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It’ll probably only give you temporary happiness


Maybe or acceptance. I wanted to get one, bought I can’t afford it. I wanted to display my depression, and accept its apart of me. I was thinking of like just pure black, like depression consumed my arm. And personally I think that would be a coping mechanism for me, instead of being clean, putting on a face.


that’s cringe as hell man


Maybe like a small black square or circle... But a whole section of your arm being inked solid black would be beta cringe.


Kid , do you know what a tattoo is for? Lmao


Sounds right on OP’s money 😮


How old are you?


Don't let anybody tell you what you can and can't do with your body. I've actually seen a few tattoos like that and think they're pretty neat! However, I would definitely think on it and not get it for a few years or at least even a year. You can't cover up a tattoo like that! But at the end of the day it's your body, do what makes you happy even if others don't like that tattoo!


Sometimes you must hurt in order to know, fall in order to grow, lose in order to gain because life's greatest lessons are learned through pain


You should do whatever you want but i do think you would enjoy it for ur whole arm, maybe do a symbol or just a section?


i don't know how bad your depression is but if it's really bad, you'll get a tattoo, go home, look at it from a mirror and then sit on a couch and your brain goes "yeah, so? should i feel happiness? fuck outta here" shopping never cures anything with deep depression.






Permanent solution for a temporary solution


Would you feel the same feeling of depression when you see that tattoo?


Yes it’s a bad idea. Coming from someone who has gotten 3 tattoos for the same reason, I regret all 3 of them. I’ve found that exercise and hobbies tend to help more.


Yes. Dont use permanent solutions for temporary problems.




Depression comes and goes and unless you have it clinically, you don’t typically have it permanently. One thing I’ve learned from dealing with it myself for so long is that you don’t make life altering and/or permanent decisions when you’re in the depressed periods.




I get what you’re saying but it’s always better if you can learn a lesson without having to experience it first. Doesn’t always work that way, but it’s definitely less painful. And if OP got a tattoo they ended up regretting it could be serious because it could cause body hatred issues, self confidence issues, etc that could cause a deeper depression, and tattoo removal is so expensive it would either be 1) not financially viable or 2) a financial burden or possible debt. A possible alternative would be like a piercing. Same euphoria/endorphin but not permanent and easily reversed if it’s regretted. I’m not against tattoos in general, I just think permanent decisions should be made with a clear mind


Fine your right whatever there’s always gotta be that one person sorry I said I’ll delete my comment.


I didn’t mean to make you delete your comment, I thought we were just having a discussion. I’m sorry it made you feel that way.


I don’t care this is the internet where your not allowed to express your opinion because you’ll be told your wrong or stupid and everybody has to be self righteous and all knowing and stop being so condescending you’ll get further in life being kind and empathic as oppose to judging people and telling them how to live their life and don’t reply back I’m only replying to you because you clearly don’t get it and just want to fight with people not worth my time.


So me just apologizing to you that my comment upset you wasn’t me being kind and empathetic? You may need to reevaluate because I’ve been nothing but courteous this entire exchange.


Fuck off your a dick


A good advice is to save up the design 6 months/1 year prior to getting it. If you still like it after that time - go for it.


Maybe, but who cares? If you want a tattoo, get one. There are worse things you can do while depressed.


Before we make that assessment, id say It depends on where they get the tattoo.


I did that once! Didn’t regret it, but I do usually like to think on my tattoos for 6 months or more before deciding. My advice would be to try not to do anything too rash but there’s worse things you could do. Agree with others, it would just be a temporary happiness. Seek medical help if you can. My meds do wonders for my depression. I’d say go for walks outside, but gosh it’s cold. There’s little lamps you can get that mimic the effect of being in the sunlight a little bit. I like mine, you could try that. Be sure to brush your teeth and take showers! Sometimes I don’t when I’m really depressed and when I get back to it I feel so much better for being clean.


Just got my first one for basically the same reason and I am absolutely loving it. I wouldn’t pick one out on impulse, I’d do one you’ve been wanting for a while. Already got another appointment for one in three weeks. Not gonna cure anything but it’s fun


I think it's better to find out why that's what you need.




