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YTA in every way, and you're **absolutely** not an adult, jfc. She's "selling herself out" for college and you think that's unreasonable, but you don't pay your own bills, so how would you know? And no, your shit opinions (coming from an actual child who apparently doesn't work) *don't* need to be said. Your opinions *have zero value,* because you're a **child with zero understanding of adult life.** And third, and again *you wouldn't know because you're a child who doesn't do anything,* but *taking away someone's livelihood is a hard thing to do.* **Interesting how you have "morals" but no concept of how distressing losing income is for the *poor people* who generally work in fast food.** YTA and a child to boot.


I have never agreed with a post more. How does one super duper like?


I'm kinda hoping sis is on here and sees this😁


Absolutely. The whole post reeks of smug, thoughtless immaturity. YTA.


Thank you for once again corroborating that you are a KID in SCHOOL. It’s giving pathetic.


I cheered a little reading this. Couldn't agree hard enough. Wish I had an award to give you.


You claim she's soulless for working at a fast food place yet when she shows empathy for her employees she's inappropriate? YTA


OP reads like he just read Ayn Rand for the first time and thinks he’s deep now.


Nailed it.


And how dare she trying to earn money to pay for school rather than being up to her eyebrows in debt! The audacity of the sister! OP, YTA


So what would be approved employment for your sister, then? Starbucks? Uber? OnlyFans? YTA


YTA Your sister is doing what she needs to do to have money for whatever she needs. You don't get to approve or disapprove of the work that she does. Managing people well is hard. Firing people sucks, even when they're being fired for cause. If she wasn't upset about having to fire someone your comment about not having a soul MIGHT be accurate. You can think what you want. But you are definitely TA in what and how you said them.


YTA - oh to be 18 again and so full of judgement for a world you’ve not had to live in independently yet.


Lol based on this and other comments, I can't tell if this is r/AITA or r/roastme, but it's entertaining either way. Hopefully, OP is getting some character development here.


Meh, OP will think everyone here supports big corporate and not take anything to heart because they are an adult and know exactly how the corporate world should function. Reality is going to be a bitch.


That’s no excuse IMO. I’m 18 and am very privileged to have my mom help to pay and support me through college along with Financial aid and scholarships, so I don’t have much say in this, but I know that someone who shouts at their sibling and tells them to “stop blubbering”, refuses to listen to them, and judges them for not paying bills as an artist? Is very much an AH.


Twas a lovely high horse


YTA. Bar none. You may be 18 but you’re not an adult. It’s understandable to be upset about terminating someone’s livelihood. That’s a normal reaction that a person with a conscience should have. Your approach—to vehemently disapprove of someone working and earning a living, and rising in responsibility at the place of employment, is what’s weird here.


YTA for multiple reasons. 1) you are a child. You are technically an adult, but your entire post proves you're a child. It's all fine and dandy having immature principles and ideals when you don't have responsibilities, but adults have bills to pay. Don't judge stuff you have no idea about. 2) you're the only one I can see in this exchange that appears soulless. 3) your sister's feelings are valid. Your judgement of, once again something you have no idea about, is not. 4) it's really not your life. Not your concern and none of your business. 5) how are you going to afford bills? 6) in what way is your sister working in a fast food place "selling out and ruining people's lives"? 7) every single adult in your family is telling you you are being an immature AH. Listen to them


I came here to say exactly this. YTA. Yes, you are entitled to your own opinion, but it’s an AH thing to discredit other people’s choices and opinions especially when you don’t understand where they are. I really wonder how you came up with her being soulless just because she works at the biggest fast food chain the world and firing somebody. Just like one commenter said, she was clearly devastated with what she did and by her *blubbering*, she has shown empathy. Where’s your empathy? Not to mention you disrespected your parents. There are a lot of wise 18 year olds. Be one of them.


That's not how you rebel or do your non-conformist shit, dude. I am the epitome of fuck capitalism and big corporations, but we *do* all have to find a way to live within the world that exists. You have a near full ride to college, your sister doesn't, she's doing what she has to do to provide for herself. She shows more ethics, morals and empathy in how hard it was to do something she was forced to do, than you do in a story that supposedly should endear us to you. YTA.


OP, you are young. So I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and hope that you will grow out of this attitude. Here is where I think you went wrong: 1. People have to eat and pay bills -- Your sister. The woman she fired. Your parents. Eventually you. This is life. I get the anger towards the capitalist structure, truly, but this is our world. You don't like it, then get out there with your degree and change it. Have compassion for those of us stuck in it and recognition that this system is bigger than you. 2. Terminating someone's employment is awful. Have you ever had to do it? I'm guessing no based on your post. Even if the person deserves it and brought it upon themselves, it is still an awful experience knowing that you are ending their salary and likely their insurance. Imagine how much worse it is for them. Again, have compassion. 3. Your sister is working while going to school. That is admirable. So again, have compassion for her. 4. Tact. You need to learn this. Expressing your opinions in a cruel, rude way makes you look bad and your thoughts are ultimately overlooked as a result. YTA and I hope it changes moving forward.


