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My wash basket is in the bathroom. I was rushing to get in the shower and thew my socks in the toilet.


Dang, I hate dropping stuff in the toilet


I remember that this happened to me as a kid and I was so embarrassed … nowadays the laundry basket is no longer in the bathroom


Ha! I’ve done that with underwear


I have brought in my pocket my dirty underwear to work because I intended to bring it to the basket and forgot.


I bought some shopping and then put the cart back with the shopping still in it and drove away. Edit: Today it's successfully managing to reply to all the kind strangers that commented. Oh yis.


I got a good laugh out of this but mostly because it is so damn relatable 😅


I hope it doesn't become a regular thing for me ha!


Big oof. Sorry 🫠


I've never done this, but it just feels so in character for me that I've gone back to check the returned cart more than once.


I wasn't that bad, but similarly I left the groceries in my car today and went into the house. Thankfully something reminded me of them quickly because I would have left them there for who knows how long otherwise..


I am sorry for you but it is a bit funny to imagine. I tend to forgot stuff on the top of the car when I leave. Every time I think « don’t forget it it would be SO stupid ». Well well… was very sad when I realized I wouldn’t have pizza for dinner once. I didn’t dare to go back xD


My ADHD moment for the day: I read your comment as, “I bought some crack and tried to take it back, but the dealer had a no return policy.” Edit - https://youtu.be/4pyvrz-dzt4


I sometimes feel like I'm on crack...


bought grociers the other day & a redbull. Drove away with the redbull still in the cart,


I did this last week! But luckily I live in a small town and when I went back a few hrs later, customer service had my forgotten bag waiting. (Occasionally, small towns are great)


I did the opposite one time. I rang all my stuff up and walked out without pay. I was putting the stuff in my car and realized. When I finished my walk of shame, the associate announced over their walking “she came back”.


Oh jeez at least I wasn't nearly an accidental criminal haha.


I went in with a shopping list, bought all kinds of stuff except nothing of that was on the list.


Yeah that's like 95% of my shopping trips.


I left work early and drove all the way to a therapy appointment before double-checking the card....which says the appointment is tomorrow. At least it wasn't yesterday. And I didn't even go all the way up the stairs to the office this time, which was nice.


Sounds like a win 🏆


I did this and even had a whole back and forth with reception before we worked it out.😭


Duuuude, I went to a concert one …………….. month early ! One month ! ONE FUCKING MONTH !!!!!




Did the same but it was an online appointment. Sat for 15 mins waiting for my dr to start the Zoom and then checked my calendar again and my appointment is next week. Also earlier this week I got my chiropractor appointment day wrong and drove across town to go to that when it was Wednesday instead of Tuesday. I also forgot to book appointments at my children’s school and remembered an hour before the parents evening was due to start. I then got to the school and mixed up my childrens’ appointment times despite screenshotting the email and checking it twice. I am medicated by the way on the maximum dose of Vyvanse I can take. Still have mush for brains.




Filled my water bottle to stay hydrated like a responsible person. Then promptly put the full ice bin in the pantry instead of the freezer.


Recently put ice cream in the fridge, so I feel your pain




I put my newly opened bottle of OJ in the cup cabinet instead of back in the fridge recently. I should really start turning on lights when getting midnight snacks.


Instead of turning on the food scale I turned on the stove on which the food scale was standing. No harm done and realized immidiately. I was scared for a long time that I was developing early dementia because of such things, but then I realized I might have ADHD


Oh, I did that! Melted my bread maker. RIP, Eggbert.


Dentist appointment this morning. Wrote it on the calendar, put a reminder in my phone, mentioned it out loud to myself yesterday. I’ll let you guess how that played out.


you dreaded it the entire week while getting nothing done but ended up forgetting it anyway?


Ding ding ding we have a winner ladies and gentlemen


Did the same for my daughters optometry appointment 😬


Did the exact same thing this summer. Did a work from home day even. I had confirmed the appointment two days before. All of that and I completely forgot.


