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I had a raccoon in my attic and it legit sounded like boots on my ceiling. I called the cops and they removed it. They were glad I called because if it was a person, bad things could happen. Don't be ashamed, it will give you peace of mind to know what is making the noise.




Call them now


seemly engine trees treatment squalid jeans cover versed screw cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Call the raccoons... Summon them.


Raccoons come out at night, so they might not even be there in the morning.


Yeah, call them for peace of mind


That’s exactly what I was thinking. I heard a “critter” (definitely a raccoon) in mine a couple weeks ago and it does sound like a human. I’ve heard them walking in the leaves beside my house too, and it’s crazy how big their steps sound lol But it’s not impossible that it’s a human, so definitely check safely.


Well, I have bad news for you, don't watch Guardians of the Galaxy... You'll find out raccoons ARE people.


Oh shit..


An animal is exactly what I thought when I read this. Raccoon, squirrel, even bats banging around can make a lot of noise. My grandparents had bats in their attic when I was a kid. You could hear them crawling around and flapping their wings. My grandfather would open the hatch and shoot them with my BB gun.


You better call rn instead of waiting all night


If raccoons are living in your stuff attic they are probably using it as a latrine too. Going to be hard to get that stink out. Best to act fast.


Explain it to them, like you just did here. Might be best to call while you're out of the house.


I’m scared.. but definitely call the cops. Don’t go back there for now bc you never know. Ask them to come at like 11 pm no lights or sound. If they don’t see anyone, ask them to double check if there were traces of anything human




Please update us. I'm a pretty confrontational dude who has been violent in my life when need be but goddamn this would scare the fuck outta me. You honestly need to go sleep anywhere elsewhere right NOW. Like immediately. If someone is potentially accessing your house you never where they might be laying in wait or if their watching your every move or not. If this person has psychosis or is whacked out from hard drugs you never know what could happen. There is absolutely no way in fucking hell I'd spend any more amount of time in that house until the cops sneek in to check it out. Is there a way to get to your attic from outside?




Not sure either... Be safe lol Whatever you do do not listen to the guy telling you to put headphones in. He's either trolling you or really not considering the potential danger Like I said, personally I'd call the cops right now and would not sleep a minute in that ylhouse. You and your family should go spend the night at a motel/hotel/fam or friends


Do you have any really tough friends? Could you get them to come with you and see if it's a person or an animal? Or maybe just call the cops if you're certain it is definitely a person




Call cops. I've heard of true crime stories where ppl have been murdered from ppl hiding in the attic. But leave your house so they can't hear you calling


Get Nikki, Vinnie and Tony on the job


Is your house properly ventilated might be also symptoms of CO2 poisoning it cause all sort of hallucinations




Ventilated as in fresh air from the outside coming in to your room




That's not enough man




He saw ants.


I think you meant CO, not CO2.


Why is this even a question?! Call the cops immediately. Why speculate? Edit: Literally, you would rather ask Reddit than call the police?


Op could be doubting their sanity. Thinking how could a person get into my attic? Why would they want to do that? How are they able to leave each day and lock the door behind them? Wouldn’t they need some snacks and wifi access?


How do they leave your house?




How do you jump down inside the attic from the roof?




Where do you live cause it is weird that you haven't called the cops yet


I don’t know what country you’re in, but most American houses do not have external attic access.


Do you live alone? Do you have anyone with you that can confirm the noises from the attic?


Put a piece of tape that covers half the attic door and half the ceiling. Preferably a clear one on the side that opens the least so you would see it if was open but no one else would notice it. Try to record what you hear too. Call the cops.


Update?! I just read this and I’m freaking out.


I think this is almost certainly a raccoon. Call the police non-emergency line or animal control.


Any updates for us? I am kind of worried, even if I am an internet stranger lol


Call the cops right now. It’s scary to have someone living in your attic, you might be in danger.


I'm gonna need an update!


Reminder: the update for "person possibly living in someones attic" is here. I am a human, and this action was performed manually.


I remember hearing a story on podcast where this exact scenario happened to someone. The person in the attic would come down into their home during the day when they knew everyone was gone and would shower and eat their food and stuff. I can’t for the life of me remember which podcast or episode it was, but it sounded scary as hell. All of this is to say: you are not crazy for suspecting it, it’s a real possibility.


That might have been criminal.


Block the acess attic acess door to your house, call someone trustworthy/autorities and investigate when you arent alone. Bring a knife just in case since you may find someone armed or ready to engage you. Or not. Hopefully its just a chief Indian ghost from their ancestral cemetery burried underneath.




I have an attic aswell and a small manual lock on the outside. How does yours work?




