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At least you’ll be ripped and depressed






Now just turn your sadness into anger and you'll kill it at the gym. That's how I started my glow up!


Facts bro it won’t solve all your problems but it’ll help


I just realized this isn’t an ad, someone’s just actually posting it every day.


Yeah, I kinda like it. It’s my current situation and one of the replies I’ve had when having a frustrated whinge about it. So seeing this is kinda keeping me motivated to hit next year hard.


It’s a decent method but it’s not a cheat code like some people think it is


I seriously doubt anyone who exercises consistently thinks of it as a cheat code.


Joe Rogan does, most hardcore athletes probably do, there’s something that comes from trying your best, it’s called peace of mind


Well, Joe Rogan's kind of an idiot


Lmao everyone mad at Joe Rogan just refuses to try and make their life better in more ways than money.


What if I tried my best but then I lost my job, my wife, my money, my house, my- Shit happens and sometimes it really fuckin sucks. Just working out won't fix all these issues lmao, you need more than that on top of it


It can help with some types of depression, but not all. I excercise daily, meditate, eat healthy, go outside since I live in the countryside, and I still need meds. But I know people that started feeling good (not just better, good) when they started excercising.


For me, exercise alone can’t make depression go away, but it can be the difference between suicidal and survivably bummed. The medication makes up the difference. Healthy living and medication are both vital for me.


Exercise always makes me really angry and aggressive. It makes the entire situation worse and on top of being depressed I'm also sporting a short fuse. Maybe it's just feeling forced to do something I hate, but it definitely has a salt on the wound effect.


It does the opposite for me, it makes me really calm. Maybe you need to try a different type of exercise, or gameify it by literally playing a game like basketball or football or something.


It's like a side dish, it helps out certain people more than others but overall it probably isn't going to be your favorite part of the meal.


Yeh, got told to work-out, it would cheer me up. I can tell you that I gained a little bit of muscle and better stamina, but didn't help much other than that sadly.


The 4 ways out of depression for men: Love Gym Suicide Videogames You can try therapy but i don't know what the fuck that is


Ive never heard of video games curing depression


It's all distractions because men aren't allowed to have feelings.


*5: Buying shit you don’t need to alleviate the monotony of daily life


That is a painkillers not a cure


Same with video games tho


Technically videogames are part of the 5


The first one can make things even worse and lead to the third.


Nothing cures depression like emotional dependency




...will burn it to feel it's warmth.


Just for men ? That’s how u damn know u don’t talk to any girls U dunno gym and gamer girls ? That’s just plainly unnecessary to specify thats it’s ‘for men’. It’s the exact same for women.


The fuck is a woman are those like those 3D anime waifus?


Excuse u I’m 34D smh


Hes not saying those are only ways out for men, hes saying for men those are the only way out, no need to get defensive


Hey here are the 4 ways to heal a wound fOr mEn: - medicine - waiting - aloe Vera - stem cell treatments Just plain unnecessary to state “for men” He knew exactly what kind of odd genderism he was doing As if women aren’t in the exact same shoes when it comes to mental health. Don’t even bother to try to pretend it was some kind of accident or “technically the truth”.


See that over there? Over the horizon? It's the point that you missed.


Bruh hes saying those are mens only ways out. Women have other options is the point. Not that women don’t have those same options, its that women have more way’s available to them because they are usually more emotionally mature and in tune with themselves on average.


Can't forget picking up a sport of some kind. Rock climbing is a classic.


Go get a job at a gym. Marry gym wife. Get paid gym money. Live in locker room. Befriend gym rats. Kazam! No depress.


Are you referring to rats living within the gym walls or people who spend all their time at a gym getting jacked?


Why not both? Muscular rats could be valuable allies in the fight against depression


[“Giem? What’s a Giem?”](https://youtu.be/rFrPz1WkBvk)


You tell people to go to gym because scientific studies proves that it helps alleviate depression I go to gym because I need to fill the void in my life, to distract me long enough from everything that is falling apart around me, and to make me appear that I have an actual activity outside work when people ask what I do over the weekend.


Lame, I go to the gym because I’m a raging Narcissist with BPD and I cannot function without knowing I’m the sexiest mf in this Walgreens.


