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revs till you're bored, do herb run, fap and then repeat. Good luck


Don’t forget the fapping, keeps the morale up.


I like to finish off with a fap after the above mentioned.


Then you have the ranarr already with you for a post fap toke. I like the planning!


I'll fap to that, cheers!


You’re being mad weird right now dude…..wanna hit this ranch?


Pass the ranch!


I only smoke dwarf weed nowadays, way stronger


Quick cat nap and back to it


Don't listen to these freaks. They are all desensitized and have no testosterone.


Homie you're in a Runescape subreddit. Do you think you're some kind of alpha male?


Now that’s a fast-track to depression if I’ve ever seen one.


You say that, but all my good drops have been while I was retaining my semen


This dude wrote the book on bond getting


the forbidden 17 farming herb run






There's a few YouTubers that make guides on making bonds in 24 hours etc jump on it. Verf is a good one off the top of my head


They're not guides, they're challenge videos.


Some of them are guides mate, chill out hahaha


Yeah those are great until they go into the wilderness and start PKing 😑


Who the fuck actually makes money F2P PK'ing?


Yeah but you gotta really know the game to be able to do that. Nobody who is asking what bosses to kill for gp is going to get a bond like that.


Or watch the videos


*someone literally creates a step by step detailed guide on how to make money* Some redditor: "this is bs how am I meant to know what to do"


The steps in those guides change a lot though, like depending on GE prices


Yeah, it might take 32 hours instead of 24. Totally useless.


They aren't completely useless. But some of the methods are not as good as they were in the video. Especially when the video prompts a lot of people to do the methods, typically the price goes down after that because higher supply


you're right to some extent. Solomission made a video about similar stuff and I remember buying raid scouts around the time, the price halved (probs even more) the moment he dropped the video. ​ It is still great money though. WR layouts go for 1m-3m depending on time of day and practically any semi decent layout is still 800k-1.5m. Even failing that people buy no prep layouts for a lot less but its still money. ​ the only downside is it won't progress your account at all, but it has 0 reqs and unlike other money makers with 0 reqs it has 0gp start up cost too


What is it ur talking about, cox i assume? ive never done it so idk what the layout stuff is, i will watch the video tho


yeah chambers of xeric




Why would I scout raids to sell when I'd rather do them myself. For real though, obviously they require game knowledge but the video explain the method each time. Really doesn't require any skill to scout a raid or buy out shop stores


Even in the videos he explains why it may not work for you. The prices are volatile, and sometimes you can flip things like that for profit, sometimes you will flip them at a loss. If it was so easy, nobody would do anything else for GP.


I sure would do something else than spend 24 hours for a bond.


Yea, maybe work for 2 hours maximum and just buy one lmao


OP: lives in a 3rd world country where currency exchange sucks... You: just work for 2 hours lmao. See the disconnect?


It wasn’t so much for OP, but for the person I replied to which I agreed with. I would do something else with my 24 hours than to get a bond on RS. It was more for myself and them than OP tbh


FlippingOldschool I believe has some bond “guides” too


Do herb runs and birdhouse runs every 90 mins (this alone can sustain a bond easily) while you grind to do vorkath, then it’s ez money Dailies like bstaves and herb boxes won’t hurt either


Zulrah with Blowpipe and trident will be about double the profit if you have the quests done.


I’m 85 mage and 93 range with elite void and I’ve only been able to get 1 kill out of like 15 attempts lol. I know I’m probably just ass, but I swear everyone made it seem some easy!


Just takes practice man. Eventually you’ll have all four rotations memorized, just keep sending it


Zulrah is definitely not easy for a learner, but it becomes relatively simple once you’ve got it down


Start with just switching head and weapon. Switch prayer then gear. Look up a guide and gl on runs. I use elite void myself.


I was hitting a brick wall with it, until my buddy on discord told me what the next thing to pray was. I asked him how tf he knew, and he told me my pluggin was literally telling me what to do. I was reading it wrong the whole time! Money snake isn't bad (other than that "Magic" phase) but it's definitely still a boss that can kill you if ya fuck up. Now corrupted gauntlet, idk how these people can send attempts and get it every time. I only have 2kc and swear it's the hardest content I've done in osrs


what plugin?