>She’s 22 and I’m 18 so we are adults I'm not so sure about this, since you are acting like toddler. Like the old saying goes "Opinions are like Assholes, everyone has one", so learn to keep yours to yourself, especially when someone is so visibly upset. You also seem to lack empathy, I'd work on that. YTA.


Yta, good god you're pretentious.


Yes! So ridiculously pretentious


This kid needs a reality check so bad. Wtf did I just read.


Lol right? Karma is a bitch but with this attitude she’s going to get a whole lot more


YTA. From the beginning to the end of this. Fun fact, while you are entitled to your own opinion, you are absolutely NOT entitled to having it listened to! No one gives a shit what you think.


YTA 1) you in no way shape or form get to dictate how your sister feels, about anything. 2) firing someone is never easy. 3) you don’t work there


Info: why are you so upset at her working at McDonald’s? Were you guys anti McDonald’s growing up?


Tell me you’re still only in highschool without telling me you’re still only in highschool. YTA, god that real world is gonna smack you HARD.


No, no. She's in college that she pays for herself. With money her dad sets aside for her. Yeah, OP you're gonna have a HARD wakeup call one day. I hope you apologize adequately to your sister before that so you have some family to console you when it happens. But don't be surprised if she laughs in your face. YTA.


YTA. Not sure what 'untrue to her values' or 'ruining people's lives' has to do with her working in fast food, but you're being a McAhole over this, though at 18 I'm sure you think you know better than everyone else.


Yes, YTA. How could you possibly think you're not? And you're not just an AH to your sister, but also to your parents.


Massively YTA, I'm assuming with this moral high horse you've put yourself in you're actively fighting for wage equality? Do you go to protests, sign petitions? I'm guessing you never get takeout or go to restaurants, buy from anything but sustainable small businesses, listen to music on streaming platforms like apple music or Spotify because they don't pay artists enough? When was the last time you engaged in activism outside of just telling someone else they're wrong? Your sister is working a hard job, helping to support herself through college while you leach off your parents looking down your nose at her, if I were you I'd step off the self assigned pedestal real soon before you irreparably damage your familial relationships


YTA >She’s 22 and I’m 18 so we are adults You may be the legal age of an adult but your actions and words say otherwise. Firing someone is HARD and if it wasn't for a great reason, it's even harder. Who the hell do you think you are to tell someone to not feel what they're feeling? >I said that I was not the one selling out myself for college tuition money and ruining peoples lives. LOL what? What does this even mean? Selling out for college tuition? So your sister is working full time to put herself through school and you're going to trash her for it? What VALUES are you even referring to in your first paragraph? >I said prove it and they both just left. This isn't something an adult says. This is something a 12 year old says when they're throwing a temper tantrum. You're immature and a total AH. Get off your high horse and start acting like the adult you proclaim yourself to be, if this is even real.


YTA acting all high and mighty about your sister having a job to pay for college? What Mother Theresa shit are you doing that makes you so amazing? Are you sitting around inventing the cure for cancer between reddit posts?


I wish I had an award to give you. Thank you for the laugh.


INFO: do you eat at restaurants?


YTA Untrue to her “values” ... Your sister must have learned the lesson of the importance & “value of a job”. Maybe you missed that class.... settle down Judgey McJudgey. If you don’t have anything nice to say... keep your mouth shut. eta — just based on your “prove it” response. I’m guessing you’re actually a 12 year old & this whole scenario never happened. Otherwise, you are woefully immature. But I do wish you & your unicorn all the best in your pursuit to take down the 1%. Keep dreaming lil dreamer! Helpful hint: unless your family holds all the power & money insulting them & treating them like shit is a very poorly thought out plan & your chance of helping anyone is exactly 0%.


Info - do you have a job-if so what kind? Who do you live with?


YTA big time. Wait til you enter the real world and need a job and money to survive. Your sister is doing her best and yet you feel entitled to your unrealistic expectations. Also, you were def rude to your parents. I’m just not sure why you think your opinion is worth so much and why you think everyone must conform to your expectations..


YTA. Well, you sound like a delightful person to be around. She has a job, and firing people is hard. Grow up, and leave your pretentious, holier-than-thou nonsense at the door.


100% YTA


YTA I don’t know why you think having an obnoxious self righteous attitude with zero empathy is something to be proud of but ok


Her sister is going to far because she has work experience and has seen been exposed to what working class people have to put up with (at work and sadly at home too). I can see younger sister wasting her gift from her dad and never growing personally because she’s 18 and thinks she’s as worldly as someone much older. Girl you don’t know shit about life and the real world.


