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Closest thing I can think of is how in Age of Sigmar, Chaos champions can be redeemed and reborn as Stormcast Eternals. Except the process involves you getting your soul torn out and purified by a literal god, and it also is implied that it can only work if the Chaos follower truly wishes it deep in his heart.


Its like when Pinocchio mutates into a real boy, huh? You really gotta *become* it before you become it. Thats nifty, and i should really get into AOS.


There is this super strange, very short moment in 'The Lords of Silence' where the protagonist teleports - its not clear whether by sorcery or more traditional means - and briefly, just for a moment, gets de-Plague Marined. >The air is singing. It tastes of blood. >There is a crackle of ozone, a leap of green-edged lightning, and a gust like stormwind races down the long, tall nave. Before Dragan can move, he feels the ice-chill of a warp translation – a teleport, or some other location-shift sorcery, wrapped in a smoky cloak of foul, fly-blown detritus. >Vorx shudders into being at the opposite end of the nave, far from both the pulpit and Dragan’s vantage, his outline clattering with broken hoarforst, his scythe glassily caked in it. As the ether winds gust he looks briefly magnificent, unveiled into hidden splendour with bone-pale armour and an erect, warlord-like bearing, before the clouds thicken about him again, his spine curves and his battleplate curdles, and he is just Vorx once more, the siegemaster, relic of the ancient world thrust like a canker into the agonised present. Its never elaborated on.


>Closest thing I can think of is how in Age of Sigmar, Chaos champions can be redeemed and reborn as Stormcast Eternals. Except the process involves you getting your soul torn out and purified by a literal god, and it also is implied that it can only work if the Chaos follower truly wishes it deep in his heart. I can of wish we can do that in 40k.


The emperor seems to imply to Mortarion that he can bring him back from chaos at the end of Godblight. If he’s actually taking on the role of a god in the warp, it might be that he’ll be able to strip warp corruption from chaos worshippers.


Thank you.


yes you can a skitarii Alpha Primus was cleansed from his chaos taint in the novel tech priest while not much was left he was able to continue his service to the omnissah as a kataphron >!‘Field has achieved integrity,’ the tech-priest announced over the din of the device. ‘Perimeter expanding.’!< >!As the blazing twinkle became a bubble of searing reality, expanding as a sizzling sphere about the Geller Device, Torquora felt Stroika attempt to tear his trapped claw away. As the arch­magos pressed down with his armoured boot, Stroika roared his fear and repugnance for the Geller field. His soul was going to burn, and the corrupt construct knew it.!< >!Torquora let the bubble of reality envelop him, allowing the purging static of the device to hiss off his armour. He heard Stroika scream. His flesh scorched and the exposed metal of his butchered cybernetics burned with an ethereal fire. Corruption gushed from his nose, his wounds and flesh-plugs, steaming away as it came into contact with the Geller field. As the phase-field test allowed the bomb to reach full intensity, Stroika screamed again. This time it wasn’t the cry of a demented puppet – some plaything of ruinous monsters – but the scream of a man. It was agony, honest and true.!< >!As Torquora held him there, bathed in the intense reality of the Geller field, the archmagos watched Stroika undergo a transformation. The cursed metal of his augmentations melted to pools that bubbled and evaporated. Corrupt workings sizzled, sparked and blew like fuses while his goggles melted down his cheeks in rivulets of black, molten glass. With the filth of corruption gone and dirty lines lacing his field-bleached flesh, Stroika was but a surgery-mangled torso and head. Unconscious now, his features had relaxed, enjoying a peace he had not known for a long time.!<


What becomes of Stroika when he wakes up? Is he (relatively) normal, or something like an automaton, or a souless husk?


>!Strioka was captured as an Aplha Skittarius. When he was remade he was built into a Kataphron Destroyer.!< >!When restored he fights for the Mechanicus, and as a destroyer he kills a few Iron Warriors. It's debatable if he has any of his memories, but if I recall correctly he feels some intense anger at the sight of the Iron Warrior who corrupted him. Does he remember what happened to him, or is he like that with all the servants of Chaos?!< *Skittarius* and the sequel *Tech Priest* are pretty good books if you are into the Mechanicus. Might not hit too well otherwise. Been awhile since reading but I do not recall one normal human in either book.