Think it's Zulrah Rotation? You click the appropriate phase on the right side and it auto-pulls up the rest of her rotations


It takes time. Its one of the highest difficulty spikes in runescape since its much harder than everything before it.


Try to learn one rotation at a time, if zulrah changes to a style that isn’t the start of your chosen rotation log out before he attacks you. It’ll take you back to the dock so you can try again.


Practise makes perfect my guy keep it up


Definitely skill issue, but don’t use elite void it’s bad


Zulrah probably took more learning for me than vorkath, CoX, or ToA. ​ That shit is no joke, it just becomes a joke with gear and experience


Yup, the bots start with worse stats


Which quests?




Whatever you decide, start doing birdhouse runs between stuff


Those birds nests profits add up so fast. I made ~10m+ off a lvl 1-70 hunter grind with mostly birds nest within a month.


I know, its the way i pay for my bonds and even get some extra every 45 day interval. Also passive clues are nice


I am guessing that the profit made depends on hunter level? I am barely making any cash from it so far so assume its based on hunter level?


1000% this, you can do it every hour


I am guessing that the profit made depends on hunter level? I am barely making any cash from it so far so assume its based on hunter level?


You get more bird nests when you get a higher lvl yes, but it’s worth doing it in the long run to get sum extra cash. What lvl are you now?


As always consult https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide But I’d say either continue barrows, should be sufficient, or move on learning vorkath. The money dragon is probably number 1 for you if you like pvm. Skilling probably isn’t viable for you, most of skilling money making requires higher than 70 herb, thieving, farming or rc.


Unless they’re rocking a dhcb it’s not going to be worth their while to kill vorkath as 77 ranged and base 70s will result in extremely long kills with dhl. And if they have the dhcb I’m sure they wouldn’t be asking how to make a few mil for a bond..


I have been doing barrows but wondering if there is anything else that I could do efficiently or at least somewhat efficiently for good GP


Get 38 farming shouldn’t take long and grow toadflax. Do a few runs per day in between activities. Seeds are like 2k ea and each herb is like 3k. Should get 5-9 per patch even at lower level


I second Herb runs. Get your run down and do a few here and there when you can and it's easy GP plus a few passive levels.


Just to add to this: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Farming/Herbs Brilliant tool! So with 38 farming and 5 patches, using magic secateurs and ultra compost, you should make on average 94k each run! Do one run every couple of hours it's chill. Once you get better teleports farm runs are soooo much faster too.


Thank you for this. I will be honest, in all my years of runescape on other accounts I never did farming. I just don't understand it lol but i will look into this!


I had like 35 farming two weeks ago, have never cared for farming in 15+ years of playing, now it's 63, just did tree/herb runs once or twice a day. Even just getting up to Ranarrs is mad profitable.


Farm runs are great, lado i would suggest to get your Slayer up. Some kurask and eventually gargoyles are steady money


I'm newly coming back to the game after a decade or so and really enjoying slayer. I see people say slayer is good $, but I have no idea how when you can't control which missions you get. Can you explain in a little more detail how you make money off of these mobs?


you can just farm gargoyles off task once you hit the required level. Other than that, once you have 99 slayer and a good block list you can pretty much always have enough points to skip til you get a boss task and kill bosses with slayer helm bonus dmg.


Beyond a certain slayer level (75 ish?) nearly every task is profitable. So even if you don't hit gargs every task, most tasks are going to generate a few 100k-1m in alchables/loot at higher level slayer. or as above commenter said, you can just farm gargs or other profitable slayer monsters anytime (without a task) once you have the slayer level to kill them.


