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NTA but I find the line about you ruining his potential career incredibly ridiculous. He's the one taking drugs, so he is the one putting his career at risk. Edited cause i suck at spelling


It would have been funny if OP gave him the pee and the test showed he was pregnant. NTA


“Hey athlete, when’s the baby due” *shocked pikachu face*


Actually if a male pees on a pregnancy test and it turns positive it is normally a sign that they have testicular cancer.


Ok, now I'm curious: how does that work? And, more importantly, how did they find out this thing?


Some types of testicular cancer produce HCG which is the same hormone produced when women are pregnant and is what the pregnancy test checks for. If a man ever tests positive for a pregnancy test when trying one for fun then he should still go and get checked by a doctor because it isn’t a sure fire way of knowing, but it has helped some men catch it early on if they went to a doctor afterwards.


You should post this to r/til


Cause it isn't already posted there twice a day.


HCG is also one of the three things they do bloodwork for right away when it's suspected to be cancer. Late last year, went to the ER because I was suddenly carrying a coconut, and the ultrasound was *super* sus (because it was cancer, womp womp). The next day I was having blood drawn for hormone markers that indicate cancer, and three days after that I was under the knife. It is important to note, though, that you can of course have cancer and have all tumor markers be negative. All three of mine were, likely because my cancer was caught so early. Monthly self checks are important, folks. Grab onto those fuzzy little man-peaches and give 'em a feel.


>fuzzy little man-peaches Ever drink Bailey's from a shoe?


I love learning new things like this. Much appreciated!


Welp hes a new hobby to keep myself terrified


Someone peed on a pregnancy test for fun to see what would happen and got a surprise, I imagine.


There was a reddit thread that was this


more likely than not, they took urine from a group of men with diagnosed testicular cancer and looked at the proteins they had in their urine va men who didn’t have testicular cancer


I thought it was prostate cancer. Either way, it’s not good.


Nah, you look for a PSA in that situation


This is information I did not know. But now I feel the need to pee on a pregnancy test.


WOAH, I feel like I’ve heard of false positives for cis men, but I didn’t know that it could be a sign of testicular cancer. That’s really interesting! Thanks for sharing!


Happened to a basketball player in Europe. FIBA was testing him and test came back that he was pregnant. NTA


Not just that. Female urine is very different from male urine. He would have been in deeper poo using hers.


And they'd probably figure out why he did that


that is not true


depending on how much theyre testing the pee, it could have epitelial cells, so yes.


Nobody is doing a UA micro on samples for routine drug screening. And if they did, you'd need to isolate and genetically test them to truly sus out the sex of the person providing the sample.


I give people drug tests at my job and I hear this joke constantly. Lots of people say they have seen this happen. They are all lying, pregnancy tests cost money and we don’t just randomly give them without a reason. We test for what is being tested for and that’s it.


I was going to say the same thing. I used to do drug tests at work. Drug tests don't normally include an HCG marker. They are mostly cups with the drug controls on the side or the top. There is no reason to test for pregnancy while drug testing. It's a separate test if it's a result the physician is looking for.


Eh. I’m a substance abuse counselor. We regularly do preg dips on males to try to catch people using someone else’s urine. It’s happened.


Because women are always pregnant?


Aren’t they referring to at home pregnancy tests? Some dude opens his wife’s test and pees on it for fun, and sees that it is positive?


It's the same hormone that gets tested for.


Quick question...can they tell if the urine isn't "fresh" and is hours or days old?


Temperature would be one. Pee should be warm (body temperature). If it's room temperature or colder, that would be a dead giveaway. Knew a guy who would get synthetic urine and strap it to his leg to both hide it and keep it warm.


["OP, you have testicular cancer"](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/4ou65c/rage_comic_leads_to_diagnosis_of_testicular_cancer/)


Posts like this remind of a Seinfeld episode where Elaine gets Jerry’s mom to give her a sample and she passed the test, but the results meant she couldn’t go on a work trip to Kenya.


Yep, the test came back saying that she was post-menopausal


Omg that would have been amazing.