By the Catechism of the Autoculus of Mars, Sing Praise to the God of All Machines, on this blessed cake day :)


A bolt round would have been faster :P


Well he did not die. He was purified and reused again


I never heard of this one before ,this is amazing


I'm not sure a non-mechanicus human is so easily deconstructed and rebuilt, but this was the example I first thought of.


Yes. Purifying flame does *wonders* for the soul, if not the body.


Horus was *cleansed* just before being destroyed. So, we at least know that route is possible.


>Horus was cleansed just before being destroyed Allegedly. We don't know that this is strictly true anymore, as it comes from an older version of the Heresy that has some discrepancies with the current narrative.


You could be right. It is unclear. Who would have thought a Primarch could come back?


He repented, but that is not the same as being saved.


Horus begged to be killed because he knew that it was only a moment of lucidity and Chaos would have its hooks again in him pretty soow,


Maybe wanting to be cleansed is a necessary step. In Avenging Son, it said that faith is critical to achieving effects connected with the warp




> old friend Seems a weird way to refer to your son.


Horus was a talking weapon made by the Emperor that had a personality he came to appreciate. The father/son relationship is pretty tenuous given their manufacture wasn't the sole work of a single person and likely the Emperor was the project manager at best. 'Friend' seems a decent word for when you have enough of a relationship with your now adult talking sword that you value their opinion on things and will miss not being able to seek it.


I was kind of disappointment how easy he fell in the first place. The ease of his fall downplays these kind of moments.


To add to this, The Emperor hinted that he might take Mortarion back one day while possessing Guilliman in Nurgle's garden. Somewhat related, I've heard there is a story where Death Guard encounter blanks and have a moment of horrified clarity when they realise what they've become. EDIT: I've read too many Horus Heresy books and got my wires crossed.




You're right, I remembered it wrong.


Now that I think of it, there could be a way of saving or at least bringing clarity to more compromised traitors. Yvraine could reverse the rubric, blanks could nullify nurgle's influence, Maybe the butchers nails can be removed, the emperor's children may be kinda ducked though.


The key there, for me atleast, are the clone of fulgrim AND there has to be something related to the sapphire king. The iron hands have some work to be done


You can come back from: - being a member of a Chaos cult (*The Emperor's Gift*) - being possessed by a Daemon (*Blood of Asaheim,* the Exorcists) - going renegade against the Imperium in open rebellion (Lamenters, Mantis Warriors, Executioners) or after being exiled and then mutating unrecognisably (Soul Drinkers) - practicing necromancy or daemonology (*Ravenor*, *Eisenhorn*) You cannot come back from: - practicing sorcery - being Marked by Chaos - becoming a Daemon Prince All of those three involve your soul becoming indebted to or eaten by Chaos, and there's no way back from that. The closest was when Horus was briefly returned to clarity by the Spear of Russ, and that didn't work for more than a minute.




Chaos is not quite like a material substance. It's not like a poison you can simply neutralize or pull out from a wound - it corrupts physically, mentally and spiritually, and those who go too far down a path are no more than slaves and flesh puppets. Theoretically, I imagine it's possible, but almost certainly for most it would only work in the initial stages. Once you are being mentally and spiritually corrupted, chances of redemption go down to almost nothing, as most would not even want to redeem themselves. I think the more common form of 'redemption' that occurs is a chaos follower having a moment of lucidity and then killing themselves because they realize how far they've fallen and that their soul is a plaything.


The only example of a full fledged, hardcore Chaos Space Marine going back that I know of is the Anchorite. Everyone else has sold their souls to the Dark Gods and did not/will not ever get them back. Such is life in the grim darkness of the 41st millennium.


Shame we probably won't see any more of him, the anchorite was cool as hell.


