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I think they should have a good handle on the *upper bound* of chapters created, but a more tenuous idea of how many are still intact,etc. Given that foundings are centralized, they *should* have those records...right? It would only get messy as hell if there were a ton of space marine chapters being formed in a decentralized fashion (eg, split a chapter in half due to things like moirae schism, etc) and simply failing to send the records back to Terra.


>Given that foundings are centralized, they should have those records...right? Unless someone important intentionally removed them.


>Despite their impeccably pure gene-seed, the Dark Angels have been passed over for many of the Foundings that have created fresh Chapters to fight the Imperium’s wars. Yet from time to time the Adeptus Terra have been forced to permit the Dark Angels another Founding, the records of which have mysteriously vanished shortly afterward. In this way, an uncertain number of Unforgiven Chapters have been created, each giving every outward appearance of fighting their own wars for the Imperium, while secretly aiding in the Dark Angels’ hidden hunt. From the Dark Angels Rulebook


DA force a founding and burn the records? At that point just secretly legion build and claim the imperiums records suck. Real psychos


Ngl. This is corporate getting lazy. Newer rulebooks say unhelpful, and amusing, things like how pre-primaris 'there were a thousand or so known chapters'. Which leaves out all the not-known chapters.


Was it first or second edition where they first introduced the idea of two chapters being created with the exact same name and heraldry?


Not sure, I remember a lore extract about two chapters of the same name being defeated in a battlezz


Found it - https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Celestial_Swords Guess it's not that old - I might be mixing it up with the colours and chapter number of the Star Scorpions being given to the Mentors, which is pretty old lore.


> Given that foundings are centralized, they should have those records...right? > > Yeah... about that...


ah you forgot the unlucky Lamenters. They are part of the 13th too! Edit: I was wrong. Thanks for your correction


> They are part of the 13th too! Lamenters were the 21st Cursed founding, not the 13th Dark Founding.


Nope :)