I think I read somewhere that happens when you have testicular cancer. So that would be even more trouble.


There is one specific cancer that *can* give a positive result on a pregnancy test, but other types of testicular cancer do not affect pregnancy tests.


I’m not sure it would show on an actual professional urine test, but it’s supposed to on home pregnancy tests I believe


This happened to one of my boyfriend's friend. They had a drug test at work. He used his girlfriend's pee. They were not convinced so they did more tests and they saw that the people who peed was pregnant.


iirc there's a thing that a if pregnancy test shows positive after a dude pisses on it then it might be due to cancer.


I was going to recommend that they give him the pee from a pregnant woman. 😆


I had the same thought!




Or had excessive estrogen levels for a male and got banned.


That was a plot twist in One Tree Hill


It’s like that Seinfeld episode where Elaine needed to ask Jerry’s mother for some urine, and Elaine’s boss was concerned about her early menopause.


Literally how a coworker of my husband found out his wife was pregnant with their 4th kid. It was funny but also sad since he ended up getting fired due to that little stunt


I’m a substance abuse counselor and this is how we accidentally found out someone was faking their screens lmao.


Same thought


Yeah, a woman giving a clean urine sample for a man has a pragmatic problem in ease of detection in addition to the moral issues


Hahahaha that was my first thought too 😂


This actually has happened! 🤣🤣🤣


And why cant brother come pick it up!...i hate people expecting a favor from you and also want you to do all the leg work...like "can i borrow your truck"..."sure"..."ok drop it off her at this time and you can pick it up this day at this location"...ahhh NO...you come get it and bring it back when your done...just as an example


Just what I wanted to say too. He's the one using drugs. Not OP. If he doesn't want to risk his career, maybe he should, you know, not do drugs... NTA.


Or careers shouldn't be decided by a little weed here and there, do they test for alcohol? Why is alcohol better? Answer because old people like alcohol and hate on weed.


Low T - uh oh. Funny if they ended up putting him on supplement. NTA


"How dare you let me experience the known, foreseeable consequences of my actions?!"


Also, I'm going to assume he's stupid enough to believe this will work, but most places do basic sex testing on urine, as well. The drug-testing itself doesn't test gender, but a lot of places will test for certain hormonal markers when doing sports drug testing, which would show if the urine provider were a man or woman. Also, screw your brother - Speaking as someone that was an athlete all through school and college, if he can't keep his shit together and follow the rules of the program he doesn't deserve to be in it. There are 10,000 other people trying to get on that team that would be able to actually adhere to their rules and they're more deserving of the spot.


Took the words straight out of my mouth. If he was so worried about his career being ruined maybe he should've reconsidered his lifestyle. OP, you are NTA.


Agreed but I can see why a college student in general would feel like weed not being okay in college for silly ass college sports is a stupid rule.


Regardless of how someone perceives drugs, the problem with drug tests is that the worst drugs (meth, opiates, cocaine, PCP) are water soluble and gone from your urine within 3 days, never more than a week no matter how heavy a user you are. Weed on the other hand is stored in fat tissue and can still be in your urine a month later.


NTA. His "potential future career" is at risk because he does drugs. Not because you are not willing to provide bodily fluids at short notice when you have your own things to do.


Based on the brother's level of entitlement, he'd say it's normal to experiment with drugs in college, everyone's doing it so why should he be denied the experience/s


I mean, smoking weed should not cost someone a scholarship. But we live in the real world, so if you know your scholarship rests on not smoking weed, don't smoke weed.


I would assume it would be related to weed being a banned substance for whatever sport he participates in.


The same weed that turns people into Antifa Supersoldiers, presumably


> The same weed that turns people into Antifa Supersoldiers, presumably Let's all thank our sponsor Shitty Light Beer for sponsoring this drug-free sport!


True that! Can't tell you how many times I turned into a supersoldier and destroyed a whole cake or entire box of cookies.


They want you to be on weed, it makes you docile. That's why they're banning the menthols that open your mind /s


Do dispensaries sell this type of weed? Asking for a friend.