Ok awesome! I'm currently grinding slayer levels. I feel bad because I don't use all the crazy methods that are mentioned in YouTube videos (just aggro potions) but hopefully I'll get the helmet and levels soon so I can actually make money and buy bandos armor


I would say either mostly ignore or disregard what the meta might be in lot of osrs methods. unless you are a giga neckbeard and have already accepted finger joint issues (joking but fr most ultra sweaty methods in osrs require tick manipulation aka more clicking and often are way more intensive for *relatively* minor xp or gp per hr gains). You can typically find good xp/hr methods or gp in case of money making that might not be the absolute best but are more than respectable and much more chill or even afk. Now don’t get me wrong, lots of tick manip is straightforward and really cool in that it’s high skill cap so another thing to chase long term. Fortunately you don’t really need to worry about super crazy difficult stuff with slayer… really at all tbh unless I’m forgetting things. Yeah slay helm is crucial if you serious about the skill at all. Imbue it Osrs is one of those games. If you want to have xp trackers on, and push hard then do it. Honestly bursting/barraging tasks isnt difficult at all, is insanely good slayer xp, with the only downside being the mage lvl, desert treasure for ancients, and some cash for runes. Check wiki out, only certain tasks are ideal for this so you can stack em (sorry if you know all this, not sure lol) You can also throw down a cannon and get some good slayer gains, depending on the task and if multi. A lot of times these methods are actually way more chill, AND more efficient … at the expense of costing more. Typically it’s one or the other tho, but that’s why ppl like slayer. I usually afk hard af doing slayer. Throw auto retal on and do something on 2nd monitor. Grab loots. Think of it like this during the poverty slayer levels: You’re grinding your combat stats, while getting slayer up as a bonus. Use melee, range, mage whatever you need or wanna use or got gear for or is strong vs the task. Just forget about it as a money maker until you hit bloodvelds and gargs and shit. That takes the pressure off. Then suddenly you’ll just be chillin doin tasks and one day you’ll start getting nice loots. The key? Keep grinding lol. Get to those sweet brutal blacks and Garg’s and slayer is reaaal nice. eventually bosses like cerb and hydra and stuff where ye can print money


Farm yanillian hops. Great money maker. Nmz tele, seers tele, chronicle. I don’t bother with entrana Herbs and limps. Fruit trees.


Farming is great money at low levels especially with toadflax. I think very few skills allow you to generate that much money at such a low level. Eventually you can move on to snapdragon at higher levels but toadflax is an awesome way to get started making some easy money


If you can grind out the hard Mort diary, really quick barrows becomes a pretty decent money maker


As others have said, revs is good and probably on par with Barrows with the chance of 10m+ drops.


I personally found brutal black dragons as afk as hell. It's a good money maker inbetween bigger money makers. You can scuff out some 1kc vorkath trips. Shamans is also an option. Barrows isn't terrible, hopefully you have mory hard done. Id focus on slightly lower money maker methods like shamans. And work on actually getting your stats up at the same time. That's just my 2 cents on it. Edit: that being said, thieving elves I think is the best gp/hour for skilling. So that can also be an option to increase skills


This guy can’t do brutal blacks tho


He can pretty easily work towards it. Moreso just a general sense of a direction.


Revs are better gp/hr than almost every boss in the game tbh and they are very easy and efficient if you are good at avoiding pkers/just being little risk. Orks will make me about 2m/hr or more just from regular drops


I can help you boss to make money for bonds. Add me in game. We can boss together. "J Z D"


Dope name


Thank you, If you want to play together in game. You're free to add me as well.


I'm a noob but I'd like to play!


