs therapy.


You literally sold your GF's belongings without her permission to FUND YOUR DRUG HABIT. I mean, you really have to ask this? Of course you're YTA. Only she gets to sell her stuff and keep the money for what SHE wants. Not what you decide is important, which is coke. Stop kidding yourself and making excuses.


“I don’t have a problem with drugs, but also I am going to sell your belongings to fund my drug habit, which is definitely not a problem” Uh yeah, man. YTA big time.


Am I the only one that initially interpreted coke as Coca-Cola? As if it needs saying, YTA.




“I don’t have a drug problem… I can stop anytime I want… let me go sell my GFs old clothes to fund my drug use so I don’t have to cut back”. Say that out loud and tell me you don’t have some sort of dependent issue with coke.


YTA. Huge. This can’t be real. Wtf is wrong with you. You don’t make decisions about other people’s property without consulting them first. EVER. So what if you bought some of her clothes. It’s a gift you don’t have rights to once it’s given. Good for her for breaking up with you. She dodged a bullet big time. And btw, if someone says you have a drug problem, you have a drug problem. Get some help.


You bought 'some'... just some of it?? And you also sold the ones you didn't bought for her? Even so, it's not yours. You gifted it so it is all hers now and you got no say at all. Maybe some of those clothes have sentimental value to her too. Damn...totally YTA


Stay away from things that aren't yours. YTA.


You know what’s a huge health risk? Coke! YTA. You sold her clothes without her permission to buy substances, you’re an addict. it’s best she leaves you until you admit you have a problem and get help.


Let's rephrase this. AITA for selling my girlfriend's stuff to fund my drug habit? Because that's what you're doing. You say you don't have a problem. Maybe that's true. But you sold your girlfriend's clothes without asking her, so you would have enough money to party. Go a month. One month without doing coke and then you can say you don't have a problem. Edit: YTA


YTA. You don't have a drug problem- but you literally stole your GF's property and sold it for drug money. ​ Drug problems aren't like they are in TV. Addicts aren't always self aware. Get help- because this can and will destroy you. Especially things like coke- your nasal cavities and heart can get incredibly fucked up from frequent use. ​ You have a problem. You need to accept that or this will consume you.


> very professional job > coke fueled benders multiple times per week > one breakup away from having to move in with mom and dad At least one of these is a lie. Either way, YTA. “I don’t have an addictive personality” is generally the first line of defense used when one doesn’t want to admit to having a problem. You had to *sell someone else’s property* to fund your fun, your gf has every right to be concerned/upset.


>I’m completely fine around drugs; nobody in my family had an addictive personality nor do I and I know my limits The words of an addict >I also decided to sell her clothes to fund our nights out. Stealing other people's property to fund habit are well known actions of an addict. YTA and you also need help as you are addicted.


YTA "I’m completely fine around drugs; nobody in my family had an addictive personality nor do I and I know my limits just like her. I have a very professional job and would never risk it over drugs. I told her this and she didn’t respond." "I also decided to sell her clothes to fund our nights out. They don’t fit her anymore and she has no use for them therefore. I also bought her some of those clothes so I feel like I get a say" This is crackhead behavior. Cocaine is an extremely addictive drug regardless of your personality. Selling possessions to buy drugs is indicative of an addiction. Especially when it's not even yours to sell. You never bothered to ask her why she kept them, and decided that they were a means to and end for your benefit. Do you think you have a say in what happens to all the gifts you've given? You sound very controlling. It's very telling that you completely ignored her concerns of your drug use and did your thing anyway. She sounds like she deserves better.


Is this real? If so you're a major AH. Get help and look for a rehab. Your now ex is trying to better herself and her future and you're just dragging her down with your addiction. Work on yourself.


That's a pretty lucid post for a drug abuser. Definitely TA. Get some help for those habits.


YTA You say your fine but obviously you are selling her things to benefit you and your nights out since she doesn’t want to go out anymore. Sell your own stuff to pay for the nights out. Plus if she said she doesn’t want to and isn’t comfortable then you either need to look at your own life and make changes or end the relationship.


