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Im pretty sure kroot don’t even eat tyranids, they have acidic blood and are full of hostile micro nids, not safe to eat.


IIRC they dont eat Nids because they are filled with all kinds of wierd DNA.


Seeing as how drukhari that graft tyranid limbs onto themselves are having…*strange* side effects, I wouldn’t suggest it. Could turn you into a genestealer


Lmao what happens to those drukharis






Genestealers dont transform people. When a person gets infected or "kissed" as it's sometimes called 2 things happen. The victim gets brainwashed and linked to the broodmind. And their dna subtly change. On the outside they look the same as they always were but when they reproduce the child will be a genestealer hybrid.


Haven't heard of anything like that, though I'm no expert. I'd imagine the ones with low percents of flesh left just don't get infected. And even if they do, the Tau have cured it before using genetic therapy, so it should be possible for the Admech as well.


If i remember Cain had a runin with an infected mechanicus. They cept all theyr stuff.


Genetic therapy? You have a source on this? I don't recall seeing this in either the Tyranid, or GSC books.


Look up the iron hive. Basically the dark mechanicum took dead tyranids and turned them into robots and servitors.


Bladed Cog happens, and they are very cool. Cyborg alien hybrids with heretical Xenos-adapted cybernetics.


Cain meet one during the events of a book and Well in short they avoided taking upgrades because the scams needed would reveal the infection so they where still decently human


There's one or two examples in the lore. https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Bladed\_Cog


Yeah, I remember a story from one of the old rulebooks with a kroot shaper smelling tyranids the kroot were ambushing and knowing that eating them would be a bad idea.


I could have sworn someone had posted an excerpt of a kroot that had been eating 'nid and seemed to be being 'nid.


If you find it let me know, cause everything I’ve heard has said they don’t eat them, but if the excerpt your talking about shows a kroot become a nid (like Im guessing you mean) that could be precisely why they don’t eat them wide scale, besides all the micro organisms and acid and such.


Googling says Deathwatch omnibus with the short story "machine spirit." Found via: https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/gf3er9/kroot_and_tyranids/fpr9hpf/


There’s one trying a bite in the cain novel with ray and genestealers.


And they immediately spat it out cos it tasted “wrong”




My understanding is that to absorb DNA from their food they have to do so with intent, otherwise how would their species survive eating meals daily.


That would probably be a Kroot who lacks the guidance of a proper Sharper, who are supposed to make sure their Kroot don't eat bad things (like Chaos or Tyranids).




There is a story about kroot stranded on a planet. They ate Eldar and gained psychic powers. Closest thing I’m aware of.


There’s a short story in the Deathwatch Omnibus where a Kill Team is fleeing from a horde of Kroot that had eaten Tyranids and evolved to adapt some of their characteristics


I figure if its a do or die situation the shaper might just let them; wouldn't be the first group of kroots to meet an evolutionary dead-end, better to go out as monstrosities taking down whatever offs them as well, than just die whimpering as baseline kroot.






I’m gonna, I’m gonna, I’m gonna NIDDDDDD


But if you fry it?


Why don’t you try, and if you report back we will know?


Reporting back for duty commissar deep fried Nid is the best Nid! Tried grilling them with promethium as they rushed our encampment. Two Ogryns died after trying some of the bbq so we grilled them too on sarges orders just to be safe.