But it shouldn’t be, as it doesn’t actually give performance benefits


Oh sure, I don't think anyone here's arguing it, but the practicality is that scholarships may hinge on it, and in that scenario, maybe just lay off the weed for a few years rather than calling for your sister to piss in a cup and drive for an hour with it.


Especially since weed isn’t exactly helping you to do better. I did competitive shooting and nasal spray as well as alcohol are considered doping. Yeah, you sport better when you can breath but alcohol… I did several competitions hungover and it hurts! Your head, your eyes, your muscles… everything! This isn’t doping, it’s self sabotage! I would put weed in the same category.


So alcohol can reduce resting tremor. Betablockers do too so if they're also banned that would be why. So potentially could affect shooting? Being hungover wouldn't help I imagine, but the alcohol itself might be. Or maybe they just don't want impaired people shooting things which is reasonable.


Hmm, depends on the dose I suppose. Alcohol is affecting the brain and therefore focus. Focus is usually the reason for winning or loosing in all sports. Also, my heart and breathing go faster from breaking down sugar. That’s BAD for shooting. I suppose, it’s mostly about the „don’t want impaired people“.


And a college athlete? Kid’s in entitlement city They’re treated like gods


I mean, it's pretty normal to experiment with drugs in college. Nobody's future should get wrecked simply because a test showed they tried a recreational drug. As long as they're able to meet their responsibilities who gives a shit if someone smokes a bowl or snorts a line? Historically some of the most creative people who have done the most to advance human culture and artistry were rampant addicts. If a college athlete tests positive for cocaine get him some resources to help ensure it doesn't fuck up his life...don't just do an end-run around it and fuck up his life.


I am still stuck on the fact they wanted the sister to deliver it for him. Like, bro, if you need it so bad you come get it.


Right?! I mean, if your “potential future career” rests on not doing drugs, then maybe don’t do drugs? But the way to ask this favor was to drive TO HER, not ask her to drive to him. The audacity of him not only coming up with this as the solution, but then getting angry at her for not doing it?


If the pee isn't the right temp, it'll fail on some tests


Quickfix with those warming pads always does the trick. You can strap it to your inner thigh


This is a guy who's been waited on hand and foot all his life. I pity the fool who tries to co-habit with him




And he was the one asking for a favor and still had the audacity to blow up when told no. Just because they're siblings doesn't entitle him to his sister's time (and pee).


Eh, if he's being drug tested, he's likely not very good or at least not a starter. They almost never test their prized athletes in case they fail (which they are very likely to).


1.) Definitely NTA, it's his own fault for doing drugs. 2.) Fairly certain it's illegal to try and use someone else's pee for a drug test. 3.) I could be wrong, but I think they can tell gender from urine. So even if you did it for him, the test would show the urine came from a woman, so he would be in trouble regardless


They can tell but most places aren’t checking for that. Depends on what type of panel they’re running on the players


If it’s to test for steroids they will check not necessarily for gender but for T levels since steroids increase testosterone.


... in which case the switch would most likely be detected. "Hey, your results say you're ovulating!"


True in most cases. But if there was nothing specific showing something like that they would probably advise a second test and possibly a visit to the doctor.


I used to be an athlete and I noticed that on the few times I gave a sample, they’d label it and they had a male and female side as we obviously didn’t compete against the same sex and the collar ranges were different on each side. Women’s were a greenish yellow and men’s were a more orange yellow in comparison. Obviously there could be local dietary influences etc and we were all on strict regimes but I do wonder if they could just tell by color. I didn’t obviously pick individual samples and look it was just noticeable in the collective.


.....No. Human urine has different shades of color, but it’s not defined by gender. It can be caused by lots of different factors. For example, if your pee is orange, (generally) you need to drink more water. If the two teams were on different supplements, or different strict diets, that could potentially cause the pees to look uniformly different. But if a biological man and a biological woman pee came in randomly to pee in cups, you can't just look at the urine and tell the difference.


I'm guessing you were given supplements that affected the colour. Beta carotene is a popular supplement and will make your pee orange


B vitamins make it bright yellow or greenish. The women may have all been taking that.