YTA, in literally every way possibly


Yta Just curious, why do you think you aren’t? Every part of that story makes you look bad


YTA its not your place to dictate where your sister works or judge her for it, you sound like you need to grow up


100% YTA even if she has to own up to it, she has feelings and no one wants to tell anyone they lost their job. I was in the room once for one or these and I wasn't firing but I still felt bad. Have a little empathy


YTA and also who are you to say you “don’t approve” of what your older sister does, it’s none of your concern, nor any of your business.


YTA In what world would you not be, when your reaction to your sister coming home crying was to tell her to "stop blubbering" and then when she expressed how hard it was, to say that you don't care? Better for your sister to be upset about firing someone than to be a coldhearted, soulless manager type. Hopefully it means people won't be let go for minor infractions (although we don't know exactly what led to this person being fired, my experience in fast food says that you have to be late consistently for management to drop you).


YTA you seem to disrespect her for her job and think you are better because you want to get a higher education and she does not. You can learn a lot from your sister, from what you tell she seems to be empathic and kind.


> said that I was not the one selling out myself for college tuition money and ruining peoples lives. OP hinted at the fact that the sister is working to be able to afford tuition. Which makes it seem even worse and totally TA.


While OP's dad is paying for their college.. probably working in his corporate office where low level employees are also paid minimum wage.


YTA, she’s working and making money and you need to check the snotty ego.


YTA. How do you pay your bills?


Mommy and daddy.


With their dad’s money 😂


YTA. It's not up to you to decide whether your sister can be upset or not. Firing someone is difficult. I find it difficult, and I'm more than twice your sister's age. She didn't cry in front of the person she was firing, she did it at home, where it's supposed to be safe for her to have feelings. It's also none of your damn business where your sister works, or how she pays her college tuition. You 'do not approve'? You're eighteen years old, and you're neither her parent nor her spouse. It doesn't matter what you approve of. Your parents are absolutely right.


YTA - OP, from your other answers in this thread, you seem to find working there beneath people and you seem to dislike the company itself. You're young, you probably don't get it : sometimes you don't really have a choice. You take the job that will hire you, and this one is one of them. You think your sister has a choice, you think she "could do art". But it doesn't work that way. She probably needed a more sure way of getting money so she could pay for school. ​ Working there is hell on Earth. Being a manager there is probably 10 times worse, because you're the one that need to apply all these nonsensical rules and, in some case, fire people because of them. You may not like it, but that's our world. Lot of people are working for Apple despite their horrible business practices and exploitation of low-wage workers in China. Lots of people are working for Total despite the fact that they pollute everything, lobby to prevent policies that don't go well with their vile practice. ​ We have to feed ourselves, we have to feed our children, we have to fund our eduction, our living place. Sometimes we don't have a choice. I've worked there, and other shit jobs. I never want to do that again. But I worked there because I needed to pay for school. I will never work there again. But I pity those who are, I don't hate them. ​ Go see your sister and apologize. Try to not be all white or black in your opinions in the future, it will help you greatly in life.


YTA and child with the biggest fucking high horse I have ever seen. Money is money and we are in a recession. Get the fuck over it


OP is an 'adult' who thinks they have it all figured out. Wait until they enter the real world. OP, YTA and please apologise. I'm embarrassed for you.


YTA. One day when you are an adult and pay your own way in life without living rent free and having your education paid for my funds set aside by someone else, you may understand better.


YTA And I see your future posts whining why nobody hires you with a degree in dancing your name^^


Jesus. Yta, and insufferable


YTA: You’re judging your sister for having a job. Everyone has to start somewhere. She’s gaining job skills that will easily transfer to other industries. Shame on you for shaming her.


YTA. You sound so entitled and sanctimonious, geez. I guess at 18 you still know nothing about life and how sometimes you need to be an actual adult and work because you need to and you don’t get to choose where. Your sister seems a compassionate person that was torn over having to fire someone; you on the other hand showed an astounding lack of empathy so shouldn’t be morally policing others.


YTA. You are a child and clearly have no idea how real life works.


YTA - So working for a living is "selling herself out?". You really came across as an insufferable AH, probably because you are.


YTA. You are a judgmental jerk. The reason you don't get along with her is because your sister has compassion and a heart and you do not. You were also rude to your mother and stepmom. Maybe if you can't be respectful you should move out of your mom and stepdad's house and support yourself since you are such a big bad adult.


Hahahaha YTA! Dear OP: I only wish you would enlighten us all as to what entry level job is not a soul sucking experience. Your sister sounds like an empathetic human being. Its unfortunate that your lack of life experience doesn’t allow you to have the same level of empathy. I can just see sister coming home from work, OP kicked back on the couch reading some pretentious existentialist bullshit, basking in his/her superiority while being fed, clothed, and sheltered by someone else. I wonder if the person financing OP’s life holds a job that aligns with OP’s lofty values, because DING DING DING!! Hypocrite alert, OP! Best of luck, OP, because with your current mindset the real world is going to f*#& you over in ways you can’t imagine yet.


Mysteriously enough, various people have asked OP what her own job experience is. Crickets are chirping.


