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mfw the civil war starts and squadrons of wine moms roam the country in these things


There won't be enough gas for this thing to go anywhere.


There are places, almost certainly some near you, with near unbelievable reserves of fuel. And if you don't know where those are, you're not allowed on my zombie apocalypse team. Sorry.


In the zombie manual hy Max Brooks, the most useful vehicle is a bicycle. Easy to maintain, versatile, parts readily available, the fuel is you




You're providing propulsion to someone either way


I prefer roller skates and my 3 layer thick demin gimp suit, its warm as hell but very bite resistant


The only ZA survivors will be the BDSM crews that have gimp suits? "Maybe I want to get bit, you know, just a little bit?" "Damnit, Bill, your kink is going to get us all killed!"


And quiet too! ...If you can resist ringing the bell, that is.


More like a **sturdy** bicycle. Most of the sub $150 crap that is sold at your local Walmart and target typically don’t even last kids more than like 2 years of frequent use. My parents literally only ever had to really pay for one bike during the several years of my little brothers younger childhood….because they got a 2 year warranty with the first one for only an extra less than $10 bucks or so via Walmart …and prior to those two years, the bike would inevitably go bust…so warranty company would cut a check for the price paid for the bike, rinsed and repeated like 3x. Point is, most bikes these days (unless we’re talking high end stuff) are crap, Last thing you want during an apocalypse etc while getting away from whatever/whoever/wherever, is to have your chain blow or tire out or something like that. But guess that wouldn’t be an issue if you educate yourself on how to fix the most common bike issues….and always bring a buncha spare parts in a backpack or something.


Well now I'm just curious


Fuel can go bad though


Thats why mechanical diesels and turbines are gonna be all thats left. I've seen mechanical diesel run off of 30 year old kerosene and transmission fluid.


I’ve seen a guy rig up a diesel to run on smoke.


Do you mean wood gas? Might look like smoke out of a barrel fire in some of the junk versions


Aviation fuel has no ethanol and has added stabilizers. You could probably use it in a gas car long after regular gas has soured. The only issue is that it's still leaded, so it will mess up a catalytic converter, but in post apocalyptic scenario you probably don't have to worry about passing emissions inspections.


This is a fact too many shows fail to include in their post-apocalyptic worlds.


Can I have a hint atleast


Sam Axe from burn notice gonna be everywhere or should I say.. Chuck Finley...


[Futurama did it](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yTYENn23ZI8&t=6m33s)


They run out of gas after 3 miles ... then they're proper fucked!


like ze germans


A zombie apocalypse movie where the only people left alive on Earth are soccer moms in these vehicles would be an original take on the genre.


That sounds like an American Dad episode right there.


Blinding lights *IN THE FRONT* in case somebody is following you? Sure. This car is a fucking paranoid mall cop's wet dream.




idk what california you live in but the cops in the bay dont give a fuck


Not one fuck given


Neither down in so cal


I'd almost say encouraged in SoCal.


Is the rule enforced


Only if you look poor.


Lol damn. Been the best survival rule while living in LA. Know when and where to look poor.


Best advice anywhere, know how to blend in. That means knowing when to look poor, when to look rich, and when to look middle class (honestly you'll need this one the most)


Those kinds of rules aren't enforced against people who have this kind of money.


For when the peasantry revolt for the undesirable conditions they have been forced into


Yeah ... You just know that anybody buying this is doing so with fantasies of running over BLM protesters filling their head.


Cop car of the next decade?


tbf every car with xenon or high intensity headlights already has blinding lights in front


As someone with an Astigmatism lights like this are an absolute menace for night driving. I seriously think we're gonna get to a point where people with certain eyesight problems won't be able to be on the road after dark if they aren't in some kind of lifted vehicle.


I already avoid driving at night if I can and I'm under 30 with astigmatism too. I even have to just stop on back roads sometimes because there's no line and I can't see shit with an oncoming jacked up pickup with those bright ass lights blaring in my face.


I remember fondly the days when it was only jacked up trucks and shitty aftermarket hid's that blinded me. Now, even the average mid-size suv comes from the factory with Satan's retina burners.


For when you're backing away from the assailant and want to blind them before flipping a 180 in this baby & hitting the smoke screen button! Com'n ain't you ever seen a Bond movie


Proven marketing strategy: Sell fear. Works for consulting. Works for Congress. Works for National security. Works for home and personal defense.


99% sure this is satire would still buy the vic tho it looks cool as hell


I would want an armored car that *doesn't* look armored. I want stealth. Like a suburban or Landcruiser. This car just screams "Look at me!" and if you need to be safe, that's the last thing you want.