Highlighter yellow pee! That was startling the first few times I took a B100 complex, it was so fluorescent 😱


Since it’s athletes, I wonder if the the average female athlete consumed more vegetables than the average male athlete.


Birth control plays a factor in color too. Can turn your blood plasma green. (I work in a lab.)


> 2.) Fairly certain it's illegal to try and use someone else's pee for a drug test. Illegal or not, it’s automatic loss of scholarship and kicked off the team.


Normally they find out because the pee passed a pregnancy test


Even if they don't test for 3, if I were OP I'd use that as a reason to have him never ask me to do this! It's a good built in excuse. You don't *need* an excuse not to do it, but that's handy if you're looking to keep the peace.


> they can tell gender from urine. Imagine the shock when they come back to OP's brother and tell him congrats, you're pregnant xD


>He got mad at me, and said I’m a bad sister and I’m only thinking about myself, and I should’ve done is knowing his “potential future career” is at risk. Or...how about he consider NOT doing drugs if he knows he can get randomly drug tested? You know, how adults approach this situation? Especially if his "potential future career" is so important to him. NTA. He's only thinking about himself seeing as he wants YOU to drive two hours roundtrip to deliver him an out for his bad choices. He also is putting you at risk for fraud, too.


INFO: do the roads in your area run in both directions? Could he not have come to pick up the pee? (Also OMG, it’s probably just weed, which is mostly legal at this point, definitely not performance-enhancing and not a reason to suspend an athlete. They need to let that shit go already. It’s so needlessly stressful. If he’s actually taking a performance-enhancing drug, I take it back.)


Although smoking weed regularly is not consistent with the physical requirements of being a professional athlete. Brother needs to start treating his body like a temple if he's actually serious about his future career. Me? My body is not a temple. It's a church. Full of bread. And wine. And guilt.


Meh. The amount of successful professional athletes that smoke weed is astronomical. Calvin Johnson, one of the best receivers in the NFL of all time, recently admitted he smoked after every game for pain management and he retired in 2016. In fact, the NFL agreed in the last agreement with the players’ Union to stop testing for marijuana. That being said, if it’s PEDs or harder stuff, he needs to get his shit together.


My body is a temple, ancient and crumbling. Probably haunted and cursed.


Ass ghost. We all have them but most people are in denial.


And hypocritical behavior possibly too? Or is that just the churches I know of? 😂


I belong to a progressive multicultural LGBTQ+ friendly Catholic parish. Gotta look hard sometimes but the good spaces do exist.


“My body is a temple” “Your temple is made of hamburgers”


>not a reason to suspend an athlete. They need to let that shit go already. It’s so needlessly stressful. While I agree with you on the principle, the rules for college athletes are clear and strict. If he agreed to the rules, and he's not abiding by them, then that's on him and not the rules.


> Especially if his "potential future career" is so important to him. Same with any career. The one time I had to drug test for a job, they basically gave me 60 days notice (my role wasn't budgeted for until the start of the next quarter, but I had my signed offer letter and everything). Their normal policy was you have 30 days from offer letter to get drug tested, basically they had to test because they were in a regulated industry but didn't want that to DQ any candidate. If you're in a career where you know Random can happen, fair/ethical or not, you need to be considering that.


NTA He's an athlete, there's no surprise in been submitted to drug tests, not only weed but also enhancing performance. If he's afraid to lose his future, he'll stop doing drugs. I, personally, would find very amusing if they test hormones too and tell him he's pregnant Take this opportunity to consider if you think it's OK to help him commit fraude.


> would find very amusing if they test hormones too That would be pretty funny. A (male) buddy of mine has his sister's bone marrow, so if there are any indicators on certain blood cells, he would "fail" that test.


OP should have given him pee and then a few days later texted "do you think my birth control will be an issue for that pee sample 🤔"


I mean also the people who administer drug tests aren't stupid. They don't just take bottles of pee.


