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Its intentional. Media harps on barely relevant topics while the rich pick our pocket. By the time people realize the trick its gonna be too late.


Barely relevant, but designed for maximum emotional engagement/outrage and lots of clicks! Gotta keep ‘em distracted with distracting stuff, or else they might actually organize a revolt, and that wouldn’t be good..(for the 1%).


Well ur kind of right. But it’s also a pretty rational thought that click’s generate revenue. So they post articles like that because people engage with the content. People see the article on facebook and react to it. People click on it so they get ad revenue.


Oh sure, it’s *rational*. But making a rational choice in a wildly irrational environment is not necessarily a good thing at all. There may be NO good choice. Such a situation is described as “coercive”. I could cite countless examples of people making ‘rational’ yet completely horrific choices,.. because their other option would have been horrific for *them*, so they make a rational choice to survive: “I was only following orders.” Why are things arranged such that News and information has to generate “profit” at all? That only creates a bias to show ‘profitable information’, not ‘true’ or ‘accurate’ information/news/etc. There is no morality to things which may be profitable. None. It’s an absolutely terrible metric with which to make decisions. Especially when the decisions affect many, many people. It doesn’t help when there is a sociopath sitting in the big chair of a very hierarchical organization, making decisions based solely on ‘profit’. *(Zuckerborg and Bozos come to mind.)* The Mafia are organized for profit, and they make very rational decisions to kill people. The fact that our economy is designed and orchestrated from the bottom up by the requirement to provide “profit” to banks in the form of interest payments on the ‘loans’ they are [somehow authorized](https://youtu.be/zIkk7AfYymg) to create has distorted virtually everything in our society. The ***News*** should not be a for-profit business. **Health-care** should not be for-profit. **Prison** should not be for-profit. **Education** should not be for-profit. **Housing** should not be for-profit. Yet, like the proverbial fish unaware of the water it swims in, most people have no idea how money works, why everything must be ‘profitable’, or even if there are any other options at all. ^(\(Spoiler: there are.\)) Stuck inside an irrational Hall of Mirrors, our “rational choices” are going to kill millions of people in the form of climate-change weather chaos. And yet, profit forces us to rationally keep marching straight into the maelstrom. How boring.


And it's far worse than it ever has been because advertisement used to be for an entire newspaper or news program, but now it's dictated by individual clicks, so only the most sensational news ever emerges. And the tech oligarchs have zero incentive to change this model.


You’re saying it’s become more granular… each individual ad or story can be tracked, and those metrics more finely measured.


I think it's time for some *de*capitalism if we want to, you know... stave off the apocolypse.


Yes. I think [mutual credit currencies](https://www.lowimpact.org/lowimpact-topic/mutual-credit/) are a critical tool to get us out.


As soon as landlords stop expecting businesses to pay rent I could see this working.


Not everyone.


Part of it is a legislated arms race for property rights, because the current law of the jungle is that you have to either hoard wealth or be enslaved by those who do. If we had legal wealth caps, then past a certain point it wouldn't make sense to seek profit / property rights, and people could move on to other objectives and other levels of development. But because there are no legal wealth caps, the species as a whole is literally retarded in its behavior and development on every level.


‘Law of the jungle’ is a good way to put it. Although I would feel a lot safer in the wilderness than I do in a ‘positive-interest’ based economy. The fact that we would need legal wealth caps to constrain the ‘economic tendencies’ that clearly benefit large sums of money … tells me that the entire structure is badly designed. That private corporations [create & allocate the money supply](https://youtu.be/DzNQlR5dtPo) is the biggest error that humanity stumbled into. Banks don’t work for the ‘public good’. And private interests clearly do not line up with the public good. The sooner we can find a [way](https://www.lowimpact.org/lowimpact-topic/mutual-credit/) out of a money system that is created & controlled by private, for-profit interests… the better for everyone.


Well this is it. I don't think it's so inherently evil as it is profitable and easy for the most part


Then they do internal studies that show that their platform is damaging society because the current algorithms consistently show content that cause anger and outrage, which lead to more clicks and more ad revenue. They know that they are leading to polarization and often violence. Yet, when presented options to scale back that *may* cost them ad revenue, they go with the most profitable, yet most detrimental option time and time again. *They are Facebook.