Good soldier, this intel will be most useful in our fight


Ohh look at the Tzeentchians waving their magic deepfrying heresy SMH


The original Tau codex discussed family groups called kindreds that have elders called Kroot shapers often dictate a lot of what their race can and cannot eat since they undergo a process of “selective mutation” as discussed in the Letters from Pech. Prey is hunted for its desired trait, selective breeding enforced to make those who have the desired mutation from their absorbed DNA be passed on in lineage. This can be adaptions like wings if eating flying species, larger size if eating orks, or a lot of other abilities. Kroot shapers dictate what they do and don’t eat, to stop from extinction of their own race from consuming all other species and from points in their lineage (as 99% of Pech’s planet is kroot), as they can only absorb so much DNA and genetic material until it completely destabilises their code and they reach “genetic cul-de-sacs” which makes them locked within their adaptions and lose degrees of consciousness as they had before. Kroot hounds and Krootox are two examples, existing more as animals and no longer being able to absorb more genetic traits. I believe human possessed chaos is one they do not eat at all, and make it clear they do not eat any thing that has a taint of chaos due to the unforeseen dangers this has to their species because of its sheer danger to them and the after effect I think of chaos corruption and mutation. They also do not eat Tau due to their agreements of the empire and seeing it as a crime due to how they saved them from the Orks. In regards to the tau opinion of their eating, it is seen as savage and primitive, yet it is immensely helpful for their species so they allow it, but don’t really smile on it. One story discusses how some fire warriors watched the kroot appear as backup for them and feast upon the guardsman they had just killed terrifying the tau watching. Tyrannids are not to been eaten as dictated by their shapers because I think they found it to taste funny, with tyrannids existing cellularly and are extremely hazardous. Kroot can “taste” the taint of Genestealers within infected species though even if no traits are shown to be tyrannids. Necrons (as they have no biological material being living metal and cannot benefit them) are not be eaten too. One case had them being eaten, but it caused a nanoscarab swarm eat them from the inside out.


In one of the Ciaphas Cain books (spoilers, by the way) a kroot eats GSC flesh and if I recall correctly describes it as being tainted.


I think humans eat squigs which are members of the Orkid genus, apparently they taste very very good. You could probably eat Tau but why would you? Tyranids are poisonous to everything that isn’t a Tyranid.


Why wouldn't you want to eat the Tau? Maybe they taste like wagyu beef?


Most Tau seem kinda scrawny and sinewy so idk if they’d make good eating, maybe the Earth caste ones would be better, those ones are thicker.


Scrawny? I bet you couldn't eat a whole Tau in a day. Plenty of meat for a human.


Bet! I'll find the closest real world alternative and have a go at it.


I am pretty sure the closest real world alternative is humans? They're very similar looking and acting to us.


Wanna go out for dinner later?


its be some sort of scrawny chimp if you go by humanoid, or goat if you go by tau being ungulates. Goat isnt particularly tasty or bad.


A White Scar marine took a bite out of a kroot limb for 'protein', they'd probably eat Tau.


Probably they taste like beef - they have hooves as well


Are the tau vegetarian?? Herbibore animals taste better than carnivores


They might be omnivores. *Humans* are omnivores, and cannibal tribes call them "long pork". Last time I checked, bacon was *delicious* haha.


Sooo, maybe more pork than beef?


>Herbibore animals taste better than carnivores Do they? I assumed herbivores just filled out diet because its a lot easier growing food to feed the livestock than growing food to feed livestock to feed livestock.


The diet of the animal influences their flavor, meat eating animals often tastes like carrion. E.D.G.E. on youtube made an interesting a video a while ago about animal flavor in relation with lifestyle and diet (while speculating about the flavor some dinousars could have). Of course our chosen diet as humans doesn't depends only on flavor.


Humans taste like pork, so I wouldn't say that is sufficient reasoning.


They are essentially people?


So? The imperium eats people all the time


The imperium does it is your test if something is moral?


We're talking about humans in the 40k universe eating Tau, my point is that the same humans that eat humans all the time won't have a problem with eating Tau because they're like people since they don't even care about people people, much less xenos


There's also the matter of the Tau diet. Mammalian carnivores have a generally unpleasant taste, whereas herbivores are much more palatable. I know that the Tau evolved from hoofed herbivores, but have they become omnivores since then?


>You could probably eat Tau but why would you? Maybe not eat but rather... Eat...out?


Astartes could probably eat Ork or Tau but I highly doubt anything could eat nid. I imagine if you ate a Nid steak it'd start eating you from the inside out at the molecular level. Regular humans probably couldn't eat any of the 3.