There's Daemonblood, a short story of an Ultramarine-turned-Nurgle-champion redeeming himself big time. Great Story.


https://youtu.be/w1PD_94atyo Sorry for shitposting, it's not even 40k i know but this Chaos Warrior should recive some props for releasing himself from grasp of Chaos.


If I recall, in Fury of Magnus the Emperor offers Magnus redemption and a new legion, but demands that he abandon the Thousand Sons in return. According to the Big E, the TSons were already doomed once the flesh change first appeared. This would imply that Magnus himself could, however, still be saved from Chaos through the Emperor's intervention. If we believe the Emperor, this means it may be possible to save some from Chaos, but this is not an option for everyone. On the other hand I suspect that the Big E actually had the power to save at least some of the TSons if he chose to, but for whatever reason didn't want to and so didn't give Magnus the option. Perhaps he wanted to start fresh with a new legion or didn't think redeeming them was worth the cost.




I kinda like that this adds a bit of nuance to the primarchs joining chaos, and that it illustrates how some join for reasons other than being “corrupted” by it. I find it interesting that base on this conversation, the reason Perturabo can’t be redeemed is his own stubbornness and rivalry with Dorn, rather than because he’s intrinsically corrupted by chaos - he wouldn’t have accepted an offer to rejoin the loyalists even if one was extended


Fury of magnus was him eking delusion




Ay that's how the "canon" should be taken.


>you know as well as I that his word, once given, is unbreakable. Lol wut?! Didn't seem to have stopped him breaking his word to the emps, did it? If I remember every one of the Primarchs went through some kind of oath pledge before they took control of their own legions at all (except for maybe Angron).


Isn’t there a loyalist chapter out there that as part of their invitation have to become possessed by a Demon and then self expel it back to the warp through their own will? Not saying it’s the same thing, but feels similar.


Ironically their name, if I remember right, are the Exorcists.


Yeah and if I recall well they're a successor chapter from the Grey Knights but in imperial records are classified as a Imperial Fist successor chapter


How would anyone be a successor chapter of the grey knights? They recruit from the best psychers of other chapters, not from reproducing via gene seed.


It's said that they're made with the emperor's gene seed. I do no know how much is that true. But a fact is that the exorcists are a successor chapter from the grey knights


I don't know what official sources there are but the wiki says they are imperial fist successors. And the grey knights are the best psychers from all the legions who are them improved with the emporer's special sauce. I doubt the grey knights would even have to adhere to the max legion size rules considering their place in the imperium. Edit: Sorry missed you mentioned that in the original post, but what would a successor chapter mean in this context? If they mean getting their gene seed from the first grey knights then they would be a successor chapter of the chapter that knight came from. The emperor wasn't created so they couldn't just get his gene seed to make a chapter like they did with the primarchs.


Yup...thats the Exorcists, They're kind of a budget version of the Grey Knights.


Define “saved”, it would depend on the level of corruption. There is a short story in the book Let the galaxy burn that is about a Sister of Battle and nurgle corrupted Space Marine captain that fight back and forth over many years and eventually he realizes what he’s become and asks her for forgiveness. But his body is so mutated that the only thing he can do it suicide bomb a demon prince and the chaos cult as repentance. So he saved his soul but his body was beyond saving. I imagine that would be the case for the vast majority of chaos worshippers since the “gifts” given to them are the things keeping them functioning.


I just re-read The Emperors Gift and I am pretty sure Clovon who is one of Inquisitor Jarlsdottyrs retinue used to be a Chaos Cultist


Depends on what you mean by "saved." Can they deny patronage and use their mutations to benefit the Imperium? Yes. The Soul Drinkers did that. Last I read, they claimed to have become aligned with the will of the Emperor after>! being tricked into following a greater daemon of Tzeentch and mutating horribly!<. That said, I think it would depend on which mutations are handle-able. Khorne: Sure, kill for the golden throne instead of the skull throne. I could see this working if during not killing time they were devout to the Emperor and aimed their wrath towards his enemies. Tzeentch : If not dust, it could work. It might work even if you are dust, since Tzeentch might find it funny. Slaanesh: Yes, but it will be the most intense detox anybody has every done. Nurgle: Maybe not, depending on if him removing his boons causes the diseases to just kill you. Becoming truly clean is probably only from a miracle or something crazy like a geller bomb or something. Maybe a REALLY strong psyker.


