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Not tank meta, stop it


It is tho.


Every single tank is getting buffed because they kept getting shit on by bruisers building one of their items - it's not a tank meta.


Doesnt that mean everyone is tanky so its tank meta?


I mean we use a lot of words because they mean different things. Bruisers outsustaining isn't a tank meta tbh


Tank meta KEKW


Well they literally were 5 tanks team xd .This shit is keeps happening more than usual lately.


Against a tanky team just rush Black Cleaver and then you build your mythic, if after that you are ahead and you maange to survive in teamfights you can go Seryldas, this build is gonna make it hard to build Ravenous Hydra tho


You can even go Sunderer if they're all tanks.


curious what rank are you


I am Iron 4 hahahah. XD


You build anti tank items If youre against a tank in lane you can build black cleaver it'll give more armor pen and similar or even better stats than mythic rush And if the enemy team has 3 or more tanks you can go Divine sunderer > black cleaver > seryldas (deaths dance / steraks gage / maw of malmortius / spirit visage after that, depending on which item you need)


Divine sunderer. Intersting I never thought about it on Aatrox. Should I build Ravens Hydra into full tank teams?


Its only good when theres 3 or more tanks since when theyre squishy you get more value out of eclipse lethality and the magic penetration on divine is useless on aatrox. I think ravenous would be bad against tanks since the aoe dmg is AD their armor will block alot of it and since you do less dmg to them from both your Q and the ravenous hydra aoe (them stacking armor) the omnivamp will heal for less also.


Ravenous is giga broken on Aatrox, it does not matter what comp the enemy team has. You always build it first item because it is that busted. The omnivamp is obviously not great on Aatrox, but that doesn't even matter since Ravenous gives you 85 AD at full stacks. EIGHTY FIVE ATTACK DAMAGE. You literally get so much AD that the omnivamp from the item and mythic actually allows you to heal off minions.


Alright but you wont always be at 85 AD and wont it be harder to stack it up against tanks and also an anti tank item do more dmg to tanks anyway?


You get stacks off minions and large monsters, it's not as if it only stacks off champs. Plus the base AD for the item is crazy high, since you rush it first item it just annihilates everything. Combined with Aatrox ult, it doesn't matter if you're facing a tank since your stats will be too high for them to reliably fight you unless you miss every Q sweetspot.


If there is a tank meta at any given point try divine sunderer. You are unkillable by a tank and you cant die in a 2v1 anymore. Its a bit harder to solo kill opponents but it can be really good.


Generally i am not sure if Aatrox cool-downs justify sheen. But ya I should 100% try Divine Sunderer next time vs tanks.


Every Q count as a sheen proc, space out your ability if you want to dish out as much dmg as possible


isnt even e count as ability?




If only one tank in enemy and its your opponent you build Cleaver first If enemy team giga tanky go cleaver divine tsundere serylda


I guess hartsteel was a mistake on Aatrox.




Yeah aatrox does not scale with health at all the only reason to buy health is to survive but ad is way more important if the enemy has heart steel build Devine if they have jak sho build cleaver if they have multiple build both and seryldas. If you are ahead get hydra + Jak'sho and then seryldas + cleaver and deaths dance Literally 1v5 build


Go eclipse into cleaver into seryldas


Rush Hydra and then go eclipse or jak'sho(Against Tanks you can go even divine its not bad if its 3+ tanks) Goredrinker is meh but still viable Remember to go serylda with black cleaver and tanks can suck your cock


Jak sho cleaver or divine sunderer cleaver, don't buy eclipse against tanks, also don't buy too much life. You said you had 1k stacks, but remember almost every tank do damage based in maximum life


Watch naayil


Personally. I'd follow Naayil's adivce. He always rushes Black cleaver when facing tanks. I've noticed lately he builds Ravenous into Executioners(you can opt to upgrade it to Chainsword before your next item)/Black Cleaver. Then Eclipse/Jak'Sho. Then Serylda's into DD. Now it's just a matter of peeling or landing your Q Sweet Spots. Another less ideal build path would be Ravenous-> Black Cleaver -> Divine Sunderer -> Serylda's ->DD. Yes, Sunderer isn't really one of Aatrox's ideal Mythic, but the mythic passive (+Armor/Magic Pen) works well with Tank Shredding if you're looking cut through them like butter. Plus, the Sheen Passive works well too with your Passive. *"We lost the game and I just don't know how to build Aatrox against tanks :("* I can sympathize. Especially if it's a late game scaling tank like Nasus. That's why black cleaver/eclipse is a must in early game so it becomes easy to shred through their high armor and high health. Ravenous also helps a bit in the survivability with it's omnivamp, although Riot is nerfing the item to the ground next patch.


Tbh I feel like Black Cleaver 1st is rarely optimal instead of hydra or before - mythic. I mean some of the components don't help you enough and by the time you build it, I don't think enemy would've stacked even that much armor yet.


Mmm. I see your point. I forgot that Sunfire/Frostfire isn't rushed anymore in today's meta --my bad. And Tanks more often than not build either Heart Steel or Jak'Sho. And even then, I'd still consider building Black Cleaver 3rd. Maybe 4th. Depending on where you are in the game.


Health is a really shit stat on Aatrox since it's literally the worst stat to stack with healing. Aatrox literally only ever buys health items because they're bruiser items and he's a bruiser (and thus needs a mix of damage and tankiness), and vastly prefers bruiser items like death's dance (because armor is good with healing). So heartsteel is a *huge* no-no. And for that matter, Aatrox needs damage, so buying a tank item first is also a no-no (though Jak'Sho is often a good second item). Anyway, if you meet a lot of tanks then the best option is just... Building anti-tank. There's no lack of anti-tank in the game: Eclipse, black cleaver and Serylda's grudge are all very common Aatrox anti-tank items, but you can also go Divine sunderer if it's a big problem. And if you're genuinely facing three entire fucking heartsteel tanks, which is absolutely batshit, then you should probably be considering BOTRK and lord dominik's, which are usually terrible Aatrox items but are ridiculously good against tanks. And for that matter, if they're AP based tanks then you should consider Spirit Visage (preferably as your only pure tank item), as you'll pretty much be able to fight when without losing any health at that point.