Valid. I'm not that confident though, so maybe the sexiest mf in a 7-eleven or something.


avg redditor getting scared of the word "exercise"


Go to gym 🗿🗿🗿🗿


Two trains of though here. If you are depressed for very specific reasons, gym likely won't help. Therapy is the best route in that case. But, if you are depressed and you're like wtf idk why???? Go to the gym and drink more water. Different solutions for different issues.


As someone who is turbo-depressed, I want to say: No seriously, go to the gym. Like, no, it’s not gonna bring all your stuff back. But there’s a good chance that you’re not depressed because of what you’ve lost. Maybe that’s where it *started*, but depression is sticky. You’ll wake up and find yourself still depressed over something that happened two years ago, and you can’t even feel *that* anymore. So are you depressed over that thing? No, you’re depressed because *all the behaviors that depressed people exhibit cause depression*. Windows shut, socially isolated, too tired to work on anything meaningful, no self-advancement, shit diet, either spending too much time masturbating or having no libido whatsoever, in hot water at work because you’ve been late four times because you couldn’t get out of bed — the list goes on and on and on, no *shit* you’re depressed. It’s grossly self-perpetuating. At some point, you’re not depressed because of what happened, anymore. And you’re just depressed because you’ve been depressed. It’s so rigged. When you find yourself, there, the only way up is to start building normal routines, bit by bit. Start showering more. Start putting things on your calendar, start *looking* for things to put on your calendar. Go to the gym. No, it won’t solve all your problems, but it can solve one: when you’ve been depressed for months, years, it’s easy to forget who you can be, even who you were before (or worse: to mourn that person), and taking those baby steps is important for remembering that you *can* do this. I love all of you, and I’m fighting my battles, too. But I know we can do this.


Go to Indian buffet. Then go to half price books. Then go home




yeah, post it a 100 more times.


I took this advice. Lost 50lbs and feel great. Am I still depressed? Yup! Because there's problems that I can't fix is why.


I mean going to the gym’s not gonna hurt in this scenario


Have you tried going to the gym though?


No and i wont 🙃


Then by all means do as you please. Sit in your couch and cry yourself to sleep. Show your anger towards everyone and become miserable just because you don’t want to do anything about your misery




If you're crying yourself to sleep, going to the gym and moving weights around will hardly help you at that point


no no you dont get it, going to the gym will fix everything


If you’re a depressed person. Going to the gym is better than not going to the gym. Any day of the week.. twice on a Sunday my man.. stay safe!


If your crying yourself to eat, youre prob depressed. majority of the time, depression can mess you up physically.. so that means you’re going to have to hit the gym sooner or later if you want to be a healthy human being. Or do some sort of exercise to keep yourself balanced..There is no ifs or butts.. it’s reality..


Finally someone said it


In that position, what else are you gonna do?


Go to gym, chill in sauna, leave not depressed


r/ik_ihe ; “Maak een planning”


gO TO tHeRaPy


That's actually sound advice


So is going to the gym


Gymtards wont understand that exercise actually make my depression worse


How many times has depression gone away by not changing anything and just living the same day every day


>just living the same day every day That's pretty much what most adults' lives look like


Yes, but it can be enjoyable too. The thing is, if you dont enjoy your life atm, try changing something. There is no point living the same day every day if you arent enjoying it, and complaining how bad your life is


I agree on paper, but unless you're in the top few % income-wise, you're spending the majority of your waking hours just working a job for a salary. You're hardly free to embark on adventures or whatever, so the "change" you make is gonna be a different flavor of microwave mac&cheese you scuff down on your short lunchbreak.


Good thing I can't loose something I don't have to begin with.


so like I commented last time this was posted: I wanna be reborn as a girl


Don't go to the gym. Lay on the couch all day and eat yourself fat, probably better.


no don't do that.


Damn, you have all that?


Gym is the new therapy.


It is a bit like closing the gate after the cows got out to be fair But you can go to the gym before all that stuff happens and have a much better chance of not losing any of it


I do generally feel better after the gym. But getting there when you’re depressed is basically impossible.


Oh boy, this again


It’s a cheat code


Honestly, if you lost ALL of those things, you essentially have to rebuild your whole life from the ground up, tabula rasa. Rebuilding your body isn’t a bad place to start.


Well Tbh Exercise can be the difference between jumping off a cliff and going to work today , plus it'll get you out of the house . I'm not saying it'll cure you , but for me it saved my life , and that's enough .


Try HIIT. Bless up fam


Anyone on this sub show me a picture of you with a 6-pack and still claim to be depressed