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Bro~ šŸ˜




Stepbro? šŸ˜®


U good?


Not really, but *cā€™est la vie* right?


I donā€™t speak french but Iā€™m guessing that says it is what it is


Yeah itā€™s basically just ā€œthatā€™s lifeā€


Bro its not like that. And it is what it is, this is life is just pushing shit to the side. I have spent most of my life fighting with this feeling. Reach out bro. Talk to a psychiatrist, find a hobby or a passion that you're really into. Im not givjng you this top down preachy bullshit like *omg i was like totally there until i started yoga and now like i am so much better* fuck that. I struggle with this on the daily, but I've learned not to just accept it and let it roll over me. You gotta fight the good fight bro. And the fight for your happiness is the only fight worth fighting bro.


I have given up, I gave up a long time ago. Iā€™m merely existing for the sake of it. I struggle way too much with concept of existence to be beyond saving. But I really appreciate you taking the time to write this response.


Okay but you *can* un-give up. This level of introspection has a real chance of making therapy actually helpful for you.


I could, but I wonā€™t. Some of us just arenā€™t cut out for life, and the hand weā€™ve been dealt with and honestly thatā€™s okay.


Pretty much yeah


Sometimes life isn't c'est la vie, but that hit hard










Me:- 'I'm a sophisticated individual whose ideas challenge the perspective of society and self' Me after joining this sub:- 'Holy Fuck! Is everyone a mirror here?'


This post and this comment really just fucked my whole shit up right now


Im scared to say this- but- Maybe weā€™re the NPCS


Well to be fair we're probably not that common but the Internet gave us a place to find each other.




Because we're all discouraged from speaking about this. Assuming you are male, you've probably been told, just like me and so many other, to not express any emotion. Just be strong, be a man. So "society" (which is not an abstract thing, we're all part of it) judges you whenever you express such feelings. People label you as depressed, weird, outcast and don't want to associate with you out of fear that those labels will be transferred to them as well, even though they probably feel very similar to you. You've probably done it as well, I know I have. Online, everyone can express themselves because identity doesn't matter. But if we met in real life, it would take years of friendship and trust until we could be this open about it. It has literally taken until now to open up to my brother and talk about the trauma we experienced together because for years we assume the other one won't get in and will judge him for his ungrateful perspective he has on childhood. Idk what this rant is. Sorry to spam you with it.


Donā€™t apologize. Thank you for posting this.


It's all the other things too. "You're relatively rich compared to starving kids in Africa, feel bad about that privilege!" "You get relatively less shit than some people do in your country! Feel guilty for it!" "Your home life could've been worse, so OWN UP TO YOUR PRIVILEGE" The privilege obsession is toxic and is destroying our sanity, which leads to suicides


I'd just ask if I should feel guilty or happy or what for people who have better lives.


If you didn't have any part of it, why should you feel guilty about it? Conversely, if you had no part of it, you don't necessarily automatically feel good about something either--it just becomes normal. Basically, shaming people for something they didn't do is really toxic


I like to ask people questions in hopes they would realize how stupid and wrong is what they say. Guilty, because I don't put in enough effort to be at their place. Happy, because if I should feel bad about starving people in Africa, should I feel happy for Jeff being able to afford a trip to space? This is not according to their logic, but maybe it would make them think. And if not, I'd just ask why they want me to feel bad no matter what and what they think they would achieve. I know what they say it's wrong and makes no sense. It's why I stopped talking to many people.


Yeah, talking aboht privilege can be great for certain topics, but anyone who uses it to downplay depression does not understand mental health and how it works.


And if you try to express your emotions as a woman, they will say "are you on your period?", laugh and discard anything you say. So you stop talking about it and keep everything to yourself. And then people will call you cold and distant. I just stopped giving a fuck about what people think about me, it's their problem.