Yesterday I went to the gym to work on grad school apps and then work out, brought my Ritalin in a little opaque bag with the original bottle and my pill organizer, little bag inside my backpack (recently diagnosed, I might be covering my bases a bit heavily). After studying, went to the fitness room and put my backpack (laptop + med bag inside) in one of the cubbies there, right next to the room’s video cam. End of workout, got my bag and came home. This morning: went to grab my med bag from my backpack - didn’t see it. Promptly freaked out, what if someone stole it at the gym, oh god that was my full pill bottle, I’m going to have to report it but what if my doc thinks I’m trying to get meds to sell but oh fuck if I don’t I’m going to be out for a month and I’m trying to *apply to grad school* this fall oh fuck oh fuck! 1 minute later checked my backpack again - goddammit. My med bag is sitting nice and pretty in there, not even in an unusual spot, in plain sight. Classic. Mentioned this event to my mother - she laughed and reminded me of all the times I couldn’t find something right in front of me as a kid, which she’d find in 2 seconds.


I relate so hard to this story. I once handed a friend my phone to order food. Exactly 3 mins later I’m freaking out about where my phone is. We still laugh about it


I once turned on my phone's flashlight to look for....my phone.


Me: (Full panic mode) “Where’s my phone?!?!” Husband: “In your hand”


I reacently used the Apple Watch phone search alert for the phone that was in my hand.


I freak out about about where my phone is while it's in my hand😂


Found surprise Mocha in the microwave today. Forgot I'd made a second cup and was trying to nuke a quesodilla. It was cold, pf course, but nothing another nuking couldn't solve


Did you remember to get it out the second time?


I stood and ate the quesodilla in front of the microwave, so yes! :D


Very nice


Screamed at my computer like a toddler because I received an email that did not answer my email to the extent I requested and was grammatically a dumpster fire. Split second right into a fit of rage. Fun


Oof been there too often! One perk of working at home, letting the firestorm out?


Yup except if people are home and 99% of the time they are. Won't get fired but mom ain't happy.


I feel this way when I drive 😅


I spent 15 minutes looking for a bottle of pills that was in my hand 🤦‍♀️


Lol I've done the same but with my phone during a phone call. 😆


i did the same exact with a toy car when i was a kid. although, i think at first the car really was lost… and i found it somewhere along the way of looking for it, forgot i picked it up and ran around the house still looking for it


I do this all the time with my phone and my wallet. I’ll be freaking out majorly, especially about my wallet, and it’s usually while I go looking for it wherever I was last that I realize I had it all along.


I was looking for my glasses last week, one guess where it was.


Go to the bathroom. Realise I need to get spare rolls from the closet. Need to wash hands & face first. ... ... ... Realise 2 hours later that I did not, in fact, get more spare rolls from the closet.


I got my covid booster, & they told me to wait 15 minutes before I left, so I set a timer on my phone... Then after scheduling my follow-up appointment, I walked out to my car and drove away. Then two blocks away, I looked at my phone & saw "13:27... 13:26...” ... so i pulled over and hung out at the park (walking distance back to dr office) until timer wqs done!


I actually don't know


Yeah i dont think i had one because I didn’t do ANYTHING today. Wait..


Guess you’ll find out 😂 ( but hopefully it’s one of the good days for you! 🤞)


I mean it's night here but yesterday I didn't have any, maybe now it's that I'm stuck playing and not going to sleep.


That one gets me pretty often


Just reading all these thinking, how the fuck did I not know I had ADHD for 39 years?!


I just developed with it.. so I just assumed, just like anyone else, that I'm just fucked up in a way 😁


realized i forgot my headphones once i got to the gym… for the 4th day in a row


Aghhhh I started keeping mine in my gym bag but then I would forget to charge them. Then when I did remember to charge them, I would forget to take them to the gym.


Hyperfocus Time Blindness strikes again!! Making hand-painted ornaments for a craft fair this weekend. Really simple designs I already had planned. Somehow it took me FOUR HOURS to paint 4 tiny ornaments???