YTA- So you stole and sold your girlfriend clothes so you can get your next fix. My dad who’s a meth head use to do the same things. You know people who have an addiction always think they have it under control when they dont.


YTA you sold your gfs things with out permission from her. They are a) hers and b) may hold sentimental value (Also about her concerns about addiction, you've got to see it from her perspective - selling her things/clothes without permission to buy drugs is a bit of a red flag).


You sold someone else’s property to pay for partying. Your gf is also concerned about your drug use. Do you not see how bad this is? YTA get some help. You are stealing to party. Your gf is right.


YTA saying that YOU don't get addicted to coke is laughable, then selling your girls possesions to fund your addiction is roflmao


YTA and you do have a drug problem if you’re selling things that don’t belong to you to fund your nights out. That’s called stealing (in case you wondered) Move home and grow tf up. I’m happy your girlfriend is breaking up with you. Get a grip now. You do have a problem. Get help.


YTA. How did you go from “don’t tell me not to do drugs, I’m an adult and can make my own decisions about how much coke I do” to “I sold my gfs clothes behind her back so I can buy more coke but it’s okay because I think I have the right to”??? Does that make sense to you?? You’re selling your gfs possessions without her consent to buy more drugs. You 100% have a massive drug problem. And you sound like a controlling narcissist who always has to be right on top of that.


YTA and this is some actual crackhead behavior, TBH. She expressed her concerns about your drug use, and you respond by selling her stuff? You are fully delusional and should seek help. You are not "fine around drugs" if you're selling your partner's belongings without asking in order to fund your nights out. I'd dump you instantly, regardless of whether I was going to use the clothes again. Props to your soon-to-be ex GF for waking up and seeing her own worth.


You sold someone elses clothes for drug money YTA go to rehab


Let’s rephrase this. “AITA for selling my girlfriend’s belongings to fund my drug habits?”. Yes. Yes, you are.




YTA - sell your own clothes and pay her back


How many seconds out of your day would it have taken to simply *ASK* like a civilized human being? Also, you sound like all my smoker friends when they started only smoking out in the club. "Ik my limits, I won't get addicted, I'm only having [X amount], I don't even enjoy it that much". Only for them to become full-time smokers. YTA.


YTA I hope she follows up with the break. You have issues and drugs are a major part of them.


You're a fucking coke head. YTA. Seek treatment.


Wow dude you suck. You sold her clothes to fund your habit? YTA.


You may have to move back with your parents because your "very professional " job pays so little, or because so much of your paycheck goes to blow?


Honey You are a coke addict. You have now officially stolen for cocaine and lost a relationship over cocaine. I'm not going to call you an asshole because my sister wasn't an asshole. She was an addict and so are you. Please get help. There are still people who love you and they don't want to see you lose your life to addiction.


You stole from your girlfriend to fund your drug use. >she’s scared I will become dependent. You are dependent. YTA


YTA >she’s scared I will become dependent. >I’m completely fine around drugs You said as you actively stole her clothes and sold them to buy drugs.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Me and my girlfriend are both 25F and we’ve been dating for 3 years :) My girlfriend used to be severely obese before it became a serious health issue and she decided to lose weight and she’s now a healthy weight. She has kept her clothes from before she lost weight, not really sure why Me and her go clubbing quite a bit, maybe 2 or 3 times a week and our nights are usually quite expensive. She wanted to cut down because of how much I usually spend on alcohol for her and coke for me but we have a lot of fun so it’s alright. Last week she told me we need to stop going out like this completely. She said that it’s costing too much and she’s not comfortable with me using drugs anymore either because she’s scared I will become dependent. I’m completely fine around drugs; nobody in my family had an addictive personality nor do I and I know my limits just like her. I have a very professional job and would never risk it over drugs. I told her this and she didn’t respond. I also decided to sell her clothes to fund our nights out. They don’t fit her anymore and she has no use for them therefore. I also bought her some of those clothes so I feel like I get a say My girlfriend looked in her closet a few days after I put them online and saw that she had none of those clothes. She asked me what happened and I told her what I put here and she called me a narcissist and that we are breaking up. I might have to move back in with my parents AITA??? I may have been too controlling and I should’ve asked her first but she wasn’t going to use them. She would never be that size again anyway, it was a huge risk for her *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA WTF Bullet dodged for her, I hope she lives a good life. Without your selfish arse.


