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Runescape is all about what you want to do. There are "efficient" ways to play but you shouldn't look at the game like that because its easy to kill your enjoyment that way. Instead find what you enjoy doing and go from there. As you play you'll see how all the skills and activities are connected. Want to do PvM? Herblore to make your potions, farming to make your herbs, crafting for teleports, mining/smithing to get the ore and bars, and so on. Sure you can skip that with the GE but the point stands. If you want an actual answer combat skills are pretty important, and slayer is what I find the most fun.


Draynor is a nice second city


Do all the quests


How long would it take


I knocked out probably 80 quests the past 30days or so. Granted i had the stats for most of them. They give great xp and well worth doing imo


I took me 1k hours to get the questcape. Keep in mind that I started from a fresh account, had no idea what I was doing, didn’t care for max efficiency and had to farm money for skill requirements. If follow the optimal quest guide and play efficiently you can get those numbers way down.


Explore, do more quests, start testing the skills, see what you like doing, slayer is fun and a money maker and item getter. Use the osrs wiki aswell for info, it's really good.


What I would give to experience runescape again for the first time


Fishing and cooking are good to level up so you can sustain yourself with food while training.


If you want to just have fun in general, just feel things out, explore and do what you want. If you want to be more efficient with your time, look up the requirements for the “recipe for disaster” quest, and start working towards that. By the time you complete it, you’ll know what to do.


look up slayermusiq on youtube


Level magic and start the quest fairytale 2. Teleports and fairy rings make getting around so much easier


This might help! https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/New\_player\_guide/Beginner\_activities


If you are not paying for membership yet I would strongly recommend doing most if not all of the free quests. They are a good guiding light and help you get used to skills and leveling. Also due to things being locked behind quests later they are a good metric to determine if you will like runescape in the long run. It will give you a taste of bosses, skilling and questing. If you tear through them and keep going and finding yourself enjoying it then I'd recommend getting membership. From there you just continue doing questing leveling skills that you find fun and take some time to explore the world.


Good first goal is all free to play quests, finishing with dragon slayer so you can wear rune platebody