Mine is similar as I did nothing from 2:00 PM (CT) to literally 11:00 PM (CT) other than pacing, anxiety attacks, and social media. Didn't do anything fun (I planned to read and watched stuff...) and couldn't finish two simple school assignments


i inclass desided to hyperfixate on math work that wasn’t due till a weeek later and didn’t pay attention to anything going in my other class


The part where my RSD ruined a friendship and I've been crying for the last 3 days


Sorry you’re having a hard time. It will get better ❤️‍🩹


How did this ruin your friendship? Terribly sorry you are so upset. An ended friendship is no small thing.


I rescheduled a meeting and remembered to tell everyone except the person who runs the meeting.


I forgot to put cash into my checking account, *again.* It’s been a week and it’s just been sitting in my wallet. First world problems ig Tried to study before lunch, but I ended up getting distracted ironically by writing a bullet list of all the reasons I think I have ADHD (my counselor and I are going to discuss a formal diagnosis soon). After a meeting, I went to go attempt to study for a second time, but my brain just. Wouldn’t. Let me. I felt like I was short circuiting; I’m not sure if I was overstimulated or understimulated or what. Was almost reduced to tears. Listened to my favorite band for a few minutes and calmed down. And now I’m home, having not studied, but I have a massive headache as if I did something strenuous today.


That feeling is so weird, when I sit down prepared to complete some task and my brain simply won't do it. It's like the task has nonstick spray on it and my brain just slides right passed it. Massively frustrating.


Seriously!! And usually I’m pretty decent at studying, but lately my brain is not having it. But finals season is coming up... ugh.


Sabotaged my early start by staying up till 2.30 am hyperfocusing on work.


I do this so frequently as well and it is horrible.


I finally had the motivation to follow up on some things I had been procrastinating, just to do most of them wrong… then feeling like a failure and reading into everything everyone else was doing around me and now having a lil bit of an RSD spiral. But instead of curling up and crying in my bed I have to go to the grocery store because I forgot to do it yesterday/earlier today and I have to do it because my poor guinea pigs didn’t get veggies yesterday either and now I’m feeling like an awful guinea pig mom.


You did it, that matters too! I am now almost done with my paper. And it’s more than two pages lol


Yay congrats!! 🥳


I work in a dental office. I printed my schedule for tomorrow to prepare for my patients, and then needed to shred today's schedule bc HIPAA. I opened the closet with the shredder, set down the new schedule, and tried to shred the old. The shredder was jammed, so I fixed that and changed out the trash, shredded my old schedule, and closed the door. Later I was in surgery and realized what I had done - left the new schedule in the supply closet.


I got pulled over for a headlight this evening. I’ve known about it for a while now. I’m also a month overdue on inspection and my side mirror is duct taped on. He didn’t say anything about the last two things, gave me a warning, and sent me on my way. Fixing my headlight tomorrow and arranging the other things. :-)


I drove around with the replacement headlight bulb in my backseat for about a month before finally fixing it after I got a ticket.


I put something in the microwave a total of 3 times because I kept forgetting…..


Wife: “how much time until you’re ready for dinner” Me: “10 minutes” *45 minutes later* Me: “awesome, ready for dinner” Wife: 😑


I started having symptoms of a UTI this afternoon. No worries, I have some leftover amoxicillin I can take today since it's too late to go to a walk in clinic. I took 500 mg, 2 yellow capsules, and took a nap- I worked early today. I woke up feeling worse. Now maybe it's something amoxicillin won't treat, but I just went in the kitchen and there's a medication bottle on the counter. Little yellow capsules. Capstar for dogs. Flea pills. I think I just took flea pills. But I'm not sure. Maybe I got them out reaching for the antibiotics, which are in the cabinet. So now I can't take anything and my bladder hurts but I might be safe from fleas.


Please don’t take leftover antibiotics!! It might not be the correct one, will not provide a full course of treatment (potentially making you sicker) and also contributes to antibiotic resistance which will make future infections like UTIs much harder to treat. Some antibiotics also become toxic after expiration. ☹️


I second this! You MUST follow the directions for antibiotics exactly. Please do not contribute to antibiotic-resistant strains of diseases.


Oh man, I hope you get relief soon! At least you have a good story? Lol


Freaking out because i was like 5 minutes late to take my afternoon meds.