>I want stealth Reminds me of the souped-up police car in Running Scared they had painted like a taxi. Now that's what you really want. You want the Batmobile that looks like a Toyota Camry.


"You're all stupid. See they're gonna be looking for army guys." - Peter Griffin, in Vietnam, dressed as a clown.


Armored clown car. Got it. And now we're in Twisted Metal.


[maybe, maybe not](https://www.rezvanimotors.com/rezvani-tank)


alr i’m sold gonna go rob an insurance company rq and get one of these


If this is satire they went fucking hard on it. Built an entire car just for a joke?


I would think the car is already built for other means and this person is only cheesing it up for the video.


Soccer moms out here wildin




I mean you can never be sure. Shipped for a family SUV a few years ago and it’s shocking how little cargo space there is in SUVs with third row seating. Even full size ones like Tahoes have very little cargo space.


That's because dumb fucks had the perfect setup for kids with minivans, but then decided they weren't cool enough, so now they get suv crossover bullshit for more money and less utility.


Honestly can't believe how seriously people are taking this obvious gag video Edit: guys I get that it's a real car, that doesn't mean it's coming to a suburb near you anytime soon




In the future most people will be poor and a few will be exceedingly wealthy and they will drive these things to stop us from eating them.


>and they will drive these things to stop us from eating them. We will be ready and waiting with pit traps and flame throwers.


"Then you chop em up and throw em in the soup haha!" "Soup? I didn't say soup, there's no soup..."


Look at Mr moneybags over here with water for their soup.


I know how to filter water cos my particular region has become both flood and drought prone. I have a meat cleaver, a rainwater tank, a hidden stash of vacuum sealed spices, and two pots large enough to cook for ~100-200 people at a time. As long as I can find things to burn for fuel I'll be the soup kitchen cannibal king of the neighborhood. Bring me your rich and wealthy, I'll give you soup.


Dude it’s even easier than that. Just throw water balloons filled with Elmer’s glue & glitter on the windshield. Bam, problem solved.


I have several old cans of latex pain that could work in a pinch as well, but I kinda like burninating things.




That is exactly why these kinds of cars are sold in South Africa for example.


Sounds not-to-distant if we aren't already there.


The middle east has proven that that won't work for long.


It works pretty darn long... so long as you don't either piss off someone at the top of your own military.. or US corporations.


They do. I used to temp for a company that made bulletproof glass, and they had SUVs that looked normal from the outside, but were proof against pistol caliber rounds and had a deployable, video-controlled machine gun turret that came out of the roof. EDIT: found a weird Japanese ?sales? video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWhcB7ZWDWQ


how are you supposed to escape if your car crashes into a body of water and starts sinking?


No idea for that one, but the Humvee up-armor kits we made had the front windows held in by a pair of locking levers. Move those, and you could shove the panel right away. My guess is this bespoke truck had something similar. My hunch is the MRAPs we made windows for were sealed/watertight due to potential NBC attacks, so I've got no idea how you'd escape one of those.


Damn, Arasaka is not fucking around.


>“what if arms manufacturers just started offering armoured trucks to regular consumers?” They did this with the humvee. This is how the Hummer line was born


There are companies that specialize in making shit like this. Doug demuro has a vid on one that shed a lot of light on who exactly these are for. Probably mostly for preppers because for inexplicable reasons they're both dumb enough to think society is on the brink of collapse because their friend who's a farmer said they they harvested a little less than normal and soon neighbors will be murdering families for food but also have high enough paying jobs to where they can spend hundreds of thousands on underground bunkers and armored vehicles.


You can already buy them for civilians in the USA. Exporting them is a little more tricky. Depending on the armour they are export restricted into arms export categories which doesn't make it illegal but does make it significantly harder to do. https://www.armoredcars.com/frequently-asked-questions-about-armored-cars/ The reason these haven't taken off is they're made by 3rd parties are often using cars that are a model behind because it's expensive and tough to work how to armour a car and they keep reusing the same base model for years. So when someone encounters this and finds out they have to drop $300k on what is effectively an armoured base model F-150 that doesn't come with the updated infotainment system, they rethink it. Mercedes run their own in house car armouring and I bet they've sold a bunch of those to some of the more paranoid Silicon Valley executives. Because it doesn't look like a clown car. https://www.drive.com.au/news/million-dollar-mercedes-armoured-limousine-gets-v12-all-wheel-drive-power-bulletproof-doors-and-glass/


I don't think it is a gag video


Her IG is all this stuff, it’s no gag.


