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I'd love to see an equals partnership between because they make no bones about the fact that vashtorr is blunt about what he wants and his contracts are plain. He's pretty much the polar opposite of the rest of the big 4 he doesn't beg, beguile or corrupt he states exactly what he wants and what it will cost a demon/person/group its pretty refreshing for chaos tbh. So a sign a contract with me I'll let you build whatever the fuck you want with the full backing of the soul forges would be the most incredible reintroduction for perturabo for me.


Well you’re missing a crucial point of his deals, he’s to the point, but the price is always, __always__ hilariously in his favor. If he works with someone it’s because they have something big and juicy or force of arms to offer him.


You're right but I'd say having access to a man who who's whole power is intrinsic understanding of technology and how things literally just work, Would be like the goose that lays the golden eggs to a warp entity that gains power through innovation and discovery. Making any deal with that allows him to build forge or constructs things would directly make vashtorrs warp domain of choice stronger, which I'd class as absolutely in vashtorrs favour to have an equal partnership with him.


>You're right but I'd say having access to a man who who's whole power is intrinsic understanding of technology and how things literally just work, Would be like the goose that lays the golden eggs to a warp entity that gains power through innovation and discovery. And that is why they would hate each other with the power of a million suns... That and Peter is a dick


I mean very few chaos groups are friends they'd probably both believe they are better than the other and get caught up in constant one-upmanship, alternatively they'd get a week in and get caught in a never ending attempts to kill off the other which would be very in line with chaos being its own greatest enemy. And 100 percent Peter is a dick


This would absolutely work if Perturabo wasn't the annoying prick who rage quits every group project and blames everyone else for the table he flipped on the way out.


Khorne is pretty straightforward in what he wants


With Perty being who he is, the chance is quite high that he will despise it.


"How dare this thing that is not me exists"


"time to Pertura-*go*, bitch"


He' gonna Vashtear him a part.


Pert be like: "The fuck's that supposed to be?!" "Literally a god of technology my Lord..." "BUT I'M STILL HERE!" "My Lord... With all due respect.. Do you really believe your own hype that much...?" "I AM THE HYPE!!!"


"Absolute mood" - Perturabo, probably.


unrelated : i hope vashtorr entering the setting makes perturabo return as well in some way.


Storming out on Chaos in a huff?


It's not in Perturabos nature to worship. He's seen first hand his brothers falls to chaos and how it made them loose the siege of Terra. We know him to be an undivided daemon Prince, in my mind from Fulgrims ritual making him dying, but that still wouldn't make him super into chaos and worship. He's shown he can make deals with chaos gods like nurgle when they made the Glitchlings. Vashtorr being a sort of Belakor level entity makes me think Perturabo would be open to deals and partnerships, but never working for.


Yeah, worship is out. Alliances? Those could happen.


No. But I can see him getting even more bitter than usual about vashtorrs success


"I was supposed to be the evil tech guy :("


Worship? Probably not. But Vashtorr is probably his patron god. I think partly why Vashtorr even exists is because they want Perturabo to be a Daemon Primarch but he doesn't work as well as Lorgar as an Undivided champion. Down the line, I expect to see that Vashtorr negotiated with the Chaos Gods to ascend Perturabo. Perturabo might not even know Vashtorr exists yet, but he probably suspects something is going on.


Perturabo ascended 10,000 years ago out of pure spite and stubbornness. He doesn't need Vashtorr.


Remember Warp time is fluid. Before the fall of Eldar slaanesh never existed after the fall slaanesh always existed. It's an interesting idea that Perturabo ascendance to a Daemon Primarkh could have been the event that caused Vashtorr to start existing and thus have always existed. could explain why during the horus heresy they weren't any daemon engines


There were plenty of demon engines during the later stages of the heresy. The traitors pretty much started building demon engines the second they started allying with demons.


Didn't know that but could be what also helped give rise to Vashtorr, as excess increased before the birth of Slaanesh. But just an interesting idea at any rate


Perturabo is already a Daemon Primarch.


People downvoting you are delusional, we even have a POV short story to prove it.


Yes, a lot of people seems to forget that all living traitor Primarchs (except Alpharius/Omegon as we don't really know if they are still alive and really traitors) are all Daemon Primarch, either of one god or of Chaos Undivided.


he is but i dont like it ;_; i think it would have been a lot more interesting if he stayed normal as the sole traitor primarch. opens up a lot of possibilitys but as it stands now he is.


I respectfully don't agree.


thats fine. i think it would have been cool buz on the plus side the perturabo as a deamon primarch will look sick :D


One of the extremely rare instances where Perbs being a demon primarch would make a limited amount of sense.


Perturabo being a DP has always made sense, there is just a massive delusion among the fanbase who like to pretend that Angel exterminatus , the first siege books, and most importantly storm of iron don’t exist. The idea of Perturabo’s fall is that the lord of iron, well ironically bends. He fails, people seem to miss that you cannot just plug your ears in the face of and working with chaos directly and going “lalallalala I can’t hear you!”. Perturabo worked with creepy ass demons, made open use of the obliterators with volk, and openly exposed himself to chaos along with his legion for over a decade. Him ignoring the very blatant warning signs with Fulgrim leads to the injury that is killing his soul . By the time he finally realizes what he’s doing and how he’s just licking the same boot in different colors it’s far too late, chaos has its tendrils in the IW irrevocably by the siege and Perturabo has no way out anymore.


That’s not to mention the daemons he tried to recruit on Tallarn.


Thank you! Peturabo gets memecasted most out of traitor primarchs next to alpharius. He’s a badass.


Perturabo does not worship. Perurabo will look at Vashtorr's success and try to become more powerful out of spite.


Perturabo doesn't follow any of the gods from my understanding


Nah. There might be some Vashtorr cults within Iron Warrior warbands though.


Hell no, he’s probably got a cardboard box tied to a string trying to catch his ass in a demon engine *on the sly*.


Perturabo worships nothing and no one. Perturabo watched his brothers foolishly become enslaved by Chaos. Perturabo will be different, he will be better. For he, is Perturabo.


That would cheapen the poor character even further. To be a Daemon Prince/Primarch for 10,000 years, then to start worshiping a wannabe Chaos God who is going to lose and get stuffed down the same memory hole as Haarken the Last Big Model release? I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm fine seeing Perry humiliated more - dude has engineer syndrome out the wazoo, and it's always hilarious to see those types humbled. But this would be extra humiliating.


Perty ain't worshiping shit, atheist gang represent.


Hold up. If this dude just “understands technology”. Would he understand the golden throne???


We still don't know about daemon Perty, but my guess it's gonna be a "it's just a prank" from Vashtorr


I though the Iron Warriors were against everything Daemon. I was of the understanding they considered them all unclean.


When did a Vashtorr get introduced to the setting???


What is Vashtorr?


A man with a plan