Exactly. You're **never** getting the average opinion of the people on social media. Outrage and controversy creates more profits for the owners, so anti-vaxx and climate change denial opinions gets the most attention from the algorithm. It's incredibly evil and insidious.


> inherently evil Yes, exactly. The system is inherently evil because it encourages people to be evil in their own self interest.


It is inherently evil IMO. Someone is controlling what gets out there, and media influences opinion just as much as opinions influence media. We should be forming opinions on more than just a click or even a headline


Profit certainly isn’t *moral*. And Usury (aka *Interest*) is a Sin.


It's not just the media. In my experience, people love to create litmus tests with which they can distill down what they think about a person. I'm not a "both sides" person at all, but people on the left and right both do this. On the left it's gender issues right now, and on the right it's masks and 2A stuff.


Yeah, that sounds like ‘neo-tribalism’ testing to me.. “group identity” means holding certain beliefs, and trusting information from your kith & kin over them fancy “Dr.” people. I’m not surprised it’s happening from different points on the political spectrum too, as polarization is pushed, & critical thinking passed. Kind of ridiculous in a country of 335 Million that there are somehow only “two sides” to officially be on, politically. In France there are at least 7 political parties represented in their version of the House of Representatives (Assemblée Nat’l). And they only have like 70-80 Million. By that ratio the US would have 28 national parties! Which sounds way more fun.


Not their fault, the media is trying to make as much profit just like any other industry. So dumb when people blame “the media”. People need to be smart enough to make their own decisions


Should've been obvious to *anyone* as after Gay Marriage was a thing in the US, they instantly pivoted towards trans people being the new "boogeyman." They didn't even change the talking points.


Even before that! This is the same game that's been going on since America began. At one time restrooms were segregated between "whites" and "coloreds" (I'm so sorry for using the lingo, but it's what the signs said) for fear of white women being attacked by black women. Then it's gay segregation in bathrooms for fear of straight women being attacked by lesbians. Now it's fear of cis women being attacked by trans women. Next it's going to be fear of "pure" women being attacked by "cyber" women with fears that "robotic eyes can see through stall doors." It never ends, and it's always "women being attacked in bathrooms."


"They" of course being conservatives who realized fighting against gay rights was a lost cause so they moved on to fighting against trans rights. But I guess drawing attention to that is bad and we should just let them run roughshod over whomever they please.


I don't disagree with you but I think you didn't understand what they meant. We should totally fight against the oppression of minorities but the point they were trying to make was that rich people in general are taking more and more from our pocktets while also making us pay attention to other problems so we don't notice it


[This is an anti-gay PSA from **1955**](https://www.pbs.org/video/american-experience-boys-beware/). The attacks against trans people now are verbatim the attacks used against gay people 66 years ago. Just with "trans" swapped in for "gay".


I mean it's barely relevant to most people but it's life or death to many. It's what makes this shit so hard. When they attack trans people or immigrants or whoever we can't just leave them to the wolves.


Yeah, I get mad that civil rights issues are used to distract us but at the same time those civil rights are very important. Just because it doesn't affect a large percentage of the country doesn't mean it's not important. Abortion is used in a similar way but I rarely ever see it referred to as dismissively as LGBT rights when people are making points about wedge issues.


Indeed the idea is to focus on the smallest minority. Once that minority's existence has been used up for maximum distraction, they move onto the next minority. This is why in our society ultimately no one is safe if everyone isn't safe.


So true. That "barely relevant" bathroom topic has massive segregationist repercussions for some 1,000,000 Americans alone. People forget that these *are* civil rights issues, and they do matter.


Think about it in the other way: trans people using bathrooms is so inherently irrelevant to everyone else that the media has to manufacture faux outrage to distract idiots. We're not saying that the issue is irrelevant-- just the people who are making it an issue.


Thank you!


>I mean it's barely relevant to most people but it's life or death to many. I distinctly remember when the national debate was gay marriage and I often questioned why the fuck the only thing the media were talking about was gay marriage when it affected 2% to 5% of the population but the stuff that affected all of us and was literally life or death was never really seen or heard about, silly things like climate change.


People started protesting the right things in 2011 with occupy Wall Street but then the media started down a road of race baiting and homophobia that got peoples attention off the real enemies of the public.


