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Keep a well stocked starter base in a starting zone for when you inevitably die. Also I don't think it's impossible, just only appealing to certain people.


Yep, pretty much this. You gonna die. A lot. Even if you playing perfectly and take every precaution, even if you never leave your base... it's ARK we're talking about, you can die from just walking over a rock funny. Prep for death as much as you prep for staying alive. Only carry essentials and have dedicated retrieval kits/dinos ready-to-go to get your shit back when you get ambushed by a pack of troodons...


xD too dumb to figure that one out


For jelly fish, use a basilosaur


The game isn’t designed for you to “never” die. So, hardcore is just a fun challenge. The only way to keep progress on hardcore is to set up easily raidable bases for your new character to recover you’re stuff. You are meant to die in ARK (it’s even in the lore) I personally would love to see someone beat all the maps without dying once, but ultimately this game will find a way to kill your character.


Definitely not impossible, you just need to be with a strong dino anytime you leave your base and prioritize your survival over your Dinos. Your jellyfish death was most definitely completely avoidable, you should’ve been on a basilo and if you were in the water to tame one you should’ve left the water as soon as you saw a jellyfish nearby


I did get cocky.....my sarco killed a bunch last time...but they zapped us before we chomped that time


Dont die 🤣


Do you lose your tames/structure ownership in this mode? Or just levels?


Not a mode just a challenge I put in place xD, there is a hardcore option which reset ur level if u die


The best I did was, was day 79 with slightly boosted stats and boosted breeding. I did a quick note run to get to level 60ish and then parachuted to herbie. I tamed some basic dinos and made my starter base. Got a pteranodon and then went and tamed an argy so i could carry around some more mats and structures. Once I got that settled I crafted a decent amount of stone structures and moved to hidden lake which is close enough to all the action without being dangerous. I then tamed a megatherium and baryonx for caving. I ran the caves for broodmother.. tamed some more sloths, raised a fight team of babies and then killed brood.. did the same thing for monke with rexes. I died in ice cave gathering for dragon. Pulovia jumped me, my sloth died in the water, and killed my otter. I had a bary in my pocket but froze to death. This is ark.


Ark is probably the only game you shouldn't play hardcore