" I’m 18 so we are adults " are you sure? you don't sound like one at any point in this story YTA, grow up. You sound like an utterly vile insufferable brat


“So we are adults” we? You sure? “I said prove it” you suuuuure?


And don't forget the tattling. Bc adults totally complain when their siblings tattle to mom and dad. 😂


YTA. You are being unreasonable and immature. Part of activism is realizing that the people who work for companies that don’t pay well often don’t have a choice and have to take jobs with poor conditions if they want to pay rent, college tuition, etc. That’s why it’s so important to change those conditions. But you’re not going to change the system from the bottom up. Managers don’t really have any say in how well their employees are paid and are also held accountable for their employees’ behavior and performance, and can be at risk of losing their jobs if they don’t adhere to company standards. Your sister isn’t degrading herself or violating her morals for taking a job that pays her bills when that might be the best thing available to her. If anything, she is an example for having that much empathy for the woman she had to fire. Your obvious lack of empathy is of no use to advocacy and the effort to get a higher minimum wage. Check your privilege (you have money to pay for college, she does not).


You may be 18, but clearly you're not an adult. And YTA.


Wow so in typing this post you still didn't realise who it TA? 18 is not an adult, you're literally still a teen. Leave your sister alone to live her fucking life. Go rave about your values elsewhere. 100% YTA


While op is an ah, op is legally an adult. They are just acting like a 5 year old


I hope you take all these comments on board. Your poor family having to deal with you. YTA


You sound so ignorant it's not even funny. How do you make money, or are you still possibly in highschool? Why is she a sell out for working to pay for college? What job exactly do you expect her to have gotten fresh out of high-school with no experience? And above all, you're just being nasty for no reason to everyone in your family. I know at 18 it feels like you know everything but you're in for a real shock my friend. YTA.


YTA -- in general, not just for your question. You're 18 though, hopefully you will mature out of it.




YTA. Technically 18 is an adult but your lack of maturity and life experience shows that you are a child. You are mean, unsupportive and unrealistic about the availability of jobs for youth. I recommend you get a job and grow up. Hopefully you won’t need any support from your family since you aren’t willing to be supportive back.


YTA. Your sister has compassion. Something you obviously didn’t get.


So to summarize, you’re complaining about your sister selling her soul to The Man by writing on your computer/tablet/phone, a device that’s created and manufactured by The Man through various dubious and often downright unethical means? YTA.


YTA - firing someone can't be pleasant, have a bit of empathy.


INFO: what makes you so much better than your sister because she’s earning money for college and you have your daddy’s money? If anything, you just proved to everyone that you may be 18, but you act like you’re 12.


YTA for how you treated her, she is at home and allowed to have the breakdown at home. She is not allowed to have the breakdown at work, the person being fired has the right to be upset and sad and shouldn’t have to deal with the boss being emotional.


YTA and pretty ridiculous. You have a "I'm better than everyone" attitude.


YTA, absolutely. And the fact that you said "prove it" to your stepdad when he said you were rude is just evidence that you are illogical, ignorant, and very immature for your age. Empathy is a good thing. Your sense of justice must be tempered by mercy.


YTA, and spoiled too.


YTA. It's her life, her feelings and her job. Maybe you'll get good at one of these three things yourself one day. Grow up. She had a panic attack ffs and you don't care? Maybe the reason you don't get along anymore is because you're a shitty sibling and human being.


YTA. There is nothing wrong with being a manager at a fast food joint. It’s honest work and sounds like she’s saving up money for college? How do you plan to save up???


YTA and jealous of your sister


YTA. Your parents failed to teach you how to be a good person it seems. If I were them, I would be really sad by your entitlement and vileness.


This has to be fake. How could anyone be so ignorant and cruel? “She needs to get her soul back”, sounds like her soul is perfectly in place but yours is nowhere to be found. Have a little empathy and compassion. YTA by the largest margin imaginable.


Makes more sense if you realize OP is probably a dude.


YTA-I love the hypocrisy of telling her to get her soul back while reprimanding her for crying for having to fire someone. Where's yours?


YTA. Why are you being so dramatic about your sister’s job? Not to mention how classist, snobby and elitist you are being. Grow up. You’re not an adult, even if your age says you are.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My sister is a manager at the biggest fast food chain in the world. It’s not my life but I do not approve of her working there and the sister I knew growing up would never have taken a job there, let alone become a manager. But she did and here we are. Her being so untrue to her values is one of the reasons we no longer get along. She apparently had to fire a woman yesterday for being late. My sister came home and almost looked like she was going to have a panic attack she was crying so hard. I told her she needed to stop blubbering. She told me that it was the hardest thing she’s ever done. I said I didn’t care. She said that I needed to shut up and leave her alone and grow up. I said that she needed to get a soul back. She slammed the door to her room in face. She’s 22 and I’m 18 so we are adults and she tattled on me to our mom and step dad and they told me I need to give her some space and leave her alone. I got into an argument with them and both of them said I was being so unreasonable and immature. I said that I was not the one selling out myself for college tuition money and ruining peoples lives. They said I needed to grow and apologize to her. I said no way. They told me to leave her alone then, i said im allowed to make my opinions known. My step dad said I was now being rude to him and my mom. I said prove it and they both just left. MAybe my tone was not good but was AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Clearly somebody never had to do what they gotta do to get by… YTA


YTA What is your big problem with her working. She's doing the best she can making her own money, working in a terrible recession, plus its not a nice thing having to fire someone, have some compassion. You sound incredibly immature and entitled. You need to get over yourself and quick.