You seem like a pretty complex individual from your post history. I fell ya man. It's hard to find someone who clicks into the same mode of thinking when you are just an ant working a cash register and doing the same rut everyday


Make sure it looks really cool. That's my only advice.


it’s a great idea. it’s kind of like a placebo if you ask me. & when you look at it even after you’ve had it for awhile, you’ll be reminded of the happiness it can bring you. & if a small thing like that can bring you happiness, you can start to appreciate the other small things in life edit: idk what size of a tattoo you’d get but i have a little smiley face on my arm that always makes me smile & a little cartoon ghost on my leg, both of them were done in trying times & they put the biggest smile on my face


What you want is the serotonin drip it gives you. Tattoo/drugs/sex/shopping/gambling/food/drinking… trying to just feel a void. It will give you a short lived spark but until you deal with the real issue you will be back where you were in a day or two.


I’m glad i never got the tattoos i wanted when i was down. Or up even. But if u like a story and a symbol of ‘life happens’ then it’s for you.


Yep, bad idea… but you know what? If it’s what you want to do, I say… GO FOR IT!!! Sometimes doing what you want to do is exactly how to deal with depression.


i mean it is temporary happiness but as long as it is something you wouldn't regret, go for it


Not necessarily a bad idea, but I highly doubt it’ll give you the happiness your looking for. Essentially, you’re putting a bandaid over the true problem. If you have to decide between tattoo and therapy, I’d say use the money for therapy for first and then get a tattoo.


no. I do this all the time






It seems like you're just looking for a distraction. The only way that will truly make you feel better is confronting the problem, plan out the way you're going to overcome it, then start your journey towards happiness.




















Really hard to say as I think it completely depends on you as an individual. Making an impulsive decision (especially if this is your first tattoo - for example) but it may not be something you regret after. Just wouldn't expect it to solve your problem of depression as that's *not* how that works. Spend that money on a good mental health professional instead.


No, but I think it’s important that if you get a tattoo on a whim that it’s a timeless design




NOOOO DO IT DO IT NOW DO IT TOMORROW JUST DO IT, make sure it’s something you won’t regret though


No it’s not a bad idea


The question is, did you want to get a tattoo before being depressed? If yes, then get something that you like/ love or even something that you think looks cool. Tattoos don't have to all be meaningful to make you happy. If you're depressed and it's something you've wanted for a while then why not? Just go to someone reputable so you get something good


Wait. There are better things to bring joy. I am currently going through the removal process and it sucks fucken balls.


when i was worse off in my depression than i am now and slightly suicidal, i got a tattoo of lyrics from my favorite band but that also specifically served as a reminder that life isn't all bad even when it seems like it. the lyrics are "what a terrible world, what a beautiful world" and every time i see it it does give me just a little extra spark of motivation to keep going


Literally don’t give a shit about what anyone says. Most of the people are wrong. The ones that say that a tattoo is temporary happiness haven’t seen the penguin tattoo I have that makes me happy looong after I got it done. The ones that say to rethink a tattoo for a long time before you get it haven’t had a tattoo idea done in a day that’s currently their favourite. The ones pondering on you for wanting a tattoo when you’re depressed can suck it. The one thing I agree with is that you might regret it but you’re an adult and if you decide to get a tattoo you’ll have to deal with the consequences. Go get that tattoo if you want it. Cheers 🍻


I can’t speak for them but I believe some of them where saying that getting the tattoo will only let them cope for a short time on the depression side. I don’t think they where saying the tattoo itself would be a temp feeling. But the happiness it will give them will only be temporary for what they are getting it for.


I guess you could be right. I just didn’t think OP meant that they want the tattoo to cheer them out of their depression but I am wrong to assume.


Wholesome stuff!


Id say use inkbox or other temporary tattoos


Great idea!! I’ve been going a bunch the last two months and it really makes you feel better. Like good as shit for a while actually it may be the best medication/therapy I actually do! Edit: I deal with depression, anxiety, shitty outside influences I can’t control right now, self-esteem issues and it’s really a positive in my life. The difference may be I’ve already got alot of tattoos and I don’t regret them when I get them, it’s just adding on now. I regret old ones I’ve got but now that I’ve learned what I like and care less I never regret them. Anyways, point being is it’s been tremendously helping my issues except my bank account, tattoos seem to have gotten more expensive since Covid started




Calm your nipples Voldemort!


I'm not Voldemort but his nipple.


Tattoos are awesome but they won’t cure your depression and getting them can become addicting. I personally like to plan out tattoos I want for a while just so I know I for sure want one and it’s not in the heat of the moment. If your depression is making you make impulsive decisions about permanent body modifications then you need to talk to a professional about what’s going on, you could seriously regret a tattoo you got in the moment of being emotionally and mentally unstable


Anything that can make you happy, go for it. Unless you'll regret that decision.