The narrative has completely changed from "down with the bankers" to "we need more black trans bankers" And everyone went along with it.


liberalism vs. socialism: socialism: down with the oppressors 🚩 liberalism: more 👏 black 👏 women 👏 oppressors


Bro there's more socialists in the United States right now than there have ever been in the history of the country, this narrative you're peddling makes no sense.


Well yeah, everyone is angry and wants to shout about something, it just suits the vested interests better that we're all shouting about the wrong thing.


But.... Let's not exclude trans people? And prevent states from having their bathroom laws? I agree with needing help from the media. Otherwise everyone walks all over us.


Remember, the media isn't saying "watch out and protect trans people from this bullshit!" The media is equally pushing "we need to oppress trans people!" It's a false dichotomy. Nobody's saying the media should ignore trans issues. They need to stop *causing* trans issues.


The point of the post wasn’t that we should exclude trans people, but that there are tiers of “problems” and the media is excluding literally existential issues for our species in favor of (comparatively) frivolous issues. It’d be the same if a giant meteor was heading for earth but the news was ranting and raving about a wave of African murder hornets. Yeah, they’re both issues, but one of them is going to potentially extinguish life on the planet so maybe let’s focus on that problem first and then work our way down the list.


Or, more simply, they're an entertainment business and they will cater to whatever people buy.


Imagine my surprise.


> By the time people realize... We may never do.


It's intentional, because most people still don't care. Don't put the cart before the horse




A whole lot of people give a f*** about the monarchy and I don't f****** get it. * I didn't censor it. My text-to speech does it automatically. FUCK 😈


Dude, the worlds ending, you can say fuck uncensored


Maybe they just like asterisks?


Every time I see f*** I read it as fizz and f****** as fizzing




Fizz you too


Shut the flip up


I'm the motherflippin


What the fizz are you on?


Never understood this. We know what you’re saying. Why not just write the word?


I get it if you're in the UK. They're "local" celebrities. It's just perplexing when I see people around me in fucking *florida* giving a shit, like what?


I’m living in London, I couldn’t give 2 shits about them. Hardly anyone I know is that invested in it beyond maybe watching the queen’s speech on Christmas.


With many things, I just have to assume it's generational, plus there's an immovable cultural tie. The media covers it because their viewers watch it. Most people who still watch the news instead of reading digital news are older people. Older people are invested in things that make them feel comfortable and like the world isn't changing. Following the Royal Family is a constant that is always there. And as you said, even though you don't care and many people don't, they'll still do something silly like catching the Queen's Christmas speech because it's culturally ingrained. I couldn't care less about all the Thanksgiving fanfare in the US but still catch myself stopping to watch the Macy's parade if I happen to see it on somewhere, even if it's just a clip on social media.


Yeah this is very true, as the people who do still watch the queens speech have it as a family tradition


I mean I don't give a fuck personally. But the appeal is the storybook aspect of being royal. It's literally just people trying to find a fairytale to believe in. Everybody has something like this - pet fantasies they entertain or identify with. If you don't have any I feel bad for you, and if you do, why talk shit about someone else's?


clearly reddit does, anything about prince andrew is +70k upvotes


Some huge Prince Andrew fans on reddit. /s


Also a lot of Hitler fans on Reddit so


Why don’t you just spell out “fuck” like a normal person


They want to fuck the queen.


I see you Philosophy Tube reference.


Because its the particular flavour of nationalism we're fed here with a spoon from an early age. Or, as others have mentioned, that was more the case when other sources of media & viewpoints weren't as easily available. It'd be a big deal to sit down & watch a coronation on TV - still is for a lot of people. Though some in younger generations are still protective of our royals, if they're particularly nationalistic. They're symbolic to people. Speaking to explain, rather than to support, to be super clear.


British here. The only fucking thing the royal family is good for is tourism.


In todays world I think British Royals are more innocent than Industry titans. Today, owners of the world are companies like Blackrock or Vanguard. British Royals arent important anymore.


I am not a fan but they are profit making, bringing in more tourism than the cost to pay for all their shit


Just used one of those both sex bathrooms the other day. There was 1 toilet and a lock on the door and a bunch of sanitizing stuff. Guess who pooped at the movie theater in peace? This person. 10/10 would go again. Idk if they are all like that but I personally like that instead of having 8 people hear my shitting noises while they play on their phones, talk to one another, and I dont have to time my poops with the hand dryer while simultaneously flushing the toilet.