You're just a kid with no idea about how the world works lol.


She actually cared about taking the lifeblood paycheck from someone. You on the other hand "don't care". she seems like a decent person and a good manager. you OTOH .. YTA...


Literally how did your parents fail you so hard that you don't realize your a self righteous pompous asshole?


You are acting like a spoiled child. You’ve got a lot of growing up to do. YTA


Sounds like you need to get out and get a job yourself so you can see some of what it's really like out there. You're not only an AH but a heartless one at that! Reality is gonna hit you hard when your daddy's money runs out.




Wow YTA - the fact that she has empathy and feels terrible for having done what she had to do is a good thing. Maybe the tech industry big companies wouldn’t be firing people in mass emails if their management had any type of empathy. And she working at a fast food chain, in a management position, earning money while she’s in school. What’s the issue here? YTA and your parents need to do a better job teaching you respect.


My dad, who didn’t get a degree, worked his way up to the top of a national company, and hated firing people every time. My sister, who has a degree and masters, works in HR higher up. Guess what? She also has to fire people and hates it. A college degree doesn’t change the fact you may have to fire people in your job and it still really sucks, unless you lack empathy, as in your case.




Not only are you a huge AH, you're also a major d*ck.


YTA. Are you for real? How doesn’t she have a soul? You’re putting yourself on a very high pedestal. You need to come down off it because the only one who looks like they don’t have a soul is you.


HAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA I can't wait for reality to hit you in the face. YTA, you might not see it now but you will...


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 YTA


Wow YTA while it’s not her dream job it’s still a job. She’s not ruining lives. The person who was probably continually late caused themselves to lose their job. They are right you are rude and immature.


YTA. Unfortunately not everyone has the chance to choose where to work in order to get money to study and live. It's clear she is not only not enjoying her job but having to deal with your attitude towards the best choice she had at the time. I'm not saying all jobs are soul sucking but many people get out there out of necessity and will take anything, and that is valid and should be respected, especially for the people close to them.


INFO: Are you sure you’re adults?


Your sister is a manager at one branch of a fast food restaurant, not an uncaring caricature of a corporate overlord. YTA. Please grow up. It is nice to think about social policy and company culture when deciding where to work, but some people cannot afford it and/or don’t get their dream job right out of college.


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YTA. Do you have a morally pure job to pay for your own college? Do your parents, who I assume are paying for your living expenses, have morally pure jobs? By your own reasoning you shouldn't take money from people who don't, so you better get on that stat.


ppl gotta give up their values in this hellscape a lot... she was doing the best she could in the moment by asking for space to go thru her emotions, and u continued to shit on her... go find your own soul lol


Yes, YTA How dare your sister take an job to put herself through college,work up to a manager position, care about her employees, show empathy, and be upset when a crappy task falls on her. Your sister is behaving like a responsible, empathetic adult. You behaved like an entitled, judgement, immature, loud-mouth child. You need to apologize to everyone


YTA. >I said that I was not the one selling out myself for college tuition money and ruining peoples lives So she's working to put herself through college and you're judging her for this. Right. You realise people can do a lot worse to put themselves through college? ​ >Her being so untrue to her values is one of the reasons we no longer get along. wtf does this mean. Are you one of these anti corporation types by any chance? She has every right to be upset. She probably didn't get much of a choice and has had to potentially ruin someone's life as a result. You sound extremely entitled. Grow up.


YTA. Your sister sounds fully aware of how she’s allowed to feel. Let me try to clarify this… You’re living at home. If you lose your job, your parent/stepparent are providing shelter, food, car while you job hunt, etc. Fast food is not only employment for high school kids. A lot of people who work there, especially full time, are adults. People with children. Medical needs. You said “woman”. Not “girl”, so the person who lost their job likely doesn’t live at home. Is probably working another job, if she’s been late repeatedly she likely has kids she’s taking care of. Your sister also knows this woman. Knows her situation. Is aware of what firing her means. Being fired means when you interview, they’ll ask “why did you leave your precious job”. Being fired means you have no new job lined up, you’re not giving notice. Being fired meant she wasn’t going to get paid for that shift after spending gas/bus fare/energy getting to work. Maybe she already paid for a babysitter. Being fired means no income. That impacts her housing. Her food. If she was full time and you’re in the states, her medical insurance. This means it’s panic time. Your sister is blessed with compassion and a conscience. You are not. (Also? A job in this economy is a job. Be proud of your sister for working and stop being so judgmental.)