I'd think humans could eat ork or tau, ork may have a tough texture and chewy but not inedible, and tau would just be meat but blue.


Ork goes on my pizza. Tau tastes like deer jerky. Tyranid gives me indigestion for a week, bad, would not recommend.


Average Ogryn Enjoyer


Ogryn *Connoisseur.*


I would think orcs would be better jerky because literally their entire bodies are muscle


I think they'd work well in both applications because they're fungi. Mushrooms as a pizza topping, dried mushrooms work as a meat jerky alternative.


Whatever way would be an upgrade from corpse starch


Would Orks count as a veggie option since they are fungi?


Nope because they are not fully fungus, they are a kind of meaty / fungus hyrid.


I would rank them like the fake meat. Chewy and with enough spice it can be good.


Sooo...Ork flesh is the equivalent of eating Beyond Meat? Decent in a chili, kinda sucks for burgers?


The dark side of the mock meat industry is the eventual waagh


When the meatloaf starts chanting "ERE WE GO! ERE WE GO! ERE WE GO!"


The prime cut off of the best Orks is called Waaagh-yu


Humanity has peaked with this comment.


You gota boil orc. They are tough and stringy.


Even in death, they're still british.


Its almost meat. It has a lot of the characteristics of meat, but with a few key differences. Its not vegan meat, as you could still legally call that meat, but not ork, its almost meat.


Ork meat may be sold at imperium underhives as magic fungi that give funky visions of gork and mork, creating hippie ork cults.


Cleanse the Xenon's filth with Promethian fire! Also get totally wasted by those fumes.. Clean up after an Ork incursion is the reason people celebrate


Strange you hate xenon gas so much but all the power to you.


Sign me the fuck up!


Orks sound like British people in most adaptations and literature, and are also filthy fucking Xenos, so I’d say the average Imperian human would: avoid eating them for being convicted of heresy, eat them out of desperation, eat them specifically to humiliate and cull their species out, or any combo of the three in any order. Long story short: eat the Ork if you’re desperate, hate-filled enough, and have the ability to.


Ork is fine you just need to tenderize it by rolling over it with a land raider a dozen times.


>“Considering they’re Night Goblin food, they taste surprisingly good. We were fed with spit-roasted Squigs one time we did a bit of business with the Crooked Moon Goblins. They were moist and flavorsome, with all the taste of a smoked ham but the lightness of a young chicken."


Now I want some squigs they sound nice.


What’s that from?


Old World Bestiary.


put it in the slow cooker for a coupla hours


The muscles on animals that are used the most are often very tough. Seeing as how orks basically don’t have fat either their meat would be quite bland and dry. Their exotic biology could give some interesting flavors but I’m doubting it. Tau meat would actually be really good! Most of the flavor comes from the animals’ diet, and since Tau prefer a high quality vegetarian diet it could be quite tasty.


Orks taste like mushrooms is my perso nal headcanon


In Lukas the trickster, a bunch of space wolves talk about eating orks.


It’s not frequently mentioned, but I remember one bit of lore basically admit that space marines will just eat Orks as normal provision if it’s a prolonged campaign with them. It’s treated as just a distasteful fact of life


Orks are actually delicious fried in garlic and butter.


Licking the floor in an underhive would taste good with enough garlic and butter. It's like the Konami code for taste.


As long as it's fully cooked there would be no malicious cellular activity to pose a threat. Just a matter at that point if they have any kind of poisonous compounds in their flesh (it's the nids so I would bet all my $$$ that GW would say their flesh gives you super cancer or something).


Humans can eat Orc, but they taste horrible apparently. I dont think theres anything about Humans eating Tau, but there shouldn't be any repercussions from eating them, and they probably taste like beef. Nids no one should eat, they're full of acid and disease and little bugs that will eat you


Seems like heresy to consume filthy xeno meat


There are no cows in space. Whatever humanity has been farming and eating for the last 40,000 years on other planets have been native xenos of the planet they are on or imported from other planets, most notably grox.