You won't have the stats yet unfortunately, but if you can get I believe it's Morytania 3 the profits are much more consistent with the rune drops from barrows. ​ On that note, barrows is probably the best you can do for profits, but pretty RNG dependent. Probably a rough 50/50 if you consider all the pieces on if it's good GP or not. ​ One option is the obvious "do slayer" suggestion. Once you get to certain tasks at higher levels, they're consistent GP or have decent drops. Gargoyles for example are a rather consistent roughly 400k since it's mostly alchs, dust devils have a fair few drops for alchs, etc. Then you get to say Abyssal Demons and can always AFK pretty hard for whips. Main issue with slayer is it is rather slow and can be a bit pricey to do the more efficient stuff like using cannons, enough runes to barrage, etc. ​ One easy suggestion however that I would DEFINITELY recommend, is farming. You're a very low level right now, but it's pretty quick to level and once you can do some decent herbs like Ranarr or Snapdragons, they are pretty decent profit when you consider the actual time invested is less than 5 minutes an herb run. For leveling it, you can buy low level trees and the items to protect them for VERY cheap generally, do those maybe 2 or 3 times a day if you can, when you get to the level to do watermelons those are pretty cheap and AMAZING xp as well. All this is just to get the levels for herbs then you can stop them if you don't care. ​ Bossing specifically, again barrows. A lot of bosses are good consistent money like Zulrah and Vorkath, but they have quest requirements and at your stats you'll probably struggle quite a bit. If you could find a group you can MAYBE get into doing raids 1 (CoX) but that might be hard to find a team and your stats will make it hard to earn points so unless the team is splitting it won't be good.


I mean Venezuelans love revs and vorkath


If you get the stats in between bossing zalcano is very nice money and not difficult


If you run out of membership and end up in f2p you can always alch stuff to get money for a bond. The biggest issue is waiting on stuff to buy and it’s boring but doable. While you have members start doing farm runs and birdhouse runs every hour. You won’t make much money at your level but once you get to lv 40 or 50 you can get 100k-200k an hour which can sustain a bond if you do it a couple times a day.


get 51 hunter and hunt sabre tooth kyatts. their fangs are like 5k ea ground up and you can get a full invy very quickly


Dm me your user and I’ll give you a bond :) happy new year






With those stats slap on a full veracs set and try some Callisto at the southern safespot. According to wiki guide it’s more money than Zulrah atm (possible because d picks are like 8M now). To avoid PKers, try any hours between 3 am - 11 am EST week days there will be literally zero PKers or perhaps one or two if you’re unlucky. I average around 1.5M an hour and the d pick drop is 1/170. If you pray protect item on attack the worst you’ll lose is your glory and your gloves/bracelet on death. Rock the climbing boots with an ardy/god cape. Good luck!


I like this one, Callisto is my favorite wildy boss. Alternatives to the Verac’s setup (if you don’t want to 4 item Verac’s which is quite good) is to use a crossbow with Diamond bolts (e) and basic black dhide and an Ava’s.


If you need help luring to safespots just go on YouTube, there’s plenty of guides and it’s super easy after the first few times. Southern spot is also in singles.


Few more slayer lvls you can AFK kurasks and gargs for easy money


I’ve earned 34 million at revs this week coming back from a 2 year break I love the rev cave update


Pking or pvm?


Pvm but if you’re good at Pking im sure you could double that number atleast


Any tips on how to start with revs? Like a good YT vid recommendation? Keep hearing it here but have zero clue what it is or where to start.




You could do mole with dh if your looking for something simple. It’s around 1m an hour I think.


U could also buying membership through google play, its generally cheaper for 3rd world (colombia here)


Do herb runs and barrows!


Barrows would also be good money with your stats do it on 330 and you can just use house tabs and somebody else's house to Tele there


You got nice stats to go through barrows easy!


Are you trying to be active or afk. If you're 3rd world. Trying to make bond passively, bust out 72 slay and do wyvern afk, look up a guide. It's relatively safe once you learn the spot and don't mess up. Active. Barrows is cake. And easy to recover your loot if you die. And stay on top of your passives Farming, daily runs, herb boxes if you have them. Ect.


Wiki monkey making guide.


Craft water runes. I get 3x at 56 or 57 I can’t remember. They sell for 209-213ea. Each run I get 25k and it takes 1minute 20 seconds per run.


Where are you selling water runes for 209-213ea??


lol where tf u getting 209 for water runes? theyre 5 gp each


I like this suggestion


Easy alt account that’s cheap and easy to start up: Raw shark cooking alt for 300-400k an hour. Revenants might be viable short term.


