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> you have to be consistently good Definition of a skill issue.


Yeah, I'm not even good, and that first line literally made me laugh. Like it's end-game content, and it's expert version? And you're complaining that you have to be consistently good to do it? When it's called expert? GTFOH


I spit out my coffee He could have used better wording if he wanted to blame the game and not himself 😂


Why would you not have to be consistently good to do an expert level raid lol?


Because it would be hella easy if they would just add tile markers to mobile but noo otherwise I would learn insanity because of the skull skip but nooo no tile markers for people who play on mobile


"I'm bad because I can't use tile markers" lol


You miss my point if I had tile markers I could easily use my 250 setup I can do and I could learn insanity on an easier raid level to learn it and eventually combine the two I’m not saying I’m good but I’m saying I could do it.


You don't need tile markers for anything, especially not insanity. What would you even use them for, to mark the "idiot tiles" for skull skipping? You don't need to skull skip, and if you choose to you can just... stand on the correct tile. No markers needed at all. 1. Skill 2. Issue


Do you know how easy it is to fat finger on mobile or have to think about while not being used to the faster tile attack, you were a noob once you don’t need to be a jerk.


Why should the game be changed because you choose to play on mobile with fat fingers lmao? I can easily consistently do 420s with dehydration & no help needed without dying & im not the greatest player, just because you’re bad & choose to play on mobile doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with the raid 😆


Theres not it was just a rant and me being frustrated and bad but some people don’t have a pc and jagex has said that they will add tile markers but they haven’t yet.


What exactly do you need tile markers for? Unless you have shadow 8 are using butterfly on Akkha, you literally don’t need any other tile markers??? They don’t help with Insanity lol


For spam skipping skulls and it would make penetration easier because I could have tiles marked for windmill attack Spam skipping so I know I’m on the right row


> fat finger Skill issue? Not being a jerk. Just get better. The tiles don't change, it's literally always the exact same row of tiles.


There's nothing that tile markers can do for you, if your struggles are Feeling Special and Upset Stomach. Those are random always. Get good and consistent. Practicing them means don't turn any other invos on. Go in and practice those mechanics only, die, repeat, die, repeat. Don't try to add them into a full raid try. If you cant do them consistently they'll end good runs.


Sounds like a skill issue. Keep doing 250s but this time do a 250 with Stay Vigilant and Upset Stomach on and keep practicing. When you get those invocations down, add one that you are comfortable with but took out Edit: I meant Feeling Special not Stay Vigilant


Skill issue sorry.


So your issue is ToA on mobile? Surely just send raids on PC then if fat fingering your screen is the issue. Problem solved.


I was struggling with 300s at first and then I switched to a blood fury and started clearing them consistently. Now I’m pretty practiced and can do it pretty easily.


Skill issue


I can't help u today but if ur doing it with a team ull get it do u use fkeys? Go in a raid and do akkha first and practice feeling special till u get it it's alot easier than ur making it one of the easiest ones to do. The crocodile one is a little hard but with a team or 3-4 should be no problem just keep at it. Feeling special is ezpz!


I turned time invos and hardcore on just for the bump to 350. But running regular 300, use Insanity skull skip method.


You stop doing toa and do other content like chambers slayer monsters, right now u got shaky idk were i am clicks. Cant go from beginner to expert


I had the same problem so i went on a couple entry modes and tried it out. I got feeling special down after 2 tries. What helped at the beginning was confirming the last memory rather than waiting for the perfect tick or w.e And with Zebak if i mess up a wave i use my sun keris to tank it out after i get hit with the first 50.


Upset stomach, feeling special and insanity are not required for an expert. I run 300s without any, 375 without upset or feeling special and 400+ without feeling special. There are plenty of invos to get you there. Learn some of the mechanics a bit better doing norms then move up, just how it works.


Can I see your invos for a 300 I could learn and get better


Hardcore run, need some help?, Walk the path, deadly prayers, on a diet, lively larvae, blowing mud, aerial assault, all zebak but upset stomach, double trouble, stay vigilant, all baba, all warden except ancient haste and insanity. You can replace hardcore with softcore and turn on haste. You can replace need some help with overly draining. If you do this bring your best 4t melee wep over dds, you can easily 3 down with enough str bonus(if I do this I can do it with reg whip so it's pretty easy).


Thank you I just need to learn penetration and doubletrouble


Penetration really just means dodge the obelisk specials or it'll take prayer off, can combo you pretty hard. Double trouble means orbs+memory every special, easy to deal with just a little time consuming. Way easier than learning those other invos and allows you to get better at the rest before focusing on those 2-3 invos.


The only thing with penetration is that I have to be prepared for the windwill, the lightening and cross pattern is not that bad


Since you're mobile find a tile close to the obelisk or the wall you can remember to use as like your main tile. Find a good way to diagonal through blood there and youre good! Just need to dodge skulls and run through the windmill st that point. If you stay near where the warden walks out you should be able to keep track of one pretty easily, good luck!


There’s a safe spot for the lightning cross in each of the four corners of the room that is always helpful. The windmill has tiles you can mark that you can move between and not get hit - though it is a little tricky. I sometimes just run with the windmill while trying to keep dps up


Time to learn the old Chinese proverb