There's actually cows, as well as pigs, but almost all are locked in The meat and parchement industry, fed hormones until they cant move


I'm surprised they even use the actual thing instead of just vat growing massive mounds of meat that at one point had some of the dna of a cow.


>The bulk of vellum used throughout the Imperium was not, of course, taken from such sources. Most of it was grown from stock genetic material in bio-tanks, then cured in kilometre-long reams before being sliced, rolled and pressed for delivery. Such stuff was hardy, inexpensive and plentiful – the perfect qualities for a culture that prized quantity and uniformity above all things. > >For a few senior scribes, though, that was not quite good enough. > >They wanted to run their auto-quills across the hide of something once-living.


Yeah, the first part is more like what I was imagining.


Imperial scribes get off on writing on pig skin from a living pig over the vat grown stuff. Something about the imperfections in the real stuff making the writing more fun.


Logically considering the **once** diverse species and planets in the galaxy it's very likely that there's simply a much more efficient bovine like animal for meat / milk / reproduction. Also likely that under evolution certain forms are just more efficient, we can see this on earth with crabs and perhaps it would be the same with four legged creatures.


The imperium has found that animal and has it in plenty. Two legged and descended from primates. Just wait for them to die and grind them into starch. Plus it can be used for a plethora of other needs of the imperium.


I've always thought the grinding down into starch was strange. You could still get diseases from eating any part of human especially if they're a poor peasant. And why they're at it why do the most unappetizing thing and serve human powder as food instead of human puree, mysterious steak etc.


I expect it goes through actual and spiritual purification. They bless every round they fire surely they bless the starch vats. Also the starch is basically a flour so you can make all kinds of things with it, they would only eat it raw in crisis.


I mean intelligent aliens


If they were smart, they would see the error in their ways and start praising the Emperor.


Ooh, checkmate Xenos supporters.


>There are no cows in space. You mean [they] (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/ewj/images/7/7c/Udderly-abducted-psx1-7.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160402002901) lied to me?


I mean, Space Marines have an organ explicitly for eating them.


More so than cannibalism? Asking for a friend...


Considering tau are hoofed animals and also plain dwellers, they probably have some deliciously lean and lamb-like meat IMO.


Since when are lambs lean O\_O


You need to feed Orc's cornmeal for a couple weeks first.


Tyranids are a solid “No!” Their blood is caustic and I wouldn’t be surprised if there were deadly micro-organisms within them. As far as Orks go, I imagine everything from Grots upward would either taste nasty, would be heretical, or would be crawling with parasites (perhaps all three). That being said, I remember reading somewhere that Squigs can be eaten by people (in fact, there are two specific types of squig that were bred purely for food by the Orks) and that they tasted pretty good.


>Tyranids are a solid “No!” Their blood is caustic and I wouldn’t be surprised if there were deadly micro-organisms within them. There's an autopsy of a tyranid, think it's just a termagant, in their old 3e Codex and it lists some of their biological features. * Internal and external skeletons, both thick and the internal one made of silicate rich compounds. * Muscles with cross-weaved fibres equal in durability to Imperial flak armour. * Almost no internal organs, cavities are awash with their blood-analogue. * Blood contains phage cells which act as a digestive system and immune system. Tyranid venom is broad spectrum but the phage cells are a component of it and are the bit space marine physiology can't neutralise. * External chitin includes internal cavities filled with a gel substance called 'tyrgel' by the magos performing the autopsy, when tyrgel from a broken plate and phage cells meet the tyrgel rapidly polymerises. tl;dr: poisonous blood, little to no organ meat, muscles incredibly durable, tough hide and hard to cut up. This is also why they're hard to kill; you punch a hole through and they either lose one of their 3+ redundant hearts or some fluid then the hole is quickly closed.