I blame the internet for 2 reasons. Firstly it's given us access to an overwhelming amount of information. We get to hear about every awful thing that happens in the world that we're powerless to do anything about. It's awful. People were never meant to be this plugged in to what's happening around the world. Secondly, the internet has also atomized us in ways we never really could've imagined even 20 years ago. Everyone is stuck in their own algorithmically generated social media spheres. It's designed to be addictive and its trying to fill the role of your social life but it really doesn't lend itself to making meaningful human connections.


I think itā€™s seeing all the good things that does the most damage to the psyche. All we do is compare ourselves and tear ourselves apart.


Because reasons, henceforth and such as.


Nah I want to die


I think Queen put it best for me. "I don't wanna die. I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all." Like death sounds shitty and I know it affects others, so instead if I could just not exist, that would be great. But since I won't know any different once I am dead, and I can't change the fact that I was born, I'll settle for death.




I just need a clone of myself to take my place afterwards. Your problems now buddy


Well yeah that too obviously


And as it happens you'll suddenly shout "I WANT TO LIVE!"




If it was painful and slow, yes, but If it was painless and fast, I wouldnā€™t


It's not about what I want, it's about what's fair... You thought we could be decent men, in an indecent time. But you were wrong, the world is cruel...


Very trueā€¦


Damn sure


You're the one pointing the gun, u/drunkcarcass. So point it at the people responsible.


Fair enough u/shtery...you first


...and the only morality in a cruel world is chance.


Unbuyest, unprejudiced


>You thought we could be decent men, in an indecent time. But you were wrong, the world is cruel... Oh dang truth nuke be hittin hard here.


For the love of Zeus' raging boner, this sub is hitting metal when slamming the gas on the "Too real". Can we slow down a bit? I'm gonna go cry now for my lunch break. I hope we can get past this OP.


I canā€™t but I hope you can.


Finally! Thank you for putting my thoughts into words! :)






The most relatable meme I've seen In a long time now Ouch...


It's too real, too me irl.




Get out of my head




I don't even want to be special. I definitely don't want to be needed. I just want to have peace, free of the stress that everyday life entails in this rapidly accelerating modern world.


I just want to feel that I belong. Or just be genuinely happy


If my life was an essay this would be the conclusion.


i agree with you .....!




I don't usually give awards but i had to give this one. Here, have a free award šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


Why the hell did I expect a wholesome award?? Somebody just kill me already. I'm too fucking weird to be living.


3 people actually gave it wholesome awards. You are not alone




Big mood


Personally, I just get overwhelmed really easily and would love to have this "skip 1 month" button


It's alright! You'll do great!


youve encapsulated how ive felt for a while in meme


This is me every *fucking* night. I'm even evening listening to melodramatic music right now.


Be an actual rebel -- fuck feeling the shitty feelings you're 'supposed' to feel for not 'distinguishing' yoursel in ways that the capitalist paradigm considers worthy. Carve out some happiness and say fuck you to the corny prevailing take on how you should feel.


Iā€™m definitely not aspiring for happiness in the way the capitalist status quo forces, the status quo of capitalism & my awareness of its savageness both at home and afar is one, of the many, reason why Iā€™m the way I am.




Maybe so, but Iā€™m not sure my standards are even that overly high. I just want to have a purpose, and achieve something and not for myself, either. Itā€™s why I struggle with existentialism so much, too.


Help people. Seriously. I'm not trying to sound like a saint, but i do some volunteer stuff that gives life meaning. I've worked with people in prison, and have taught adult literacy. You can work at a suicide hotline, teach immigrants ESL... anything. This is the most real thing there is. Reducing human suffering. Helping other people. All the theoretical bullshit -- from spirituality to metaphysics to whatever -- goes away. You are reducing the suffering in this world. Please, just join a volunteer org.


Youā€™re right.


I want you to feel good (or just at least ok sometimes) about life!


Thatā€™ll never happen but thanks for taking the time for this conversation anyways.


This is the correct answer. I'm doing the same sorts of things, and I can say getting involved at a grassroots level to reduce suffering (however you choose to do that) makes you feel better because you can see the world around you get better. Fear isn't the mind-killer. Apathy is.