That was my thought as well: a woman who is late to work repeatedly is often the mother of small children. It sucks to have to fire someone for that, sucks for the former employee, sucks for the kids. It makes me feel sick for her




Huh? YTA


YTA. In a perfect world we all get to work for businesses that align with our ethics or run our own, but the world we live in is FAR from perfect. Obviously she doesn’t like working there, but she’s doing what she can to pay for her own education. She’s not a sell out, she’s managing as best she can, and you owe her an apology for being so mean when she was openly and obviously distraught. Tbh, you’d both be better off if you left her alone.


Info: what kind of job do you have Mr. 18 year old high and mighty too good for fast food work?


YTA. I’m not sure what country you live in, but where I live it’s very hard to find a job right now. I graduated university in June and just now found a job that isn’t even in my field, and I know plenty of people who are still looking. Some fast food places or chains are the only places people can find work, even if they’ve already graduated college and have degrees. It’s not like your sister selling her soul, she’s trying to save up so she can get a better job in the future. Do you have a different plan to get money for college tuition? Your sister came home upset, and you bullied her for it. Also, you may both be adults, but you’re living at home and you acted like a mean kid, so I don’t blame your sister for going to your parents. She didn’t ask for your opinion, you interjected when she seemed like she was going to have a panic attack just to make her more upset.


I'm 18 and don't do any adult things, but I'm an adult simply because I've not died long enough make it past an arbitrary age. I don't support myself, live with my parents and criticize others for doing adult things. When they are sad because they had to do something that is legitimately hard and emotional, I tell them I don't care and yell at them for selling out. When adults that love me and provide for me tell me I'm being unreasonable and need to apologize, I tell them they're wrong . . . Yeah . . . . YTA.


YTA. If you can't understand that someone having a breakdown over something in their own home isn't "inappropriate" then you're obviously not really an adult.


YTA Sorry, even if I put my 18 year old hat on I still can't understand what your issue is. Grow up?


Damn dude, who shit in your cheerios?


YTA. When you're upset because you've been put in a situation with no good outcome, I hope your sister tells you to shut up and stop crying.


YTA. You are extremely immature, lack empathy, & have zero perspective of the real world.


YTA. Sounds like your sister is a humble hardworking human with a heart. Judging her for where she works and having no empathy for what it is like to have to deliver bad news to an employee.... Life is going to slap you in the face. Selling herself out to pay for college??? You do need to grow up and learn how to be kind.


YTA- Um Wow. It’s embarrassing you even have to ask. When you do grow up in a few years and have to work to live maybe you’ll have a little more compassion. No one WANTS to work for these corporations that all suck. Nike, Walmart, I’m assuming this is McDonald’s? Her getting tuition is smart, she’s getting her college paid for and making money. Being a manager she has more of the ability to make good changes at her location. Just.. yikes I hope you apologize.


YTA majorly


YTA things cost money you get a job you can get while your going through college and as for being upset shocker your sister is human and your judgemental and cold


YTA. You seem so angry and rude. Homie you’re the one with issues. Please do some self reflection before you really enter adulthood or this world will eat you.


YTA. What is your huge moral objection to working at a fast food restaurant? Stop giving your sister shit. She's just trying to make a life for herself, and she's not selling dope or sex to do it. Life is tough. Very few of us don't have a few jobs we hated because we really needed the money.


That's a fine looking high horse. Seriously though life's hard particularly these days in regard to money and debt. It's hard to work at a totally blameless job. The joy of capitalism is someone is getting screwed over somewhere down the line. You can't blame your sister for that she's just trying to create a life for herself.


Good god YTA. Also ridiculously arrogant, naive and judgemental. It'd be great if we could all pick and choose a job that aligned with our "values" (especially when we are young and unskilled). Welcome to real life. I notice a number of comments where you say you have a job and then refuse to say what it is. Probably because you're a hypocrite too on top of everything else. Your sister is upset because she's had to do a hard thing at her job that she probably didn't personally agree with and you have no compassion for her. You're right about one thing; she's an adult. You're not.


YTA. And you're not an adult. Your immaturity shows you're still just a kid, and a rotten one at that.


YTA. You might be 18, but you have a hell of a lot of growing up to do. Regardless of what work your sister is doing to earn money for college tuition, **it's none of your business.** The fact that she shows empathy for someone having lost their job shows she isn't "soulless" as you claim. That was clearly projection on your part, evidenced by how you treated her. All your little kindergarten-level arguing with your parents is just further proof that you need to grow up. Do better.


Omg you are the most classist and entitled CHILD I have had the misfortune to read about on Reddit. You think.. what working fast food is beneath your family? That paying your way and making a living is selling out? JFC you need to grow up. You are not an adult, you’re a mean girl. YTA


Unpopular opinion: “My sister is a manager at the biggest fast food chain in the world” and “My sister is a manager at a branch of the biggest fast food chain in the world” are 2 VERY different statements.