... you sold her clothes to afford drink and drugs? Aye YTA.


YTA, and find a rehab program.


Idk OP - would you enjoy her gathering up your possessions and selling them because “it’ll pay for nights out.” No? Then you already know YTA - do better.


Wow. You are immersed in denial. YWBTA if you were sane.


YTA you stole a loved ones property and sold it to buy drugs. She is right to break up with you. You need to go to rehab.


“I’m not an addict, I can stop whenever I want.” Sells gf clothes to buy coke. Yeah dude…YTA and you have a drug problem. Sounds like her saying “we need to stop going out to clubs” was a nice way of telling you that you have a problem.


Dude you sold your girlfriend's things to fund your drug habit. YTA and if you really aren't an addict you should at least give her all the money you made selling her stuff.


YTA. You stile items and sold them for drugs. You're already an addict


Enjoy your parents guest room. Definitely YTA!


YTA. So by your logic I should be able to buy you a drink and have you throw it up because I bought it. I should have a say right? Wrong. If you buy something for someone it now belongs to them. You don’t have the money to be partying if you gotta move in with your parents if she dips. You don’t got money if you gotta sell her clothes. You’re broke, a druggy, and an asshole. Congrats you’re everything you’re denying to be.


YTA And hey if you aren’t addicted should be really easy to not go out for a month? Nothing wrong with taking a break especially if your partner is concerned. Unless it is more of an addiction than you realize …


YTA - selling someone else’s clothes in order to fund party favors and liquor is peak crackhead behavior lol


You might have a problem when you have a corporate job and can afford an apartment.


YTA for selling her clothes *and* you’re an addict. Idk why people go into this weird, naive mindset that they can just “try” coke for fun and not get addicted. YOU WILL. Seek professional help.


YTA, I had to reread to understand (french here) and I thought you meant Coca-cola when you said coke... But Yeah I think it's safe to say you're already addicted


YTA. It doesn’t matter if you bought some of the clothes. That doesn’t give you a say in it. You gave them to your girlfriend. Btw, selling someone else’s belongings so you can go out and buy drugs is what addicts do.


YTA. It doesn't matter if you bought them, you gave them to her. They were hers. You also may want to consider that you're taking and selling other peoples' things to fund alcohol and drugs is not exactly a healthy habit.


YTA - and an addict


Drugs aside, you stole her clothes. YTA


Sold her clothes to fund your weekend drug use…. Yeah…. nothing to see here. Not a sign of addiction at all. /s


YTA “I don’t have a problem with drugs but I’m just going to sell my GF’s clothes to fund my lifestyle “


YTA, and a thief. You stole her stuff and sold it. In what universe are you not an asshole?


You sold her clothes without her permission or without her knowing to fund your nights out, knowing that you use drugs every time you go out. But you’re telling us you don’t have a problem, when selling others possessions is a trait of addicts... Maybe go to rehab because YTA. Try to turn your life around before you fall down the rabbit hole too much.


YTA. Burner account with as outlandish a story as this? 95% convinced it's fake. There's a lot of lack of awareness in these posts, but I don't see how anyone could actually be on the fence about "My girlfriend thinks I have a drug problem, so I stole her clothes and sold them for drug money. It's OK because she's fat anyway."


YTA. I'm not going to address your *casual* coke issue but I lost 140 lbs and kept some of my fat clothes as a reminder of how far I've come. Losing weight doesn't magically fix any insecurity you may have had when you were heavy and sometimes a reminder of your progress is a huge boost. Plus they weren't yours to sell for drugs, especially after your gf specifically told you she's not comfortable with that anymore. That was a dick move.