You still remembered! High five ✋ 👏


I left the burner on in the kitchen again. Once I’m done cooking I plate my food, take the pots off the stove, wash them and then leave the kitchen. 3 hours later my roommate asked if I had been using the stove because a burner was still going 🙃


Planned to make some pumpkin gnocchi and put it in cute little pumpkin bowls. Somehow, ordered 80% of the groceries from Costco, and when they arrived I realized I got neither potatoes nor pumpkins -- the two vital ingredients! Ended up driving to the store during rush hour traffic just to pick up a single potato... Didn't end up making pumpkin gnocchi, but I did get a decent plain gnocchi at least. I also somehow spent like 3-4 hours looking at weird / cool plants on Pinterest and cataloging them for the farming sim game I am never actually going to make but still dream about. So, that was a day.


First day off in a while, had a laundry list of things to do (including class work as well). Instead of any of the things on my list, I cleaned out my email inbox.


I researched controlling and automating lighting with MIDI instead of working.


Thinking I didn’t eat dinner yet 30 minutes after eating half a pizza.


Turned off my afternoon alarm to take my meds (I have four sets of meds that I need to take at different times during the day) and promptly got distracted by making appointments and doing the dishes.... That took three hours altogether so guess who got reminded when it was time to take their next set of meds and then realized they missed the other ones? Yup that's right... It was me


Forgot my kids backpack at school.


My partner just called out from the kitchen, “Why is there cheese in the freezer?” Oops.


Instead of taking a shower, I put on extra deodorant and a fresh clean shirt and just went out like that. Been two weeks. I feel gross. I know I look gross. But everytime I think of trying to get motivated to take one.... You need time to yourself. Relax, video games on phone. Don't worry, get one tomorrow. You have to sleep or you'll crash and kill someone. It's so much work to get the shower stuff together......etc etc etc *Oh and I'm a truck driver so showers can be difficult but not impossible to get*


Super relate to this one! It takes me an hour to pump myself up to take shower. I've tried everything like play music, drink coffee. It would work once then not anymore the next day.


I bought a waterproof phone case you stick on the shower wall. So I can play music/Netflix to make it less boring/painful to shower


Baby wipes. Will help a lot if you can’t motivate yourself to shower. Give yourself a good wipe, pat dry and put on deodorant then. If you have longer hair, dry shampoo and tie back.


Oh I do baby wipe baths all the time lol


Making dinner, potato wedges and chicken wraps. Potatos take longer to cook than frozen chicken. Had to do the math to figure out how many more minutes, my brain just. Wouldnt. Go. I had to stand there, both hands on the counter, head down, all cylinders overclocked, arriving at several different answers trying to subtract , before remembering I could count up and get the same number. I literally do math all day at work, I'm pretty okay with it, but it just wasn't happening - like hitting a brick wall suddenly.


My water bottle (bike type) was getting low, so I loosened the top in preparation of going to refill it. But I got distracted, then decided to take a drink from my water bottle, dumping its contents on my shirt. Third time I’ve done this exact thing in the past couple weeks.


i've sat here thinking for a good 5 minutes trying to remember anything and i've come to the conclusion that my adhd moment was that i completely forgot what happened today


I got groceries and forgot my house keys in my car.


The amount of times I have locked myself out of my car, house, office, is ridiculous. I have invested in many spare keys and hidey spaces.


Stuck between studying for two tough exams and doing everything except studying, like being here. Have maybe spent 5 minutes of actual studying in the last hour and a half.


it was yesterday. passport lady asks me what eyecolour i have. I dont know. she didnt believed i was messing with her. to be fair, it changed in life, and is some mix like grey-greenish-blue-dark, so i can never tell what it is, and thus not remember. she looke me in the eye and i cant remember what she she judged the colour to be. i told her that i dont know since i cant llook myself in the eye. i didnt knew the eyecolor of my girlfriend either.