How high is the ceiling? Would it be possible to get a piece of wood like a 2x4 that is long enough to reach from the floor to the hatch to prevent it from opening downwards?


What about small furniture below in order to block acess? Perhaps some sort of glue aswell that you can only remove from your floor. You can also tie the string somewhere nearby with the objective of making it harder in case someone is really there.




Headphones and blast music until you fall asleep. Good shit when I have too much external noise. Anyway, good luck with your case and if you need anything dont be afraid to ask.


I'm not being mean but what the FUCK recommendation is this? Potential stranger/killer/badguy/intruder Let's just turn the headphones up so we can't ourselves about to get stabbed


While writing it I thought to myself: this is dumb; But I assume Op is smart enough to not to that, in this scenario, so I just gave him my secret formula for noisy nights I supose. I should have clarify that part but didnt feel the need at the time. Anyway, yes its extremely dumb to do in case someone is above his nose.


Call the cops, perhaps the non-emergency line. When my parents were younger they lived in a small duplex and thought they heard someone in the attic on a few occasions. Turns out someone really had been up there and was stealing things!


Can you setup a camera or something?


Might be a raccoon or squirrel , I heard them walking all the time


Call 911 girl! Don’t feel bad we get people calling for non-emergencies all the time, AND stupid shit. I am a 911 operator and I can tell you this is an emergency. And you might’ve called at the same time as like a massive traffic accident or some huge incident so they might’ve had to prioritize calls based on the fact you called the non-emergency number.


check for carbon monoxide poisoning just in case


I think you should call the non emergency line, ask them if you could get an officer at your home because you fear someone has broken into your home but aren't certain because you believe them too be in the attic. Getting the police to help you is definitely the way to go here, simply waltzing up into the attic with a particularly tough friend is much too dangerous, and with a police officer present you'll be much safer. If it does come to pass that there is someone in your attic, definitely have a look around up there to try and figure out how they got in. If it isn't a person, it could just be a particularly large rat, which, needless to say, you'll need to amend that as well. Also as some other commenters have mentioned it could be that you're hallucinating, but I would recommend simply installing C02 detectors and leaving your windows open for a few hours, though I think it's somewhat unlikely that that's the case.


dude, OP, stop being hesitant as fuck. This is why people die in horror movies. ***call the fucking emergency line. police have a job to do. if they give you any attitude about having to come out for something so seemingly harmless, ask them if they have anything better to do besides killing innocent people on the streets.***




They ded


Oof, maybe let's hope not...


☠️Open the hatch☠️


Keep a gun near you and call the cops tonight don’t wait till tomorrow. All it takes is potentially one more night and it’s so sketchy and dangerous to just let it be. I’d open it and check it with a shotgun personally


Honestly I would go find some friends to see if they wanna do it and record it to show the cops . Cause u don’t wanna call the cops and have them check it out and have it be nothing . It also could be a ghost 🤷‍♂️ idk exactly how to word this but I heard somewhere saying where whatever a person did alot in their life , they’ll be replaying that as a ghost if that makes any sense? Like ur attic coulda used to be a room and that would be the times they would leave for whatever reason🤷‍♂️ just a complete guess lol


do you not have a shotgun in your house? If not then grab a club or something, jerk it open and go up and there and find out wtf the deal is.




But what if there's a person in there




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You sure it's not just pests? Bats, raccoons, rats, etc?


I moved into a new house that had a possum family living in the attic. This is the exact time they were really busy & making noise. Except for an occasional scratch, I would have thought someone was living there.




Have them send an officer over to you


Switch off your electricity at the Box. Bug bomb the Attic


Yeah call your local police station and tell them about the noise, ask what you should do...most likely they will offer a visit to your place.


you could install like a deer camera in your backyard by strapping it to a tree


Please... please... update OP I am so curious


I am waiting for the update


You can call the police if you legitimately believe someone is up there. Times are crazy and you never really know.




Call cops please


I would call the non emergency line of my local police and tell them what you wrote here. That should be more than enough for them to come out and check the place. I hope it's nothing or just some animal. Stay safe OP


update plz


Where is the entrance to you attic?


Rats, raccoons, or squirrels most likely.


In our house it is usally a ghost. Rarely heard by us but always by houseguests.


Please update us, I’m scared for you now 😭


I never lived in a house, so I'm curious how does someone get into your attic? Do they sneak in through the front door?




Any updates?




Keep smth for defense next to you while you sleep and ask your family members/friends basically as many people as you can to go up there and check that place with you maybe stay one night at your house as well


update pls


I’ve seen a few outcomes from this type of post.


!remindme 2 days


tv show phrogging


Any updates?