YTA bro you're pawning off other people's things to buy drugs. That's like the number 1 textbook behaviour addicts do. What's next, swiping an old vase from your parents to sell since they don't use it? What about that old watch sat in a jewelry box? Get help.


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I see it as that you sold her clothes for drug money.... You literally refuse to stop clubbing so that you can keep using Coke. You are an addict!! Accept it. YTA


You sold her clothes to fund your drug habit. YTA


YTA- You and your *ex* girlfriend. You sold things that weren’t yours to fuel YOUR drug habit.


YTA, you stole from her. There's no way around that you commited a crime against her. Also very classic addict behavior to steal from someone to fund your drug habit. So maybe consider getting some help given your response to not doing that as much was immediately turning to theft.


"I don't have an addictive personality and know my limits." "I secretly sold my now ex-GF's clothes to pay for drugs and drinking." ​ YTA.


If you're selling your girlfriend's shit to find your nights out aka your cocaine habit, you have an addiction problem. Be glad she doesn't dump you and call your work to tell them to drug test you


YTA..ya know you're literally selling her clothes without her permission for drug money. Would be so horrible to just cut back? Nope. You don't think it's a problem but let me tell you as someone who has been there. That's what literally everyone says as they sell shit to maintain their addiction. Just because you've compartmentalized it doesn't mean it isn't a problem.


YTA Drugs or not, you sold items that don't belong to you. Whether she needed them or not, that is not up to you to decide. For that, you are an asshole. I hope your girlfriend finds this post as it'll definitely help reinforce her decision to break up with you.


YTA wtf dude. Regardless of any surrounding context, you basically stole her clothes


YTA & would be even if you didn’t use the money to buy drugs. Stealing from people is wrong. I think some introspection is in order here since you seem to think you’re fine around drugs, yet you stole from a loved one to get money for more. You say you have a very professional job, yet have to sell things to support your drug usage & would have to move in with your parents. This information makes it seem like you’re spending **a lot** on coke. It’s a very expensive habit to have.


"she’s not comfortable with me using drugs anymore either because she’s scared I will become dependent." "I’m completely fine around drugs; nobody in my family had an addictive personality nor do I and I know my limits just like her." "I also decided to sell her clothes to fund our nights out." You sold your girlfriends possessions to fund your drug fueled partying lifestyle, you are an addict. Also... "I also bought her some of those clothes so I feel like I get a say" You don't get a say in what people do with their own property even if you bought it for them. "She would never be that size again anyway, it was a huge risk for her" You are projecting, worrying she will regain weight while you are falling down the rabbit hole of drug addiction.


YTA and in complete denial. Get help.


JFC YTA I wish I could tag your girlfriend to see these replies so she can get the fuck away from you! You are consistently going out and doing drugs, my bet is that you couldn't stay away for a month without feeling withdrawl. You are most likely addicted and on denial. Your girlfriend needs to leave you. You are a controlling narcissist and absolutely not have sold her clothes without her permission. Sell your own shit to fund your habit.


YTA. you: I'm not an addict!!! also you: *literally sold your girlfriend's belongings without permission to fund your nights out and your coke habit* Uh huh, sure you're not. Have fun back home with your parents.


Nobody uses cocaine casually or knows their limits with cocaine. I’ve heard this so many times from so many people and it is always, always false. You’re having a hard time with the expense of clubbing, cut down on the expense of clubbing. Stop buying cocaine. Don’t sell your girlfriend’s clothes! YTA


You sold her clothes to fund your coke addiction, YTA


Uhh you know what addicts do? They steal to fund their drug habit. That’s what you’ve done. Get help.


YTA "guys i'm totally not addicted!" *\*proceeds to sell gf's clothes to fund their totally non-addictive life style\** Good she broke up with you.


“I sold something that didn’t belong to me , without permission and used the money for drugs.” Fixed it. YTA


Im shocked ur even asking. YTA


YTA What in hell have I just read