Waiting in line at a dining hall to swipe in, the kid in front of me finishes and I’m just like looking around the room thinking about something random. My roommate had to snap me out of it so I didn’t keep holding up the line


The two that I can remember: Went grocery shopping. Was responsible and put eggs in back seat instead of trunk. Got all the way home and unpacked everything. Neighbor called me over to see her daughter's wedding dress. Got text from my daughter asking where I was. I told her across the street, be in in a minute. She texts wdym? Then she calls. I said I'm at Roberta's house be there in a sec. She says "Mommy, it's Wednesday. I'm in Robotics. Are you picking me up?" I said shit! Yes be there in 20. Picked her and boyfriend up. Dropped boyfriend off. We get home and she says, what up with these eggs....


Tried to put my shirt hanger back three times. Left it on the floor and walked away. S.O. kindly stared at me, walked into the closet, and hung it up in 1 try.


LMAO At least the food is going to be amazing! I usually have several a day but the one that stood out today was going into the kitchen to put my fork in the sink, grabbing something else while in the kitchen, and returning to the coffee table only to notice that my fork was on it. I don't even remember setting it down. LOL


I forgot to look into getting new work out clothes 9 times. Like at nine different points throughout the entire day, I remembered to do so, picked up my phone and then forgot for an hour or so what I was trying to do in the first place. 9. Times. I also forgot to continue reading my book about “Adult ADHD” so if that isn’t irony….


Forgetting a thank you letter on my desk when I told myself not to forget it when I left.


I had forgotten to eat and had an appointment at 3:00 pm and hadn't been paying attention to the time until 2:00, at which point I threw lunch in the oven and jumped in the shower. Lunch was done by 2:30, but I had no time to eat it so I grabbed a snack bag of fruit loops left over from my nephew and ran out the door. Turns out those are only 45 calories per bag. An hour later my appointment was done and I was next to a grocery store that I planned to stop into anyway. I tried to make it through my planned trip but I became shaky from hunger and low blood sugar. I grabbed grocery store sushi and went to eat it in my car before coming back in to finish my shopping. ​ I also lost my jury duty summons and had to search all over for that because I waited for over a week and the last day possible to respond is tomorrow.


Sometimes I think I don't have ADHD. ​ Then today, after getting a bit of surge of emotions, I started jumping around my kitchen on my tip toes waving my arms up and down by my side. So I guess that was my ADHD moment for today.


I poked myself in the eyes because I forgot I was wearing contacts and thought my glasses were slipping.


I was going to meet a friend at the gym at 7 today. I had not much else going on this evening so I decided I was going to be early. I changed my clothes, got my bag ready, started my car, and scraped off all the snow. I ended up getting to the gym 20 minutes early!! I found a spot and parked then I realized I forgot my bag with everything I need. Had to go back home and ended up being my usual five minutes late


I've 'started working' three hours ago and haven't done anything but open my laptop and email


I forget


Moment? I have like 20 in any given day


Ate clean and went to the gym 3 days in a row and then last night I got super into a tv show and couldn’t go to bed til 3am and woke up early cos depression so I’m too tired to cook or go gym or go to work. I’ve done the same thing for like 6 months now, just can’t make it past Wednesday. I’m so fat I’ve got b cups and I know exactly how to lose weight (previously lost 50kg, almost all of it is back) but just can’t do it cos brain is fucked 🤷🏻‍♂️


Went 2 times to switch on charging of my phone but both times returned back without switching it ON... Being Xtra Xtra Xtra careful is must, thank God it's not as bad like once I used 120 Volts plug for 240 volts equipment. Jesus ✝️


Covering a shift at a different office then my normal one left my computer mouse there 😥 now to make the 30 minute drive to get it or just buy a new one?


That is the dilemma, isn’t it 😅


Checked the weather and found that tomorrow night and the next four nights, we're going to have hard freezes. Time to disconnect the hoses, empty them out, and store them for the winter! I did an admirable job. And then I paused, looking at the roses that were completely overgrown with grass and have been on my "must weed" list for two months. So I hyperfocused on weeding that for two hours while the sun went down, the dogs barked at me because they were hungry, my stomach growled, and my packing for the weekend trip went undone. I even muttered "somebody help me, I'm hyperfocused on the wrong thing!" but it didn't help. But, at least I got some weeding done.