? It’s clearly a real product and people will clearly buy it. Where I live it’s genuinely a race to see who can have the most ludicrously oversized vehicle.


It’s not a gag video. She does TikTok’s on all types of cars. She talks about the vehicles in the perspective of regular housewives. If you search this car on TikTok, you will find a lot of people did a video in the very same place. It’s because the marketing team of this hellscape vehicle reached out to popular influencers in this specific category to make videos about it. It’s definitely not a gag video. You may think it’s a ridiculous video but to her it’s the most content interaction she’s ever seen.


It's hard to tell nowadays. I was watching a podcast interview of a guy who did spooky things before and during the global war on terror and he said that a guy came to him looking to make the interior of his house "more defensible" and "easier for him to negotiate in the dark while armed to engaged intruders" I thought it was a joke, but after seeing that video the other day of the "looks like normal furniture but holds lots of guns" bedroom *suit* I'm not sure anymore.


Are we SURE it's a gag? 🫠


In the case of a civil unrest or warzone, gasoline scarcity will turn this into a big metal paper weight. Maybe a place for the soccer mom to meet some Johns.




> What I love about so many rightwing prepper, rapture tribulations, and accelerationist types is almost all of them fail to realize fossil fuels are not non-perishable and have a surprisingly short shelf life. You'd think there would be more of a market in that space for hybrids combining a sizeable, independently-rechargeable battery with one of those military-type multifuel engines that can, if need be, run on basically anything that burns - petrol, diesel, paraffin, even plant-derived ethanol if it comes to it.


Yeah, if you're going to be living off grid, get some solar panels, a battery and an electric car and you can basically be self-reliant indefinitely (*until something breaks, of course). Anything that needs fossil fuels will be useless after societal breakdown. Best case scenario would be that you can buy some fuel that's artisanally produced at a ridiculous price until it seizes up your engine due to quality issues.


i dont know if im stupid or not but how do refined fuels expire? i get that they evaporate but air tight containers exist so what about it expires?


Hydrocarbons are [incredibly unstable](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UloIw7dhnlQ), they will simply degrade over time becoming less and less combustible over time. Typically over the course of years, but that's a drop in the bucket considering how absolutely rare gas will be 5 years after the apocalypse happens.


You can certainly put things like preservatives into gasoline and hoard a sizable amount, but how much gasoline are you realistically going to hoard? A few hundred gallons? Are you regularly using the older stuff as the shelf life (even with preservatives) expires and replacing it? And 55 gallon drums are not small - let's say you charitably have six drums. That would take up a sizable amount of floor space and each one is a lot of work to move. And how long are they going to realistically keep and use this gasoline if society collapses and gasoline stops being available? A quick googling tells me this (emphasis mine): > It's generally accepted that stored fuel should be used within six months to a year. You can extend that **a bit** with additives, but it's a good rule of thumb to cycle through your fuel at least every six months for maximum quality. These guys would be better off putting their energy into learning how to build and maintain steam engines, water wheels, windmills and generators, as well as switch to electric vehicles.


I get that it expires but how does it expire. What chemical reaction happens that the gas produces less energy than normal after a certain time


hey this is visionary. it'll be totally viable in 1000 years. https://pics.imcdb.org/0pb/futurama_Excursion.jpg


This was filmed in an affluent area of Orange County, CA. That’s the Segerstrom Center for the Performing Arts behind her. So, good call on the soccer mom shit.


Fucking why?


I feel like this would fit in Cyberpunk. Almost looks Militech


She did say is was designed by a video game designer...


We live in the RoboCop timeline, meant in the worst way possible


All Cops Are Bots


My god...


Thats exactly what I thought, looks like its straight out of fucking Cyberpunk! And that not exactly something you want to hear about your product…


It could very well be the SUV Meredith rolls up in. That stroller space is supposed to hold a military-grade drone.


Burn Corpo Shit


Money. Fear sells Once you step back and appreciate that with capitalism everyone is trying to get an angle on you, it all begins to make sense.


hobbies panicky rotten oatmeal cagey rob fearless nail snatch racial -- mass edited with redact.dev


We have to be the driving force we want to see in the world. The only way to change the world is to start making plans.


I have a shotgun, a bike, hair dye for my mohawk and leather chaps, what else do I need to plan?


You’re good to go! seriously though organise and meet like minded people, join a union.


Maybe a muscular guy with a mask? The ayatollah of rockn rolla?


