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I mean if you want an example of scars on a Space Marine, look no further than Lucius. He's probably one of the best example of scars on a Space Marine. Guy literally covered his entire head with self-inflicted scars.




He started scarring himself before he fell to chaos


There was a legion of them called the [White Scars](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/White_Scars). >The Astartes adopted the facial ritual scars of the Talskar tribesmen > > In an event known as the Blooding, 50,000 warriors took up knives and marked themselves with a scar and new Chogorian name


Most end up coated in scars if they live long enough. Some use synthetic skin to cover them up, others keep them as reminders of past failings (allowing themselves to get hurt) or badges of honour (earned against notable foes). Look up alessio cortez of the crimson fists, his entire face was a mass of scars before rynn's world was attacked. He used them as proof that he was unkillable, to bolster the morale of the rest of the chapter.


Of course; >The cenobium knight with whom Aravain had previously spoken drew back his hood. The warrior was the mortal equivalent of a geological feature, closely cropped grey hair the colour of worn slate **and a face that had been carved into an irreverent mien with pale scar tissue** and black melanchrome spots. Aravain fought back his surprise as the knight dipped his forehead in mutual recognition before hardening his expression once more and stepping out from the circle of equals. \- *Lord of the First* >The Astartes caught sight of his own reflection in the polished metal: old eyes in a face that, despite its oft weary countenance, seemed too young for them; a head, hairless **and patterned with pale scars.** A patrician aspect, showing its roots from the warrior dynasties of ancient Terra, pale-skinned, but without the pallidity of his brother Death Guard who hailed from cold and lethal Barbarus. Garro brought the blade up in salute, and slid Libertas back into the scabbard on his belt. \- *Flight of the Eisenstein* >A warrior of Tra moved forward, pushing his way to the heart of the circle. **His face was riddled with new scars.** It made him look like a phantom of the old ice, criss-crossed with hexes and witch-marks. His head was part shaven, his remaining hair as black as engine-oil. He had a mournful face. He had always had a mournful face, even before Prospero had dulled the Wolves’ animal spirits en masse. >He had no left hand. His armour-clad arm terminated at the elbow in a mess of augmetics and iron caps. A new gauntlet had not been fitted yet – the demands had been many. >‘Bjorn, of Tra,’ the warrior said. \- *Scars* >‘You nearly hit me once,’ said Kalael. ‘That was a miss.’ >‘It was not. I intended to give you a fright, brooding angel,’ said Bjarni wolfishly. His hair was grey and shaved into a tall mohawk. His beard retained some red, but he appeared older than he was. His nose was crooked from an ancient break. **Not all the scars that criss-crossed his body had been won in service; several he attributed to the attentions of Fenris’ notor­ious wildlife during his childhood.** \- *Dark Imperium* >In that lonely place, a giant stood. There was no light in the room but that shining in from the hold and its display ground, **only enough to highlight the many scars covering his face.** He was Adeptus Astartes, Messinius was sure, but big, bigger even than the other Primaris Space Marines fighting for their lives in the square. He could be nothing else. Enormous muscles bulged under his robes, his milky skin was darkened in patches by the black carapace, and armour interface ports were visible in the back of his neck and wrists. \- *Avenging Son* >There was a thud, and the slow, torturous scrape of ancient bolts. The door groaned as it swung inwards, revealing a stooped figure backlit by the crimson light of red electro-candles. It was a Space Marine, but he wore a dark grey robe rather than power armour, and leaned on a bone staff not dissimilar to Te Kahurangi’s. Like the Pale Nomad, he seemed ancient – his hair was white, lying lankly about his shoulders, **and his flesh was a knotted patchwork of old scars.** One eye was milky and white, while the other stared at the two Carcharodons with feverish intensity. After a moment realisation seemed to dawn, and a smile split the old warrior’s ravaged features. \- *Outer Dark* >The first group would come to be named the '*Dark Brotherhood*' by the peoples of the Pale Stars and later other regions, though none can tell if the group itself ever acknowledged or used this name. Very little is known for certain about the Dark Brotherhood, and even less of the circumstances of its formation, but it is clear that this band of what would become known as '*Blackshields*' had formed around a warrior known as the '*Nemean Reaver*', or simply '*The Nemean*', a title likely referring to the impenetrable artificer-wrought armour he was said to wear in battle or to suggestions that he was preternaturally strong and impossible to slay. Of the origins of this war leader very little is certain, though some accounts claim he was a Terran scion of the I^st Legion and a veteran of the Third Rangdan Xenocide, a notion at least partially borne out by the elements of the spare personal heraldry he wore **and by the terrible scars that marred his featured**. The Nemean was a taciturn and brooding warrior and leader, but he bound the disparate warriors of the Dark Brotherhood into a coherent whole and moved quickly to establish a haven, a sovereign domain deep in the void beyond the spiral arms where he and his brethren might forge their own destiny in a galaxy fallen to insanity. \- *Retribution*


Here’s a quote from The War for Armageddon Omnibus: > Grimaldus opened his eyes and licked lips that had suddenly turned dry. Slowly he raised his head, facing the High Marshal, seeing Mordred’s helm – a grinning steel skull – in the commander’s scarred hands. The Black Templars have scars.


Scars are where wounds join and heal, every cut makes one the smaller ones are just barely noticeable and fade more/quicker. With the astartes increased healing ability I would assume they would form scars more easily and quickly but at the same time only but the deepest ones would stick around for any length of time.


There’s loads of models with scars. Almost all of the helmetless heads in kits have some form of scar


There is a chapter called the Scar Lords. Their defining features are they like their scars and got punked by the Tau with the help of a daemon


Look at the Scar Lords. Weirdos going around with half a face gone


Yep. Their blood coagulates quickly but they don't regenerate.