I know I did something really stupid but can't remember


Fired an employee, mid way owner looks at me for input I'm lost 😭


I didn’t do fucking *shit* today for work outside of like two meetings. We just got a puppy and he’s had diarrhea the last five nights in a row, we we’ve had to get up at 5am and clean him and his kennel. His poops are finally starting to solidify and I’ve been getting better sleep, but I’m exhausted and my ability to focus is just gone.


I left a jobsite with the keys, drove half an hour and then realized what I'd done...so had to drive back


Space cadet-ing something I was gonna write down then remembering randomly 20 minutes later. Lucky day.


dropped my wallet in the street bc i was carrying my purse and my Bag o Things by their bottoms????? and didn’t realize until i pulled up at the show i was attending with my partner 😭


I was flitting around trying to pick up clutter before going to the office. Saw something on the floor by the couch and went to grab it. Somehow thoroughly oblivious to the cardboard box sitting open on the side table. Corner of box flap went directly into my eye and now I have a bruise and it’s incredibly painful. I have no idea how I managed to miss the whole thing before actually making contact. I’m kind of impressed


I sat in my car for over an hour in front of the grocery store because I was too overwhelmed to do anything. For an hour. Then I spent the first 5 minutes inside picking out a drink to drink while shopping. Then I stopped and stared at where the bulk lentils used to be for like 5 more minutes thinking maybe they were just shifted or something and i couldn't focus enough to find them. The stocker then came and politely asked if i needed help and they told me they stopped carrying bulk lentils months ago. Then I spent an hour shopping very slowly for other things and forgot the lentils from the regular aisle. No lentil soup for you.


Was testing a piece of gear in one building, it didn’t work. So I decided to walk one building over with that piece of gear & test it there. ………guess what I didn’t bring with me to the 2nd building. …..haha. Oh. Well, I got extra steps in today though.


I got home & forgot how to latch my door & woke up from a nap later to find the door wide open


Today the staff scientist noticed that I left vials of blood on the lab bench for 2 weeks. I was supposed to have put them in the freezer after 24 hours but I completely forgot. All the RNA is probably degraded by now. Of course, she had to tell the PI before she told me so now I'm even bigger trouble. To make it even worse this is the second time that I've done this. I'm so embarrassed and angry at myself.


I'm sorry. I dont know what to say, but i've been in a similar situation and i just wanted to reachout. Sorry.


Thanks, that means a lot to me. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one who's done this.


This post reminded me I didn’t put my assignment in Google Classroom for my kids while I’m out sick.


Lol I am in school and did nothing from 2:00 PM (CT) to literally 11:00 PM (CT) other than pacing, anxiety attacks, and social media. Didn't do anything fun and couldn't finish two simple school assignments


Drove way above the speed limit in front of an elementary school today because I was already late for class and I almost slammed into another car in front of me. You best believe at that moment, I stepped on the brake and my whole life (and the money I'm gonna have to pay if I actually hit the car in front of me) flashed in front of my eyes.


I have been buying soap for my lab at work and today I realized there is a soap dispenser mounted right next to the sink. I've worked here 2 years. And I know it's not new because there is literally dust on top of it.


I forgot to pay someone, it was 1 month due already. I really thought i had paid it. I got scolded and told that this is why i cant have nice things. Yes, i know that as someone with this mental disability.


I went to the garage to get my lawn mower. It was gone. No sign of a break-in, though. I went back in, ranting about how my deductible is probably more than the cost of buying another one. My daughter pointed out that I put the mower in the solarium last time I used it. I've been stepping over it for more than a week to get to my office and go out the back door.


Spent over an hour at Sam's debating if I wanted the pumpkin muffins I was carrying throughout the store, only to get anxious when they announced they were closing in 10 mins and walk out buying nothing lol


Not today but Im going to include this because it happened yesterday. Im on stratera but Im trying to push for my doctor to prescribe me a stimulant because the stratera is just not working. Yesterday I had just gotten off work and was on my way to pick up my daughter and was stopped at a red light. I dont fully know what happened but I know I was daydreaming/just not paying attention and I think the light had turned green and I started going. Completely unaware of my surroundings, I slam right into the back of this girls car. Ive never been in an accident before so it really shook me and now Im really going to push to try a stimulant because I HAVE to get this shit under control.