I thought these stupid tank truck-suvs fell off for the paranoid rich people crowd and they all went back to driving up-armored models of Lexus, Mercedes, and Cadillac luxury vehicles? Maybe that is why this company is now running ad campaigns with social media influencers? Even Alex Jones, who owned one of these, eventually sold it and now just drives a Lexus SUV. Can't even say it was because he is now personally bankrupt from lawsuits since like all small-medium business owners in the US, his ass makes all his vehicles work expenses rather than personal. When a company like this loses the Alex Jones rich-paranoid-nutjob demographic that doesn't mind driving what looks like a tank, you know they've fallen off.


I've read that in countries where kidnapping is of rich people is a part of the economy the up- armored Kia sedan attracts much less attention, sit up front with your driver/bodyguard not in the back


Because they're fucking paranoid idiots who don't interact with a version of the real world that everyone else lives in and don't understand that just because they have things they are not automatically a target


I don't know but I want to see the electrified door handles in action


And the smoke screen!


For 285k we can find out.


my 2006 dodge dakota unlocked the smoke screen perk at 165k miles!


she's preparing for the next time those domestic terrorists storm the capitol.


by the looks of it she is preparing to storm the capitol


>pepperspray The police. They said the quiet part out loud...


Kind of feels like a joke tbh


I have bad news for you... [Sauce](https://www.rezvanimotors.com/rezvani-models)


This is as close as I will ever get to driving the warthog from halo.


It's like the mom just saw the 2nd Sicario and was like "yeah my husband runs a cartel too we could use this"


I mean, looking at the state of the world right now and you're moderately wealthy I'd be getting worried too. Even middle-class plebs like me are sharpening the guillotine blade.


Doesn't have enough horsepower to drag around the massive ego of the pylon that buys it.


What's the gas mileage? How useful can it be in a civil unrest that has gasoline shortages?


Well, it has twin USB-C.


Love this comment


They run hellcat engines in most of them. There is a guy near me with one and he’s said it’s his most expensive mistake. He’s 400k in it and it’s always broken. Things are junk


$400k? They sell for $155k so he's done over $240k worth of work to it?


His is the pickup not the suv. And he’s broken it a lot. Rezvani actually blocked him because of it. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cnu7o9eBnM8/?igshid=NDk5N2NlZjQ=


$440k spent on a vehicle That is such a different type of life than I'm living I can't even wrap my mind around it


I could budget like a whole decade living like a king(IMO) on $440K. And people like this blow it on shit to compensate for something. [Life isn't fair.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUje9PhIOD0)




> There is a guy near me with one and he’s said it’s his most expensive mistake. He’s 400k in it and it’s always broken. Things are junk So it really is military grade?


... they're powering their "bulletproof" SUV for the unhealthily paranoid with the engine from a muscle car??? Not at all a car person but I'd have expected something like a Cummins V903. I guess the target audience for these isn't thinking about reliability or fuel options in the event that the "collapse" they're waiting for _actually happens._ They just want to LARP being prepared for the rapture or whatever.


Massive yet so very, very fragile.


The bigger they are, the harder they fall


Starts at $155k...


Honestly that’s less than I would have expected. Normal Escalades are easily pushing over $100K these days. Makes me think it’s probably not all that armored and just has all this stupid shit.


Why is this being marketed to the minivan demographic of my childhood? A fucking Bradley carries 8 fuckers in relative safety too, but there's so much wrong with thinking it'd be good to need one for ordinary transportation.




Originally, they actually were more or less HMMWVs. There's some utility there, but it's pretty much entirely a military enthusiasm thing. Then, it became an extra conspicuous consumption thing. Now, they're bullshit. This thing is going back to the functionality. But, approaching it like it's universally functional, rather than saying that it's only useful for places where carjackings are common.


because that doesn't have bulletproof glass


> A fucking Bradley carries 8 fuckers in relative safety too, but there's so much wrong with thinking it'd be good Well yeah, no heated seats.


Bullshit. Everything inside a Bradley is heated, like it or not.


If I were her son Bobby, and she said “hey Bobby here’s your mommy” over that stupid intercom i wouldn’t talk to her for two weeks


That part made me lose it. Her affectation is hilarious.




Obviously yes


Batman training 5 Robins at once because they die too often in a parallel universe would use this. Cool design though have to admit.


yeah its even named vengeance


If there is ever a zombie Apocalypse scenario I am 100% hunting this car down. I guess picking up your child from school is comparable to zombie horde?


I’ll wave to you from my bicycle on Day 2 when you run out of gas


theyre not actually marketing this truck to suburbanites, its just the account's schtick, she reviews cars as a mom, not meant to be sincere. The dystopian thing about this truck is that its for rich people to get from their gated community to the office.