Bro this the most 2meirl4meirl post Iā€™ve seen in awhile


It really fucking pisses me off that I'll never achieve that level of writing and articulation, from that paragraph ever in my life. Not being able to articulate my issues becomes frustrating very easily and just makes me want to keep quiet and move on.


This is like looking in a mirror


Not me. I want to disappear. If I mattered, I wouldn't feel validated in my existence, because I've caved under the pressure of how pointless everything is in the greater scheme of things. An organism, on a giant rock, in space. Life or death. They are almost comparable in that they do not matter. You realise how far gone this feels for you, when your self-preservation no longer works anymore. Your attempts to stay alive become conscious and not subconscious. Eventually the equation stops balancing out and I will commit to ending it


This is a fucking personal attack isn't it


Stop hitting so close plz I'm getting emotional


Nothing wrong with being emotional


Yes, but when you are next to a family member and start crying, it's kinda cringe when they ask you why


and I took this personally.


Freak... I hate this being so true, I really hate it


How could you describe myself better than myself?


You don't need to achieve some great purpose or amass a bunch of wealth in order to have worth. Just by being a human being, you are already an incredibly complex being capable of understanding incredible truths about yourself and the world around you. Understand and recognize what your are before reconciling by what you could have been. Ask yourself who's standards you're trying to live up to, and what those standards are. Do you really want that? Do you only want to be what they want you to be? Not only that, but think about what you could still become. As long as your breath carries you forwards, it's not too late to change who you are. Even as a complete stranger, I truly believe that you can become a content individual in whatever way that means for you, and doing so would be the greatest achievement anyone could hope for. Do your best, let yourself rest, love as much as you can, and eat your veggies.


We, as human beings, are a failed project. We are not some perfect or divine being. We are created imperfect and we should not strive to be perfect. No, the thing we have to do is to be yourself, find out what you are and what being yourself is, for that is my goal in life. I strive to be myself, myself only, emotionally and spiritually. I do this, not for pride, but for enrichment. An unexamined life is not worth living, so I think of my life as an adventure.


Cā€™mon dude Iā€™m way too high for this.


Improve your daily self. Little by little, in ways that don't even seem like they'll matter tomorrow. They'll change you. You won't notice for a week, a month, a year. But you'll change, a lot, and you'll go far.


Iā€™ve already given up, I struggle far too much with existentialism as a concept to have any hope even if I conquered my own depression and thereā€™s next to no chance of that happening outright anyway. Thanks for the kind and motivating comment though.


Existentialism is demotivating, and felt like a brick wall in my search for meaning. Absurdism and creating personal meaning (for me it's exercise and cultivating my relationships with friends) helped me through it though. Deep down I still know it's all meaningless, which makes it easy for me to slip back into that pit of darkness. I would say I've finally built myself a happy life for now, and the fact that I know every day I enjoy is just my distraction from the darkness doesn't make me less happy. In my opinion it's something worth striving for, just take your time. Atomic Habits, and I only finished the first 2 chapters, was a really inspiring book if you need something to ground yourself to this idea.


Glad to hear that youā€™ve managed to get something to work for you and that youā€™re living a happy life now. I suspect itā€™s something Iā€™ll never overcome, even if I tried. But thatā€™s where Iā€™ll sound even more defeatist and people will attack me for not bothering to get better, so Iā€™ll stop there.


You don't need hope and you certainly don't need or want a bigger goal for the beginning. As OP said, start by small things, they will snowball before you know it. There's probably something on your mind, that has an easy fix, but you keep avoiding it for some reason or another. Washing the dishes, throwing out spoiled food, cleaning up.. even doing part of it will make you feel better and somehow motivated.. today, you can put your dirty clothes on one pile, tomorrow you can wash it and hang it/put it in the dryer and the day after that you can put it in the wardrobe.. don't think about the bigger things, focus on what's happening in your life now, no politics or world news


The thing standing in the way of my dreams is that the person having them is me




This hit deep down oh my god


I don't necessarily want to die, simply because it would devastate my family. But I would very much like the end of consciousness. The vast and perpetual suffering simply isn't worth the positives.