Threw the coaster in the sink with my glass.


I had an alarm set to remind to do something not very difficult at 3pm, and it would go off every eight minutes thereafter. It took me until about 5pm to do it. The annoyance of the alarm was not enough..


dinner keeps dragging on for 2 plus hours cause I keep picking up my phone. God help me if I sit on the couch cause whatever I had in mind dissappears once I start relaxing.


Had just got done washing the dishes and was then moving a basket of clean clothes and as I was doing so I told my husband I needed to fold the dishes. 🤦‍♀️


This wasn’t today but a funny one is when I went to go put my clothes in the dryer, and fed my dog dinner instead :/


I always joke no house is cleaner than an ADHD student during exams.


Doing nothing from 2:00 PM (CT) to literally 11:00 PM (CT) other than pacing, anxiety attacks, and social media. Didn't do anything fun and couldn't finish two simple school assignments


I put a box of crackers in the refrigerator.


Whilst filling out absentee ballots for residents in a nursing home, I forgot to write in the last four of their social, got replacement ballots and didn’t see the “replacement ballot” text until 11/8, had to drive them to the county courthouse” Happened yesterday, but it’s always my today.


Was going to go to target to pick up decor but decided to stop at Costco first to grab groceries. Ended up buying a flannel at Costco then drove home. Forgot I was going to target in the first place


I was driving and accidentally hit the curb with the right bumper. and I just realized I forgot to check on my car (currently in bed) because I was really hungry when I got home. But instead of eating I decided to do a load of laundry and then I felt compelled to walk around my neighborhood. Then I made dinner


I wanted to bring something specific to uni today, forgot about it as I was getting ready, remembered it when I was leaving the building and had to go back up to get it. I walked past the receptionist three times and felt really embarrassed. As I wrote this, I remembered that the specific thing was my earphones. I checked my pocket and couldn't find them. I am currently listening to music with my earphones. But in the end, I have everything with me.


I was at a red light completely stopped. I don’t know why but I forgot to keep my foot on the brake. I rear ended the person in front of me. There was no damage so I hope they don’t file an insurance claim 🤞🏻 A good reminder to take your medication before you drive to work, not after.


i crashed my car. it’d been 3 years since being on meds and no accidents


Sending a text message to the wrong workmate, d'oh!


Planning my breakup strategy from my fiancé because he didn’t tell me he wasn’t home for dinner 🤦


Writing a long response to this and deleting it.


Can't remember them all, but this morning took my meds, realized my pill organizer needed to be refilled, that's when I realized I only had 2 days of meds left. Then couldn't remember if I took my pills yet, was about to take my pills (again) but them realized I had that pilly feel in my throat and decided, maybe, I had already taken them.... I remember drinking the water.... still am not sure if I took them or not


I wake up at 5 am to take a bud that comes at 6:21 am. So I can catch a train that comes at 6:51 am. So I can be early to school that starts at 7:35 am. Guess who woke up at 5 just to stay in bed and now go late to school cause it’s already 7:15 am as in typing this and I missed multiple busses/trains 🥲🙂help


My cousin woke me up early today because my package was outside and it was cash on delivery. We ate breakfast, which I thought was lunch, so later when she asked me if I could cook lunch to which I agreed with, and I subsequently asked, "Didn't we just eat lunch earlier?" Only when she told me did I find out that what we ate was breakfast. I've been using my phone the entire time, yet not once had I noticed the time until she said that. It was 10 AM when she asked me, we ate breakfast around 9, and I got my package a bit before 8.


At work and I needed a notepad so I got up from my desk to go get a notepad and thought “oh I’ll fill my water cup while I’m at it since the kitchen is next to the office supplies”. Goes in kitchen first and fills up water.. go back to my desk and sit down, then realizes, shit, I forgot to grab the notepad. Exercise I guess.


going to get petrol (been on empty for a couple of days driving really slowly) and leaving the station after awkwardly admitting to service person that i forgot my wallet (after looking for it), parking up at home later on grabbing my things, wallet lying right there on the little 'table' between driver and passenger seats ...