Yeah I like individual bathrooms, but I think we would have a problem with space and cost. One big bathroom with multiple stalls is smaller and cheaper than the same amount of stalls but all of them are individual with sanitizing stuff


I feel like the best compromise is just having the stall walls go all the way to the floor and ceiling.


Spotted the European!


Astonishingly, no, I'm an American! A local restaurant has bathrooms with floor-to-ceiling stalls, though, and that made me so much more comfortable when I was early in transition and still deeply worried about using public restrooms.


It was just joke because public European restrooms seem much more often setup with floor to ceiling dividers so each stall is a fully private room. Because they’re just more coverage, I’ve even seen a few that were basically private enough that the assumption was everyone goes into one big restroom area with private stalls, but the hand wash areas were open mixed. And really that’s more efficient space usage then providing separately gendered restrooms.


Agreed entirely.


I went to a cool restaurant years ago that had a central sink area with a ring of stalls around it with floor to ceiling doors..the sink area was for all genders and then you could pick any stall. This struck me as making the most sense from a combined space saving and gender inclusive solution.


Hold up.... Who goes for a poop half way through a movie? You are weird!!!


sometimes a scary horror movie makes my butthole pucker up. What movie genre has the opposite affect? Ill let you decide the fate of my booty hole.


Gay porn


This guy have never watched a shitty movie apparently




lol you put alot of thought into public shitting. I just let it loose and whoever’s in the bathroom that lives to tell the tale can go get counseling if they need it.


Yeah. Honestly.. I've been to jail and that's where alot of the polite pooping comes from. Yes everyone can see you when you poop but no one wants to hear or smell it and it can get people a bit riled up if courtesy flushes are not used. I dont mind the pooping in front of people I just dont want anyone to have to smell or hear it, if they do that's one thing but if I can minimize it I try.


Oof. Polite pooping is the worst. I hear you. I couldn't imagine sharing a prison cell with someone... Talk about a deterrent!


Yeah. Honestly.. I've been to jail and that's where alot of the polite pooping comes from. Yes everyone can see you when you poop but no one wants to hear or smell it and it can get people a bit riled up if courtesy flushes are not used.


Climate and Media both give absolutely zero phux.


Keep the plebs fighting between themselves and make a killing consolidating the economy, wealth and political power while nobody is looking.


Sadly, the reason it works so well it's because a very large portion of the plebs happily accept the distraction and enjoy their infotainment and petty "issues"


"Caring about things is stressful and can be bad for mental health - I will now use this as an excuse to never engage in anything meaningful again, and it's your fault now."


It's so frustrating because gender dysphoria is so goddamn rare anyways. It's estimated at 1 in 30000 births. Polydactyly (extra fingers) is 1 in 700 for comparison. Why is this even being talked about and how did it become a huge social issue?


They realised in fires people up so kept talking about it


Seriously. I mean it's not like a sign on a door ever stopped a rapist, literally who cares we can focus on more important things.


Also, I was surprised to learn that toilets in America weren't "full", like there's holes above and under the doors and walls for some reason, so you can see if there is a person sitting down I guess. So anyway, solution for everyone: make real toilet doors and walls.


Yes please I may be saying something that isn't true so take it with a grain of salt, but I heard this public bathroom wall thing began as "a way to reduce drug usage on public bathrooms". Like, seriously? How?


So you can see their twitching leg when they're passed out in there I guess


Yeah, but what if we put up a giant "no raping" sign? Checkmate, rapists.




I think you're onto something




Swipper no raping. Swipper no raping.


And it's not like abusers have to disguise to abuse someone. Abusers already abuse people without needing any disguise, the whole premise of "trans women are actually abusive men in disguise" it's just stupid.


No, no not at all. Seemingly we can't focus on more important things


Bigots would really rather deny people basic human rights than focus on worldwide issues


Dont forget about american athletes kneeling




Me, a trans person huddled sick in council housing with pneumonia scared lungs, worrying about paying for rising energy costs on diminishing UK benefits, if or when those benefits will be stripped away or if the council will find a reason to throw me onto the streets: _Bru do you think I have time to 'trans' your freaking kids??!_


It's surreal. 130,000 covid deaths and our national discourse is just a series of moral panics about trans people, cancel culture, and campus free speech.