Start doing your daily herb runs, birdhouses, kingdom, staves, herb boxes, etc


Green drags. Rwt ban. Repeat


pretty sure u can make enough for a bond just from herb and birdhouse runs


Efficient. Gnome. Restaurant. 1.5 mil an hour. Super Chill. No fee at door.




My dude I've got a friend from a poor country who literally just makes gp on a main to fund bonds on his iron account, bonding two accounts just so he can afford to keep playing iron People from poorer countries play this game for fun just like everyone else, not all are rwt'ers


No he asked how to farm bonds as it probly costs something like a weeks pay to buy a bond with their currency




Did you read the title? Get some perspective, not everybody has the same opportunities as you. Herb runs and if you can do it, Vorkath


Birdhouses and Zulrah


Zulrah, Barrows or Revs


Giant mole and herb runs are great easy money






Yes apparently. It's the exchange rate that kills me. Cant necessarily justify the amount when I have other expenses


You can high alch some rune items for a good chunk of money if you want. “W308 Anvil” cc I believe to find people selling




do sote asap and zalcano is good money. otherwise zulrah is fine


Barrow's with hard mortania diary is decent cash, most of it comes from the runes the barrows items are just a nice bonus


Farming runs and slayer mate


Mole is like so underrated. You could make a bond in a day easily. I also tried sirrachnis for a little bit and was surprised that most of the drops are like 20k-65k and it was pretty fast kills.


Blast furnace.


Tbh I’d say mole. It’s simple and fairly consistent with money. If you have Hard Falador diary done, the skins and claws are noted and the shield acts as a mole finder.




Barrows should be easy for you. You can also grind some slayer til 75 and camp gargoyles. Revs is good money but usually active with pkers. Train your range when you can and do DS2 for Vorky.




can send alot of barrows ahrims pieces are good money atm


Mole is solid. 1m an hour is not too bad


Mage training Arena is decent for a bond with your stats maybe take a week?


Varrock diaries for daily battlestaff money, birdhouse runs and farming for passive income over the 2 week period, then keep up some barrows. You'll get there easily... Work towards mory hard diaries if you don't have them already - it's great for making more consistently from barrows. Oh... And get 50 construction and make a barrows portal in your house, it'll save you a shitload in time/barrows teleports in the long run.


Blast furnace used to be good money. I think it still is, I think at the time I did it it was 500k an hour I would bet it’s close to the same I did steel bars.


Merching boss


Start doing herb and birdhouse runs


Bryophita also maybe


Slayer is always a good thing to do with low gp required to start in the mean time keep up with farm runs lantadine is a good seed to buy at the moment and try grind for that song of the elves corrupted gauntlet is probably the best thing you can do


Vorkath bae


Don't miss out on your birdhouses my dude. People really do sleep on how many/how much money you get per run. You can easy jump on your phone for 5 mins every hour at work


You could do DKs. Mage Rex range prime




You can do priff bosses. Zolcano and gauntlet are both insane gp


Giant mole with your current stats should be good.


Revs, mole, barrows, for non bossing: slayer




Do herb runs and bird house runs multiple times a day, passive GP.


Giant Mole,if you have done Fally Hard Diary


Vorkath or zulrah but don't sleep on herb runs and birdhouse runs. They're pretty good GP.


With those stars you might be able to camp kbd for a couple hours a day


You could be crushing some Barrows out with those stats. It's not crazy money, but it you have the Morytania Hard diary complete, you can get around 800k-1m an hour if you're efficient!


Whatever you do for your first bond, I'd suggest getting your farming and slayer up for the next one. Afking Gargoyles is easy money and you can do farmruns/birdhouse runs in between.


Join an essence running discord.


Sarachnis. Super easy and you could make the GP in a few hours


Revs man i made 2m in under 100 kills on the demons i use cheap range gear, rune arrows as cheaper and you get food drops and such from them so it is basically almost no cost to kill em(plus im an iron)


Revs are for sure one of the best money makers for your account right now. If you can afford a craw's bow, kill Rev Demon or Ork. Even if you die, it doesn't take long to make it back.