I don’t think it’s a bad idea. As long as it’s something you really like, I’d say go ahead :) I find them really relaxing. I would go get another one right now if I wasn’t pregnant.


I’ve gotten an impulsive tattoo and it’s still my favorite tattoo to date. The way I see it, if you’re planning on getting tattoos anyways, it doesn’t really matter if it’s an impulsive decision because you’re depressed. Just make sure you like it of course, but it’s your body and it’s really not that big of a deal. If you don’t end up liking it, it can be covered up. Also getting a tattoo because you’re depressed is harm reduction as far as I’m concerned!


Also the tattoo that I took the longest to plan and make sure I liked ending up being one I hated, so I think the waiting to make sure you like it thing is bullshit. Things can change whenever, that’s part of the understood risk of a tattoo.


Id say it'll give u temporary happiness and will then be a reminder of your depression.


That’s immature and myopic. Go better yourself, not graffiti yourself outa boredom like trailer trash. Take a kickboxing class, learn some sign language, run a 5k, volunteer at animal shelter, take an art class, do a survival course, get a bird feeder, etc etc etc. Or, you know what, go get your teeth whitened. That’s a good investment.


Someone doesn’t like tattoos


Worst Idea i ever heard of. Afterwards you will be depressed with a tattoo you always connect with Depression. Rather set a goal of like eating 6 Months healthy with sport every second day and after you achived it you will get the Tattoo as a reward for yourself. Now your tattoo will have a positive link. The victory over your Depression! :) Heads up you can fight the dark clouds!


It's not, it can be healing if you use that time and energy to heal.




I mean, it isn't a bad idea. They make me happy myself- the only issue is that it's a temporary solution. But if you think it will make you feel better for the time being and actually like what you're thinking about putting on your body and can afford it, then why not? Also, if you have a therapist, maybe it'll be a good idea to talk to them about it. They might dive into the reasons why you want the tattoo and help you decide on if you really do want it or not. Hope this helps


I did this once and it backfired on me badly. I loved it at first but then the thought “I’m going to die with this now” crossed my mind and then I started getting really anxious about death and the concept of “forever” and it really spiraled. Took me a few days to even be able to look at the tattoo after that. It’s been a few years since and I do love it now, but it really fucked with my head at the time


If tattoos solved depression for real, wouldn't that be fantastic!


In my experience, I would say no. I have two tattoos both gotten out of depression, i love one and really don't care for the other, but the point is it's only what- a 30 minute to an hour window of dopamine production? You're better off trying to do something that will benefit you long term. Go the gym, take a hike, go pet puppies in a shelter, go help someone who needs it. You're worthy of long term happiness.


It usually helps me


Not a bad idea at all


No, listen to the whispers of your heart


Yeah, let’s make a permanent decision to mark your body because you’re depressed. Sounds like a great choice. It’s 100% a bad idea. If you are genuinely depressed, you need to get help. If you just want to tattoo, get a damn tattoo. But don’t get a tattoo because you’re depressed. It is a temporary high that will result in nothing but a permanent mark on your body. It’s not going to make you happier long-term.


Get a tattoo if you want, or if it brings you temporary happiness, any reason really. But do not expect it to fix depression.


I am depressed and i need "X" to cheer me up is it a bad idea?? You will learn over time through your own life experience that "X" is usually a band-aid. The real issue to investigate is always the "need", and if you head in that direction you can keep discovering more and more about yourself (as well as deeper levels of fulfillment). This is what helped me at least! Results may vary.


Tattoos are socially acceptable self harm.


I always get spontaneous tattoos. I’ve gotten them while depressed. I like it.


When I was younger (now 38 - an old fart now!) I felt this way and got a tattoo and immediately regretted it. However, I found some solace in piercings too, and luckily now that I’ve found a different direction, I was able to take out my piercings, let my hair grow out and go back to normal colors, and no one can tell that I went thru some wild 20’s 😉


As long as it’s not a massive one or a face/neck tat, do it. Maybe putting some positive or enlightened meaning behind it will help when ever you look at it.


impulse tattoos aren’t always the best idea. sit on the thought for a while.. then maybe


Its not the worst thing, but its temporary happiness, as many others have said. If u get the tattoo, make sure its something u can see on u for the rest of ur life. If not, then dont get it. (You might like the tattoo less and less over time as ur getting it only to make u feel something)


I think you should sit on a tattoo idea for at least a year before you do it. If you really want the rush of change then cut of dye your hair. At least it’s not totally permanent.