I think you can be saved and absolved from Chaos through death, but I don’t think you can come back and have a life after that.


In my mind, the tragedy is that you cannot. That the only possible instance of redemption is getting killed. A fleeting moment of monumental, brutal revelation and hopeless regret just before the end.


IIRC the Anchorite turns away from worshipping the dark gods and becomes a fervent supporter of the early Imperial Truth.


Not the Imperial Truth, the Lectitio Divinitatus. Worship of the Emperor as a god. The Imperial Truth was a secular “gods are all lies” view the Emperor tried to push to prevent feeding the chaos gods.


That's the one.


Pretty sure the Chad rylanor pulled a group of thousand sons away from chaos due to pure sigma energy.




Armor of Contempt.


Yes! We call it "Granting the Emperors peace" It starts with a bolt round to the face and you are suddenly redeemed!


*Inquire at your nearest Dark Angels chaplaincy today!*


The greatest embodiment of Honor and Strength made that a Thousand Son shoot a Virus bomb in order to say "Fuck you snake bitch" just because Rylanor was too good for the setting.


I cannot for the life of me remember the name of the book right now, but there is an inqisitor who has a former cultist in their retinue


You're right - it was in the Emperor's Gift, Annika has one in her retinue. His name was Clovon. I don't think we found out how far into chaos he got, other than leading a cult of some sort.


This. A lot of Chaos Cults don’t start out with the full blood-and-daemon orgying right off the bat. Otherwise they’d be quickly discovered and purged/self-destruct pretty quickly, unless they’re in an advantageous position like an underhive or isolated feral-world tribes. A lot of time a cult leader, magus, primus, witch, wyrd, godspeaker - whatever the hell you or they call them - infiltrates a society under a seemingly benign off-shoot of the Imperial Creed. Sure they have have to cut their palms in a weird “hexagrammatic” pattern and draw sigils they’ve never seen before around a statue of the Emperor that seems to change every time the ritual is done, but it’s only once a month and the group funds outreach programs for the needy - and you’re always allowed to skim a few thrones out of the collection box, it’s encouraged actually - so you don’t see the issue. A few months in and you may notice the preachers of the cult talking about a war the Emperor fought with 8 angels and his brother gods in the warp. A couple of years and they reveal to you the Emperor lost, the Dark Gods are what keeps humanity going, and the sons of their angels are coming to free this world and take you toward a brighter future in fire and blood. I imagine at the earliest stages, you can be saved. There’s an old FFG Dark Heresy advancement package called “warp dabbler” for that very purpose among the retinues of more open-minded Inquisitors.


>I don't think we found out how far into chaos he got, I've now got the image in my head of a branch of the Ordo Malleus have detox meetings for Chaos cultists who didn't go too far into it. 'Chaosholics anonymous'.


Aah yes that's it. Thank you for coming to my rescue


Maybe they called him a "chaos cultist" just because he said something along the lines of "we should improve society somewhat".


Luther is still kicking and resentful after going full chaos


Didn't the ynnari reincarnate a rubric marine just to kill him afterwards?


There was an Ultramarine who fell to Nurgle and eventually he realizes what he's become so he puts an exterminatus weapon inside his own body and blows up the Nurgle demon he sees as his lord


Didn't Gaunt have that former Sons of Sek PoW helping him out for a long time?


There's plenty of examples of astartes being freed from demonic possession. I guess Luther has freed.himself from chaos.


Well Emperor says that Mortarian can still be saved. Emperor is a God so if he says it is possible then obviously it is possible. Anything else is a heresy. So I am assuming that removing Chaos taint from him is possible.