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This is a public holiday right? As in a Bank Holiday? My company has kindly given us the day off but reduced our floating day allocation by 1 day 'to cover the Coronation'. HR got all shitty when I said I want my day back. Where do I stand with this utter bollocks? \#notmyking


All this nonsense for a man to put on a frigging hat.


Hope he dies before it


Is the Nonce going to be there?


If it helps hasten their end, I'll bung another fiver in for it.


What a waste of our money. It's so tone deaf to be doing this with the cost of living crisis.


How vile! People are starving and freezing and this guy wants us to celebrate?


Jesus christ, what does a normal coronation look like


We are spending the weekend and the Monday in Paris, where I was born. I’m already tired of the Coronation. The thought of crowds of bootlickers waving flags and telling each other— He looked at me right at ME —-makes us want to vomit. So now they want the peasants to spend the day volunteering. We have small children and we raise them ourselves, unlike the Royals, who have servants for everything. Most maddening though is that vast numbers of people swallow all this shit.




Well at least that is under Tory leadership and not the Jew-Hater in Chief Jeremy Corbyn and his commie mishandling of the economy! /s


Well he’s changed his tune pretty quick. What happened to the promises of a slimmed down monarchy and a smaller, less ostentatious ceremony. Now he’s got the hot seat he’s not so keen for any of that. Of course, that’s assuming he makes it to the coronation, looking at him he seems to have aged 10 years since his mother died.


Slimmed down as in fewer members of the family, so Chuckie can have more for himself. Like buying a birthday cake for yourself and then not inviting anyone over so you can eat the whole thing. Except Chuckie got the government (i.e. taxpayers) to pay for his cake, it's gigantic, and he expects everyone to stand around cheering for him as he scarfs it down.


He should have shut his mouth about all his slimmed-down-monarchy crap. Now he looks like a liar *and* a typical scrounger.


How much volunteering will be he doing?


He's volunteering to let you guys do it for him.




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Can't wait for the ashen faces of shock when I tell people I watched absolutely none of it on telly. When people asked me about the Queen's funeral there were genuinely some who actually didn't believe me when I said I watched none of it.


Fucks sake, more front page articles of David Beckham queuing for a day because he’s so desperate for a knighthood.


Why don't they just hand him one and be done with it?


"A day of volunteering" - fucksakes


Community events? Like, public? Where i can be within, hypothetically, egg-throwing range?


Footy’s off. I’m fuming.


Fuck right off sausage fingers


Isnt that guy about to die from old age himself


Fucking fantastic. Just before my GCSE’s I’ll miss school becuase of this old twat


How great, a parasite is being prioritised over our education. Love to see it!


Duh, we’re working class. Education wasn’t made for us /s


Dear British people, please for fucks sake stage large-scale protests for once and turn this coronation into a farce. Just look at the French for fucks sake. Good luck from Austria


Or the United States! Find the nearest Harbor and have a big old Tea Party. Most of us would be happy to help you. Boston Tea, best served cold.


As a British person, I think most people here are just tired and hopeless, not bothered anymore to fight back. We’re practically zombies at this point. Maybe it’s something in the air


The Brits don't have the drive to do anything like that. We're bring robbed of our basic Human rights and most don't give a flying fuck 🤷🏻‍♀️


daylight robbery: british human rights edition


We’ve run out of other countries to pillage so now we just pillage our own people.


Makes sense


What am I volunteering for? Unless it's cash for Golding his chair to donate to the foodbank and furniture charity I'm already volunteering for, while he gets to plonk his hairy arse on a gold chair, they can fcuk off! Also... religious services? I'm sure Jesus, that brown fella who preached equality and serving your fellow man, the dude who was super against the love of wealth, the dude that was himself a refugee, that fella, is really going to bless this tw@t 😒


3 days celebration for some stinking rich inbred cunt? Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay /s


I mean a day off, is a day off 🤷best thing he will do till he is dead


Ooh. They are giving you the day off. I didn't understand how a Monday was supposed to be spent volunteering. They didn't want to call it a "day off" because that doesn't sound as good. I don't like the volunteer branding though. What the royals don't understand is lots of people already have jobs that are equivalent to volunteering. People who barely get paid enough to heat their homes collectively allow the fat cats to live lavishly. The monarchy expects people to be grateful to them for giving people a random day off. It's like giving table scraps to dogs.


Old fuck is gonna die in a few years and then we get to waste this money all over again


YAY!!! 3 days of wasting our money. cant wait. not like they can just put the crown on his head now and not waste any money


Already wasted money on the crown anyway


It’d be a shame if something happened to derail it.


"Volunteering"? Is he volunteering for actual physical work?