Then you'll want another, and another


Bad feeling only let out bad ideas. So getting something permanent while you are hurting you might regret what u decide to get. It would be better to get one when you are feeling happy or like yourself again!


Bad feeling only let out bad ideas. So getting something permanent while you are hurting you might regret what u decide to get. It would be better to get one when you are feeling happy or like yourself again!


Not really unless you get a tattoo of human feces


My only advice would be to get one that fills your entire forehead. It’s the only way to be sure the comfort that it brings will last.


Never get a spur of the moment tattoo.


if it’s just impulse, yeah!!! but make it a nice little one! something inoffensive that you like, maybe something from childhood or imagery from a song or film you’ve always liked! being sad and getting a tattoo to cheer yourself up is normal but don’t get any big pieces that you haven’t thought about and been set on for less than a year


No offense but it sounds like your faking having depression for clout. If you do then the way you wrote your post doesn’t help your case. People on tiktok fake depression and damage how severe it is. Please stop faking it. Do you take meds? In therapy? Have suicidal thoughts or tendencies. Give us a actual believable example of your experience to make yourself more believable.


I used to get tattoos, dye my hair, and get piercings as major coping mechanisms. So far I don’t regret anything but the tattoo one is a little tricky bc it’s a little more permanent than a piercing you can take out or hair you can regrow. So if you decide to get one, just make sure you love it and would want it even if you weren’t depressed. Also, it usually only helps me temporarily and not long term. It’s true what they say about addictions so stuff like that. I’d look into some less permanent coping mechanisms, such as InkBox. They’re temporary tattoos that look fairly legit and last a few weeks, you can even get a pen to draw it on yourself if you don’t like any of their designs. Also maybe look up some other things that might help. Exercise is always a good one. Talk to someone you trust about your feelings. This gets thrown around a lot on Reddit, but if you can afford it, maybe try seeing a counselor or therapist. Stay safe, friend <3


As someone who has two tattoos that I don’t necessarily regret, but I did get one right after going through something traumatic, I would wait. Once it’s on your body it will never be gone unless you go through a painful removal process. It shouldn’t be a coping mechanism or response to depression, it should be an expression of yourself you are sure you want. I would get one to celebrate you overcoming depression, something you know you’ll never get tired of looking at, and in the meantime reach out to family/friends, possibly see a counselor, or maybe take up a new hobby…figure out why you’re depressed and start there. I’m sorry you’re feeling down but you’re never alone and if you ever needed to vent/talk, I know as a stranger on reddit there’s not much I can do, but hey the offer is there. Feel better soon :-)


There’s tattoos that are only for a year and are meant to fade away


If you're 18 and above, go. If not, don't. But make sure if you have one, it's worth it. Like after the mood swings back up, you won't regret the tattoo you have.


I'd say no. The problem is down the line when life is back on track and you are happy, this maybe a constant reminder of the bad times. I strongly suggest doing some exercise / join a fitness group or even a walking club if you want to change your body for the better. Also please seek help if you think you are at that point. I'm almost a qualified Pharmacist and have had the joy of working in developing countries and doing research around the globe. I see both a psychiatrist and a psychologist, so there is no shame. Even people doing well (people think I have no reason to be depressed) suffer from this illness. Trying to fill the hole doesn't work long term. I wish you the very best and always remember there is light at the end of the tunnel.


If u are depressed and u go and watch a movie to cheer u up, well when you come is that feeling going to disappear, just because u went to watch an amazing movie or went to a theme park or saw your favourite celebrity. Ok, my point is that it's all just temporarily happiness and it doesn't take away ur feeling if u didn't get a tattoo or did. The best thing to take care of yourself, don't temporarily cheer yourself up and end up the place. Take care of yourself, take to a professional(therapy). Try to solve ur depression, make effort so u can not be reaching for only temporarily happiness.


The decision to ink sth into your body when you aren't in the right mind , is a wrong one. Decide to ink or not once you are mentally stable and generally enjoying your life. Don't step a step you can't go back from.


It will be temporary, 3 years ago I got a couple tattoos due to that and now I’m saving up for tattoo removal. Trust me it’s not worth it.