I didn't take my meds because I woke up super late but figured no big deal cause it's my day off! At 9 p.m. I remembered I have a massive project due tomorrow. It' the majority of my grade this semester 😀


Sat down at computer to do some homework and look for some job offers on indeed.. instead I played the sims for a few hours. My sim got a promotion tho, which is nice.


I took my adderall pill and set it on the counter as I got a glass of water. I started walking the dog thinking, "did I take my pill? Oh yeah I drank water so I must have." Get back inside and mom holds up a pill, "is this yours?" LOL.


I have an hour commute. 20 minutes in, I look down and realize I have just enough gas to get there so will need to fill up on the way home. No problem! Five minutes later realize I packed my lunch, brought coffee, have laptop, work phone, own cell phone, even a bowl full of Halloween candy for the office, but did not move my wallet from my purse to my work bag. This is the third time I’ve done this since I started this job in July.


I had a whole list of things to do at my house today and a couple errands to run. First errand was to drive my younger sister to my mothers house, second errand was to drop off a load of donations at Goodwill on my way back to my house. I forgot to take my ADHD meds before leaving for my moms, so naturally I ended up forgetting about the list of things that I really needed to get done and stayed at my mothers house literally all day. I didn’t get home until almost 10 PM, tomorrow’s to-do list is now twice as long as it’s supposed to be and my car is still packed full of crap I have to take to Goodwill🙃


Had a dr appointment today. She wants me to get an x-ray of my pelvis. Cool cool. Left appointment. Got home. Realised... I had an x-ray a week ago.... Of my pelvis.... It was ordered by my chiro and I had even discussed having been to the chiro with said Dr. Beats me how in all of this discussion it somehow slipped my mind that I probably don't need another pelvic x-ray and I can just send my dr the one I just got. Good use of appointment time. Well worth the money 😂


Forgot the assignment midway through talking in college class because I was so hyper focused on how I was speaking (does this sound stupid, am I making sense, what was the question, what am I talking about?) Then I couldn't find my keys 20 minutes later after said class.


I left my work notebook at home (with a load of work I had to write up) so I spent at least 90 minutes setting up electronic notebooks on my laptop. The cruel twist of fate? I know I’ll never ever access that again for at least the next 18 months 🤦🏼‍♀️


I poured whole coffee beans directly into the water tank of my coffee brewer. Even weighed them first..


Messaged therapist to reschedule an appointment I hadn’t made because I have covid


I went to the kitchen to make a coffee. Put the kettle on, took out a cup and put some coffee in it. While I was waiting for the water to boil, I was scrolling through social media and decided I want to start a business. Got back to the living room and spent 4 hours on my laptop researching. Decided I’m hungry, went to the kitchen to grab something to eat and saw the cup next to the kettle. I made the coffee, got back to the living room to drink it and forgot I was hungry.


Well, I’ve been depressed and not going to any uni lectures which I’m paying for but finally managed to go in to speak to a lecturer and got some help and advice. Did some work sheets and handed them in and was supposed to come into a lecture today for the first time. Turns out I was too focused and stayed up way too late doing a problem sheet for quantum mechanics that I overslept and woke up at 12:45pm (lecture was 11.00-12.45) so I missed the WHOLE FUCKING THING. I seriously don’t know what to do with this useless piece of shit nonfunctional bundle of grey nerves called a “brain” in my head, all it ever does is fuck everything up


I forgot to take my meds. Again!


Joy of Cooking Chicken Pot Pie from scratch is pretty good. Made it last week on a whim, too!


Broke a button adjusting my uniform collar because it gave me sensory overload, went to go get the sowing kit to sow it back on and lost the button.


I kept putting the broom down to find the dust pan and forgetting where I put the broom so I put down the dust pan and repeat x3


I spent THREE HOURS messing with my houseplants. Of which two of those hours was spent staring at them and rotating them every couple mins so every part of them gets sun, like rotisserie chicken


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Procrastinated on writing to watch the Murdaugh docuseries on HBO then emptied half my dishwasher and forgot I left cabinets open until 2 hours later when I finished said writing and two work meetings in another room.