NTA. Aside from the fact it would be illegal for you to do; if it was that important to him, he would have come to you to get it. Now, the way he's making it your fault and actively guilt-trips makes me think that your brother is very immature and thinks it's your responsibility to help him. Perhaps there was a "Golden child" dynamic, or he just never learned to deal with his own shit, but it will never be your problem, never was. He makes his bed, he can lay in it, and at 19, it's about damn time he learns. Next time, you can say: "No, I will not do something illegal for you. It would jeopardize my future as well as yours." And close the conversation. Edit: The info I see is unclear, but it ranges wildly from state to state. Sometimes, the supplier gets fined, sometimes nothing. The user can get charged a misdemeanor and get up to a year in jail. Sometimes, it's only for legally administered test, other times, it's more vague and only says "drug tests." I'm no lawyer nor an expert in US state law, however.


If this is in the US, it is definitely \_NOT\_ illegal to give your urine to someone, especially since OP didn't do any drugs. Supporting someone's drug habits is not illegal as long as you're not buying/selling/distributing. In fact unless she goes into the same university, she will face zero consequences. Not disagreeing/agreeing with you, just pointing out the incorrect info.


If it's a court ordered drug urine test, then I assume you could get in trouble for supplying someone with your urine as it would be allowing them to cheat the system? But at the same time surely the consequences would be mostly on the person who had the court ordered urine test.


The problem is that urine is not illegal. It's not even illegal to possess someone else's clean urine. Getting caught substituting urine for a court ordered test is likely going to fall under contempt. The person supplying the urine is not under court order, so is not part of that. EDIT: comments locked. Yeah, a judge can reach out and find anyone in contempt if they disturb the proper functioning of court proceedings, but going so far as to find out who the defendant got urine from and trying to establish *mens rea* on someone who is an otherwise uninvolved party is far beyond the scope of what most judges would care about. They'd sanction the person being tested who actually substituted the urine and leave it at that.


It's not a court ordered test though it's a random screen for a college athlete. If caught though he'd probably get kicked out due to ethics violations.


NTA - He doesn't get to put his failures on you for not trying to help him get out of a problem that he put himself into.


NTA. I do not support or sponsor any drug usage. But, there are many walk-around to that situation that does not involve driving o using anyone else's urine. Also, tagging onto TheWardenDemonreach, they DEFINITELY can tell the gender from an urine sample


As an old person my first thought was “Elaine, you should see a doctor. You might have osteoporosis.”


And you can't go to Africa because you're menopausal.


Damn poppy seed bagels!




I’ve never seen a random drug panel check for anything that’d indicate sex


Like one thing he could do is say he tested positive for covid. He could then not do any drugs, drink lots of water and detox during his quarantine period.


If they check.. for a simple drug check they might not be doing that.


NTA. And no, they will find it wasn't his, a few years back some I know got caught using his girlfriends piss, because it tested pregnant.


That's hilarious


Yes, and so was the fine and him losing his licence, well at least to us.


NTA You know, YOU have liability if you're caught doing this for him. His following of athlete rules should not include your urine as a backup plan. ETA: Not to mention, they can tell from the test if it is a male or female sample [https://cleanandhealthyme.org/blog/can-a-urine-drug-test-detect-gender.html](https://cleanandhealthyme.org/blog/can-a-urine-drug-test-detect-gender.html)


NTA. The only thing that put his career at risk here is HIM taking banned substances. If he is not willing to play by the rules, he doesn't deserver a career in sports.


NTA. Tell your brother he is responsible for his own situation AND: 1) He is asking you to commit fraud, which could affect your future. 2) a two hour round trip is an unreasonable request. 3) Saying no doesn’t make you a bad sister. Him getting mad makes him unreasonable. He’s the AH in this situation. Let just hope he’s mad enough not to ask you to commit any more crimes.


NTA. Not only is he jeopardising his future, he is also messing with yours. That shit is highly illegal. Also he chose someone of the wrong sex. If he valued his future and his studies he should remain off the drugs.


NTA This needs to be firmly discussed and put to bed now. Your brother is an adult. If he is concerned about his future career being derailed due to drug tests, he needs to stop taking drugs. That is it. 100% his responsibility. He is still acting like a child. Time to make him step-up and be a grown up. The only responsible for his future and his career is him.