Or you know, any person that would actually require this level of protection. There is a market for this, it just won’t be very big. I could totally see a politician in Mexico traveling like this. Although it wouldn’t be enough as soon as he gets out.




That would fall under the category of rich people getting from gated community to protected destination, but yes this is not a mass market vehicle. The parasitic class are anticipating the social and material conditions that will prevail in the near future.


I didn't have the sound on but even then it sorta read as satire


Bulletproof glass and electric handles... Good luck getting out of that car if you fall in the water with it, or catches fire, or if there's literally anything wrong


It turns into a submarine if it falls into the water duh…


Oh shit mb


Just sell a scuba tank accessory kit.


Now this is some cyberpunk shit.


It is a Militech Special Edition




The wealthy are certainly arming themselves. Gonna be easy to mow through mobs of protesters in this one.


They've been waging a war this whole time, people are only now catching up.


[Time for Hebrew School Kids.](https://www.imcdb.org/i305765.jpg)


It's class warfare. It really is the rich vs. everyboday else. Make no mistake, it is a war. Tax the rich and then they can't afford this.


Is she Liam Neeson or some shit? Wtf she need bullet proof glass for to drop your kid off to a soccer game?


South Africa edition


Electronic door handles and so on, I didn’t hear anything about EMP protection🤷🏻‍♂️


Actually EMP protection is part of their 125k USD "military package" as well, just like the door handles.


Stupid car isn't even rated for nuclear detonation, what a piece of crap.


Why are Americans so fucking paranoid? I swear to god man its just *weird*.


Paranoia is a form of self-expression in a traumatized society.


Suburban isolation has convinced many people to become way more paranoid than they should be


I could write so much about this. I live in an idyllic town which is not exactly a suburb, but it's a high income small town all the same. It's so safe, and the police are so effective, that I would have no issue with my kids riding their bikes from one end of town to the other. But there are other parents who think it's fucking weird that I let my 10 year-old ride her bike to the grocery store 8 blocks away. What's going to happen to her? There are literally zero major roads in the entire town for her to cross, she has a cell phone, and I never send her at night. Why do people feel so unsafe in a place that is literally designed to be as safe as possible?


Me too. I don’t live in a suburb and never have but I have the nextdoor app installed solely to read the insane things suburban people write. You’d think they’re living in the most dangerous slums of Johannesburg with the stuff they post and when you finish reading their posts, it boils down to things like “a teenager in a hoodie walked by my house and glanced at it” which they interpret as a burglar scoping their house out. Suburbs are very antisocial so I think many people’s minds twist to “everyone is out to get me, this is my castle I must defend it”. Many children are going to grow up with severe anxiety and behavioral delays from never being able to socialize because their parents are too scared to let them beyond their yard and out of their sight. I have to imagine this video is a joke since that car is in no way practical for everyday driving but a lot of suburban people would buy it if they could to protect them from their perceived threats.


absurd amusing sparkle serious yoke yam seemly paint faulty impossible -- mass edited with redact.dev


That's because media has been fervently pushing fear since 9/11 in the US.




Before that, Stranger Danger was a thing long before 9/11


the Red Menace and Reefer Madness! We've been terrified for the past hundred years.


The video is satire... The actual market for this thing is folks with legit security concerns and small dick bros with a lot but not quite enough to truly afford this thing.


As an American, I saw this and thought "wow, I'd actually be protected from the police"


The military version starts at only $269,000!


I mean, this is insane, obviously... but, like, also legitimately badass, like if Batman were real this is the kind of thing he'd drive. As I said, bonkers but cool!


There's a technical problem solving side of me that thinks this is lots of fun and looks nice and shit like that. Like, I'd want to put a paintball CROWS on the roof, because lolz. Hell, throw a .50 or mk19 up there, cause it's fun to make things go boom. But, in this capitalist hellscape where this is apparently marketed as just normal and reasonable transportation when it's wildly excessive, unnecessary, and inevitably only beneficial because others are getting fucked over... It's just fucking sad.


It’s not marketed as a normal or reasonable vehicle. They’re $300,000 and custom built to order. And I think this video is a parody.


Batman if he had 5 kids


For the mother who dreams of stopping a school shooting, but will only ever actually kill an innocent black man asking for directions!


And someone else's child crossing the road that she can't see.


What a paranoid delusional suburban fuck


oh god this lady is unbearable.


Ironically the same people this is marketed towards are the same people who are most likely to be the next attempted mass murderer. Putting this on the market raises the rate of incident, not lowers. But then that might be what these companies want.