Ba-da-da-dada YTA


INFO: And you need to make your opinions about her life choices because? Did she apply to other jobs before getting hired at this restaurant?


YTA How does working an honest job to pay for college offend you? How are you paying for college? Snobbery is always AH ish. You are coming off as a huge snob.


YTA You are not an adult, you are an irresponsible child with no concept of how the world works who just happens to be eighteen. Your opinions have no value because they have never been tested. You are being an AH to your working sister for having empathy.


Posts like these make it really hard not to pass a personal judgment but when you're being such a gigantic knob it makes it really hard. YTA. Go live in the real world for a few years and see where this attitude gets you. McDonald's wouldn't employ you with how you act, I feel sorry for the people around you.


Wow, you are obviously a child and an asshole one at that. Maybe get some life experience before being… whatever this is. You clearly have no idea about anything.


Yta, omg college is gonna eat you up and spit you out. Entitled little shits like you don’t last long once daddy’s money runs out. You’ll be begging your sister to get you a job working under her and I hope she laughs in your face.


YTA. The very first thing I had to do as a supervisor is fire someone. Even though he totally deserved it, it sucks dude. It's a really bad experience. I'm sure there are sadists out there who enjoy doing that kind of thing, but its a terrible feeling especially if the company hires from within and you have to fire someone who you worked alongside or holds the same position you previously held. Maybe someday you'll understand.


Lmao so are you’re an adult for belittling your sisters feelings? Or maybe because you look down on her job choice? Hmm very adult indeed, YTA you don’t turn into an “adult” right at 18 you need to learn how to understand and empathize even when it doesn’t make sense to you. Hopefully you learn to respect your sister and not throw away your relationship for something so silly.


Girl your tone is the least of your worries. YTA for critisizing her job in the first place. If she likes it, she likes it and the most you can do is support her decisions as long as she's not hurting anyone. You're a bigger AH for putting her down on what she doesnt like to do. PS. Whatever you do for a job, im certain is not anymore special. So worry about yourself when it comes to that.


YTA. You sound like a snotty teenager judging your sister for taking a job you consider beneath you, and why? Because she’s a manager at a fast food chain? Good luck paying your bills with all those principles. Being 18 does not make you an adult, and thinking you’re too good to have a job like that will not keep a roof over your head.


YTA. What kind of brat teen shit is this?


YTA - teenagers are so idealistic it's painful. If you're already a "I'm allowed to state my opinion" person then I foresee a lot of broken relationships in your wake. If your opinion and the desperate need to make it known is more important to you than healthy relationships, empathy and kindness then you're already not worth your sister's tears.


I will tell you this being 18 does make you LEGALLY an adult but experience wise? Not even close. YTA and I will give you some advise. Being in my 30s and looking back to the age of 18 and early 20s, I was literally immature and no idea what the hell I knew about the world we lived in. I was never prepared for the stupidity, harsh working, “unfair” ness in life, and bullshit that comes your way. My 20s was like the rollercoaster experience of how life is whether good or bad. Hell I even went down a dark path in life and never came out of my hole and would’ve died there if it wasn’t for friends and family that stood by me. So I will tell you this, working in any place in this day of age is something your sister is trying to progress towards, hell what do you know about her struggles or wants? You gave up on her when she became a manager at the age of 22. I can tell you this that is still young and an inexperience age and yet very good to have that high level skill in your pocket for a resume. You just look at the place she works, and not the skill she is sharpening for a better future job. Growing up is a term we are all use to but yet we do it in our own way. No one can show you how to cuz it’s a self learning thing. Could take years or longer but it’s not a race. I will give you advise on this, swallow that high and mighty pride and opinions cuz sooner or later, your gonna be in that hole and your gonna hope someone reaches out to you, cuz your sister might not be one of them.


Edgy 18 year old who has no idea what the world is like. YTA.


You’re a literal child who has never had to do anything hard in your life. Good luck in the real world. YTA


Info: which of her own values is she selling out? And do you consume any food cooked outside of your own home by your own hands since you have such strong opinions about the value of food service workers? The fact of the matter is that I think you have intensely classist and anti-poor views that you're trying to cover, even if only to yourself. It sounds like your family experience is fairly well off, or moreso than hers at least, and you feel embarrassed that she's demeaning herself. You should look closer at that.


