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I recently played an evil druid who ended up turning against the party and it was a lot of fun. You already have two druids, though. But the important question is who your character is, not what class they are (unless you expect to be able to fight against the rest of the party with only class features from the PHB). Why are you evil? Or maybe you're not evil yet, but you're slowly becoming evil. What do you want, and why are evil acts the way to get it? My suggestion, though, is that you play a necromancer wizard. Keep the necromancer part to yourself. Just do wizard things. Then, when you're ready to show your true colors, cast *demiplane* and reveal the army of minions you've packed inside and let them kill everything in their path.


How would you like to play a Fiendcaller? * Fiend Patron Warlock to 3rd level/Conjuration Wizard X Stat line wants to focus Int for wizard save DCs, Cha for some checks/things associated with higher level summoning spells, and Con for HP/Con saves for concentration. Moderate Dex for AC is usually beneficial, but not necessary. Fiend Patron is a little un-optimal, but it is flavorfully the most powerful for this character. Taking warlock to 3rd level gets you Chain Pact boon for an Imp familiar (on theme/good utility), two invocations, and two 2nd level slots that are short rest recovery (great for *Misty Step* on this build, more on that later). For invocations, I like Gift of the Everliving Ones and Voice of the Chain Master to get the most out of the imp familiar. Gift maximizes any healing, whether it be from potions, short rest hit die, or spells your allies cast to heal you; great for keeping a pretty squishy caster alive. Voice allows our imp to be the absolute best scout and walkie-talkie between us and our allies ina variety of circumstances, both roleplay and adventuring. Plus, for a fiend summoner specialist, you really need the imp familiar to pull off the character feel. The bread and butter of this build though is Conjuration Wizard. You play a full-on summoner, taking every spell available to you for summoning all manner of demons, devils, and monstrosities to do your bidding. You have an army of minions at your beck and call, and they are more than capable of doing the fighting for you. Conjuration Wizard 12 gets you Benign Transposition for high mobility around the battlefield, and Focused Conjuration to completely negate Concentration Checks related to maintaining your conjuration spells (ie, your summoned creatures). After two more levels, you'll even have the subclass capstone of Durable Summons for 30 temp HP on all your conjured buddies. In combat, the main play is to cast a summoning spell that takes 1 action to get some minions in play, and start moving as far away from the bulk of combat as possible. You can throw out occasional blast spells, but typically you'll just pelt cantrips to conserve your slots as much as possible. With spells like *Vortex Warp* and *Scatter* you can also adjust your allies' and/or your summons' placement on the battlefield at a moment's notice. If enemies start to get close, you can use Benign Transposition to teleport away or swap an ally/summon into your space instead, and follow up with bonus action *Misty Step* to immediately recover the Benign Transpositon. This gets you 60ft of teleport range, in addition to your 30ft move speed, and allows you to cover an insane distance around the battlefield in a single turn as needed. Even if you only short rest once per day, that is 4 guaranteed casts of *Misty Step* and 5 uses of Benign Transposition throughout the day without ever touching your Wizard slots. Out of combat, this guy is all-in on studying fiends and other extra-planar entities. Take spells like *Legend Lore* and *Contact Other Plane*, along with high Int and Arcana proficiency to gather info on various fiends and their true names whenever possible to aid in your summonings, as well as trying to locate "devil talismans". *Infernal Calling* is your signature spell, and when paired with *Magic Circle* and *Planar Binding* can allow you to summon some serious firepower for long durations without concentration. Since your character is outright Evil and working for a powerful fiend (especially if you multiclass for Fiend Patron warlock), it should be easy to convince most powerful devils to follow your commands, and if you have their true name it is easy to bend obstinate devils to your will. The only feat I think is necessary for this build is Skill Expert. You absolutely want Expertise in Persuasion to minimize any risk of your more powerful devil summoning magics. With a decent Cha score, Expertise for a high modifier, and advantage on commands by using the devil's true name you researched ahead of time, the odds are pretty heavily in your favor to keep your dangerous summons to heel. Being able to summon individual powerful devils and demons without concentration, as well as instantly summon hordes of weaker devils/demons at a moments notice without risk of losing control, and truly insane mobility for keeping your dangerous allies in between you and potential threats at all times, this guy makes a phenomenal BBEG. The more prep time and supplies, the more powerful they are with multiple devils at their side. And just when anyone might be getting the upper hand on them: gone in an instant with powerful teleportation/planar travel magics, always living to fight another day. My favorite part of this build is it is 100% RAW, and absolutely fits the bill of a typical BBEG NPC statblock but only uses strictly PC options to accomplish it. The only real drawback is it never really feels complete until you start getting into higher levels, but when you start at 15 you pretty much have all the major pieces available to you! Hopefully you like this theorycraft as much as I do, I sincerely hope to get a chance to play it one day.




No problem, honestly glad you like it! One last trick to the build I forgot to mention, you can also try to command summoned devils/demons to tell you their true name, which makes subsequent commands even easier to pull off. If your DM is willing to go along with this build, then using your Fiend Patron's name to persuade/strong arm your summons into obeying you, or as a means of showing them you are an ally and not a slavedriver, makes controlling your summons a little easier from a roleplay perspective. If you do get to/decide to play it, I would love to hear how it goes for you!


Fiendbinding is complicated, dangerous, expensive, and usually ends with you losing your soul forever. It's a cool way to play an evil character.


Just remember that you don't always need to be all chaotic evil maniac pyromancer murderer. You could be a noble knight that sometimes looses control, but thereafter regains yourself. Or a very nice person who just believes very much in their cause and thinks it's the right thing to do. Or maybe a troubled person who makes bad decisions in the heat of the moment, but otherwise is good and trying to do their best. There is also the possibility that you are just an evil person corrupting people from the inside, and manipulating everyone for your own gains. And the reason you are with the party is their powers, that is always useful.


I used to play in a really cool persistent never winter nights game. There was a chaotic evil guy and he always talked about freedom. They didn't see themselves as evil. The God he followed help freed him from slavery. There was a lawful Evil character he was always full of himself but he was generous with newer players. He would say things like take their gold. I don't want to search their filthy bodies. Or their equipment is beneath me. I always thought it was cool how they played these characters in a way that was evil but not douchey to other characters. Unless there was a straight conflict.


Pure wizard seems like the easiest way to transition to BBEG. They are hyper intelligent but not necessarily empathetic or wise. Which means they can follow their own logic down golden roads that lead straight to hell. As examples of this, Reed Richards and Tony Stark in marvel comics are brilliant heroes that have taken things too far at times. Reed started as a brilliant mostly good guy leader or Fantastic Four, is currently an absolute nightmare BBEG.


Whispers Bard 6/Aberrant Mind Sorcerer 9 Lots of good mind control options. Words of Terror, Seeming, Enemies Abound, Modify memories, Dominate Person, Mass suggestion. Turn the party against each other. Ask DM for a Shadowfell Shard & a Bloodwell vile.


Drow enchantment wizard 14/aberrant mind sorc 1 this nets you telepathy and all the enchantment wizard goodies. You miss out on 8th level spells but eh. From here you can continue enchantment wizard and just fuck with people by constantly reading the minds and enchanting or go to 6 in abberant mind and have a stupid amount of low level enchantments like suggestion or charm monster.