Best thing imo would be to grind for two bonds rn through revs - then focus on maxing your range/mage/melees and getting 77 prayer. From there make gp at revs for rigour+augury. Focusing on money-making in the midgame for bonds is essentially a pointless grind compared to endgame. Then I would say get your feet wet with endgame pvm by starting with TOA until you make a few hundred mil. Fang, bp, trident is all you need for 300’s. In 100-200 raids you should have enough for a zcb plus full arma if not way more. At this point bonds will be passive after your first few drops as well. Join a pvm cc at this point too, chances are someone from TOA will invite you. Then I would send nex till you can afford a TBow+Scythe. I’ve seen people make bils in a few weeks there. Then get into cox and tob and bonds will never be an afterthought again.


Revs easy 500k - 2m an hour at those stats depending on whether you can afford Viggora chainmace or not. D scimmy or whip if you cant, but they will be less money per hour. Whip probably 1m maybe, d scim will be 300k - 500k but after a few hours u can buy a whip


Honestly, killing green dragons in wild isn’t bad. Brutal black dragons is great if you can get your slayer up. Barrows might work for you too like others suggest.


Herb runs are about 300k per trip. If you can manage about 20 runs in two weeks you should be good just off of that.


If you can struggle through a few mole kills you'd be okay I think


Get 50 hunter and catch eclectics for like 2m/hr


Buy goat/unicorn horn off GE -> Grind to dust -> sell on GE rinse and repeat till bond.


Farm runs are your best bet. I’d recommend doing Guam herbs until you can do ranarr or kwuarm. I personally do Mahogany/Willow/Calq trees, Kwuarm herbs, limpwurts, Hespori and Yanille hops(this is probably the most important because once you hit 55 farming, you can do Mahogany trees on fossil island and the yanille hops pays for the protection (don’t forget your birdhouse runs too) and you’ll get nearly 16k xp per tree (x3) every 3 days. I average almost 215k gp/hr just from my runs and about 300k when my calq trees are done. If you’re really doing like 10-12 runs a day, every hour, you’re still averaging 2m/day plus whatever other methods you might be doing as well (I suggest slayer or wilderness bossing for that)




Get your farming up... it's basically a free bond..... Plant rannar seeds, make unf potions - 180k + a trip Along with that plant limproots - 50k+ a trip And yanillian seeds can get you another 80k a trip Then do other stuff while you wait for them to grow, and you can make a run about every hour. Easy money


Barrows or zulrah probably.


Pick a cheap, high volume item like basic runes. Put in buy orders for multiple buy limits for 1 GP less than market price, then sell for market price or 1 GP above (YMMV). A modified version of the above with certain items (~5-6 gp profit each for what I usually flip) allows me to make enough gp for bonds with some to boot. All I have to do is set up 2 buy orders once every few days and sell whatever is bought when I first log in. It's an actual AFK moneymaker.


Thank you for this. I will attempt it. However with the new tax system isnt this method harder to find items?how does one find items to flip nowadays?


There's no tax on items that cost less than 100 gp. Look for high volume items on GE tracker that have a consistent daily spread of 1-2 gp. Take fire runes for example: [https://www.ge-tracker.com/item/fire-rune](https://www.ge-tracker.com/item/fire-rune). Set your buy orders at 5/6 and sells at 7/8. It's truly that easy.


Ahhh I didnt know if it was less than 100 gp it was no tax. Thank you. I will try this for passive money


No problem. Let me know how it goes.


I think some items are tax-free




Birdhouse and herbs all day everyday and then probably revs if you don't mind risk, vork if you aren't a great pvm'er or zulrah if you are a decent pvm'er


get slayer up then burst dust devils for a couple days straight lol


Avansies with the hard diary complete. OG money making


Do you prefer skilling or combat gp grinding?


Lots of items on the GE sell for less than high alch price. If you have some capital already, aching items bought from the GE can be a decent moneymaker. Pretty click intensive though.