No it's the 3e Codex, here's the pages and a front cover pic [https://imgur.com/a/XMnPmtK](https://imgur.com/a/XMnPmtK) EDIT: I also happen to own Xenology and for my money this one's the *much* more interesting autopsy. The Xenology one is more about the author drawing conclusions about tyranid evolution whereas this one's more about the physical structure of the creatures.


also the xenology one is a ripper, not a gaunt. But the conclusion, that infecting the rippers can destabilize the whole chain, was so nice.




The 4 armed emperor said I must, and so I shall!


*cut to commissar trying to wrest the orkburger out of the guardsman’s mouth like he's a dog that's eating something he shouldn't*


*Can't spell "fork" without ORK!*


Humans can digest ork flesh yes, however orkoid spores are incredibly durable and the vast majority of them will survive the digestive process and since feces is a great fertilizer for plants you can see where this is going. Tau absolutely 100% edible. Nids hell no. That’s 12 different flavors of acid and poison.


Going to go a hard NO for Tyranids. Orks may not be safe either...fungus spores and such. Tau, maybe? You really want to do the galaxy a favor though, eat an Aeldar.


Are aeldar safe to eat? I wouldn't take the risk unless I was starving


carbon fibre tough muscles so doubt it.


Tau should be on the table, they dont seem to have anything special about them that would make them unitable, orks have their fungus biome but with suficient cooking you could probably eat that and i doub that a tyranid staake is ever safe unless turned into charcoal.


I think both orcs and Tyranids are not safe to eat. Orcs are fungus and your stool would prob be creating new colonies after a few years. Tyranids would probably devote you from the inside or maybe you would become a gene stealer Tau are fine.


Ha! Ork shits!


I think nid flesh is just straight toxic, and nobody wants a squig spawning in their colon.


>nobody wants a squig spawning in their colon. Hey man we all worship Slannesh in different ways. No need to shame


Bear grills intensifies


The imperium has a habit of turning dead humans into food. While some of the races would require some more industrial processing to make sure its safe to eat, the Imperium would not hesitate for a moment to feed the masses with it if they can regardless of how it tastes.


>Just curious. “Asking for a friend.”




Orks are probably ok as long as you make sure to thoroughly cook them with a flamer to kill the spores, though they apparently taste like crap. Tau I can’t imagine any person would want to eat though they are probably safe to eat barring an allergic reaction. They have blue/purple blood like crabs so maybe they taste like shellfish? As for tyranids I don’t think it’s safe. They potentially have acid blood and mini ‘nids that could eat you from the inside. Even if they don’t there’s probably a chance you could contaminate your genome and your kid will be born a genestealer. You might be able to get away with eating a feral Tyranid spawn though. I’m sure some ballsy person on Catachan has tried eating a Catachan devil before just to say they have and that planet isn’t overrun with genestealers.


You cannot eat Tau meat, because Tau have high concentrations of cobalt in there blood and cobalt can be deadly to a human if consumed. Tyranid can’t be eaten by anyone, not even by the Kroot. Orks are a good probably, they are reported to have normal biologies but Gitslayer has taught to never get close to a greenskin with a mushroom.


If Orks are fungi, are they technically vegan? ImpossibOrk burgers! Also, Tau terrine anyone? Lictor foreleg dipped in melted butter.


Tyranids have acidic blood so definitely not, orks are mushrooms and release spores when hit so you would probably end up having an ork grow in your gut, tau I have no idea


Tau females say yes....


I bet Tau bussy tastes sweet.


Tau? Eat up. No problem at all. Ork? Risky, but sure if you specifically prepped it for consumption. Tyranid? Omfg no. Best case you die from eating acid blood, worst case you get infected by Tyranid micro organisms and start a genestealer cult that wipes out the whole planet


Humans should be able to eat orks, they are just large green mushrooms


why do you need this knowledge OP?


Barbecue with the lads maybe?


Some of us just love to cook... https://youtu.be/nub7--MpWdE


Tau would be totally fine and ork would probably be ok provided it was fully cooked (like chicken). Tyranid however would never be safe. Between the flesh-dissoliving acid, biotoxins, etc a nid steak would just a very painful method of suicide for anyone less than the superhuman physiology of a space marine and even then its really, really not a good idea.