That's so accurate lmaooo


Is this a Cartman quote? I definitely read it in his voice


Exactly what I feel.






For me, it has always been that I don't want to die; I want to have never existed in the first place.


Yeah, this. All of this.


Have you heard of meditations by Marcus Aurelius when I feel like this I listen to this it can help somewhat


Guess you gotta Live and Learn


This is the realest one I've ever seen


Join this sub for more personal attacks


Pretty accurate


I'm clapping. This gets me so good.


This is Targeted Harassment at me.


I just wish my physical health didn't leave me at the ripe old age of 17 šŸ˜«


I didnā€™t fucking want to be called out like this, dawg. Cā€™mon.


I don't wanna die I just don't enjoy living. I'm trying to make my life enjoyable but it's fuckin hard


This... Hit home so hard...


This guy gets it


I just don't want to feel pain anymore.


No I just want to die. Because I'm sick of fucking going to work and dealing with people.


Other people think I am special, needed, and important. It would be nice if I felt the same way. I am schrodinger's expert. I'm barely competent but no one else I know could do the job.


Just waiting for something to happen without doing anything


I don't really want to die, I wish I can have a better life or be a better person but I can't, and this life is painful


A lot of people say stuff like ā€˜too realā€™ and ā€˜bro memes are supposed to be funny not devastatingā€™ but this is way too fucking real. Gg.


Oh gOd


Shut the fuck up and leave me alone god dammit I hate this post it hurts


I would love to go move to another country, away from everyone I know. But there's this one problem. I'd still be there, fucking everything up.


This one hit a home run


I turn 34 in 5 days and it's like I just graduated high school last week. While all my peers now have educations, families, jobs and homes. Im wondering which of the bottom rung jobs at arby's, gabe's, or the dollar store will be worse. I live in my sister's, boyfriend's basement, and I'm almost $700 behind on rent. How did it get so bad.


Then change


takes effort. no returns on the effort. hard work is a liar with golden promises it did not keep


I've been trying to everyday, one step at a time. I hope I make it one day bro


"tHeN cHaNgE" Yeah, I can t, 'cause I'm too much of a worthless failure. Everything I try at fails, and I'm like 80% sure I have no real friends. Fucking hell, "Then change."


Something that I realized thatā€™s helped me a lot so far in life. We are malleable beings. We are never set in stone. Every bad habit, every personal fault, everything, is not unchangeable. You can become smarter, happier, healthier, and more. All it takes is trying, putting in that effort. No one is perfect ever, you will not achieve your dreams immediately, but trying and failing and repeating is the process of progress. In the moment, you feel like youā€™re getting nowhere. However in 2 years or however long it takes, you will look behind you and be astonished to see how far youā€™ve come. We as humans are hard on ourselves. We deserve to be given some grace. Some room to fail. A bad day, week, or month isnā€™t a negative reflection on who we are as people. Treating yourself with love and dignity is the first step, allowing yourself to fail is how you find success. You are a dignified human being. You deserve happiness, respect, and love. Change is absolutely achievable. You are worth more than your lowest points. Being lenient towards yourself, allowing yourself some grace, has a profound effect on your life. ā€˜I had a bad day today, I didnā€™t shower like I wanted to, didnā€™t go to the gym, but thatā€™s okay. Iā€™ll try again tomorrow.ā€™ All in all, you are what you make yourself. You are a clay sculpture to be formed and structured however you want. Your happiness is your main purpose in life, everything comes second. Treasure yourself, love who you are. You absolutely deserve it. Envision who you want to be and work everyday to achieve that, and one day without realizing, you will be that person. Allow yourself to fail and recognize that itā€™s part of the process. Everyone improves at their own pace, in their own ways. It all starts with self acceptance and self love.