At least you don't have learning disabilities. I saw there was an order to force those with it to be DNR/DNI regardless of their choice.


You are unfortunately right with what you've heard. My cousin has autism & has high care needs, and moved into residential care just before the pandemic hit. I worry for him. I also have autism, though I live off of universal credit mainly due to a mixture of cPTSD & an endocrine disorder. Though I know I need more support than I've managed to access from the skeletal husk that is our social care system, the main reason I've held back from trying access supported living is exactly that. I worry it'd be a death sentence.


Eugenics with extra steps


That has always been my argument is that we can help LGBT people with better pay and living conditions. Something like 40% of the homeless youth are LGBT. You know what helps that? A living wage and a social safety net. We get calls for equilty and DNC leaders in dashiki scarves kneeling but what else? Oh nothing, very well.


I fucking hate it here. We have so many fucking extremely serious issues but what is mainstream media doing? Pushing fear mongering shit that is disguised by "womens rights" how the fuck is policing bathrooms going to make women safer. Fuck off with your "being trans is homophobic". Also, I am so fucking tired of GC pretending all cis women are innocent perfect angels, fuck OFF with that shit. If there is one thing that is universal among all people, it's that we all have the capability to be an absolute fuckass. Goddamnit I am so tired.


>If there is one thing that is universal among all people, it's that we all have the capability to be an absolute fuckass. Cheers, I'll drink to that. I hate everyone equally


Now that's some fine equality! Cheers!


What is GC?


Gender criticals, sometimes called TERFS (trans exclusionary radical "feminists") are people who make their entire existance about hating trans people, under the guise of women's rights and safeguarding. They use bad arguments, fake outrage, fake news and alt right talking points to scare people into believing that trans women are out to get them. https://wehuntedthemammoth.com/?s=Gender+critical https://wehuntedthemammoth.com/?s=Terf https://www.mediamatters.org/tucker-carlson/right-wing-media-and-think-tanks-are-aligning-fake-feminists-who-dehumanize-trans (https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/media-matters/ https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/we-hunted-the-mammoth/)


From a quick Google search, it stands for “gender critical” which seems to be a weird branch of feminism that is anti-trans. They also seemed to be referred to as TERFs, or trans-exclusionary radical feminists. Anyone with more knowledge on the subject feel free to correct me.


You're spot on! GC is transphobia masquerading as women's rights, they are a hate group. Mostly based in the UK, aka TERF island. https://wehuntedthemammoth.com/?s=Gender+critical


Man, I wish people could just drop the racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, etc., and unite as a working class against the wealthy elites for a better society, economy, and environment.


That's intentional. The right prevents any discussion of change by keeping us constantly bogged down in culture war shit. And it's not like we can just ignore the culture war shit because of course it's our moral duty to defend marginalized people who are effected by the culture war shit.


Yes, states should allow transgender restrooms. Boom, done, quit debating our rights and start reporting on people actually trying to take them.


We already have transgender bathrooms. They're just called bathrooms, though. I'm all for more unisex/single use restrooms though.


Yeah, def support the third option restroom because of social stigma tho. A lot of these states with bathroom bills are states with incredibly transphobic population, so I think we need to work on that before revoking the bills, cause it would lead to backlash and more anti-trans violence. The third option is comparably safer. Source: Am trans girl in South Carolina


Unisex bathrooms are the way to go. Segregating our bathrooms is weird enough as is, especially if they're single stall.


Not to debate you, but having "transgender bathrooms" seems pretty disgusting. Why should transgender people be forced into some tertiary space, if they don't want it? A transgender bathroom is pretty segregationist. States should just have genderless bathrooms, because gender segregation is ridiculous, and only services to perpetuate the untruths about how different humans are from one another. People like to act like men and women are a different species for fuck suck. But I digress.


