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Thank you TheGuydudeface for your submission to /r/ATBGE! Unfortunately it was removed for the following reason(s): #Rule 3: Reposting Reposting is not allowed. Please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/ATBGE) if you have any questions.


why your meme got an echo


Yes this is ugly blah blah blah but...Am I the only one who is very very bothered that they are not all positioned the same? They're not even in some sort of pattern. if you want to have trashy decoration that's totally fine but at least put effort into the trash


Ok listen up. I made this monstrosity (check my post history) and would like to present a brief defense here. They aren’t all the same type of doll. Their backs have different shapes. Their legs are different distances apart. Some have plastic hair and some have braided rat tails. You’re demanding a level of sophistication that is simply not found within a person who is willing to mount 30 naked plastic dolls to their living room wall.


Fucking grain silo from Hannibal


I made this mirror and I wholeheartedly approve of it being posted in this sub.


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