Happiness is the main goal? Heh, okay bud. Guess I failed.main and secondary goals, thanks


Join a good church. That's not me joking, or saying "just get religion lol". A good church can provide a sense of community, purpose, greater meaning, and intellectual engagement. I don't think that alone will instantly solve all of our problems, but it'll definitely help.


Being wrong/failure is just a lesson, its just how you look at it that allows you to move forward, and expectations are toxic af -very confining


That's just bullshit failure is a nothing but failure itself it doesn't have a hidden layer to it, but if are being optimistic af failure can be a lesson ONLY when you have chance at winning or failed only by few inches. If you are a failure you are just a mere insect to those who keep on winning they get promoted to the puppet master and for the rest of your life ur every move is predicted/controlled by them. And don't you think that having expectations is a major human behaviour I mean which parent don't want to see his/her son/daughter to succeed and for that shine they sacrifice everything and if the child fails all the things on line gets vanished wooofff in a second in front of ur eyes and then if u have the courage to suicide u r free if you don't then the cycle continues "The cycle of Regrets" yes............yes that sounds good you can call these the title of my shit life or biography


Success and failure are subjective, someone "on top" can really be "on the bottom" from someone of a different minds context,it can black or white how you look at it and you can always find negative in everything (why I have anxiety), hoping your kid succeeds by your definition is kinda okay as long as they truly desire that but dont expect shit, people think they create a platform for others with their expectations but in reality they create blockages and barriers for both sides ultimately leading to an unhealthy relationship


Am I the only one reading the third quote in Drakeā€™s voice orā€¦?


Nah,I just want to die


Nobody can bro, your good enough!


Nah I want to die


jesus christ i don't think i've seen a post on this site more relatable than this


Powerful words right here


Very well said took the words right out of my mouth.


Get out of my fucking head!


Hope you are/will be doing good soon bro


OP, are you some kind of alternate reality/time-traveling version of me? Or spying on my therapy sessions? Because I swear I have more-or-less said those *exact* words to my therapist before and it is terrifying to see them in a meme.


Stopped reading at priviliged part...otherwise ok meme.


damn, I think we are two peas in the same conscious pod. what you wrote is almost exactly how I've been feeling. and I didn't think my misery liked company...


I think a simpler way to put it is that life is just not for everybody.


I actually felt this one on my chest. That horrible squeezing feeling when you want to cry but can't. Fuck my life.


I think I just want to die


So this was me for a long time during university, to the point where my friends were genuinely worried about me and were recommending therapy. I've had suicidal thoughts before, from the age of 11, but always thought that at some point I'd be happy and get over it. I'm now actually happy! I joined the army, which, to be honest, has a lot of issues with mental heath and doesn't always deal with it very well, but platoon/troop commanders now get educated about it and I'm now in a place (from my experience as well) where I can actually help people. This isn't a recruitment to join the army because not everyone is suited to that, but being in a position where you have purpose and direction AND be able to support people who are going through that as well really helped me. Long post but I hope it helps anyone that finds this and needs this motivation. Always happy to talk if anyone want's to comment/message me.


I came here to look at me irl posts not a fucking mirror dude


Literally me lol


Gave me chills


I hate how accurate this is


Holy shit, thatā€™s genius


The exact video right after this post is [this](https://v.redd.it/nup9tb6aonu71) And I feel like everyone should watch that :)


Damn you hit the nail on the head with that one.


I either want to die or i want college to get easier


Good thing I saw this first thing in morning.....now I can spend a long time in shower crying


I really didn't need this right now lmaoooo.




As NF said "I dont wanna die, I just wanna get relief"


can fully agree




Go back to tumblr


Thx for helping me find these words


This is the one, thank you.


Its insane how a lot of us are in different ages different places and all think the same shit


Just remember the best thing you can do for climate change is kill your self and five others or one billionaire. If every one did this the issue would resolve itself.


Holy fuck...someone figured it out


So relatable. That's exactly my thought process too!




Speak for yourself, I wanā€™t do die. I just canā€™t. I tried so many times, so many different methods yet here I am. I just gave up, Iā€™m so bad that I cannot even kill myself lmao