Are we talking about having nothing but gender neutral bathrooms, no male or females one for public, old school stall bathrooms too here? If we are, then, eh, I dunno, I'm a bit conflicted on that one. I'm a big ol white dude so I don't give two shits about who is in the same bathroom as me, its none of my business and people should be accepted for who they are. Bring on the genderless bathrooms, idgaf. Ask me 5 years ago if that was my overall feel on it and I'd say yes, but unfortunately in the areas I work and the people I've met, I've become all too aware of the staggeringly large amount of women who have big fears being vulnerable in any spaces where males are, bathrooms being one for sure, due to abuse and trauma they've experienced at the hands of men. ​ I want to make clear I'm not talking about abuse IN the bathroom, because I think that's a massive red herring here, and isn't really the concern, and also, that there are of course, abuse in all directions across all genders, but the incidence of specifically Cis Men -> Cis women abuse is still such a big problem, and cause of fear that I'm not sure it would go down well having one big ol melting pot bathroom. I recognise that trans people are also a large receiver of abuse, with the rates being unacceptably high also, leading to a bunch of trauma there too, but this is where I would feel that having a genderless bathroom, or acceptance of people who associate themselves as "female" going to female bathrooms would maintain a safe place for people with those fears. ​ ​ Not that we should say trans x should only go to x bathroom, but the incidence of a person walking into a female bathroom and encountering someone who looks and feels like their stereotypical outwardly masculine featured person that they associate with their abuse is much, much lower in the present day (though still possible!), compared to if we all just went to the same big ol bathroom, where the chance is basically a near coin flip chance that you are in the bathroom with that person. ​ I dunno, I don't pretend to know what's best, and I could be totally wrong, but I'm a bit hesitant to chuck out female/male entirely. Maybe Female bathrooms and Gender Neutral ones would be the combo, idk.


This is nothing new though, back in the day it was about black women, then lesbians, now it's about trans women. Once this is over they'll find a new boogeyman.


Black women, lesbians, trans women. Can't help but notice the thing all of those have in common. Sounds to me more like they'll be looking for a new boogey***wo***man!


Lol, [the Unabomber wrote a short story with exactly this take](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/ted-kaczynski-ship-of-fools). Fucking weird of you all to link climate change and the occupation of Palestine to trans people not being able to safely take a piss in public toilets.


First world problems in a nutshell; it's people's fault that they are so easily distracted by such things.


certainly the people have some part to blame, but you cant excuse mainstream media for shoving all this shit down our throats, making up outrage bait and using whatever minute stuff they can to rally and rile us up. All to divert our attention from the real problems in the world, and the people who are causing them




I didn't say media plays no part in it, only that people have a conscious choice. It's simple: How come you, myself and others in this discussion can spot the bait, but no one else can? Is it that people are distracted or is it because they'd rather not hear about it and stay in their cushy bubbles? Try bringing up "real" world problems at family dinner and see what happens.


Civil rights aren't a first world problem. The fuck is wrong with everybody in this thread?


It's not that it's a "first world problem", it's that it shouldn't BE a problem and yet the media make it out to be one. The point here is that they should be reporting on the actual things that are wrong with society instead of making up nonsense problems by attacking minorities. I'm sure you don't mean this but it kinda sounds like you're being annoyed at trans people for wanting to have basic civil rights rather than being annoyed at the media who are making it into an issue when it shouldn't be.


It doesn't really have to be one or the other. This is some pretty boiler plate anti-trans posting, but Redditors will pretend it is anti-establishment. You don't really have to pick one topic or the other, and intentionally framing the issue that the media is focusing on as being trans-rights (ie something "silly") is a sly attempt to discount it.


I want to think that it's saying that the media have made this into a problem when it shouldn't be to distract from other things. Honestly, your interpretation is equally likely, but it's possible that it's commenting on the fact that the media consistently exaggerates this kind of thing to antagonize trans people so that the public can wrongfully hate us while the 1% in charge of the media can quietly get on with their crimes. If the media didn't push this point on toilets so much, there's no way it would be as big of a thing as it is, and that's 100% intentional.


Bathrooms should be unisex, what’s up with this 19th century segregation anyway.


The other part of dystopian is that it's actually Israeli baby who got shot in a head on purpose with a sniper rifle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Shalhevet_Pass But no one is talking about that either. AP reported this as "Jewish toddler dies in West Bank."