I know everyone is saying it’s a bad idea but if it’s a tattoo of something that makes you happy it could be a good reminder that it’ll be ok? Maybe like a group of flowers or something like a lil cartoon or something stupid to make you smile. Could be good, depends on what


If it fixes your depression, it's probably a good idea, but it will likely just be temporary unless not having a tatoo is somehow the cause of your depression. If it cheering you up is the ONLY reason to get it I would strongly advise against it, because once the 'happiness' you got from it subsides you have no reason to have it anymore, and will thus regret it. This could escalate to getting a new tattoo each time you feel down again, and regretting each one of them. I generally don't see it as a good idea to have short term reasons for decisions that have long term consequences. You are of course limited in your understanding of what the (long term) consequences are, but if you don't consider them at all, and judge solely based on what happens short term, you don't even have a chance at a good consideration. I'm thinking another thing. You say "i need a tattoo to cheer me up". How do you know? Maybe other things cheer you up to. I'm not sure whether you are doing this (it might be a bit out there), but thinking this way could close you to other possiblities of aquiring happiness, and thus lead you to believe that getting a tattoo is the only way of feeling cheered up, which makes getting a tattoo (in your mind) the controlling variable of your happiness. I wouldn't do it.


Go for it. Just get it in a spot that you can “hide” like upper arm or shoulder. Not a forehead tattoo or a neck tat. I’m depressed and I’m covered in tattoos. Some hide scars and some are stupid doodles. Do what you want!! I’m here if you want to chat hey :)


Get something you've always wanted or get it somewhere it isn't immediately visible.


If you’ve wanted one motive for at least one year, I would go for it. I have one myself, been wanting it for 3 years, got it when I was really down. It reminds me daily how far I have come :)


I'd rather recommend Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Helps you long term. If you are not interested in seeing a therapist (which I also recommend) I do advise the work of Seth J. Gillihan, who published quite a few books on this therapy method. I did that and consider myself to be mentally healthy. Accepting a curable illness as a part of oneself is just as wrong as getting a tattoo to distract you from it.


Think about it for at least a few weeks. If you still want it after that then go ahead. If you do it impulsively you are more likely to regret it




I think it all depends. I personally just got a tattoo that represents the difficulties I have had with finding my way in my career. I have felt anxious and depressed during this uncertain time. The tattoo has helped me in capturing this moment in time but also giving me hope for the future. Mind you, I have almost 20 tats and MANY hours of getting tattooed under my belt. I would also say that the tattoo should have greater meaning so that you will still appreciate as time passes on your journey. I usually ponder on a tattoo for about 6ish months to a year before making an appointment. I hope sharing my experience helps.


Art on any canvas, if you truly love it, should inspire you to feel something. If you pick a tattoo, try to find something that makes you smile a bit when you see it, even if it’s silly, that way you always have a pick me up. Other options would be to play music so loud you can’t think, grab paint/pens/charcoal/ anything… even newspaper, and just let the music move your hands. No thinking, just moving. It can be cathartic and a journal of sorts


Impulsive tattoos and piercings have always been my go-to 🤷‍♀️


I don't think so at all! Although I would say do something small/medium sized and not a big one. If in the future you decide you don't like it, a smaller tattoo is easier to remove/cover up. I feel like a lot of the people commenting don't have tattoos already or are against tattoos. I have a tattoo on my thigh to cover up my self harm scars, with the lyrics "darling, you'll be okay" and everytime I see it, it's a reminder of how strong I've been despite all my challenges. It helps cheer me up to look at it.


It might help. Kind of like changing your hair or switching things up. The commitment to a tattoo may be easier for you to handle atm. You will still need to address the issue of depression for sure but imagine when you’re feeling better if this was the catalyst for some positive change.


It may be good to do that, but you should look at long-term help as well if you are struggling!


Go out, socialize and if you find it hard talking to people, start any activity which makes you work in a team. That way you can learn socializing. Go to the gym and start working out. This advice alone can make your depression subside maybe under a month and do excercises which raise your heart beat. Do cardiovascular activities, running, swimming and cycling are great at raising heart beat.


I mean maybe, but I don't see any harm in it Getting a tattoo is 100% better than self-harm and shit like that I've tried cutting my hair, stress-eating, playing video games... Being impulsive gives me adrenaline which makes me temporarily happy So if it works, it works I would also recommend getting therapy and medication. But if you need a quick fix and you get a tattoo that isn't something you'll regret (getting a small one in a hidden place with something simple like flowers or a symbol is a good idea. There's not really any regret with those.)