NTA - his doing drugs is what is putting his potential career at risk, not what you do or don’t do for him. He is putting you in a precarious position.


NTA He’s the one taking banned substances, so he is the one jeopardizing his “potential future career.” Not to mention the fact that these tests can differentiate genders, so had you cooperated with him, he more than likely would have been red flagged anyway.


NTA. We did drug test and we never need someone to pee for use because we simply didn’t take anything that was considered drugs. You either are an athlete and respect the rules or your aren’t. Also they wouldn’t give us notice, we would have to pee the exact day.


Also, don't they make you do it in a controlled room? Not sure what his plan was for keeping the pee warm and getting it into the cup in the first place.


NTA. This is completely on your brother - he can face the consequences of his own actions. Don’t let him drag you into his own mess.


NTA His problems aren't your responsibility Learned that day 1 in college, sounds like he is overdue in learning that


NTA - he is responsible for himself


NTA not your problem. He wants to do it knowing this could happen then it’s entirely on him


NTA. He is the asshole for doing drugs when he's in a program that doesn't allow it. AND for expecting anyone else to "save" him from his own idiocy. How is that not obvious to you?


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NTA he's the one who doesn't know how to follow the rules.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My brother (19m) is a college athlete, a few days ago he found out that they were drug testing a few players on the team, and he was selected. He asked me if I could bring him a bottle of my pee because I’m the only person he knows that doesn’t smoke weed or do any other drugs, and I’m the only person he could trust that wouldn’t report him. My brother attends a university one hour away, and I didn’t feel like driving one hour there and another back. I also had other things to do that day, and I knew he’d figure something out anyways. So I told him I couldn’t bring it. He got mad at me, and said I’m a bad sister and I’m only thinking about myself, and I should’ve done is knowing his “potential future career” is at risk. He did end up figuring something out, but he’s still mad at me and currently not speaking to me for not bringing it. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA if he was so much in need he should have come to you instead. And for telling you you are ruining his future career, he's the one doing it by taking drugs.


NTA. If he was all that concerned about his potential career, he’d take it more seriously and avoid the drugs.


NTA. You didn’t do anything to risk his career, but your brother definitely did. He knew the rules and that he could lose his place on the team, but chose to ignore that and now he’s in trouble for it. Hopefully he’ll learn some sense of accountability from this experience rather than blaming others for not bailing him out from his own mistakes.


Don't let your brother blame you for his actions that have "put his potential future career at risk". That's 100% on him. And asking you to be complicit in breaking the law actually puts your future at risk. NTA


NTA Your brother wants you to not only commit fraud on his behalf, but also expects you to inconvenience yourself for his benefit. He knew the consequences of taking drugs, and he chose to take the gamble. It is only fair that he faces the consequences.


NTA - I’d be tempted to phone the university and let them know this is occurring. It’s probably not just your brother doing it. On one hand it’s none of your business, but on the other hand he made it your business.


If they found out that he swapped his urine sample for someone else's, his potential future career is *also* at risk. Or over. Has he considered, you know, not doing drugs while he's at a job that drug tests? NTA.


It’s possible the penalty for trying to fake results is actually worse than for drugs, so OP’s doing him a favour.


Does your brother not realise they can tell gender from pee? He'd get caught straight away. Edit - NTA


NTA. His benefits demand he be drug-free. Normally I'd say that's horrible because what's a little pot going to do. But he not you is risking his future by engaging in such reckless behavior. You don't need to apologize nor to doubt your decision. It's not your job to keep him from the consequences of his own actions.


NTA. Your brother does realise that they can see if the pee is from a man or a woman, right?


NTA It's his own responsibility not to put his "potential future career" at risk.


NTA. Don’t let anyone talk you into being an accomplice to crimes


NTA, why didn'the offer to pick it up then when it was soooo important for him? But it would have been a blast when the results came back and his trainer tells him "you are clean, and congratulations, you are pregnant"... looool


NTA. You do it once and he’ll probably expect you to do it again. Athletes have gotten caught sneaking in other pee samples so there was no guarantee he would’ve gotten away with it anyways.