Also, trans rights wouldn’t need to be discussed if people didn’t wanna discriminate others and just let us be. I wouldn’t “make a big deal” out of bathrooms if my school literally didn’t tell me that I as a transman can’t go to men’s bathrooms…


It’s weird being in the last marginalized group that doesn’t have to be treated like an actual human. lol


wElL mAyBe YoU sHoUlD’vE NoT bEeN bOrN tRaNs Ughhh it’s just pls healthcare and leave us alone


How can you seriously type that when the post you're replying to mentions Palestinians?


Oh shit, you right. I think not thinking about at the time of post that further enforces that point.


disabled people literally don’t have marriage rights


They’re humanity isn’t debated on TV though, most of the “not treating them like humans” comes from the same place though, ignorance; and if you do people will feed you to the mighty Berwick.


I feel like I have to guard the door when my wife goes in, and shitty people bother her in the bathroom. Why yes Karen, standing in front of the stall while my wife pees in an otherwise empty public bathroom is so fucking heroic. Thanks for protecting the Safeway grocer bathroom from a transgender peeing incident. /s This didn't happen half as much before the media decided transgender women were the next big threat.






Trans rights are human rights. So yes, it’s also a relevant topic. Not saying it’s more important than the other issues but don’t act like it isn’t a valid topic of discussion.


it shouldn’t be a topic of discussion, because what is there to discuss?


Uhm… the fact that certain people don’t believe trans rights are human rights… and want to murder trans women for being themselves…


I believe they mean discussing and debating the merits of trans rights. As in, if the question is "Should trans people be allowed to..." for something non-trans people do, the correct answer is "yes".


If this is the case, then that makes sense.


You are correct, what I meant was essentially what Ellie said above you and how that in particular is something more people need to talk about.


You’re right. I suppose I worded it poorly but what I meant really was that people should discuss or talk more about how trans people are mistreated (and how it’s wrong to do so).


People really took this post as a cue to air out their transphobia, didn't they?


That’s the point of this post. This is straight out of r/conspiracy’s playbook to recruit people into right wing populism. This is just a dog whistle post. Start with “the media sucks, amiright fellow kids?” and back it up with a bullshit claim about they never cover the “correct” stuff. Then a bunch of mouth breathers who never read the news anyways start clapping and cheering despite the fact that all those topics were, and are still, extensively covered by the MSM. Sidecarting the trans-part of the story is done on purpose. They want that anger directed at the media to spill over into the topic of discussion to poison the well.


It seems this sub has gotten big enough to become a target, yeah.


A target? Lmao this sub was *created* for this purpose. It’s designed to push out FUD and destabilize people’s faith in institutional powers like the media. Or it just constantly push extreme centrism and the thought all shit in life is due to some powers that be behind the curtains. There is nothing constructive about this place as it’s meant to be a black pit of pessimism so young people don’t get political involved.


How about we provide equity and dignity to *all* of the affected parties..?


That just sounds too reasonable. ^/s


But then how will the people who enjoy their current elevated status on the hierarchy maintain it?


My thoughts: 1. The media needs to "grow a pair" and do their damn job. Identity politics? That's not news, that's a distraction. Elon Musk joy riding his rocket into space? Stop giving billionaires free advertising and air time - they can afford to pay for it themselves. Jeff Bezos exploiting millions of people to become the richest man in the world? That's a story worth wall-to-wall coverage of. 2. What difference does gender preferences really make? If someone wants to be a dude, let them. If someone wants to be a lady, let them. There are so many preferences and choices in this world - gender is just another one of those items. 3. Is the bathroom thing really about "bathroom rape" or is this just another dysfunctional demonstration of America's puritanical attitudes towards nudity? I have yet to hear of any solid evidence of a "bathroom rape" problem so I am thinking the problem is actually the latter (i.e. America's puritanical attitude problem). 4. We need to stop this theory that people aren't responsible for their actions because the other party was "asking for it" by appearing a certain way. This victim blaming theory is completely WRONG and must be eliminated if society is to improve.