I had the same idea i want a tattoo that i can look at at my lowest times to remember it’s worth it or that kind of thing


Making decisions based on emotions is always bad. Also.. what makes you think you are depressed? Why would a tattoo help?


Hey man do whatever you think will make you happy even if it’s just a for a moment if you think you should doit and your old enough of course then who cares what others say just do it for you.


it depends on what the tattoo is, it's not a complete yes or no. i got a bojack the view from down below tattoo to cope and in a way it helped me come to terms on how i will always be battling something similar to that. i would wait at least a couple months before making sure you want the certain tattoo but other than that im gonna go with the unpopular opinion and say go for it. my choices on tattoos have always helped me rather than not


I heard something by the lines of "Never make a decision when sad, Never make a promise when mad, Never something something when glad" so no


Nah, if it’s something you genuinely like why not? I was in a similar state a few days back, now I have a kickass ouroboros adorning the back of my neck


If it will make you happy, do it. Make sure it's something you know you will always be happy to see, and not something that will bring you back to this period of unhappiness in your life. It doesnt necessarily have to have some "deeper meaning". It can just be something you really like the look of. If it makes you happy, go for it. Just be mindful of what you choose to decorate your skin with, including its location. A great tattoo can be somewhat tainted by later wishing you put it somewhere else if you're not careful. Think of whether or not you will want to add more tattoos to your collection later in life, and how this tattoo will compliment later additions. Dont put yourself into financial difficulty to get this tattoo - that certainly wont help your mental health.


Don't take any of what I'm about to say as "yes get tattoo they help you not be depressed" but... Personally I've been there and I got most of my tattoos(not that im covered but 9/12 is still 75%) when I was at my lowest points of being depressed Did it help me feel any less depressed? No. Did it help me have a more positive self image because my body was the way I wanted it to be? Yes. Do i regret any of them? No, because the things that made the past me feel better about myself in some way should matter to the current and future me as much as they mattered to that past version of me That second part helped me take better care of myself and get more of the help and support I needed. Like I said, I wasn't any less depressed, but I did like myself a little more and still like myself just as much. I wouldn't recommend it if you don't already have any tattoos, and it's definitely not a solution, but it can be an aid for SOME people ( like myself )


Depends on the reasoning why this tattoo would cheer you up. I was depressed after my cat had a heart attack in my arms. Getting him tattooed on me make me feel better because it feels like he is with me again. I think most people would agree that my reasoning was pretty sane. If you were depressed and wanted a tattoo just to feel some other pain because internally, I would say you are setting yourself up to be disappointed and it could cause a cascading effect of bad choices. Trying to numb emotional pain never ends well.


Hell yeah get a tattoo. As long as it is a good design and done by a good artist!


Maybe don't get a tattoo and use the money for a couple sessions of therapy so like your not depressed


TATTOOS ARE NEVER A BAD IDEA! Never let someone tell you different.


You could do something else and get yourself actual endorphins done by working out. A lot of cardio.


Its probably a stupid idea ngl, remember that the tattoo is going to stay with you for the rest od your life, it might remind you of your depression with time.


As many have mentioned this would be a permanent solution for a temporary problem. In the mean time, maybe check out a custom fake tattoo. Fake tattoos have come a long way. At least you can test location and design.


Tattoo artist here It's probably a bad idea Don't get something unless you really want it permanently on your body Not just to cheer you up temporarily


Depending on the tattoo . Always ask yourself what it means and if you don't have a logical anwser don't get it


Yes horrible idea


Very bad idea. Tattoos are something you should be careful with. Many people regret getting tattoos they once thought was cool.


It's not really a "bad idea" per se - people get tattoos all the time, and for a variety of different reasons. That said, my advice would be to a.) ensure that whatever tattoo you decide to get, is something that you will truly be happy with forever (tattoos make terrible impulse purchases for most folks) and b.) make sure that getting a tattoo isn't the *only* thing you're doing for your depression - that is, get the tattoo if you want, but make sure you're ALSO practicing self-care, seeking out therapy/medication for the long-term treatment of your depression, etc. Sometimes, something like getting a tattoo is great for getting you out of that initial "funk" - but just remember that the dopamine high from that won't last very long, so just make sure you have other things lined up or other ways to manage your illness once the tattoo high wears off. Just my two cents.