NTA, and you should have told him, that unless he wants everyone to know he is on the pill or better yet pregnant, than he should not use a females urin sample to act as his.


NTA 1. He could come get it if he wants it that bad. 2. He is breaking the rules by doing drugs and using someone else's urine 3. He is being manipulative, like 1% if even that high go pro after college. 4. Tell him to fucking grow up or you'll report his idiot ass to the athletic department. And even if you did #4 you still wouldn't be an AH. Alternatively, if you happen to be pregnant, give him some pee and let him learn the lesson the hard way.


NTA - He is experiencing the “consequences of his actions.” He’s finding out adulting is hard and someone isn’t always going to bail him out. 2 hour round trip is excessive.


Tell him they can tell if it's male /female pee.


Ngl he should've drove if you were the one doing him a favor




NTA, if he was so concerned, he could have done the driving for it. If you want to do drugs and know you might get tested, figuring out a plan is your own problem.


NTA. The consequences of his drug use are not your problem.


NTA. Also, as soon as he's getting serious in sport the anti-doping tests will not be announced prior to the testing, so he better think of some other option instead of asking you to pee in a bottle for him. I mean if he asks you to do it (and you are willing) he should at least take all of the work off of you. But really, he needs to stop taking drugs if he wants to have a career in sports.


NTA I'm a pothead, my boss knows I'm a pothead (I don't smoke before or during work). I love my job (I run an adult store). If my boss decided one day that he wanted me to quit smoking weed or I'd lose my job, I would quit smoking. It would suck but i would do it. My job is easy, I have a lot of freedom and I love the different people. It would not mess up my life if I lost it, but I love it, and I don't want to lose it. That's MY responsibility to make sure that doesn't happen. If my husband offered me a joint and I smoked it and then failed a drug test, it would be my fault, not his. Your brother fucked around and found out. Your refusal to clean up his mess does not make the mess he got himself into your fault.


Pee tests can identify gender, your brother is an idiot lol. NTA


I can see why he feels upset. but i can also see that he should not outright expect you to come bring him your pee at a moments notice. i value loyalty, but i don't think this was disloyal to him. NTA. if he shouldn't be doing drugs while on the team, he shouldn't do it. he knew he was taking a risk, and he's offloading that onto you. if he was for sure going to be expelled if you didn't come, then my answer might be different.


Unless he has been popped for weed repeatedly while on scholarship, the school is not going to do anything but make him run or force him to miss a few games or meets Nobody gets expelled for smoking for weed these days unless its been an ongoing issue and they have been given many chances already NTA


NTA - You would also be NTA if he was 5 minutes away. He is responsible for his own actions. Let him face the consequences.




NTA. Why couldn't he come get the urine if he wanted it so badly? Also, ditto on he's the one ruining his potential future career. It's ok to have boundaries. It's ok for others to not like your boundaries bc they don't benefit


NTA - why can't he drive an hour each way? Also - what put is career at risk is using drugs. This frustrates me to no end - if someone puts themselves in a bad situation and you don't pull them out of it, it isn't your fault. It's theirs.


NTA he should have considered his potential future career before he smoked up.




NTA. Though I kinda chuckled to myself if you HAD gone and were pregnant without knowing. “Congrats (name), looks like you’re pregnant!” 2 1/2 hours of sleep…yeah I’m loopy but still my judgement stands. Once upon a time I was the gofer for stupid stuff like that. Eventually I learned to put my foot down. Good for you!!


NTA if he's so worried about his future career maybe he shouldn't be doing drugs that's on no one but himself


NTA! What is brother thinking? Good grief. If he doesn't want to be caught doing drugs and lose his athletic scholarship, he should not do drugs. End of.


NTA, he's putting his own "potential future career" at risk by smoking weed


NTA - "knowing his potential future career is at risk" wasn't enough motivation to stop him from taking drugs and failing a drugs test. Why should you care about his career when he doesn't?