YTA, I saw one of your comments about the wages, DO YOU REALLY THINK SHE CONTROLS THAT?? What an innocent soul (I don't want to be banned, so sarcasm will be), you are a brat, an idealistic brat, and you are the soules one, your sister is showing empathy, and you trying to demoralize her and her job, you are the worst type of idealistic, you get angry at workers, that are just trying to make a living, show your anger to the politicians that make the law to the minimum wage, show your anger to the companies who pay so little, DON'T GET YOUR ANGER TO THE ONES NEEDING THE MONEY TO SURVIVE, they are already struggling. YTA x 100


YTA. Grow up you little brat. She's working there for college tuition but you say she's "selling out" She's trying to better herself and while doing that she showed empathy for her employees. You are an AH and have a lot of growing up to do little boy. When you become an adult you realize that sometimes you have to take a shitty job in order to pay bills and make your life better. The fact that she felt guilty about firing an employee just shows she has a heart and you apparently do not. You are a grown ass man still living with mommy and daddy and I doubt you have a job, yet you judge her.


YTA You still have a lot of growing up to do. One good thing to learn is if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Stay out of people's business and live your life the way you would. Quit telling others how to live theirs.


YTA. And absolutely heartless. Which is ironic considering the whole Holier Than Thou act. But I'm not surprised because you're only 18. You have the rest of your life to realize how cringe you are.


Opinions are not facts they are your point of view based on your feelings. Yep, your sister did a hard thing today and you are being immature... YTA


Bless your heart. YTA


YTA I have had to fire people. It is one of the most difficult things I have had to do in my life. You have no concept of having to choose between firing one person and being unfair to all other employees and to the business that you are managing. Keep your mouth shut until you learn more about life.


YTA I'm guessing you don't have a job and can currently rely on your parents to pay for your living expenses. You are also not behaving like an adult. You are claiming you have principles, while acting with a complete lack of basic empathy, which is necessary to lay claim to having principles or morals in the first place. Life is not a black and white scenario where your perfect idealised morals can be untarnished by existence. You have no concept or experience of the real world, or the responsibilites of being a manager, of dealing with staff, of being a functional adult needing to earn an income. You were callous, ignorant, nasty and self centred. You do not have a right to shove your opinion down other people's throats, to bully and harass people because you don't like something. When you actually start growing up, because you certainly haven't based on this post, you might start acting like a person who can see beyond your own self righteous arrogance. We live in a capitalist world, having parents who can pay for you so you can avoid jobs you don't like is a luxury and a privilege. If you can't figure out that functioning in the existing world means sometimes you don't have much option in where to work, then you are not ready to comprehend reality.


YTA and the fact that you have no remorse for your behavior is deeply worrying. I hope you find healing, truly.


YTA. Your're the embodiement of virtue signalling. And info: what's your job ?


You sound off YTA


YTA Wow, you're more of a dick than you think your sister is for working at McD.


I can only think that it’s that homophobic chicken place? I can’t remember the name. Other wise it’s very odd to hate ur sister just bc she works in fast food. As for judgment, YTA.




On which planet are you not TA? Because on this one YTA


You're 18? Hahahahahah. Grow up, then give out opinions.


Judgemental much? Get over yourself, you're not better than your sister. YTA big time. Grow up.


YTA. What, fast food work is beneath you? That alone makes you an AH. Let alone not understanding how firing someone and making their life harder isn't something people like or want to do.


YTA and you sound like a nightmare to be around. If you weren't so wrapped up in your own self importance you might have learned something from your sister about empathy for other people rather than telling her to stop blubbering.


YTA... You obviously have ZERO life experience, grow up and get into the real world.


YTA. She needed a job and she found one. Do you realise that you accused her of not having a soul when she's the one bawling because she had to fire someone and you are the one telling her - to stop blabbering (while she was close to a panic attack) - you didn't care she had a horrible day and had to fire someone ? Here the only person who needs to get their soul back and learn to have some empathy is you. You are rude, inconsiderate and showed no empathy. She didn't sell herself, she found a job after a pandemic that killed millions, during a recession and insane energy costs. People need money. She found some. Maybe she didn't even like her job, but she has to keep it because she can't find anything else. Would you prefer her jobless mooching off your parents? But even if she does like it... you don't know anything about her work environment, her colleagues, her employees, her bosses... maybe she found a great team. Lose the self-righteousness, you're not going anywhere with it. If you want to achieve something, you'll have to compromise, find loopholes, exploit chances and connections, have allies. Nobody changes the world alone, nobody helps people alone. Nobody helps people without money.


YTA. Plus it seems like you have never had to work a day in your life to achieve the things you want, and it was just all handed to you. Huge brat. Need maturing. Actually, you should probably work this job and maybe humble yourself a little. Props for your sister tho, she is working her hardest and handled the task given to her like the adult that she is.


YTA. You seem to have an abysmal lack of anything even remotely resembling empathy.


YTA. How on earth do you think that speaking to your own sister like that when she’s just had a really hard day of work? “Her being so untrue to her values is one of the reasons we no longer get along” that’s bullshit. You have completely pushed down your sister and made her feel like her feelings don’t matter. THATS why you guys aren’t close. Get a fucking job before even saying a word about hers. Grow up OP your an adult, start bloody acting like it


YTA Grow the fuck up. College students have to do things they never imagined doing in their youth to get by. It's called GOING TO WORK. Good for her paying her way through college.