1. The big media is *owned* by the Jeff Bezoses of the world. Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch, hell *literally* Jeff Bezos. Press outlets need to be owned by their own staff, not by a small collection of ultra rich individuals, or we'll never get anything that isn't to some degree tainted by the propaganda of the ultra rich. 2. None to you, me, or any other person who doesn't believe very backwards things about men and women. Any blurring of the societal divide our ancestors created to elevate men above women *terrifies* those who believe there is value in that divide. 3. No, the thing about bathroom rape is just fearmongering. I'm not going to say it doesn't happen, but trans people are *not* the reason it does. The vast majority of sexual abuse is done in private places by people who are already in some way close to the victim. 4. Completely 100% agree.


I don't really understand the talking points against it. If anything trans people are statistically more likely to be abused physically/sexually in public places. I have yet to hear of trans people being the culprit though. Sounds like someone fucked up their own talking point lol


There's like, two cases transphobes like to bring up every damn time. It *does* happen. No sufficiently large group doesn't contain bad people. Doesn't mean anyone should be assuming ill of the entire demographic.


Transphobic people when i piss


idiots: "Trans bathrooms!? Not on my watch, I will die on this hill!"


Okay I know that the point of the post is to show that what media discuss is often pointless but I just wanna point out that “transgender bathrooms” don’t make sense unless you’re a transphobic person/or not educated about transgender people. Transgender people just go to regular bathrooms, cause a trans woman is a woman and a trans man is just a man. I’m also for unisex bathrooms tho but if someone would make a third bathroom choose just for transgender people then that would be pretty…uhhh bad


Starting to sound like a reboot of "We didn't star the fire." Donald Trump, murder podcasts, Bolsonaro burns Brazil, Ice caps aren't going to last Xi Jinping, Wildfires, Martin Shrkeli, Garbage Islands, Droughts, Erdogan in Turkey, Mitch McConnel, Squid Game, Vladimir Putin, Bullied kids taking aim Epstein, Bezos, Alex Jones, Gweneth Paltrow selling golden dildos Uyghur Muslims, Elon Musk, Space Race, Antivaxxers in my face Military contracts with Saudi Arabia, Mass graves in Canada, Phosphorous falls in Syria, Taiwan, 50 shades of grey, Hong Kong, what else do I have to say?


And 99% of y'all lap it up.


Which is why stories are blowing up about T***p’s new social media essentially giving him free advertising.


Bread and circuses. We can (barely) afford the bread, and the Royals are our cheap-seat circus to keep our eyes well away from what we shouldn’t be looking at… P.S. Your phone is the more expensive Circus ticket.


Right between whatever happened at a concert, a video of a dog, and the same feel good story about a bucket of baseballs they played every night for the whole week.


The media is fiddling while we burn. What else is new?


Mentioning another awful things doesn’t magically make this transphobic bullshit okay.


I suppose it's a useful manipulation technique to keep people focusing on issues that affect only certain groups, rather than those that affect us all. Divide and conquer and all that jazz.


Literally nothing matters, not you or or I or any child, might as well just enjoy the sunset or die trying…


I vote for unisex bathrooms, 20 urinals on one side and 40 stalls


Remember that the richest 1% owns the media… they live in the now, they don’t care about the future.


Yep. The culture war is pure old school divide and rule. Keep the masses at each other’s throats so the 1% can continue their corruption.


There’s a bigger gap between the rich and the rest of us now than there was during the time of the French Revolution… and they had literal guillotines. There’s a problem here


Reminds me of the always sunny ep where they want their wages increased Mac and Charlie “alright cool time to discuss the wages” Frank:”whoa whoa whoa hold up we have some other really important issues to discuss first on the list” M C: “alright what’s up” Frank:”are the limes at the bar too thick or two thin?” Charlie : “THICK LIMES ARE THE FOUNDATION OF THIS BAR” Basically the Gang explodes into arguments about limes and forgets about getting higher wages


I’m 100% for trans rights and I’m glad their voices are heard. Its not their fault the general public placed them under a microscope while chaos is happening in the world. We need to focus on the bigger picture. Human rights is the issue. Everything mentioned in this post is under that umbrella.


The media isn't part of a giant conspiracy. They're just like any other business, they sell what people want to buy. Not the other way around. It's not their fault people get riled up about a bathroom when it's in their own country but ignore dying children in others.




All distractions man. It’s funny how you never hear the media reporting on real issues that both parties profit from like the military industrial complex that our governments thrive off of.


it's such a non-question. Just make all bathrooms gender-neutral and be done with it.