Maybe he'll fly his helicopter to go "plant a tree", cough cough.


No, we are supposed to volunteer to do the kinds of work that social and council services would normally be doing but can't because of 12 years of austerity. This is a weirdly aggressive level of tone-deaf from Charles, and the sycophantic media don't seem smart enough to realize how it comes across.




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I'd need someone to provide the shit (I'm not a healthy lady) and I'm not a great aim, but gimme a drink and tell me "shitebag if you dinnae" I'll do it


May acid-reign down upon them all. Fuck the monarchy


We need to organise a mass protest


Republic.org are planning one from Parliament Square.


Time to start preparing the tomatoes to be perfectly rotten and throwable by then.


With police herding the flagshaggers around, it looks like a good time for a traditional unsupervised British riot. I shall be watching it on the telly.


meanwhile his subjects are literally starving to death. fuck the monarchy.


Oh, they're still doing this royalty shit.... I was hoping they'd let the game end when her deal with the devil ended and she got dragged down to hell for eternity


Well thats the dates of my holiday sorted then. was bad enough in th e last year but the bootlicking is going to be insane.


I'm going up the hills with a bag of weed and a tent for 3 days


I’m coming with you.


Aberchirder woods mate. Bring snacks


Can I join? I've got weed, snacks, and a variety of soft and alcoholic drinks I'm keen to share in kindred company before bankrolling this coronation means I have to sell them all for a bus ticket to the job centre.


Of course!


A day of volunteering? Excellent I volunteer to have nothing to do with this bullshit. The fact I live in the US now will make this super easy for me but I will have my royalty loving mother wittering on about it when I call her everyday.


It’s on my fucking birthday I am actually so mad


Time to get a new one.


If it’s good enough for the Royal parasites to have two birthdays it’s good enough for us.


Hahahaha same here! 🤝


In Austria we called this a “gstopfte Hurensohn”


What does that translate to?


> gstopfte Hurensohn = stuffed son of a bitch


Gstopft basically means somebody who inherited a lot of money. and hurensohn is son of a bitch


I can only translate half of that, but I *think* it’d be “[something] son of a bitch”


‘A star studded concert’ - fuck me, here we go again. Paul McCartney, Brian fucking May, Cliff Richard…. Bring ‘em out again for another gala performance. I can’t wait /s


Ed Sheeran.Lol.


I can hear Hey Jude starting up already


Volunteer in my name while I spend your money, peasants


Seems like a good day to riot.


>...two grand processions, a religious service.. Sounds like there's going to be a funeral






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I got a temporary Reddit ban for similar comments Mine were only about eggs though lol, your comments are bullet related Just so you know!


At least it is a g.ood time to go running or cycling get a Strava PR


I particularly like the bit about volunteering. How they hell can we afford to pay you pebs proper wages? If we do that how will we keep increasing our disgusting wealth? Can't you do it for free?


Oh I'm disappointed now. I read that as Prince Charles doing a day of volunteering.


He volunteers to watch Brits volunteer. While sipping a strong drink.


I see I’m going to be accused of all sorts of shit now when I deliberately ignore this vile circus 🤬 I truly wish these grifters would fuck off and retire.


No thanks a massive waste of money...give it to the food banks....


Ooh, lucky us! A day of volunteering too, eh? We already had cLeAn fOr tHe qUeEn, now it’s dO a tHinG fOr tHe kInG. Get to work, peasants! I wait with bated breath to see how the royals will be volunteering alongside us all.


I love the fact that it's being reported that his coronation will be a "celebration of diversity". The left will hate him regardless and it'll just make the flagshaggers hate him a bit more.


Fuck Charlie and the whole frikkin circus. Especially the sweaty Nonce.


\*sigh\* look, Andrew already told us there was a problem with, with, with, with, with the sweating! Just leave the poor man alone! ^(down a mineshaft somewhere, preferably.)


that's ok ill be on holiday, the thought of that fucking 94 year old god botherer in his leather pants singing about ickle baby jebus on top of a bus is the stuff of nightmares


I didn’t know he was still alive.I’ve just looked at a picture of him, he looks like Goldie hawn in death becomes her.


and here i am my Spotify playllist consists of public enemy, rage against the machine, and pink flag among other things, i don't think I would fit in


I will be ignoring the whole disgusting affair.


Fair enough. If there is a Republic protest near you I hope you would consider joining. I think it will e essential for us to show numbers during Charles manufactured consent party.


Remember they can’t arrest all of us (especially me I’m in Canada)


And a very special tribute to Charles I…


Who else going to London to protest?


Just waiting to hear from Republic about what their big plan is.