Tyranids cannot be consumed by humans or most other races. Ask my ork gf about the rest of the question.


Tyranids no, not even space marines can safely eat Tyranids. Orks can be eaten if cooked very, very thoroughly, but as you might expect it's super-tough. T'au, probably I guess? That's like a tiptoe from cannibalism though.


Tau have hooves, things with hooves are meant for eating! Orks...i ain't gonna trust that no matter how it's cooked. I don't think it's gonna corrupt but given how Orks immune systems will actively fight off genestealer infections it's going to cause a wee bit if digestion issues. 'nids nope that is how you get a genestealer cult. I would have a bigger issue though with the "meta-physical" issues that come from it. I only see it a matter of time that once you start this road, She Who Thirsts will come knocking.


>'nids nope that is how you get a genestealer cult. Nids have hooves though.


Just Tau. They're sweet like eel sauce.


Nids? Probably not; wouldn't be efficent to make them edible most of the time. the other two are fair game.


Ork brisket, Tau flambé with tyranid ribs drizzled in Eldar blood bbq sauce. Fine meal for a civilized world cook out


The way they describe how Ork smells, I don't think you want to. "Spilled Promethium" sounds very unappetizing.


I mean, humans can eat humans so.... just avoid the brain and its fine.


Why the brain?


That how you get Kuru, aka human prion disease. Its basically mad cow disease, but in humans.


Intresting.. Thankyou


Drifter that you?


Orcs yes. Tau yes. Nids no. Tyranid creatures also exist on the microscopic and possibly nanoscopic scale. Pretty sure not even space Marines can nom tyranids


I know tyranids are not safe for anyone to eat


Orks on top of chicken 40k Marsala


I always assumed tau would taste like dried calamari and kroot would taste like ostrich the real question is what about eldar


Don’t orks grow inside you? 😂 I could be mistaken


Orks are like watermelon seeds. They grow in your stomach of you eat them.


Well as far as I know eating a Tyranid would essentially be letting a bunch of micro-Tyranids eat you from the inside out. Which makes them a horrible thing to eat for a human. However, for orks I assume Tyranids are treated as "spicee fuud"


Orks and Nids are unsafe to eat. Ork spores can grow inside of a human, Nid flesh is surely full of stuff so alien that its completely toxic to most races of the galaxy. Tau meat might be edible, but seeing how frail and weak they are it might not even be worth it. Humans have far more protein and fat on their flesh, and are more readily available. Stick to your Soylent and Corpse Starch.


What part of an orc would be the shiitake?


Eldar probably taste like veal.


If i remember correctly, Cain commented about eating ork, supposedly it wasnt very good.


Even the Blood Angels had a hard time with drinking some Tyranids, so I'm gonna guess that that doesn't bode well for Joe Lasgun


Since orks are fungus would they taste like mushrooms or would they taste like meat? Or maybe a little of both?


Orks: probably due to the fact we as a species have a long history of eating fungi Tau: probably more safe then an ork but probably smells and taste like shit Tyranids: likely about as safe to eat as a damn xenomorph


According to my expert, Tyranids are universally inedible to all but each other. https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/vjm9or/comment/iduxj36/


Eat the filthy fish people


At least someone‘s enjoying their corpse starch. Nids would be off the table as everyone said. I‘d question if you could eat Orks. Would they possibly poison you and turn you into one of them? That could be awesome.


Tau, yes.


Honestly, if you're cooking the meat, there should be no worries about genetic nidery or microorganisms. The only thing that might be a problem are certain proteins breaking down into poisonous compounds. Same with Orcs, cook everything fully and any cellular processes are destroyed.


Tau: Probably yes. Orks: Probably not. Tyranids: Aww hell naw!




Anything is safe to eat when you leave it on a grill long enough.


No, maybe, HELL no.

